Cultural differences between Germany and the United States in terms of Work-Life Balance - Annika Link - E-Book

Cultural differences between Germany and the United States in terms of Work-Life Balance E-Book

Annika Link

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Seminar paper from the year 2019 in the subject Cultural Studies - Miscellaneous, grade: 1,0, Fresenius University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, language: English, abstract: Traditional role models suggest that the focus of man is primarily on professional life, the focus of woman is primarily on the family. In modern days, the roles of men and women are largely interwoven. Changes in gender roles, demographic changes, a variety of employment patterns as well as new technologies are creating new socio-political challenges. An other important factor is the increasind globalisation of companyies which requires that people from different cultures work together. In order to achieve a smooth workflow, it is necessary to maintain cultural competences. For employees, this represents a further demand in their professional life.

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