Shai Tubali
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  • Shai Tubali 
  • Fremdsprachen 
  • Leeren
Shai Tubali is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Leeds, UK. He has a doctorate in philosophy of religion from the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science at the University of Leeds. He is the author of the monograph Cosmos and Camus: Science Fiction Film and the Absurd (Peter Lang) and a contributor to the upcoming Routledge Companion to Absurdist Literature and a prolific published author since 1996, who has written more than twenty books, including award-winning and bestselling titles, which have appeared in 12 languages. Among his diverse publications, one can find prose, poetry, practical books on meditation and self-development, as well as philosophical treatises on South-Asian philosophy and classical Greek philosophy.