50 Traditional - collection for solo Ukulele (notation & tab) - Various Authors - E-Book

50 Traditional - collection for solo Ukulele (notation & tab) E-Book

Various Authors

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Collection of 50 traditional melodies for solo Ukulele, standard notation & tab, comfortable range and key, easy for beginners.

  • Contents: Amazing Grace - Arirang - Bamboo Flute, the - Banks of the Don, the - Bella Ciao - Big Rock Candy Mountain - Cockles and Mussels - Day-O - Down By The Sally Gardens- Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes -  El Cóndor Pasa - El Noi de la Mare - El Testament d'Amèlia - El vito - Foggy Dew - Frère Jacques - Furusato - Galway Piper, the - Happy Birthday! - Home on the range - Homeward from the Mountains - House of rising sun,The - I’se the B’y That Builds the Boat - Indiana - Kalinka - Londonderry Air -Manang Biday - Mary Don't You Weep - Mexican Hat Dance - Oh! Susanna - Old MacDonald - Raggle Taggle Gypsy,the - Rising of the Moon,the - Sakura Sakura - Santa Lucia - Scarborough Fair - Simple Gifts -  Siúil a Rún - Skye Boat Song,the - Spanish Romance - Star of the County Down - Suo Gân - The Oak and the Ash -Turkey in the Straw - Waltzing Matilda -Water is wide,the -  Wayfaring Stranger,the - When Johnny Comes Marching Home -Yankee Doodle - Yellow Rose of Texas,the.

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