Church, Politics and Society -  - E-Book

Church, Politics and Society E-Book



The essays in this volume, by distinguished historians, deal with the correlation of the Church and society in Scotland from the birth of Bishop Kennedy at the beginning of the fifteenth century to the reunion of the Church of Scotland with most of the United Free Church in 1929. This is not a comprehensive survey of the Church and its institutions; rather the book is concerned with the careers of prominent individuals within the Church and with the response of the people to the challenge of the vast ecclesiastical changes in the five centuries under review. The volume grew out of a two-year seminar programme organised jointly by the Departments of Ecclesiastical History and Scottish History at the University of St Andrews, and held in St John's House, the Centre for Advanced Historical Studies in the university. Contributors: Norman Macdougall, Leslie Macfarlane, Roderick Lyall, Jenny Wormald, Michael Lynch, Roger Mason, James Kirk, Walter Mackey, Julia Buckroyd, Henry Sefton, Richard Sher, Alexander Murdoch and Ian Machin.

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Church, Politics and Society: Scotland 1408-1929

Church, Politics and Society: Scotland 1408-1929

Edited by


Department of Scottish History

University of St Andrews

This eBook was published in Great Britain in 2021 by John Donald, an imprint of Birlinn Ltd

Birlinn Ltd West Newington House 10 Newington Road Edinburgh EH9 1QS

First published in Great Britain in 1983 by John Donald

Copyright © The Editor and Contributors severally, 1983

eBook ISBN 978 1 78885 415 3

The right of the editor and contributors to be identified as the authors of this book has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical or photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the express written permission of the publisher.

The publishers gratefully acknowledge the support of the Strathmartine Trust towards the publication of this book

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available on request from the British Library.


THIS volume grew out of a two-year seminar programme organised jointly by the Departments of Ecclesiastical History and Scottish History at the University of St. Andrews, and held in St. John’s House, the Centre for Advanced Historical Studies in the university, throughout sessions 1980-1982. Speakers with specialist interests were invited to contribute papers on the broad theme of ‘Church and Society’, and as a result of the interest generated by what they had to say, it was thought desirable to make all the papers available in book form. The present volume is the result, covering an enormous timespan from the birth of Bishop Kennedy around 1408 to the reunion of the Church of Scotland with most of the United Free Church in 1929. No effort has been made to produce a comprehensive survey of the development of the Scottish Church and the institutions associated with it; rather this volume is concerned with the careers of prominent individuals within the Church and with the response of the Scots to the challenge of the vast ecclesiastical changes in the five centuries under review. If its publication helps not only to stimulate interest, but also further research on the subject, then this book of essays will have served its purpose admirably.

The editor would like to thank all the contributors for their patience and cheerfulness in meeting the demands of converting the spoken into the written word within a fixed time limit; Professors J. K. Cameron and T. C. Smout for their skill, enthusiasm, and work in the planning and carrying through of the series; and the latter also for his generous assistance throughout the editing of this book.

Norman Macdougall St. Andrews, 1983



1. Bishop James Kennedy of St. Andrews: a reassessment of his political career

Norman Macdougall

2. Was the Scottish Church reformable by 1513?

Leslie Macfarlane

3. Complaint, Satire and Invective in Middle Scots Literature

Roderick Lyall

4. ‘Princes’ and the regions in the Scottish Reformation

Jenny Wormald

5. From privy kirk to burgh church: an alternative view of the process of Protestantisation

Michael Lynch

6. Covenant and Commonweal: the language of politics in Reformation Scotland

Roger Mason

7. Royal and lay patronage in the Jacobean kirk, 1572-1600

James Kirk

8. Presbyterian and Canterburian in the Scottish Revolution

Walter Makey

9. Anti-clericalism in Scotland during the Restoration

Julia Buckroyd

10. ‘Neu-lights and Preachers Legall’: some observations on the beginnings of Moderatism in the Church of Scotland

Henry Sefton

11. Patronage and Party in the Church of Scotland, 1750-1800

Richard Sher and Alexander Murdoch

12. Voluntaryism and Reunion, 1874-1929

Ian Machin



Norman Macdougall is Lecturer in Scottish History, University of St. Andrews

Leslie Macfarlane has recently retired as Reader in Medieval History, University of Aberdeen

Roderick Lyall is Lecturer in Scottish Literature, University of Glasgow

Jenny Wormald is British Academy Reader in the Humanities and Lecturer in Scottish History, University of Glasgow

Michael Lynch is Lecturer in Scottish History, University of Edinburgh

Roger Mason is the Glenfiddich Research Fellow in Scottish History, University of St. Andrews

James Kirk is Lecturer in Scottish History, University of Glasgow Walter Makey is Edinburgh City Archivist

Julia Buckroyd is Director of the Hollins College London programme

Henry Sefton is Master of Christ’s College, Aberdeen, and Lecturer in Church History, University of Aberdeen

Richard Sher is Special Lecturer in History and Humanities at New Jersey Institute of Technology

Alexander Murdoch is the author of ‘The People Above’: Politics and Administration in Mid-Eighteenth Century Scotland (1980)

Ian Machin is Reader in Modern History, University of Dundee


Bishop James Kennedy of St. Andrews: a reassessment of his political career

Norman Macdougall

JAMES KENNEDY was a major figure in the Scotland of his day. His virtues as a scholar, as a prominent papalist during the schism of the 1430s and 1440s, and perhaps above all as the energetic creator of St. Salvator’s College in St. Andrews, have been covered at length, and very ably, by modern writers, above all Dr. R. G. Cant1 and the late Dr. Annie Dunlop.2 From their work emerges the picture of a man who combined scholarship and piety with efficient organisation of his diocese and his new college, a cosmopolitan figure of considerable significance. The bishop’s achievements at St. Andrews have rightly earned him pride of place as the most outstanding man of his time in the burgh and the diocese over which he presided for a quarter of a century; and his reputation, in Fife at least, is secure.

Yet uncritical adulation of any public figure, however great his virtues, inevitably does truth a disservice, and in the century following Kennedy’s death there grew up a distorted view of the bishop as a statesman of incomparable ability whose saintliness inevitably led him to the right decisions, and whose qualities in the political sphere are beyond dispute. This area — the political arena in which Kennedy played a part in three reigns — requires closer examination; for it would appear that the bishop’s role in national politics was not nearly as significant as he himself would have wished, nor was his political career as successful, or indeed commendable, as later writers have suggested.

