Stephen Shore
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  • Stephen Shore 
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  • Leeren

Stephen M. Shore received a regressive autism diagnosis atage 18 months, became nonverbal, and was deemed "toosick" to be treated on an outpatient basis. Today, he'sfinishing a doctoral degree focused on helping people with autismlead fulfilling and productive lives. When not teachingcollege-level courses in special education and teaching childrenwith autism how to play musical instruments, he consults andpresents on autism-related issues internationally. Some topics ofparticular interest to him include comparative approaches forhelping people with autism, education, and disaster preparednessfor people with disabilities. He also focuses on challenges facedby adults in terms of self-advocacy, disclosure, post-secondaryeducation, employment, interdependent living, andrelationships. Stephen holds bachelor degrees in music and accounting andinformation systems from the University of Massachusetts atAmherst. He also holds a masters degree in music education and ison the cusp of finishing his doctorate in education from BostonUniversity. Although he seems to spend most of his time travelingin airplanes (Boeing 747-400 preferred), he resides in Brookline,Massachusetts, with his wife on the rare occasions when he'shome. Linda G. Rastelli is an award-winning journalist,instructional designer, and author with 20 years of experience inwriting and designing instruction for health, education, andbusiness topics. In her career, she has focused on making complexand technical information understandable to the layperson. Althoughshe has covered subjects ranging from financial ratio analysis toeducational reform, her most challenging inquiry to date -- anundertaking that has made her other projects look like fingerpainting in comparison -- has been autism. Linda holds a bachelor of arts degree from the University ofDelaware and a masters degree from Columbia University. She liveson the New Jersey coast with her husband and her cat, who havereached a blissful state of detente. She hopes to keep her dayjob.