BWWM BBW Romance - J.L. Ryan - E-Book

BWWM BBW Romance E-Book

J.L. Ryan

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I know I'm fat and shouldn't be so picky when it comes to dating, but hell. Why do I keep scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to men? If I go out with one more sleazeball, I'm going to hang it up.

Maybe my standards shouldn't be so high. I'm 100 pounds overweight, broke, and desperate for a baby. I'm also a frantic basket because I can't keep up with my bills.

The good guys run the other way when they see me coming. I'm broke and facing homelessness, and I'm so fat that I can barely breathe. What guy wouldn't be attracted to that?

I've always had to fight my way to the top, but I made it because I've got guts. I run my business like a crazy person. That's how I made my first billion while still in my 20s.

There's nothing I can't have. Women throw themselves at me, but there's only one problem. I don't want them. I don't want anything that is too easy for me to obtain. That includes women.

I can possess anything and anyone, but not Sierra. Sweet, shy Sierra. So naive, so innocent. She doesn't want a relationship with me...but she has no choice. Her mind-blowing curves make me all sweaty every time I see them, and I'm obsessed.

If I can't have her now, I'm going to die. Maybe when she finds out that I'm hiding a stunning secret, she'll change her mind...or not.

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J.L. Ryan

BBW Romance/Second Chance Romance

UUID: 8de652ca-5099-11e7-9f76-49fbd00dc2aa
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Table of contents

The Billionaire's Game

The Billionaire Boss

The Billionaire's Bargain

The Billionaire's Gift

The Billionaire's Caregiver

The Billionaire's Wish

The Billionaire's Secret

Legal Affairs

The Billionaire's Desire

The Billionaire's Addiction

Unexpected Romance

Lost Love

Second Chance Romance

Second Chances

BBW Romance

#1 The Billionaire's Game

#2 The Billionaire Boss

#3 The Billionaire's Bargain

#4 The Billionaire's Gift

#5 The Billionaire's Caregiver

#6 The Billionaire's Wish

#7 The Billionaire's Secret

#8 Legal Affairs

#9 The Billionaire's Desire

#10 The Billionaire's Addiction

#11 Unexpected Romance

#12 For Keeps

#13 Lost Love

#14 Second Chance Romance

#15 Second Chances

The Billionaire's Game

Sierra stared at her reflection and sighed heavily. Her hair, always tightly drawn up in a ponytail, gave the impression that she had a very angular face. She turned her head from side-to-side, looking at all of the planes that made up who she was. Her hair was a copper brown and her eyes blue. She had a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks that gave her a playful look. She had full lips that were always tinted as though she were drinking Kool-Aid, never forcing her to wear lipstick to give herself some more color.

Not that she ever wore makeup, really. As a waitress, she rarely had the time to care about things like makeup, or much else for that matter. She sat there contemplating what she could do to make herself pretty, or what she could do to improve her looks, or at the very least, make her more exotic or something.

She should have never agreed to stand in for Katie on a blind date. It's not so much that she was going to stand in for Katie on the date, it was that she had to actually pretend that she was Katie. It was just as much her own fault for saying yes, as it was Katie’s for asking. She was always there for her, and this minor thing was no big deal, until now. She used her forefinger to push around the skin on her face, testing to see what she would look like if she had a face lift or something. That is until Katie herself came around the corner and gave her a short laugh.

“ What the hell are you doing to your face, Sierra?” She said it with what remained of her scratchy voice.

“ I’m looking at it, I wish I was more… I don’t know, exotic or something.” She continued to poke and prod.

“ Why would you want to be exotic? You're beautiful the way you are.” Katie made her way across the room. “I really appreciate this Sierra, it’s a one-time thing, I told my mother I would go… and you know how she is.” She rolled her eyes as she said it. Asking you to pretend you're me on a blind date is too much to ask, I know."

“ I don’t mind at all. I never get to go out, especially to a nice place like Giovanni’s. Are you worried you will get found out somehow?” Sierra stopped long enough to glance at Katie, who was rifling through the make-up pile.

“ No, Mom doesn’t even know what he looks like or anything. She set this up for a friend of a friend or something. The guy's mother is desperate for him to find a nice girl and settle down because he's somewhat of a playboy. The only reason I agreed to this blind date was because I owe her for missing my cousin, Owen’s wedding. I just wish I could have found a way out of it without dragging you through it.”

Sierra glanced at Katie. “It’s okay. This interview you have could really be a big break for you. You can't risk missing it by going on a blind date with a guy your mother fixed you up with. I understand, and like I said… free food. Who goes out on a Thursday night, though?” She gave her a smile. Katie giggled. “So what are you wearing? Oh, and I’ll do your make-up, maybe make you look more exotic!” They laughed together as they set out to getting Sierra ready for her date. They also had to figure out how to make the guy think that Sierra is really Katie.

An hour later, Sierra turned to take a long look at herself in the mirror. She was transfixed on her appearance. The Sierra she looked at everyday was gone, and in her place, was a beautiful woman. Her hair, normally full of curls when left down, had been straightened, and now felt like silk on her shoulders. Her freckles were hidden, and her eyes were the focal point of her face. Katie used her skills to give Sierra's eyes a dark and dusky look and she added some pink to her cheeks. Her dark lips only needed a hint of color to make her look like a different woman.

“ Are you going to stand there and look at yourself all night or go get this silly date over with?” Katie was equally made up for her interview. The two of them stood side by side, staring at the mirror.

“ I don’t even look like… well me.” Sierra giggled.

“ Well, tonight you’re not you, you’re me.” Katie said simply as she picked up her bag to go. “Don’t forget, meet him at the entrance at 7pm. He said he would have a red handkerchief in his jacket.” Katie walked over to reassure Sierra once more. “I really do appreciate it girl.” She gave her one last smile and she headed out. After Katie left, Sierra slipped on the tall black pumps Katie pushed on her to go with her outfit. She took a deep breath, and with a sigh, she left for the restaurant.

A.J. was frustrated. His latest business merger was in trouble, he was in desperate need of a woman and lastly, he had this blasted date tonight that he didn’t want to go on. The day was dragging and he wanted to go. He flicked open the black book on the top of his desk and sighed. He had an unusual appetite and he needed something new, something exciting to help him calm down. This company… his company was everything to him. He built it from the ground up, and with it, he become an important figurehead in the community. The truth was they didn’t really know him.

He had a dark side, one he kept hidden and he needed more. His appointments were short today. One merger meeting. Tomorrow morning, he had one charity appearance for a donation he had made locally. He was always glad when the corporation could donate funds in the city where it was needed. It was almost a penance for the side of him that he couldn’t control. He owed his mother his life and so, from time to time when she would request this of him, he would do it, to soothe her worried soul about the playboy reputation he had developed. He checked his reflection in the mirror and smiled to himself.

He was a playboy, and that suited him just fine. There were far too many women out there for him to have to settle for just one. He loved them all, and enjoyed his life exactly as it was. The unfortunate thing was that he was an only child and his mother was constantly on him about settling down and finding a nice girl to marry, to carry on the family name.

He gave his hair one last smoothing down before he put on his glasses and made his way to the waiting car. One of the perks of running a multi-million dollar company was the luxury of enjoying someone else driving you to and from.

He would be lying if he said he didn’t get a thrill of impressing the ladies by having a driver when he pulled up to a new club in town. He liked to be impressive and his looks helped with that. He took care of himself, working out 5 days a week until he was toned. He had jet black hair, almost shaved on the sides and longer on top. His eyes were described as black by most and he always had a shadowed goatee. He was the epitome of tall, dark and handsome, and his evasive nature with women gave him an air of mystery.

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