Such a view is not, perhaps, wholly original. In 1974 Dr. Ranald Nicholson took a few side-swipes at Kennedy, especially at the bishop’s acceptance of an English pension towards the end of his life.3 On the whole, however, modern writers — including Nicholson — have viewed the Bishop of St. Andrews favourably, setting him on a pedestal at least as high as the other great fifteenth-century ecclesiastical statesman, William Elphinstone of Aberdeen. Understandably the best press of all for Kennedy comes from his biographer, Dr. Annie Dunlop, whose Life and Times of James Kennedy is a formidable work of scholarship, quite indispensable to anyone working on fifteenth-century Scottish history. But Dr. Dunlop’s book is much more a ‘Times’ than a ‘Life’ of Kennedy, indeed in parts of the work she loses sight of the bishop altogether and plunges into an extremely detailed description of the political events of the reign of James II. When her bishop does emerge he is often thrust into the forefront of political life simply because his biographer felt that he should have been there. How far can this wishful thinking be justified by the available evidence?

Here we encounter an immediate problem, namely that Kennedy — like many other major fifteenth-century figures — lacks a contemporary biographer, so that his reputation is based largely on the narratives of sixteenth-century chroniclers — John Major, Bishop John Lesley, Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie, and George Buchanan. For the reign of James II, and the early years of the minority of James III — the ‘essential’ Kennedy period — there exists only one contemporary narrative, the so-called ‘Auchinleck Chronicle’ some fifteen folios of the Asloan manuscript, which sketchily covers the period 1420 to 1461 in at least two separate series of entries. Entitled ‘ane schort memorial of the Scottis corniklis for addicoune’ — presumably for addition to the Scotichronicon — these curious fragments, frequently separated by gaps and incomplete at the end, nevertheless provide an extended treatment of the political events of James II’s reign, and a precise detailing — including the keeperships of the principal royal castles — of those who held power during the early minority of his son.4 Yet in the entire ‘chronicle’ there is only a single reference to Bishop Kennedy. Under the date 1445, the writer describes ‘ane richt gret herschipe’ made in Kennedy’s Fife lands by the Earl of Crawford, James Livingston, and the Ogilvies, and goes on to say: ‘Incontinent eftir, bischope James Kennedy cursit solempnitlie with myter and staf, buke and candill contynually a yere and Interdytit all the placis quhar thir personis ware’. The curse was apparently effective, for within a year Crawford was mortally wounded in a fight with Huntly at Arbroath, and he died within eight days. After Crawford’s death, the chronicler continues, no-one could risk burying him because of the bishop’s curse, and the earl’s body lay for four days until Kennedy sent the prior of St. Andrews to lift the interdict.5

Thus in the entire contemporary historical literature of the period — admittedly very scanty6 — Kennedy is remembered only for the power of his curse. This is slender evidence on which to build a career for the man who would eventually be remembered as the greatest ecclesiastical statesman of his day, the wise counsellor of James II who played a vital part in crushing the Black Douglases in the 1450s and was the natural choice as head of the government in the early 1460s. For it is not until the early sixteenth century that Kennedy’s supposed key role in Scottish politics of the ’fifties and ’sixties is given extended treatment.

The starting point for any discussion of this sixteenth-century legend must be John Major’s History of Greater Britain, published in 1521.7 Although Scottish events are not Major’s main concern, he has a great deal to say about the Bishop of St. Andrews. He mentions St. Andrews university and Kennedy as its first real benefactor, founding a college ‘small indeed, but fair to look at and of good endowment’.8 He describes Kennedy’s translation from Dunkeld to St. Andrews in 1440, and then moves on to the events of the ’fifties and ’sixties. In the crisis following James II’s murder of William, eighth earl of Douglas, at Stirling, Kennedy plays a vital role. According to Major, ‘by the wise measures of James Kennedy, Archbishop (sic) of St. Andrews, who was cousin to the King, the King was victorious . . . for Scotland, as I see, the earl of Douglas was too powerful: he had thirty or forty thousand fighting men ever ready to answer his call . . . It is related by many that from the beginning of his reign James the Second felt the burden of the Douglas power so strongly that he had it in mind to desert his kingdom of Scotland; but by the wise counsel of James Kennedy and the active help of this prelate he was enabled to form a loftier purpose. Kennedy so carried things that the earl of Angus, a Douglas by name, and his brother on the mother’s side, and most of the other brothers of earl Douglas, were brought over to the side of the King’.9

Thereafter Major passes on at once to further moralising on the perils of exalting great houses like the Black Douglases; but he has already said enough to establish Kennedy’s position as James II’s right-hand man, winning over the opposition and so helping to crush the Earl of Douglas. The assumption throughout is that the Douglases posed a vital threat to the king and were at one stage stronger than him in the armed support which they could muster. In the interests of accuracy, it should be said at once that Kennedy was not archbishop, that the Earl of Angus needed no winning over to the royal side as he was a royal supporter throughout, and that Kennedy certainly did not bring over to the king the other brothers of Douglas, one of whom was killed in battle against the royal forces, and two of whom were executed. The conclusion must be that Major had little detailed information about the events or the personalities of the 1450s, and that he was following a tradition established some time between that period and his own — a point to which we must return.

After the death of James II, according to Major, ‘the king was a child, and the whole government of Scotland was then in the hands of James Kennedy, archbishop of St. Andrews’.10 As we shall see, this statement is untrue; Kennedy was not head of the new government, but abroad when it was formed. Major’s remark, however, reflects a tradition of the bishop’s importance in his last years, a tradition also to be found in his obituary of Kennedy, which is worth quoting at length: ‘In the year one thousand four hundred and sixty-six died James Kennedy, and he was buried in that college of St. Salvator at St. Andrews which he himself had reared and richly endowed. I have found among our fellow-countrymen no man who rendered more signal public service than this prelate. It was by the wise means of his devising and the skill with which he put them into practice that earl Douglas, the most powerful of our Scottish nobles, was brought to nought. In his time, too, the whole kingdom enjoyed tranquillity, and the truce with the English king was kept inviolate. Besides St. Andrews he held no benefice — unless it was that of Pitten weem, which amounted to no more than 80 pieces of gold. Yet did he build at his own charges, and richly endow it, a college at St. Andrews . . . In addition, he built a huge and very powerful ship, and likewise for himself he prepared a splendid tomb, so that many men are apt to put the question on which of those three things he had spent the most. Two points in this man’s conduct I cannot bring myself to praise: to wit, that along with such a bishopric he should have held a benefice in commendam, even though it was a slender one; nor do I approve of the costliness of his tomb’.11

