Contravention of Protocol - 1 (V) - Suzann Dodd - E-Book

Contravention of Protocol - 1 (V) E-Book

Suzann Dodd

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Sharon regains her memory and exercises her power and intellect.  The mission is about to commence, although perhaps minor in a logical formulation, it is important to those who are involved.

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Suzann Dodd

Contravention of Protocol - 1 (V)

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich

Chapter One





He woke me when he got into bed, which wasn't usual. He took me into his arms, put me on top of him and held me. I knew he was messed up, so didn't say nothing.


Daktoy could have slipped into bed as quietly as he slipped out--cause when I woke up I was alone, not dead sure he'd even come to bed.


I had been watching him question the Kema on a monitor. She was a real bungo. Her answers were indefinate. He was asking question after question, over and over... boring would be a complement, so I'd gone to bed.


I don't know where he got patience from. Cause he usually has none. And me, I can't stand a moron who can't tell a six from a nine.  Kema couldn't check time, distance, nothing.


I got out of bed, t took a shower, ate breakfast, expecting if I gave Daktoy another hour he'd be back. But he wasn't back.


I was going to the Monitor room to spy on everyone, then said to myself, forget it. The Odin was in range, Jill and her people had gone there, I might as well.


In a peculiar corner of my soul I had held the hope that once we got the Kema and the five Zees aboard he'd return to being my Daktoy.  Though yesterday or whenever he was making the effort, and when he came to bed, to my bed, last night, I had expected this morning would be sweet.


Then it hit me; it wasn't him anymore. It was me. It didn't matter what he did or said, I'd never be that Sharon whom he told; "It is Not Your Concern."


Although he'd explained what he meant it didn't change. How he spoke, what he said was stone. And for him to be able to cut me like that..I felt kind of half and half, like maybe 'nice' Sharon, I should shrug the rejection. But, in the real core of me, I needed, really needed the power I have now.


I went to the Bridge to locate the Odin, got the coords. I put on my suit, got into the veDak I'd been using, fed the numbers into the flyer's com and went out.


Once you hear there are Zees enslaved on the planet Fuckall you go to Fuckall. You make your maps from space so don't need anyone to tell you what the ground is made of, how the atmosphere breathes, etc.


Once you know how many free Zees, slave Zees and Kemas willing to help, you count out the right number of weapons and go.


Still, I know this scene won't run smooth cause that would be easy and nothing is ever easy. This is going to be convoluted and double helixed.


I switch on autopilot. It used to be hard for me to check three dimensions coming to four, but it sort of makes sense if I didn't try to word it.


Anyway, the com had the coords, the engines could fly it, and me, I could just sit like an overwound clock.


I couldn't smoke in the suit so I'd be dying for a cigarette. I called myself an addict, then checked in this Brave New World, among Zees, everyone was into drugs.


It was totally acceptable to get high, to use every kind of drug to get out of your self, any junkie would think it was paradise.


If there was anyone to talk to I'd tell them that the god/ king smokes ganja. But there wasn't anyone to talk to.


Well, maybe Tony Johnson; but I better not think about him. Yet. I better just keep him on the back burner, cause right now, if I could be anywhere in the Universe I'd like to be next to him.  Not cause I felt such desire, but because he understood me. I know how he'd read an expression on my face, or how I picked up a glass, because we had the same motherboard.


And sometimes you just want someone who understands you.


I got the blip of the Odin, sent a message, slowed, taxied in. The stupid com asks me who I was, like what is this?I said my name, and if asked me my rank, and I said; 'oRain', it let me in, but I cussed two more bad words before I finished with it. Jill screened as I reached my suite door, I exchanged a couple of words, she checked my attitude standard psychopath, so split.


I smoked, used the toilet, showered, took a piece of shit bodysuit off a dispi. I went to the Bridge, the ETA to intercept the Parkinson about ten hours.


iKyimin was in the Captain's chair. He gave me a questioning look. I made a signal for him to meet me in the ready room.


Alone now, he went to his knees and I made him give me the whole ten heartbeats, cause I wanted some notice. When he'd done, and I gestured him to his feet, asked; "Have you been informed of the impetus for the activities?"


"I am unclear as to the activities themselves."


"Of your physical abilities?" I ask.


"I judge I have regained the majority of my capacity."


"The remainder?"


"It accrues," he replies.


"umRain, I will reveal to you, find fiuma and symenthe and attend me in the Cabin I occupy within half humi."


He was grateful, and departed.


As a half humi was like an hour, I figured to work myself out in the swimming pool. I went to my room to get a bathing suit.  I went to the pool, pushed opened the door and there was a whole heap of naked Zees standing there looking at me looking at them.


I backed out, into iZamel. He glanced in, then at me, and I was red as fire.


With a hint of mirth; "Do you desire to swim or..."


I shook my head.