BBW Romance with Billionaires - J. L. Ryan - E-Book

BBW Romance with Billionaires E-Book

J.L. Ryan

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Plus size pediatrician Jennifer, learns that getting older means making choices to please everyone else, even if it makes her unhappy. She loves her job, but she's scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to boyfriends.

She always ends up dating the doctors she works with, and while this normally wouldn't be a bad thing, most of them are too cocky for their own good. 

Her best friend's upcoming wedding makes her think twice about what she's accomplishing in her own life, which is professionally fulfilling but terribly lonely. 

She's dying to have a baby, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. When a chance meeting comes her way in the form of sexy bad boy Lorenzo, she's ecstatic.

She's all curves and brains – a tantalizing combination that Lorenzo, a former rowdy college frat boy is dying to get his hands on.

She’s not like the skinny sorority girls he's used to dating, but there's something about her that he's obsessed with. There's only one problem: he's arrogant, conceited, and a little crazy. 

Is he truly falling for this big beautiful woman, or is he hiding a heart-pounding secret that could put both their lives in jeopardy?

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J.L. Ryan

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Table of contents

BBW Romance With Billionaires

Plus Size Romance

Plus Size Romance

College Student April And Billionaire Nigel

(A BBW Billionaire Romance Boxed Set)

If you love hot and sexy BBW romance books, don’t miss this thrilling Plus Size Romance Series! It’s jam-packed with steamy BBW romance and alpha males, and includes bonus books featuring even more BBW excitement!

Plus Size Romance

Jennifer And Lorenzo

Chapter 1

The blaring alarm clock on the nightstand jolted Jennifer awake. Too groggy to function after a late night at the lab looking over patient case files, she clumsily banged her hand around until she found the annoying culprit and slammed her palm onto the snooze button.

Even after years of being lectured that it was better to get up the first time the thing went off, she never could. Only after two snoozes would she allow her eyes to crack open. Not a good habit for a doctor. There were patients to see and research to perform. Who was she kidding? After banging snooze buttons for twenty years, this was one habit she would never break.

After eighteen more luxurious minutes in her cozy warm bed, Jennifer couldn’t deny the fact anymore. She had to get up and get going. Waiting any longer and she wouldn’t have time for her morning run. No morning run meant a cranky woman--a cranky doctor at that.

Not that she enjoyed running, but it was the only time she could clear her head completely in order to focus throughout the rest of the day. Besides, ever since gaining 40 pounds, running was the only thing that helped jump-start her day. Caffeine could only help so much, so running had become her go-to activity. As much as Jennifer despised the bitter cold of a February morning in the nation’s capital, she threw back the covers to begin her day.

It would take at least a mile before the fog of exhaustion began to lift from her mind. The first mile was always the most torturous. After that though, Jennifer could run forever. Adrenaline finally pumping through her plump,

5’ 2” frame, she could take on the world. This morning in particular she needed the respite.

Being a pediatric oncologist was her life’s dream. That is, after Hannah, her best friend from elementary school suffered horribly and died from a brain tumor. It was the reason she became a doctor in the first place. No child should have to suffer like that, ever. And no parent should have to endure such a loss. But cancer was indiscriminate and unforgiving. Last night she suffered yet another battle with her childhood demon. A three year old child with lymphoma.

Jennifer had been so sure her latest protocol would work. She had spent the rest of the night beating herself up for failing yet another patient, another distraught family. Sometimes her life’s dream was actually her life’s nightmare. This morning she welcomed the punishment of the frigid air filling her lungs as she near sprinted the remaining blocks from her small condominium on K Street to the National Mall. Her destination – the reflecting pond overlooking the Lincoln Memorial.

Once she reached her the ice-speckled pond, she allowed herself a moment to rest and take in the beauty of the landscape. Still too early for the onslaught of commuters and tourists who flood the city daily. All was quiet except the occasional rumble of jets overhead as they were taking off from Reagan National.