There are two separate strands in this obituary — Kennedy at St. Andrews, his college, ship, tomb, and commend, about which Major has broadly accurate information, and Kennedy as a national figure, about which he clearly knows very little at all. However, his aim was not primarily to describe accurately the events of James II’s overthrow of the Black Douglases, but to point a moral about the dangers of the overmighty subject. For Major, writing between 1517 and 1521 and dedicating his history to the young James V, the Black Douglases were the classic fifteenth-century case of a noble family with so much power that the crown’s position was menaced, a family moreover which, although crushed by 1455, forfeited and exiled, continued to support English intrigues against Scotland for the next thirty years. Furthermore, as Major was writing during the protracted and uncertain minority of James V, the theme of the overmighty subject was a very relevant one. He makes oblique references to the dynastic ambitions of the Governor, John, duke of Albany;12 and he was no doubt impressed by the unstable personal and political career of the queen mother, Margaret Tudor. There was a natural tendency for Major’s work to reflect the problems of his own time, and this is nowhere more apparent than when he discusses the 1460s in Scotland. This period, viewed with more than half-a-century of hindsight, had apparently all the political elements which would be familiar to Scots during James V’s youth — a royal minority, faction at court, and a dubious queen mother, Mary of Gueldres.

This last element — the role of Mary of Gueldres in the early 1460s — provides us with a clue to the motivation behind at least some of the Kennedy legend. Queen mothers have rarely been popular historical figures, and in terms of propaganda which can be mounted against them, they are exceedingly vulnerable simply because of their sex. Thus Major, who was clearly aware of Kennedy’s control of the young James III at the end of the bishop’s life, and who knew that Kennedy and Mary of Gueldres had been rivals in the early 1460s, also absorbed a tradition, nowhere enshrined in writing until the late fifteenth century in the annals of William Worcester,13 that the queen mother had taken lovers after her husband’s death. As Major describes it, Mary of Gueldres had ‘dealt lewdly’ with Adam Hepburn of Hailes, a married man, and he was quick to point the moral: ‘Now, I say that this woman was herein exceeding careless, for she should rather have taken a lord who had no wife, or the heir of some lord; and she thus acted more wickedly than did the wife of James the First’.14 It seems probable that the sixteenth-century chroniclers, drawing on oral tradition for their information about the activities of queen mothers following their husbands’ deaths, confused the two women. Joan Beaufort, daughter of the Earl of Somerset, died in Dunbar castle, the keeper of which was Adam Hepburn of Hailes, in 1445; Mary of Gueldres died only eighteen years later, and later rumours named her lovers as the Duke of Somerset and Adam Hepburn of Hailes, at Dunbar castle.15 If such a confusion did exist, and the chroniclers’ censures are directed against the wrong queen mother, then the claims that Mary of Gueldres was a wilful woman endangering the minority government by her low amours, restrained only by the good Bishop Kennedy, cannot be sustained, and the modern historian requires to look very closely, not at the queen mother, but at the political motives of the bishop.16 In the early sixteenth century, John Major had no such problems; and the good — and indeed justified — opinions of Kennedy which had come down to him because of the bishop’s work at St. Andrews were merely reinforced by the apparent instability of the queen mother, a situation with which Major was very familiar in his own day. What Major therefore established, or at least confirmed, in his History was the legend of Kennedy as the principal supporter of James II against the Black Douglases, and as the upholder of good government committed to him after the death of that king because of the vagaries of the queen mother, Mary of Gueldres.

Once established, the Kennedy legend grew at some speed during the sixteenth century. In his vernacular history, completed by about 1568,17 Bishop John Lesley enlarges on Major’s theme of the dangers of the overmighty subject, and makes much of the struggle between James II and the Black Douglases in the early 1450s. He claims that after the assassination of the eighth earl by the king in February 1452, the Black Douglas opposition was so strong that the king ‘wes determinit to haif left the realme, and to haif passit in Fraunce by sey, were not that bischop James Kennedy of St. Androis causit him to tarrye, upoun the hoip he had of the assistance of the Erle of Huntlye principallie, quhome he had persuadit to convene ane army furthe of the northe partis, and com forduart to the south for the Kingis relief’. There duly followed the battle of Brechin in May 1452, when Huntly as the royalist general defeated Crawford, the ally of the Black Douglases. But Lesley then turns immediately to describe the final confrontation between James II and the new earl of Douglas and his supporters, whom he credits with an army of 30,000, greatly outnumbering the royal force. King James, however, did not despair but, ‘encouraged be the prudent and wise counsell of the bischop of Sainct Androis, sent a herrald to the Erle of Douglas, and required him to scale his army and submit himself to the King, or ellis that he wald gif him battell the nixt daye.’18 There follows Lesley’s description of the defection to the royal faction of the principal Douglas supporters, and praise of James II for avoiding civil war — a remarkable verdict on a man who started it no less than three times in five years.19 Lesley’s final comment on the fall of the Douglases once again stresses Kennedy’s involvement. ‘The King,’ he writes, ‘using the advice of his kinsman James Kennedy’ — at this point upgraded to archbishop — ‘compassed his purpose in the ende, dispatching out of the waie all theis as he any waies mistrusted; of quhilk nomber namely war the Douglas, whose puissance and auctorite (not without cause) he ever suspected’. Lesley concludes by repeating almost verbatim Major’s words on the subject of James II’s desire to flee the realm, his being restrained by Kennedy, and Kennedy’s bringing over to the royal side the Earl of Angus; and he follows Major exactly in passing on to a homily on the dangers of the overmighty subject.20

However, when he moves on to consider the opening of the reign of James III, Lesley has some new information, for instead of simply accepting Kennedy as head of the government, he claims that there was a council of regency which included, apart from Kennedy himself, the queen mother, the Bishop of Glasgow, and the Earls of Angus, Huntly, Argyll, and Orkney. He is, however, quick to assert Kennedy’s supremacy within this group by remarking that ‘during the tyme that B. James Kennedy leivit, [the council] aggreit weill on the governement of the realme, bot nocht so weill eftir his deceis’.21 Lesley’s obituary of Kennedy follows, with the bishop dying about a year late on 10 May 1466, and described as ‘noble, wise, and godly’. By Kennedy’s advice, in this account, James II had ‘subduit the Erle of Douglas and his faction, and keipit guide peace with Ingland’. Lesley concludes with conventional praise of Kennedy’s college, his ship, and his tomb, and speculation as to which of the three cost the most.22

Thus Lesley’s account, though fuller than that of Major — as might be expected of a man who had access not only to printed parliamentary records but also consulted diplomatic material and monastic cartularies — does not substantially extend the Kennedy legend. The two additions to it are his claim that Kennedy was responsible for bringing the Earl of Huntly over to James II’s side in 1452, and the statement that the bishop kept a firm peace with England.

