Covert Investigations: Prison Heat (Interracial Gangbang Erotica) - Jenna Powers - E-Book

Covert Investigations: Prison Heat (Interracial Gangbang Erotica) E-Book

Jenna Powers

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Ellen is a new aspiring trainee at the Detroit Policy Academy. Unfortunately for her, she's given a choice, infiltrate the largest gang in Detroit or get kicked out of the academy. She reluctantly decides to infiltrate but she first has to go to an integrated prison to built a rapport with gang members. She first has to build a rapport with the big black men in prison. Does she succeed or fail?

Warning! This 12,260 word erotic story contains explicit sexual content between multiple big black male prisoners and a white ex-trainee police officer. See if Ellen is able to convince the big black men in taking her into their gang...

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Covert Investigations:

Prison Heat

By Jenna Powers

Table of Contents

Title Page

Covert Investigations: Prison Heat (Interracial Gangbang Erotica)

About the author:

Ellen stared at her boss, her mouth wide open in surprise.  He leaned back on his chair and placed both hands on his lap.  He crossed his legs and stared right back at her.

“This... this, wait, what?”  Ellen asked.

“You aren’t fit to be a cop.  So go on, tell me how I’m right,” her boss said, a smug smile on his face.

“Sir, I... I just.  I haven’t even graduated from the academy yet.  But I have every right to be a cop,” Ellen shot back.

“Eh, you see, you say that but...” her boss pulled out a folder and tossed it onto the desk.

“From what I’ve read, your father was Paste White Pete, right?  Dealt heroine, sometimes crack.  I knew him pretty well, smart enough to not take the shit he sold but still dumb as a rock."

"With all due respect sir I am not my father and you can't judge me based on his actions."

The door to her boss' office swung open and a large, built white man strutted in.  He made sure to slam the door behind him.

"Hey Captain.  This the fuckin' recruit?"  He asked as he made his way towards the two.

"Yep, this is Ellen.  She's in the middle of telling me that I can't judge her."

"The fuck?  Who the fuck do you think you are to try and lecture Captain Abrams?  Hm?  Fuckin' chip on your shoulder or something?"  The man barked as he slammed his hands onto the desk and leaned forward.

He had a thick, heavy accent.  She caught a whiff of whiskey on his breath.  She glared up at him, and crossed her arms.

“I’m sorry sir, but I have no idea who you are," she said.

"Who am I?  I'm the fuckin' Sergeant who can nail your ass for trying to be a dumb shit.  I can put your ass in jail right now or kick you to the curb right fuckin' now!"  He shouted.

"Whoa now.  Calm down.  Ellen, this is Sergeant Tule.  He's the head of our Special Investigations Unit.  As you can see, he's pretty wound up.  He sees girls like you enter the workforce and just fail.  It's bad enough that you're of the female gender but add onto the fact that you've got family history that's not favorable to cops and you're in a bad position.  Am I right Sergeant?"  Captain Abrams explained.

"Fuckin' yeah.  I saw your fuckin' file and knew immediately that we had to pull you out!"  The Sergeant yelled.

"Sir, I can handle the training.  Have you seen my marks?  I've been hitting all high marks in everything.  I even set a new record for the mile run two weeks ago," Ellen calmly shot back.

"Well, whoopdie fuckin' doo.  You want a fuckin' gold medal?  I'm telling you right now that you aren't cut for this.  You don't have the guts, the skill or the fuckin' mentality to be a member of this police force.  In all my years of experience I can practically sniff out the ones that won't make it.  And trust me, you aren't fuckin' cut out for it!"  The Sergeant shouted back.

Ellen looked back at Captain Abrams, trying to read him.  She was trying to figure out if this was some kind of test.

"Captain Abrams, you know that anything beyond my scores and paperwork is just hearsay.  I have what it takes."

"The fuck you talking to him for?  Do you think Captain Abrams has time to judge a little shit stain like you?  You talk to me, you understand?  I'm calling the shots!"  Sergeant Tule yelled as he leaned in again.

"I don't even report to you," Ellen said.

"Oh that's it, I'm fuckin' kicking you out right now!"

Tears slowly formed in Ellen's eyes.  She wanted to be a police officer.  She wanted to be everything her father wasn't.  The Sergeant stood upright and crossed his arms.

"Ok, I think that's enough," the captain interrupted.

Ellen wiped her eyes and looked at him in confusion.

"You grew up in those streets out there right?  Down those eight miles of hell.  Detroit is going down such a shitter it's frustrating.  There was a time when this city was a powerhouse," the captain said.

"My father used to talk about it.  Before he was laid off and had to start selling drugs," Ellen replied.

"Paste White Pete.  Did you know he worked as a CI for a bit?  Gave us all kinds of info on Chris Jenkins and his crew," the captain informed.

"No, I didn't know," Ellen replied, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, still think he was dumb as a rock, but he still had a good heart."

"Good heart?!  He sold drugs out there," Ellen said.

"The union screwed him over.  As much as I hate to say it, he really didn't have another choice," the captain replied solemnly.

"So it was true?  I always thought they were excuses."

"There's always two sides to a story.  Those union boys made sure their story was the right one."

"Motherfuckers..."  Ellen whispered.

"Oh, look at that, you do have some fuckin' fight in you," the Sergeant quipped.

"Fight?  My... no, our lives, my family's lives went down the shitter since my father was let go," Ellen fired back.

"Well, this is your chance to really hit back hard.  Chris Jenkins, you've heard of him right?"  The captain asked.

"Yes, drug lord, runs one of the largest gangs in Detroit city."

"Not just from your training.  You know him right?  Your father used to work for him."

Ellen tilted her head and thought back to her time when she was young.  She recalled a large black man occasionally stopping by at her place.  Always seemed threatening even when he laughed or smiled.  She placed her hand on her chin and nodded.

"I... I think he's visited our place before.  A long time ago," she responded.

"He was probably just a Lieutenant back then, working his way up the gang.  He's amassed quite a lot of power now."

"What does that have to do with this meeting?"  Ellen asked.

"He's being quite cagey now.  Officers going down in the line of duty, the money and drugs flying through this city.  We need to stop him," the captain explained.

"What can I do?"

"Informant.  We need someone on the inside to track his movements," Captain Abrams replied.

"An informant?  Can't you just get any druggie off the street and make them a confidential informant?"

"What, are you retarded?  You are retarded.  You have to be.  You think Jenkins is that easy to get?  He's a Negro but he's a smart one.  He's distanced himself from it all.  We get a CI and we'll maybe get one his soldiers.  Maybe.  You got to think through this shit," Sergeant Tule interrupted.

"Look, I don't know the current situation.  I thought-"

"And that's your problem.  You were thinking!"  Sergeant Tule exclaimed.

"You just told me to think things through, now you're telling me my problem is thinking.  Which is it?"  Ellen fired back.

"Oh fuck this.  Don't you fucking get sassy with me.  Fuck I'l-"

"That's enough.  Simmer down a bit Sergeant."  The captain interrupted Sergeant Tule with a stern lo [...]