A journey of self discovery - Svenja Luana Ledergerber - E-Book

A journey of self discovery E-Book

Svenja Luana Ledergerber

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Many people can probably relate to what Svenja Luana Ledergerber experienced: Triggered by a personal crisis, combined with many painful feelings, she decided to change something - and embarked on a journey of self-discovery. In her guidebook, she shares the valuable insights she gained during this time with readers. Among other things, she sheds light on the role of self-love, the search for the meaning of existence, her idea of spirituality, the power of love and many other topics. Her personal insights provide inspiration for all those who want to get to know themselves better and develop further.

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Seitenzahl: 65

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A journey of self discovery


1.Why I am writing this book and my story

2.You are valuable and a great gift to the world

3.Self-love as the basis for a fulfilled life

4.Your home within you

5.The search for the meaning of your existence

6.4 helpful signposts

7.Live or let live

8.Going with life and emotions

9.My understanding of spirituality and the spiritual laws as companions

10.Connecting body, mind, and soul – the foundations for a balanced and fulfilling life

11.Living in the now

12.Your relationship–your mirror

13.Love as a primal force

14.Encounter with your wonderful inner world


Why I am writing this book and my story

Hello, dear human being, I am delighted that you are coming with me on a journey to discover your inner self.

I am Svenja Luana Ledergerber, a woman, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a teacher, a yogini, a sportswoman, etc. Is that really me? Oh, I don't know, how should I describe myself? Aren't these all just roles that I live?

Okay, new attempt: I am Svenja Luana Ledergerber, a female being with countless visions, dreams and experiences. Sometimes I am wild and loud, sometimes quiet and shy, sometimes sad and sometimes overjoyed – I am all of these things.

Now you're probably wondering what I want to say with this and why I'm writing it here. It seems important to me to recognize that we humans are all very complex and are not just the mother / father, the teacher or the bus driver. No, there is much more to us than that.

That's exactly why I don't want to describe myself in such detail here, because I'm a little different every day. Nevertheless, I would like you to know how I came to write this book and why I have written down my very personal insights about life here.

At the age of 27, I had a transformative experience. I suffered from a depressive episode for several months and experienced for the first time what it was like to no longer want to live in the world. Coming face to face with the darkest and saddest parts of myself was very painful and I lost all my trust in myself and in life. Every day I woke up with the same old pain; everything seemed dark and hopeless. A big, dusty, black cloak was put over me and covered all my dreams, joy of living, energy, lightness and love and gradually made everything disappear completely. I no longer recognized myself, stood beside myself and no longer knew who I was. Flooded with self-pity, I kept trying to fight the illness, to somehow find a way out of it and get back to myself, all to no avail.

Self-stigmatization took over, I felt more and more useless and like an unnecessary burden to this world. I saw myself as the biggest loser who couldn't get anything together and didn't exist for anything. Every day I found out again and again how weak I was - I couldn't even get out of bed, let alone take a shower. I lost my appetite and lost a lot of weight in a very short period of time. My loved ones started to worry a lot, while I didn't realize what was happening to me. The suggestion to consult a psychiatrist sounded unnecessary. Me and psychotherapy? Never! When I eventually realized that I wouldn't be able to get out of this misery on my own, I agreed and began a valuable journey of self-discovery.

As my condition deteriorated, I decided to spend a few weeks in a clinic. The daily structure and the professional staff supported me enormously, but I quickly realized that healing had to take place primarily within myself. If I wanted to grow out of this condition, I had to make the decision to heal on my own.

After a long process, from total indifference to deep emotional experiences, I was suddenly ready to heal and look my dark side straight in the eye. At this point, many things began to change.

Giving up the fight against myself and my illness brought me a deep acceptance of my reality at the time. I began to go along with all my emotions and circumstances, accepting them as part of myself and embracing them without judgment. Accompanied by professional support on a mental and spiritual level and my environment, I began to take a deeper look at life and discovered profound insights into our human existence.

The encounter with my true self blew up all the roles I had been living and made me realize that I am not just the sister, the friend or the teacher, but that I am limitless with countless abilities, visions and dreams. This changed my view of my fellow human beings, who are also much more than they know. I saw and felt huge potential in myself and therefore, in everyone around me.

My deep desire to show people that there is boundless potential within them, that the universe is abundant and that life is a gift, led me to the point of writing this book and thus being able to meet as many people as possible at the heart level.

Now I sincerely wish you transformative insights and much joy on your personal journey of discovery. You are welcome to take breaks while you are reading to reflect on what you have read and let it sink in. If you feel like writing down your thoughts, you will find blank pages at the end of the book. I hope that you can draw many transformative conclusions from this exploration of yourself!

The content of this book is based on my own experiences and findings and does not replace psychotherapeutic support (if necessary).

You are valuable and a great gift to the world

For weeks, I had the terrible experience of feeling worthless. This worthlessness came from my mind and my ego, which kept telling me that I had no abilities and was superfluous in this world. These thoughts, in turn, came from the fact that I was so exhausted at the time of the illness that I could no longer achieve anything. I could no longer be a teacher, a friend, a daughter, an athlete, etc. Who am I if I can no longer achieve anything? I could no longer fulfill any role and I was lost in the search for my true self.

My self-image was shaken and I felt empty. I realized that I had lived my whole life convinced that I had to perform – whether in my professional or private life – in order to be loved and seen. My environment only loves me if I perform. This belief accompanied me and was very present in everything I did. As a result, I made my value dependent on my fellow human beings. I lived on the outside, always in search of recognition, and lost myself in the process. It got to the point where I could hardly feel my needs, let alone communicate them. I conformed to everyone and let my life be primarily determined by my fellow human beings. I wanted to fit in, wanted to meet society's expectations and craved recognition. All this with one goal: to be seen and loved.