When we turn to the Historie of Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie, completed in 1579, we find that the author lives up to his reputation as the most colourful and least accurate of the sixteenth-century chroniclers.23 Naming John Major as one of his sources, Pitscottie provides us with two already familiar themes, namely Kennedy’s vital assistance to James II during the Black Douglas crisis of the 1450s, and his heading of the government in the early 1460s. In the former case, he describes a large rebel army, far larger indeed than the king’s, confronting James II ‘to caus him ather to fecht or flie out of Scotland …’ The king in despair sailed to St. Andrews to ask for Kennedy’s counsel, and the bishop, whom Pitscottie assures us was ‘ane wyss and godlie man’, suggested that James II should have dinner while he went off to his oratory to pray for the king ‘and the common weill of this cuntrie’.24 James II ate and Kennedy prayed, and then the king himself was set to praying for victory over the Earl of Douglas, ‘lykas he had done befoir of him and his predecessouris quhan thay oppressit the common weill of the cuntrie’ — a reference no doubt to God’s assistance in James II’s assassination of the eighth earl in 1452.25 Some of the Pitscottie manuscripts26 here interpolate the tale of the sheath of arrows. Kennedy took the king to his study where James’s bow and arrows were conveniently lying, handed him a number of arrows strongly bound together and invited him to break them over his knee. When the king protested that this was impossible, Kennedy took the arrows one by one, proceeded to break each of them separately, then pointed out the obvious moral — that James II could not break his enemies when they were gathered together in strength, but might well do so if he tackled them one at a time. In practical terms, Kennedy’s advice to the king in Pitscottie’s account was to grant remissions to all those in arms against him if they would come over to his side. The bishop’s contribution to this enterprise was to bring over James Hamilton, described as ‘principall captaine to the Erle of Douglas at this time’.27 Thus another small strand was added to the Kennedy legend. In Major’s account, the bishop was responsible for bringing over the Earl of Angus to the royal side; in Lesley, it was Huntly and Angus; and in Pitscottie it becomes Hamilton.

When he comes to deal with the minority of James III, Pitscottie dispenses with the complexities of Lesley’s councils of regency, and simply tells us: ‘In this time Bischope James Kennedie hes the gyding of the king and his consall in good wnitie and peace quhairbe the common weill florischit greatlie’. He also credits Kennedy with organising a fifteen years’ truce with England, though as he remarks with refreshing candour, ‘the spetiall cause of tranquilietie and peace in Scotland was because the Inglischemen had civell weiris amang thame selffis’.28 Thereafter it remains only for Pitscottie to follow the Major-Lesley line in describing Kennedy’s three main achievements — his college, his ship, and his tomb — and to throw in a tentative cost of at least £10,000 sterling for each, before passing on to the bishop’s obituary. His virtues are extolled at length; he was godly and wise, and learned in many sciences; he made quarterly visitations of every parish kirk in his diocese; he insisted on a large proportion of church resources being used for relief of the poor; and he kept parsons and vicars in their churches, preaching and ministering to the sick.29 Thus Pitscottie, inventing his ideal churchman in the late sixteenth century, allots all his virtues to Bishop Kennedy, and turns a man whose concern for, and work in, his diocese is well known, into a kind of ecclesiastical superman.

George Buchanan’s Rerum Scoticarum Historia, published in 1582, provides us with the final sixteenth-century flowering of the Kennedy legend.30 In contrast with earlier writers, Buchanan is not at all concerned about the problem of the Douglases in the 1450s, and his remarks about the period are vague in the extreme. To solve the difficulty that ‘the royal power was too weak to oppose the conspiracies of the wicked’, Kennedy is credited with suggesting to James II that he should summon an assembly of the estates to Edinburgh. Shortly afterwards Buchanan describes the touching scene in which the Earl of Crawford, Douglas’s ally, donned penitential garb, and in tears begged forgiveness of Kennedy and the king for his rebellion.31 Apart from this set piece, there is no further reference to the Black Douglas crisis and Kennedy’s supposed major role in supporting the king throughout. Instead Buchanan passes quickly on to the minority of James III, during which we are informed that ‘James Kennedy, archbishop of St. Andrews . . . then surpassed all others in Scotland, both in authority and reputation’.32 Having made this claim, Buchanan almost immediately denies it by indicating that Kennedy was in fact a leader of faction in the first parliament of the new reign. Edinburgh’s Royal Mile apparently divided the opposing parties, with Kennedy and his supporters in Holyrood and the queen mother, Mary of Gueldres, in Edinburgh castle. According to Buchanan, on the third day of the dispute the queen mother emerged from the castle with her followers and had herself publicly proclaimed tutoress to the king and regent of the kingdom. Kennedy then appeared from Holyrood and made a speech at the market cross condemning the queen’s faction, whereupon a fight between the two parties ensued, with the Bishops of Galloway, Glasgow and Dunblane finally intervening to plead for a month’s truce.33

