Yoshimi Ito
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  • Yoshimi Ito 
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Yoshimi Ito ( Dr.-Eng., C Eng., FIET ) is professor emeritus at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, past president of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and past vice president of the Engineering Academy of Japan. He has published numerous research and review papers, and also books ranging from structural design of machine tools, through production systems, to manufacturing culture. He gets currently involved within the establishment of educational and research programme of the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacture in Jabalpur, by the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Takashi Matsumura, Ph.D, is a professor serving in Tokyo Denki University, the Chairman of Manufacturing and Machine Tool Division in Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and a board member in The Japan Society for Die and Mould Technology. He was also the chairman of Manufacturing Process Division in Society of Automotive Engineers

of Japan, a board member of Japan Society for Precision Engineering and Japan Society for Abrasive Technology. He was a Visiting Scholar in Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1997 to 2006; and a Visiting Scientist supported by Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science in 2011. He has published many papers on the manufacturing processes and the manufacturing systems. He is currently working on the machining process simulation for aircrafts parts supported by the national research foundation and the related industries.