64 Orthodox Christian Prayers - Adrian Tanase - E-Book

64 Orthodox Christian Prayers E-Book

Adrian Tanase



Prayer is one of the most ancient forms of connecting to the Divine. Alongside meditation, prayer has been used consistently throughout time, to sustain a spiritual life, cleanse our souls of the burdens of our sins and wrongdoings, heal, bring peace, maintain a healthy spiritual life, and most of all, connect to the Divine Aspect, which God ultimately represents. "64 Orthodox Christian Prayers" is a collection of old Romanian orthodox prayers, translated into English so that more people can benefit from the wisdom of the oldest Christian faith, which spans no more than 2000 years. This collection of prayers is intended for any Christian practitioner, as there is no absolute separation between faiths, be it Orthodox or Catholic, so anyone could recite their prayers, as they connect you to the same Divine Figure, our Holy Father, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. By repeating a prayer that you feel drawn to multiple times, you will find in the time a sacred and serene silence between the rows of that prayer, that will guide you towards finding your soul again and again.

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64 Orthodox Christian Prayers

Adrian Tanase

ISBN: 978-3-985-10304-1

Compiled in August, 2022.

Cover : Adrian Tanase

Website: www.adriantanase.ro


Prayer is one of the most ancient forms of connecting to the Divine. Alongside meditation, prayer has been used consistently throughout time, to sustain a spiritual life, cleanse our souls of the burdens of our sins and wrongdoings, heal, bring peace, maintain a healthy spiritual life, and most of all, connect to the Divine Aspect, which God ultimately represents.

There are more types of prayers:

There is the prayer for asking the Divine for things that we wish, there is the prayer of thanking the Divine, there is the prayer for deep cleaning our souls which is based on the humbleness of repentance, which is the most sincere way in which we communicate to the Divine. There is also a type of prayer which resembles meditation, which is contemplating the Divine, or actively “listening", through being thankful and anchored in the present moment, envisioning the presence of a Divine Figure, or just listening to everything around us, and witnessing the holiness that exists in everything and everywhere.

This collection of prayers is intended for any Christian practitioner, as there is no absolute separation between faiths, be it Orthodox or Catholic, so anyone could recite their prayers, as they connect you to the same Divine Figure, our Holy Father, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. By repeating a prayer that you feel drawn to multiple times, you will find in the time a sacred and serene silence between the rows of that prayer, that will guide you towards finding your soul again and again.

I hope you will use this collection of prayers to improve and sustain your spiritual Christian catholic or orthodox practice.

1. Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Your mercies, blot out my iniquity. Wash me from my transgression and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgression, and my sin is always before me. I have done wrong before Thee and evil before Thee, so that Thou art righteous in Thy words and victorious when Thou judgest. For behold, I was born in iniquity, and in sin my mother gave birth to me. For behold, the truth thou hast loved, the hidden and the unsearchable things of thy wisdom Thou hast revealed unto me. Sprinkle me with hyssop and I will be clean, wash me and I will be whiter than snow. Thou wilt give joy and gladness to my hearing, my humble bones shall rejoice. Turn Thy face from my sins, and blot out all my transgressions. O God, build up a clean heart within me, and renew a right spirit within me. Do not take me from Your face, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Give me the joy of Your salvation and strengthen me with Your Spirit. I will teach those who wander in Thy ways, and the unfaithful shall return to Thee. Deliver me from the shedding of blood, O God, God of my salvation. Let my tongue rejoice in Thy righteousness. Lord, my lips will open and my mouth will declare your praise. For if Thou hadst willed the sacrifice, I would have given it to Thee. The sacrifice of God, the humbled Spirit, the broken and humbled heart God will not afflict. Do good, O Lord, for Thy good pleasure, O Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then shall You make good the sacrifice of righteousness, the burnt offering; then shall they lay upon Your altar the calves.

2. Monday Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, with deep humility I acknowledge and confess, that all day long I sin against your Godly love. Therefore, today, as it is Monday and the beginning of the week, I humbly pray to Your great mercy: forgive me my sins of will and unwill, and help me to make a good beginning and to take more care of my soul, for which You have endured so much pain at Your holy crucifixion!

O Lord, today I give thee my soul and my body and my will, praying that Thy will be done with me, according to Thy good pleasure. Punish me, O Lord, according to Thy mercy, in this world and not in the next. And forgive the living and the dead, for the prayers of thy holy church, and grant us all thy greatness in heaven. To this end I make Thy holy angels intercessors, to whom I say: O most merciful servants and guardians of men, to you I bow and thank you, for the help and guidance you give us unworthy and sinful ones in all our days. Spare me from enemies seen and unseen, that I may not sin any more before my God. Grant that I may see you at my death, standing around me, and that you may take my soul to heaven, that it may bow down to the greatness of the face of God, and that I may thank you there, for the care you have taken of me, and your good may I speak with an unceasing voice for evermore. Amen.

3. Tuesday Prayer

Lord, my God! I stand before Your holy face, and confess my unworthiness, my powerlessness and my great poverty. For this I pray to Thee, O sweet and cloudy fountain of mercy, open the staves of heaven and rain upon me the goodness of Thy mercy, that I may shed tears, weep, wash and cleanse my soul from the intinacy of sins, with strong and true caress. And to give me this Gift, Master, I place the Intercessor the Forerunner John, to whom I say: O Teacher and great Prophet, who art greater than all the prophets, as the Son of God Himself has called thee in the Holy Gospel, thou who hast shown the people the Master Christ, thou who hast baptized Him in the Jordan and hast seen the heavens opened, thou who hast heard the voice of the Heavenly Father and hast seen the Holy Spirit like a dove descending upon Him. Pray, help me with your intercession, you who sit in heaven before the eternal Judge, and make him forgive me, for you have great boldness in His love.

Stretch out that hand, with which you baptized Him, and destroy my evil thoughts and strengthen me to spend my life in God's good way. O Prophet! Enlighten my mind with the commandments of the Lord, that I may remember them and keep them to the end of my life. And stand by me in the hour of my death, to bring me in repentance before my Master, God. Pray still and for all the world, that God may give help to Christians, both living and departed, to rest them from their many needs, to give them all that is necessary, and to give them to his kingdom. Amen.

4. Wednesday Prayer

Almighty God! I remember that You were born a Man, of the Holy Virgin, in the cave, and were sold for thirty pieces of silver by the cunning disciple, to redeem us sinners from the power of the devil.