Buchanan’s version of events was treated with contempt as early as the late eighteenth century, when Pinkerton remarked that many of his tales about the period were pure fabrication. But the great humanist continued to have his defenders, and as late as 1827 Aikman could still say that Buchanan’s ‘stern, unbending integrity’ invariably inspired him to write the truth.34 The remainder of the story, however, makes it clear that this was not Buchanan’s purpose at all, and indeed supplies us with his motivation. The month’s truce between the factions having expired, according to Buchanan there followed a public debate in which Mary of Gueldres briefly put her case for retaining control of her son, whereupon Kennedy delivered himself of an enormous oration, the main purport of which was to condemn the government of women. We may be fairly sure that, although Mary of Gueldres is named, Mary Queen of Scots was Buchanan’s target, and he puts into Kennedy’s mouth the argument that government by women was against nature and the ancient law, citing such unlikely precedents as the crimes of the Saxon queen Ethelburgh to prove his point. Those who support a woman as head of state, according to Kennedy/Buchanan, threaten ‘to destroy the whole frame of our government, established on the best laws and institutions when they desire us to approve of female rule, for which our ancestors had not even a name’.35

In spite of pages of similar inflated rhetoric, Kennedy did not apparently make his point, for the outcome of the crisis, according to Buchanan, was the establishment of a council of regency of which the queen mother was a member.36 Buchanan adds to this catalogue of contradictions and political infighting by going on to claim that ‘the affairs of Scotland were administered with so much justice and tranquillity, that the oldest man alive never recollected any time of greater security, or more settled peace, chiefly owing to the wisdom and prudence of James Kennedy, who then ruled the court’.37 Not surprisingly, the bishop receives a marvellous press from Buchanan in his obituary. The nation had lost ‘a public parent’, who ‘exceeded in liberality all the bishops who have gone before, and all who have succeeded him, even to this day, although he possessed no great ecclesiastical revenue’. He is indeed praised for not collecting benefices to increase his wealth, ‘that what was basely grasped by avarice, might be more vilely spent in luxury’. Somewhat inconsistently Buchanan then extols Kennedy for his magnificent and costly tomb, and ends by pointing a moral — that ‘after he, who was the constant censor of morals, was removed, public discipline began to decay by degrees, and becoming corrupted, dragged nearly all that was virtuous along with it’.38

It is abundantly clear from all this that Buchanan, in spite of his lavish praise of Kennedy’s virtues, had very little detailed information about the bishop. He says next to nothing about the Black Douglas crisis, does not know the name of Kennedy’s St. Andrews foundation, and does not mention his ship. It follows that he did not draw directly on the earlier sixteenth-century histories of Major and Lesley, but was concerned above all to inveigh against the government of women in his own day. Thus, early in the century John Major had used Kennedy as an illustration of the forces of good battling against the misgovernment of queen mothers and the power of the overmighty subject; but by 1582 Buchanan had reduced the bishop’s stature to the extent that Kennedy became little more than a vehicle for the condemnation of Mary Queen of Scots.

Herein lies the major difficulty in studying the political career of Bishop Kennedy. If we accept any of the sixteenth-century chroniclers’ accounts at their face value, we are left with little more than an accumulation of half-truths, misconceptions, and colourful inventions; but if we ignore these later eulogies, all that survives is the contemporary ‘Auchinleck’ story of Kennedy’s curse in 1445. Any estimate of Kennedy’s true political significance, therefore, must be based on official records of the time — the Great Seal Register, Exchequer Rolls, acts of parliament — and on charters in private and foreign archives. Cross-reference between these and — where appropriate — the contemporary ‘Auchinleck’ fragments enables us to build up a sketchy picture of the political events of the time, and of Kennedy’s place in them.39

The third son of a much married mother and a father who was probably killed shortly before the future bishop’s birth, James Kennedy was born about 1408.40 His mother, Mary Stewart, was the sister of King James I, and her first marriage had been to George Douglas, earl of Angus. The Kennedy children might therefore expect influential support and rapid advancement, and James Kennedy, who as the third son seems to have opted for an ecclesiastical career at an early stage, entered St. Andrews university about 1426. His expenses during his three years’ Master’s course were provided by the revenues of the canonry and prebend of Ayr, later replaced by the more valuable subdeanery of Glasgow; and for further endowment while at university he was granted a pension from the customs of Cupar. His benefactors were Bishop Cameron of Glasgow and his uncle James I.41

So far, so good. Kennedy took his Master’s degree in 1429 and was holding academic office at St. Andrews the following year.42 But then, possibly because his eldest brother had been imprisoned — together with the Earl of Douglas — by James I, and the Kennedys had fallen into disfavour, James Kennedy lost his Cupar pension, and went abroad to the new University of Louvain, where he matriculated in the Faculty of Law and emerged as Bachelor of Decreets sometime before the end of January 1433.43 However, if Kennedy had in fact lost favour with James I, he soon recovered it, as he was provided anew to the subdeanery of Glasgow in the spring of 1433.44 But the real breakthrough in his career came almost four years later. In January 1437, disregarding the wishes both of the Dunkeld chapter and Pope Eugenius IV, James I thrust Kennedy into the bishopric of Dunkeld.45 One can only speculate as to Kennedy’s character at this time, but in career terms he may well have felt that, at the age of twenty-nine and after a difficult period when he had been forced to study at Louvain without even an academic post, he had now safely ‘arrived’. Yet within a month of Kennedy’s provision to Dunkeld, his uncle James I was assassinated and the new bishop was faced not only with hostility at home and abroad — the Dunkeld chapter and the pope — but with the political perils which were bound to follow the accession of the new king, who was only six.

Kennedy solved this immediate career problem in two ways; first, he gave his support to the new minority government of James II, and especially to the widowed queen Joan Beaufort,46 to the extent that when the bishopric of St. Andrews fell vacant in 1440, it was through the queen mother’s supplications that Kennedy was provided to the see. Secondly, he pacified — indeed gained the support of — the pope, who, absorbed by the problems created by his struggle with the Basel conciliarists,47 was prepared to accept Kennedy as bishop of Dunkeld — in spite of papal reservation of the see — in return for the new bishop’s loyalty.

