Y. Argüden
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  • Y. Argüden 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Abenteuer, Thriller, Horror 
  • Leeren
Dr. YILMAZ ARGÜDEN is a leading strategist, advisor, and board member of major public and private institutions, and NGOs. He is the Chairman of ARGE Consulting, a leading management consulting firm based in Istanbul, Turkey. ARGE has been recognized at the European Parliament as one of the best three companies 'shaping the future' with its commitment to corporate social responsibility and is the first Turkish signatory of the Global Compact. He is also the Chairman of Rothschild investment bank in Turkey. He has served on fifty different boards and is currently the Chairman or member of corporate governance committees of Coca Cola Icecek, Vestel, Yaz?c? Holding, and Inmet Mining based in Toronto; an Adj. Professor of Business Strategy at the Bosphorus University, Turkey,and the Koç University, Turkey; an author of numerous books and a columnist focusing on business and strategy issues. He is a recipient of numerous leadership, distinguished citizenship and career awards, and was selected as a Global Leader for Tomorrow, by the World Economic Forum for his commitment to improve the state of the world.