Cardiac Electrophysiology Without Fluoroscopy -  - E-Book

Cardiac Electrophysiology Without Fluoroscopy E-Book

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This book reflects how the concern regarding the effects of radiation exposure in patients and health personnel involved in cardiac electrophysiology (EP) has inspired new developments in cardiac electrophysiology procedures without the use of fluoroscopy. This innovative method has become a subspecialty within electrophysioloy with several EP laboratories around the world adopting an exclusive non-fluoroscopy approach. It features guidance on how to use three dimensional (3D) navigation systems, ablation energy sources and zero-fluorospic implantation of cardiac electronic devices. The potential complications and associated preventative methods with utilising RFCA are also described. 

Cardiac Electrophysiology Without Fluoroscopy offers a thorough description of the technique correlated to the performance of EP procedure without the use of radiation, and provides a valuable resource for those seeking a practically applicable guide on how to perform cardiac EP without fluoroscopy, including practising and trainee electrophysiologists, cardiac imagers, general cardiologists and emergency medicine physicians.

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