He received it unreservedly. In under two years, Kennedy had emerged as the leader of the papalist party in Scotland, and reaped substantial rewards from a grateful pontiff — the abbey of Scone, to be held in commendam, from September 1439, and a rapid translation to St. Andrews on the death of Bishop Wardlaw the following year.48 Most remarkable of all, when Kennedy proved incapable of raising the 3,300 gold florins ‘common services’ payable on entry to the see of St. Andrews — a failure for which he should have incurred the penalties of excommunication — he was rapidly absolved and allowed to remit only half the fixed sum.49 But such positive commitment to Eugenius IV brought Kennedy into considerable danger at home, for many influential Scots supported the conciliarist pope — or anti-pope — Felix V. This group included not only the Black Douglases — by far the most powerful magnate family in Scotland — but also their allies the Livingstons, whose many offices included the vital custodianship of the young James II. Not only did the Douglases have clerical ambitions — Earl James the Gross’s second son James was made Bishop of Aberdeen by Felix V in 1441 — but the Livingstons were kinsmen of the famous conciliarist Thomas Livingston, abbot of Dundrennan, who received Kennedy’s old bishopric of Dunkeld at about the same time.50 Thus from the start of the 1440s, Kennedy was struggling to survive and, apart from a brief period in 1444-5, he played no major part in political life throughout the decade.

Lack of reliable contemporary evidence for the events of 1443-4 makes any final judgment on the political struggles of these years impossible. What is undeniable is that a Black Douglas-Livingston alliance to control James II, and possibly also to thrust Sir William Crichton out of the Chancellorship, emerged in the late summer of 1443. Kennedy may originally have joined this faction, indeed one later source suggests that he acquired the vacant Chancellorship.51 If so, he cannot have retained it for long, as James Bruce, bishop of Dunkeld, had been appointed Chancellor by the late summer of 1444.52 Whatever the exact circumstances, Kennedy clearly felt that his political future lay in aligning himself with the opponents of Douglas-Livingston control of the young James II — that is, the queen mother, Joan Beaufort, her second husband Sir James Stewart, the ‘Black Knight’ of Lorne, the Earl of Angus and ex-Chancellor Crichton.53

The bishop had backed the wrong horse. In the civil war which followed, the Douglas-Livingston faction were clear winners almost from the start. They had possession of the king, and on his fourteenth birthday on 16 October 1444 they shrewdly declared him of age, so that not only could the queen mother no longer claim tutelage of her son, but also all opponents, including Kennedy, could be declared rebels guilty of treason.54 By the summer of 1445 Angus and the wily Crichton had made terms with the new regime, the queen mother was dead, her husband had fled into exile,55 and Kennedy’s political future looked extremely bleak. If he had been moved to oppose the Douglases and Livingstons by fear that he might lose his commend of Scone, much more was at stake in the parliament of June 1445, when the victors seem to have considered depriving him of his bishopric of St. Andrews. A precedent for such action existed within living memory, for in 1425 Bishop Finlay of Argyll had been deprived for his part in the Albany rebellion against James I.56 In the event, Kennedy did not suffer a similar fate, possibly because of his influence with the pope; but he paid the penalty for supporting the losing side in 1444-5 by failing to acquire any major office of state; and he had no chance whatever to influence the policies of the government for the next four-and-a-half years. His frustration is most clearly illustrated by his solemn cursing of the Earl of Crawford for harrying Kennedy lands in Fife. This action not only achieved the desired result — Crawford was killed at Arbroath in January 1446 — but earned the bishop his only reference in contemporary narratives.57

Kennedy’s position remained uncertain as long as the adolescent James II was in the keeping of the Livingstons and their Black Douglas allies. But the emergence of King James as an adult sovereign in 1449 completely altered the situation, for the king speedily overthrew the Livingstons, forfeiting those in key offices, and executing two of them after a parliamentary trial in January 1450;58 and with hardly a pause, James II went on to attack the Black Douglases, thus precipitating a further civil war which ended only with the total overthrow of the family in 1455. As we have seen, the sixteenth-century chroniclers, for a variety of reasons, turned history on its head at this point and suggested that James II was threatened by a formidable combination of feudal magnates whose armed might on occasions far exceeded his own; therefore assistance was desperately needed to prop up King James’s shaky throne, and Kennedy provided it. But the truth seems to have been that the Black Douglases, although a most powerful family which had acquired for itself three out of the eight Scottish earldoms by 1449, constituted a threat only in the king’s mind. Indeed, no clear evidence of treason on their part can be found until after the king attacked them; and throughout the crisis they were no match for James II’s duplicity and ruthlessness.

What was Kennedy’s role in all this? He was of course a supporter of the king, and no doubt hoped to repair his damaged fortunes in that way. Thus he sat in the parliament of January 1450 which condemned the Livingstons, and he joined Chancellor Crichton, William, eighth earl of Douglas, and the merchants of Edinburgh in making sizeable loans to James II — for all of them a means of emphasising their loyalty after the recent Livingston purge.59 Thereafter his role was far more limited than later writers suggest, for three reasons — first and most obvious, he was not in Scotland during the early stages of the ensuing crisis; second, even if he had been, he would not have been James II’s principal counsellor; and third, the king’s desperate position in relation to the Douglases is largely fiction.

After his emergence from relative obscurity in the January parliament of 1450, Kennedy spent no more than eight months in Scotland; he held no office of state, but he frequently witnessed royal charters at Edinburgh, and he was present at a general council held at Perth in May.60 Thereafter both he and his rival the Earl of Douglas went on pilgrimage to Rome to take part in the jubilee celebrations of 1450. Thus, between 28 August 1450 and 18 April 1452, Kennedy appears to have spent much, if not all, of his time abroad; he was certainly in Rome in January 1451 and at Bruges four months later.61 It was during his absence and that of his fellow pilgrim Douglas, in the summer of 1451, that James II attacked the Black Douglas lands; and probably Kennedy was still abroad when, in February 1452, King James murdered Douglas at Stirling.

Even had the bishop of St. Andrews been in Scotland, he would not have played the major role ascribed to him by the later chroniclers; for the king looked elsewhere amongst the higher clergy for his political advisers. During the minority, between 1444 and 1447, his Chancellor had been James Bruce, successively bishop of Dunkeld and Glasgow;62 and far more striking, William Turnbull, who succeeded Bruce at Glasgow, was Privy Seal for twenty years and quite overshadowed Kennedy as an influential royalist in the late ‘forties and early ‘fifties. Turnbull’s influence was based partly on long service — apart from being Privy Seal, he had acted as royal secretary for a time, was a constant royal charter witness from 1428, and was employed as a diplomat as early as the 1430s — and partly on intimacy with the king. Thus James II thought highly enough of Turnbull to raise a loan from Scottish merchants in Aberdeen, Dundee, and Edinburgh to pay for the delivery of the bishop’s Glasgow bulls; and Turnbull was first among the witnesses to King James’s marriage contract in June 1449, at a time when Bishop Kennedy’s fortunes were still in eclipse.63 Apart from Turnbull, the dominant court group in 1450-1 seems to have included Chancellor Crichton and his brother George, the Admiral; and it appears to have been this triumvirate which incited James II to attack the Earl of Douglas.64