Whether from the freezing temperatures and wind assailing her eyes or from sorrow and frustration at her failure last night, tears ran down her freckled face. Jennifer didn’t know what was worse. Losing the patient or the fact that after so many years she still had not toughened up enough to make that pain any less.

Not wishing to dwell on the matter anymore, Jennifer raced back home. Shutting out all thoughts and allowing her body to operate on autopilot. New day, new challenge! She wouldn’t allow self-pity to stop her. After many battles lost, and a few won, her determination was greater than ever.

After a quick, scalding hot shower Jennifer towel-dried her short strawberry-blonde locks and made a beeline for the coffee pot. No breakfast. She couldn’t remember the last time she actually ate breakfast. Probably before leaving home for college when her overbearing mom would force her to eat before she could leave for school, even if it meant she was late. As a physician, she knew that eating breakfast would help boost her metabolism so that her dieting efforts would be more successful.

Her shift didn’t start until 10 AM so there was plenty of time to either tidy up her small, 640 square foot condo or aimlessly peruse the internet. Without a second thought, she plopped down in her oversized khaki arm chair with her laptop.

Not obsessed about politics and news like everyone else in this town, Jennifer decided on lighter fare. How long had it been since she’d been on Facebook? Probably since her high school reunion that had been organized via the website, forcing her to get an account. Surprised that she actually remembered her password, the site loaded.

Wow! Fifty-two “Friend” requests?! Jennifer was surprised she knew that many people. The newsfeed was filled with funny pictures of cats and babies. Quickly scanning through all the miscellaneous vanities, she noticed a posting from one of her best friends from her days at the University of Colorado. It was a picture of her tall, slender, runway model friend Jacy Standish with her college beau Ethan Davis III. The posting showed the couple with Ethan on one knee and Jacy with the biggest smile ever. Yes, it was the couple’s engagement announcement. “Well, it’s about time!” Jennifer thought. They have only been together since forever, it seemed.

The posting was a few days old so thankfully Jennifer still had time to send them a congratulatory message. The announcement declared that the wedding was to be at the end of May in Cocoa Beach, Florida. The couple had been living there since Ethan graduated with an advanced degree in aeronautics and went to work with NASA.

In lieu of formal invitations, since there was nothing formal about Jacy nor Ethan, the Facebook announcement was also serving as the wedding invitation. Any friends and family that could make it should reply to the posting. “Well, that’s certainly a modern approach.” Jennifer grinned as she knew it was typical of the couple to be that nonchalant about their own wedding.

After clicking the “Like” icon and commenting a quick “Congrats!” Jennifer noticed she had messages. There were five messages from Jacy. The bride-to-be was curious why Jennifer never answered her home phone and why didn’t she have voicemail.

The next message scolded her for not keeping in touch and providing her friends current contact information as she was desperate to talk to her sorority big sister and best friend. Another message instructed Jennifer to call her STAT because she had a very important question to ask her. Looking at the clock, she realized it probably wasn’t too early to call so she picked up her phone to dial the number listed in the last message.

A groggy Ethan answered the phone but was more than delighted to disturb his soon-to-be wife who was already awake and had just returned from walking the dogs. Jacy’s squeal of delight nearly ruptured Jennifer’s eardrum. After letting Jacy run on for several minutes about the upcoming wedding and lecturing her friend on her lack of manners for not staying in touch, she excitedly asked the burning question… “Jennifer, will you be my maid of honor?” This was followed by more declarations that she HAD to be her maid of honor and she was NOT taking no for an answer. Typical Jacy.

Promising to check her schedule and to get back to her later that day, Jennifer ended the call hoping she would not have to disappoint Jacy but uneasy with the thought of attending a wedding. Her own personal life was, well lacking the personal part. She was not a big socialite, even though the Chief of Pediatric Oncology enjoyed forcing her to attend fund raisers to benefit the hospital whenever he saw fit. Social settings were just not her thing.

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