BBC Bistro (Interracial Gangbang Erotica) - Jenna Powers - E-Book

BBC Bistro (Interracial Gangbang Erotica) E-Book

Jenna Powers

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Amy and Sam are owners of the BBC Bistro. Their customers are dwindling and their staff is fired faster than they're hired! Amy doesn't seem to care as long as the kitchen continues to run the way she wants it to. When Jamal, Jerry and Marcus visit after watching the couple on a reality show, they're surprised to see that the show wasn't staged.

Three girls are immediately fired and Jamal takes this as a chance to get himself, as well as his two friends hired. Being new in town, any job works with them. When the three big black men start work, they're more and more stunned by the actions of the owners and eventually learn that they won't even be paid any tips.

As the three argue with Amy and Sam, the escalation causes the staff to quietly close shop and leave. The three big black men easily keep Sam at bay as they learn that he doesn't want to call the cops; most likely because he's hiding something. The three decide to negotiate and there's only one thing Amy can provide that they want, and it's not her cooking...


This is the first ever Well Endowed Charity Series (WECS) from Jenna Powers. All proceeds from sales are donated to carefully selected charities with four stars or more on Charity Navigator.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters in this story are above the age of 18.

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BBC Bistro

By Jenna Powers

© 2015 Jenna Powers

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

All characters in this story are above the age of 18.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

BBC Bistro

About the author:

Further Reading: Desire

Also By Jenna Powers

Amy glared at her line cook and shook her head.  As she tossed the pizza she had just made into the oven, a waitress walked in carrying a half-eaten dish in. 

"They said the salmon was-"

"No, shut up!  I'm done with this!  You tell the customers they're out of their mind if they think that burger is bad!"  Amy screamed.

The waitress paused, looking at the line cooks in the kitchen.  Everyone in the room quietly stared at whatever they were cutting or cooking.  She sighed as she placed the half eaten plate in the kitchen sink and walked off.

"Hey!  Did you hear me?!  Take that out of the sink, take it back to the customer and tell them it's perfectly fine!"  Amy shouted.

"What?  You want me to take the dish out of that sink and take it back to the customer?"  The waitress questioned.

"Are you questioning me, in my OWN kitchen Jen?"  Amy barked.

"Well, no, I'm not trying to ques-"

Amy raised her arm and shook her head, waving Jen away angrily.

"Get out, out!"  Amy shouted.

"That's not fair," one of the line cooks spoke up.

"Oh it isn't fair Riley?  I'll tell you what's fair.  I want you and Jen out.  Out now!"  Amy screamed as she stomped her feet.

Her husband and owner of the BBC Bistro, Sam, walked in, sweat pouring down his head.  He looked around, confused, a towel on the shoulder of his black buttoned up shirt.

"What's going on?"  He asked.

"I'm having a revolt in here!  These two want to start something!"  Amy shouted.

"No, we're not," Jen replied, her eyes filling up with tears of frustration.

"Out!  I want them out!"  Amy repeated as she angrily threw her cutting board to the side.

"Wow, what a bitch," another line cook whispered.

"Excuse me?  Would you like to speak up there Kelly?!"  Amy screamed as she put her hands on her hips.

"Oh screw this.  I'm done," Kelly said, rolling her eyes and pulling off her apron.

She walked past Riley and Jen, giving them a nod as she walked out of the kitchen.  Riley put her arm around Jen, consoling her and began heading out as well.  Sam followed them, looking confused.

"Wait!  Wait girls!  Hold on!"  He said.

"Let them go!"  Amy shouted as she followed Sam.

The customers in the restaurant looked up in surprise.  Some people pulled out their phones to record the scene while others sat in stunned silence.  There was a group of three large black men in the corner taking particular interest in the scene unfolding before them.

"Yo, check this shit out dawg," one of them said.

"God damn, white people," another laughed.

"Hey Jamal, is she the cook?"

Jamal nodded.  He had the lightest skin tone of the three, but he was also the most built.  To his side was Jerry, a former linebacker in college with deep chocolate skin, who let himself go slight out of shape, and Marcus, a former basketball star in high school, who was the skinniest of the three.

"Damn, she looks pretty damn hot," Marcus said.

"Fucking bat shit crazy though," Jamal replied.

"How you know?"  Jerry inquired.

"Man, this is the restaurant that was on that show nigga, the one with that crazy white lady," Jamal replied.

"Damn nigga, chill, I ain't seen it with ya'll.  I was out, remember?"  Jerry said.

"Shit, I thought you was there."

"Nah nigga, I had to go get some shit for yo lazy asses," Jerry replied.

"My bad dawg, my bad."

"Oh shit, she just fire them girls?"  Marcus questioned.

"Yeah, just like that," Jamal said.

"Damn, we should see if we could get their jobs.  Get a little extra money and shit," Jerry suggested.

Jamal crossed his arms and thought about it.  The three were new in town and needed some form of income.  He had only watched bits and pieces of the television show that had featured the BBC Bistro, and while the owners did seem crazy, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

"Shit, yo Marcus, wave that old man down," Jamal ordered.

As Riley, Kelly and Jen walked out, Sam turned around and stared at his wife.  Amy just turned her nose up and stomped back into the kitchen.  Sam sighed, running his hands through his white hair as he tried to figure out what to do.

"Yo!  Yo!"  Marcus exclaimed, waving down Sam.

"Damn nigga, you ain't gotta fucking act like some kid trying to get the teacher.  Shit, all you had to do was raise yo hand," Jamal complained.

"Man, fuck you," Marcus responded with a grin.

Sam hustled to get over to the three black men, carrying his notepad.

"What you need?"  He asked.

"Whoa damn man, calm down dude.  We just had a question," Jamal replied.

"Question?  We extremely busy right now.  You see, right?"  Sam responded angrily.

"We just saw them girls leave and we was wondering if you needed to hire replacements," Jamal replied coolly.

"Replace?  You want job?"

"Yeah man, we new in town and need some money," Jamal replied.

Sam looked at the three men and scratched his chin.  He wasn’t a big fan of colored people.  Sam had worked with criminals in the past and the majority were black or Hispanic.

“I... I don’t know...”  Sam said as he debated.

“What?  Is it because we black?  That’s straight up racist dawg,” Jamal barked.

“What?  No, I’m not racist.  Everyone equal.  Can you cook?”  Sam asked.

“Sure can.  Worked at Mickey Dees and the King over in New York,” Jamal answered.

“I can lift heavy shit,” Jerry added.

“Hm... when you start?”

“Shit, we can start tonight if you want,” Jamal said.

“Really?  Tonight?  Not short notice?”  Sam questioned, one eyebrow raised.

“Nah, we got nothing better do right?”  Jamal asked as he tapped Marcus and Jerry.

“Nope, just four twenty blaze all day,” Jerry laughed.

“Four twenty?  You have to leave then?”  Sam asked.

“Nah, don’t mind him, he’s just being stupid,” Jamal replied.</ [...]