Finally, it would appear that in spite of subsequent royal propaganda designed to stress the menace of the Black Douglases — the classic ‘overmighty subject’ theme upon which John Major was to fasten — the Douglases were in fact the victims of sustained royal attacks designed to destroy them. As Drs. Nicholson and Brown convincingly show, it was James II, not the Douglases, who initiated the conflicts of 1451, 1452, and 1455.65 Far from considering fleeing the kingdom, and frantically appealing to the absent Kennedy for assistance, as Lesley suggests, the king was so far in control of the situation that he could murder the eighth Earl of Douglas in February 1452 and have his action publicly accepted by the three estates in June. Even the circumstances of the murder itself suggest premeditation — a powerful earl who was nevertheless so frightened of his king that he demanded a safe-conduct before coming to a conference with James II at Stirling; a king who delivered the safe-conduct via one of Douglas’s forfeited friends, William Lauder of Hatton; and who brought the earl to two days of talks, on the second of which Douglas had to confer not only with the king, but with a group of courtiers, most of whom stood to gain politically and territorially by Douglas’s death, and who were quick to ingratiate themselves with the king by stabbing the earl twenty-six times.66

In spite of the murder, or perhaps partly because of it, James II received continued and increasing support throughout the spring. He himself was able to conduct a successful siege of Hatton Castle in Midlothian late in March or early in April; and on 18 May the royalist Earl of Huntly beat Douglas’s ally Crawford for the king at Brechin.67 The records make quite clear the extent of royal support at this time; apart from Huntly, James II could count on the Crichtons, the Earls of Angus and Orkney, and Bishop Turnbull of Glasgow, who lent the king 800 marks from the proceeds of the 1450 jubilee indulgence.68 What of Bishop Kennedy? Probably some time during the spring, and certainly before 18 April 1452, he returned to Scotland and lent the king a modest £50.69 His real contribution to the royal cause was to allow the queen, Mary of Gueldres, to complete her third pregnancy in St. Andrews, safe from the fighting taking place in Angus and the south and west. The future James III was born, presumably in the episcopal castle, towards the end of May, and the king’s relief and gratitude to Kennedy are alike demonstrated in the ‘Golden’ Charter of 1 June 1452, confirming all the lands which the bishop had formerly received in regality from the crown, with immunity from tolls and levies and the right of minting money.70

Thus, fifteen years after James I had thrust Kennedy into high office, the bishop had safely ‘arrived’ and could be assured of royal support. In the remaining eight years of James II’s reign, we find Kennedy as a fairly frequent witness to royal charters, a member of the first estate in the parliaments of 1452 and 1454, and an auditor of exchequer in 1452, 1455, and 1456.71 He appears, however, to have played no major part in the final Black Douglas crisis of 1455, when in any case the king did not require his assistance, as the Douglas empire collapsed like a house of cards and Earl James’s three surviving brothers were easily defeated by a handful of southern lairds at Arkinholm.72 Kennedy may however have lent the king money over and above the initial £50 in 1452, for in 1456 we find him receiving a remission of custom on wool from his sheep pastured at Wedale, while in 1457 he was in receipt of the fermes of Ballincrieff in Perthshire, the latter grant expressly contrary to the Act of Annexation passed in the parliament of 1455.73

In spite of these signal marks of royal favour, Kennedy cannot be seen as the elder statesman of James II’s last years, the wise ecclesiastic on whom the king relied for guidance and counsel. He did not receive any office of state; when King James required specific services for which rewards of government offices were appropriate, he turned to others. Thus George Schoriswood, bishop of Brechin, helped the king to filch the earldom of Mar from the Erskine claimant, and was made Chancellor for his pains;74 while John Winchester, bishop of Moray, already a royal charter witness, ambassador, and parliamentarian, in high favour with King James since 1451, was made one of four royal commissioners to revise the rentals of the earldom of Moray when James II seized it in 1457.75 At the very end of the reign, in the early summer of 1460, when the king found it expedient to change Chancellors yet again, he turned not to Kennedy but to Andrew Stewart, Lord Avandale, whose practical support for the crown during the Douglas crisis of 1452 had apparently extended to thrusting his dagger into the body of the eighth earl of Douglas.76 Kennedy’s support had understandably been of a less dramatic kind; and his rewards from the king were proportionately modest.

The accidental death of James II, aged only twenty-nine, during the siege of Roxburgh in August 1460 might substantially have altered the bishop’s political fortunes. The new king, James III, was only eight, a long minority was inevitable, and Kennedy might have been expected to play an important role in the new government. But for the second time within a decade, Kennedy was abroad when major changes were underway at home. He had started out for Bourges by 17 June 1460, to take part in negotiations for a Danish marriage treaty and settlement of outstanding disputes between Scotland and Denmark, for which Charles VII of France had offered his services as a mediator. But Kennedy fell ill at Bruges, failing to reach France, and some time in 1460 Charles VII wrote exhorting the bishop to return to Scotland as soon as he recovered his health, in order to persuade the Scottish council to support the Franco-Lancastrian axis in foreign policy.77

