BBW Romance Boxed Set - J. L. Ryan - E-Book

BBW Romance Boxed Set E-Book

J.L. Ryan

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Frantic after losing her nursing home job, plus size Shelby Watson lives in a dumpy apartment in the worst part of town. To make matters worse, she's now eating non-stop.

Her penchant for canned spaghetti, cheesecake, and Italian subs leads to a 75 pound weight gain. She's sure she'll never find a boyfriend, get a new job, or live in a better apartment.

When a surprise job opportunity comes her way in the form of sexy billionaire Michael Jameson, she can’t believe her luck. He hires her to care for his sick grandmother, but there's only one problem...he's a conceited jerk and an egomaniac.

Shelby is voluptuous, stubborn, and sassy...a delicious combination that handsome Michael, CEO of a billion dollar corporation is dying to get his hands on. She’s not like the skinny girls he's used to dating, but there's something about her that he can't resist.

Is Michael really falling for big beautiful Shelby, or is he hiding a heart-pounding secret that could jeopardize her well-being?

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J. L. Ryan

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Table of contents

BBW Romance

The Billionaire's Caregiver

From Agony To Ecstasy

Billionaire Boys Club

The Billionaire's Game

The Billionaire Boss

The Billionaire's Bargain

The Billionaire's Gift

BBW Romance

(A BBW Romance And Alpha Male Boxed Set)

#1 The Billionaire's Caregiver

#2 From Agony To Ecstasy

#3 The Billionaire's Wish

#4 The Billionaire's Secret

The Billionaire's Caregiver

People often think a new beginning is something that happens when there is a tragedy. Curvy girl Shelby Watson, on the other hand, disagreesentirely. Sometimes, a new beginning can simply happen to someone, and not be some epiphany out of the ashes of what was once a mess.

Simply put, life happens, but starting over is never easy. Shelby sighed and stretched out her legs on the sofa. Tomorrow, she would start again. Never one to be defeated, she knew she could pull herself out of this “new mess” she was in.

There was something about the way her big toe poked through the worn socks that made her rethink that idea entirely.

“You and me, Dobbs...she scooped up her puppy who had buried its head under the thick blanket. “All we really need is each other.” Dobbs was a Chihuahua mix. Shelby found him by the door of her apartment one day, and when she opened her apartment door, he ran right in, in front of her.

He had been there since. It may have been the forlorn look he had about him that Shelby found endearing, or just the fact that he was standing there soaked to the bone. Whatever it was, Shelby knew she couldn’t leave him out there, so let him stay.

The sound of banging caused Shelby to wince slightly. The pipes in this old building were always making some awful noise whenever someone was taking a shower. Shelby looked around at her efficiency apartment.

Clean and tidy it, was her home. She lived in the 3rd block of town. The lower the number indicated the worse sections of town. This was no exception. Her neighbors all consisted of drug dealers and prostitutes, though none unfriendly. Shelby would work early mornings and try to be home before dark. As long as she kept to herself nothing bad would happen to her…well less likely to, anyway.

All of the details of her life had changed now. The part-time morning job she had been able to find, she had lost. Nothing of her doing, simply a cut in positions at the senior home she was working at. They had pulled her aside that morning and given her the bad news.

“Shelby, your work here has always been wonderful. I hope you realize this is not a reflection on the quality of your work. It's simply based on the financial needs of the company.” Dr. Brenner sighed and looked over at her as he delivered the news.

“Many of the seniors are moving into better equipped facilities and they…well they already have staff there. He ran his thin bony fingers through is even thinner hair.

It was obvious to Shelby this wasn’t something he enjoyed doing and decided to help take the pressure off.

“I understand Dr. Brenner. I really do. I just don’t know how I'm going to make it now.” Life had always been a series of ups and downs for Shelby, and this was just one more set back. She stood to stand and extended her hand to Dr. Brenner.

“Thank you for helping me get things going here,, Dr. Brenner. The last three years have been wonderful. I hope you will let me use you for a reference.” He stood and methodically pumped her hand, covering the hands with his other one.

“I really am sorry, Shelby.”

There was a sense of helplessness that Shelby felt when she headed home. Now, she and her pup gracefully sat on the old worn sofa she had gotten from the thrift store down the street. Shelby decided it was time to start sorting the factors of her life out. She jumped up and grabbed her notebook from the counter.

Determined, she created her spreadsheet, lists of bills, things to do, what not to do, etc. Balancing her checkbook, Shelby calculated that she was ok for the next three weeks, but when the rent was due, she would be in trouble. She walked into her kitchen and pulled some canned spaghetti from the cupboard, methodically putting them in a bowl and then the microwave.

This is not where she envisioned herself a few years ago. She had big plans to go back to college to get her graduate degree in nursing. She was barely scraping by, but she knew that her resilience was powerful and that she would make it through. The one thing she was sure of was that she would not cry about it but would just keep moving on.

The next day things seemed bleak. Shelby walked to the corner store and bought a newspaper and began sifting through the want ads looking for a job. She wasn’t above doing anything and would do whatever necessary to keep things going. Sitting on her foot, she took notice of anything related to her field first.

Under the dark header, she saw an ad for a home health nurse. Perfect. She picked up the phone and called, but was greeted by a nasty voice.

“Kayla, I told you I can’t do this with you right now. You will just have to trust me. It's better this way.” Shelby winced at the explosion.

“I’m sorry, Sir. I think I may have the wrong number, I was calling about an ad.” As she began to cradle the phone back into the receiver, she heard him yell.

“Wait yes, Oh God, I'm an idiot. Miss…Miss?” He was obviously flustered.

“I’m here.”

“Good. I’m terribly sorry. Your number was just like someone else’s, and well… Ok, so yes, can you come out today? I need to wrap this up before I leave this weekend, and I have only gotten a few responses.”

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