The French king probably overrated Kennedy’s political influence in Scotland; and in any case the bishop was too late. The first parliament of the new reign, which Kennedy does not appear to have attended, was held in February 1461, and the three estates placed the young James III in the care of his mother, Mary of Gueldres, and the lords of her council.78 Kennedy’s absence may be explained by his still being abroad — there is in fact no evidence of his return to Scotland before 2 May 146179 — and so he lost whatever chance he might have had of acquiring high office in the new regime. Thus Major’s and Lesley’s much later statements that the bishop had charge of the entire government of Scotland are simply untrue. The queen mother, a capable and determined politician, made a number of new appointments early in 1461 — for example she put her own men in as keepers of Edinburgh, Stirling, and Dunbar castles at the conclusion of the February parliament, and she chose James Lindsay, provost of Lincluden, as Privy Seal80 — but she was largely content to rely on her late husband’s leading ministers. Official records leave us in no doubt as to who these men were, and indeed provide evidence of remarkable stability and continuity of service in the higher echelons of government. Thus Andrew Stewart, Lord Avandale, made Chancellor by James II in 1460, held the post for no less than twenty-two years; Colin Campbell, earl of Argyll, the most active politician amongst all the nobility, was regularly at court in James II’s latter years, a constant parliamentarian for twenty years, royal counsellor, Master of the Household from 1465, and an auditor of exchequer in July 1462.81 Archibald Whitelaw, humanist, diplomat, and tutor to James III, was royal secretary for over thirty years from 1462;82 while David Guthrie of Kincaldrum, later Sir David Guthrie of that ilk, was successively Treasurer, Comptroller, Clerk Register, and Captain of the royal guard over a period of thirteen years from 1461.83 To these names may perhaps be added that of William Sinclair, Earl of Orkney and Caithness, who in June 1461 had the guardianship of the young James III, apparently with the approval of parliament.84 These men, together with Privy Seal Lindsay, were the key personalities in the government of Mary of Gueldres; and four of the six were to continue in office for many years under her son. Their control of the major offices of state and royal household in the early 1460s is a salutary reminder that much of the political history of James III’s minority can be written without reference to Bishop Kennedy at all.

Thus the later chroniclers, in describing the bishop’s political career in the 1460s, were at least correct in stating that Kennedy was a leader of faction and an opponent of Mary of Gueldres; and it seems likely that the divisions between them were not so much matters of policy as of personality. Kennedy’s exclusion from government following his late return to Scotland in the spring of 1461 no doubt helped to foster in him a sharp jealousy of the queen mother; and though the story of her misappropriation of royal funds is based on a much later misconception,85 and tales of her adultery are quite unfounded,86 Kennedy’s struggle with Mary of Gueldres during the period 1461-3 is attested by the bishop himself in a despatch to the King of France, in which he fulminates about the great division in the country ‘caused by the Queen, whom God pardon’.87 We can only speculate as to what Kennedy hoped to achieve by setting himself up against the royal council and the three estates; possibly, mindful of the struggle for possession of the adolescent James II twenty years before, he saw history repeating itself and hoped to repair his own, and his family’s, political fortunes by obtaining control of James III. The boy had after all been born in St. Andrews, and the bishop may well have felt that this fact, together with his unbroken record of loyalty to the crown before 1460, merited Kennedy guardianship of the king at this stage.

Whatever his hopes, Kennedy appears to have been unsuccessful, at least until the last months of Mary of Gueldres’ life. Only very rarely is he to be found as a charter witness before September 1463; he had missed the parliament of February 1461 and does not appear to have been present at that of October 1462; he was not appointed as an auditor of exchequer until 1464, by which time the queen mother was dead; and he was not made an officer of state. As Bishop of St. Andrews, and a man with powerful kin in the west of Scotland, Kennedy was not of course politically impotent; but his contribution to the running of the kingdom before the autumn of 1463 seems to have been limited to joining the Bishop of Glasgow in an unproductive interview with the rebel Earl of Ross on the Isle of Bute in June 1461,88 a visit which was probably prompted largely by fears for the safety of the nearby Kennedy lands in Ayrshire.

In the autumn of 1463, however, Bishop Kennedy’s political fortunes underwent a dramatic change. From 13 September he is to be found constantly with the court, at Edinburgh and elsewhere, the first witness to all registered Great Seal charters.89 The bishop’s emergence from relative obscurity may perhaps be related to a sudden deterioration in the queen mother’s health; for Mary of Gueldres died on 1 December 1463.90 Since her husband’s death her achievements, especially in foreign policy, had been considerable. Without striking a blow, she had recovered Berwick for Scotland from the fugitive Lancastrian king and queen, and had skilfully abandoned Lancaster for York when it was clear that the Lancastrian cause in England was doomed.91 Kennedy’s stubborn adherence to the unpopular Franco-Lancastrian axis long after it made any political sense finally collapsed in the face of the facts, and in 1464 a long truce with Yorkist England had to be negotiated. The bishop, who had been involved in a number of diplomatic missions throughout his career, took no part in this one; the fifteen years’ truce arranged at York was the work of others.92 Kennedy was however prepared to swallow his pride and accept a pension from Edward IV, presumably granted on condition that he used his influence to ensure that the Scots gave no further assistance to the house of Lancaster.93 He may well have acquiesced in this with an ill grace; and only his death the following year really eased the path towards better relations between Scotland and England.

With Mary of Gueldres’ influence permanently removed, what was Kennedy’s political role in the last eighteen months of his life? Undoubtedly he acquired some of the power which he had been seeking for so long. The three estates, meeting early in 1464,94 gave Kennedy custody of the young James III; he was one of the auditors of exchequer in May 1464; and he is to be found both in parliament and privy council. As custodian of the king he travelled north on the royal progress of summer 1464, a three-month-long journey which included visits to Dundee, Aberdeen, Elgin, and Inverness.95

Yet even in this last period of his life, Kennedy is unlikely to have had control of policy making. Dr. Dunlop remarks that ‘it is significant that he changed none of the great officers of state’;96 but surely the truth is that Kennedy was in no position to do anything of the kind. His fellow travellers on the progress of 1464 — Chancellor Avandale, Colin, earl of Argyll and Master of the Royal Household, Secretary Whitelaw and Treasurer Guthrie — had all served Mary of Gueldres at a time when Kennedy had sought to undermine her position in pursuit of unpopular and inoperable foreign policies. Now the bishop had tardily obtained custody of the young king; but it was surely the great officers of state’ rather than Kennedy, who dictated the direction of foreign and domestic policy. There is nothing in contemporary evidence to suggest that Kennedy had a pre-eminent position in the state in 1464-5; indeed, the fact that he was not involved in the York negotiations might lead us to believe that his role was limited to his guardianship of James III.

However, nothing became Bishop Kennedy so well in his life as his leaving of it. He died — appropriately enough at St. Andrews — on 24 May 1465, surrounded by the entire court, kin and rivals alike, and the young king for whose arrival in the world the bishop had provided the refuge in which he himself was now dying.97 Present at Kennedy’s deathbed was his brother Gilbert, first Lord Kennedy, keeper of Stirling castle, to whom the bishop had already entrusted the custody of the king;98 and Kennedy’s nephew Patrick Graham, whom he had helped obtain the bishopric of Brechin in 1463,99