Desire - Trevon Carter - E-Book

Desire E-Book

Trevon Carter

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Theresa is the wife of Captain Adam Phillips, who commands the first ever American built slaveship, the Desire. She decides to accompany her husband for the first time on his journey across the seas to trade the natives for Africans. The first mate's wife, Alana, runs into her and helps her grow accustomed to ship life. They grow close as the Desire makes its way to Africa.

Theresa enjoys Alana's brash, outgoing and honest personality and begins to learn that being prim and proper is not the only way to live life as the wife of a Captain. When they arrive in Africa, Theresa accidentally glances over to see naked Africans board the Desire. She is stunned by their bodies and their... generous proportions.

Alana, unlike Theresa, has been on many journies to Africa with her husband and she has a little secret. She knows the pleasures that the muscular black males can provide! After the slaves are loaded on the Desire, the ship docks in a private area for a short rest before the long journey back home. Alana manages to get Theresa off the boat and onto the beaches to show her the true power of the ebony beasts that they are shipping back home.

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By Trevon Carter

Table of Contents

Title Page


About the author:

Further Reading: The Plantation

Also By Trevon Carter

Adam crossed his arms and smiled as he looked out at the sea.  He was about to become a part of history.  The first American built slave ship, the Desire, was ready to set sail across the seas, sending off the natives and bringing in the black slaves off the coast of Africa.

"Oh Captain, my Captain," a familiar voice rang out from behind.

He turned to see his wife, a bright beaming smile on her face as she hugged him.  Adam gave her a tight squeeze and kissed her on the forehead.

"My sweet love, what brings you here?"  Adam asked.

"I wanted to see how my Captain was doing," his wife replied.

"Oh Theresa, my love, I don't know how I'm going to hold back this excitement.  The Desire is set to sail soon, and I... I will be at the helm," Adam informed.

"I spoke with my father and he said that he'd be okay with me going with you," Theresa said.

"What?  The Desire will be no place for a lady.  The savages we're shipping out and the beasts we're shipping in will not be something I want you to face," Adam replied.

"I don't have to face them.  I could just stay in your quarters."

"It would still be too dangerous."

"I heard the beaches out in Africa were beautiful.  We could spend a couple of romantic nights out on the sweet, soft sand while we make love," Theresa said.

Adam looked into her eyes, imagining the scene before him.  His body grew warm at the thought but he quickly shook it off.

"The beaches may be beautiful but the journey to them is much too dangerous," Adam responded.

"And what's wrong with a little danger before fun?"  Theresa teased as she bit his lower lip.

Adam pulled away and licked his lips, feeling a slight tingling of pain from the nibble.

"Theresa, while your father may have allowed it, I cannot.  There's a reason why there's a limited number of women on the crew.  The crew is sometimes just as dangerous as the cargo we will be shipping," Adam replied.

"But there are some women, right?"


"On the Desire, there will be some women?"

"Well, yes, some of the crew members will bring their wives.  It's normally because they don't have anywhere else to go.  The others are more for cooking," Adam said as he glanced away.

"And a couple for entertainment, right?"

"What?  I... I'm not sure what you mean by that," Adam said, flustered.

"Oh come on Adam, we women talk amongst ourselves.  I know exactly what type of women board these ships across the seas," Theresa replied.

"There may be some, but it's for the relief of the crew."

"And you're a member of the crew..."

"It's not like that my love, I have you," Adam said.

"Oh I trust you Adam.  But wouldn't you want the comforting hands of your wife around you while you are out there?"  Theresa asked as she pointed behind him to the water.

"But Theresa..."

"No excuses Adam.  I am going with you," Theresa interrupted.

Adam sighed as he continued hugging his wife.  She was a stubborn woman, which was actually one of the qualities he enjoyed about her.  If there was something she wanted, she would go through Hell and high water to get to it.

"On one condition," Adam said.

"Which is?"

"You must listen to all my instructions.  You cannot disobey me, especially in front of my crew," Adam said.

"Oh... oh yes my Captain.  I will do anything and everything you ask of me," Theresa said seductively as she slowly reached down and squeezed his ass.

The two laughed and Adam turn, one arm still around his wife as he looked out at the water again.  He was still unsure about this decision but there was nothing he could really do about it.  His father-in0law was one of the people who had gotten him into this position in the first place.

Going against his wife's wishes could have easily put him in hot water with his father in law.  He didn't want anything to jeopardize his position as Captain of the Desire.

"One more month, my darling," Adam said as he squeezed her shoulder.

"This will be so exciting!"

"I'm going to show you things you had never imagined," Adam said.

"And so will eye," Theresa whispered into his ear.

Adam laughed and kissed her, holding her tightly as they locked lips.  Any worries he had washed away as the two stood at the pier.


Theresa stared at her husband's ship, the very first cargo ship designed to transport slaves from America to Africa, the Desire.  His crew was busy loading the ship with supplies as he paced the deck, making sure everything was to his standards.

"Hi," a voice rang out.

Theresa turned to see a tall brunette woman extending a hand towards her.

"Uh... hi," Theresa replied.

"Are you Theresa?"  The woman asked.

"Yes, yes I am."

"Nice to meet you!  I'm Alana, Shawn's wife," she introduced.

"Oh!  Are you boarding the Desire as well?"  Theresa asked.

Shawn was Adam's right hand man, the ship's second in command.  Theresa had met him a couple times but she had never actually met Alana before.  She had heard about her from Shawn but always wondered what Alana looked like.

"Yeah, I've been sailing with Shawn for a while now.  When he said he was going to be on the Desire, I had to join," Alana replied.

"My goodness, it's so nice to finally see you.  I've heard so much about you," Theresa said.

"I hope they were all good things," Alana replied with a wink.

"So, you've sailed with Shawn before?"

"Yes, several times, in fact.  My last trip was to the Ivory Coast.  That was a long trip," Alana answered.

"Any tips for a first timer?"

Alana smiled and gave Theresa a hug.  "Don't worry honey, you are in good hands.  I'll teach you everything you need to know."

Theresa smiled and hugged Alana back.  For someone so elusive to meet, she seemed like a very open, extraverted individual.  She had a good feeling about her newfound shipmate as the two watched the crew members carry barrels onto the ship.

"The first order of business is to bring your own food.  You see those barrels?  Some gross slop the crew eats.  It's supposed to last the entire trip but I just cannot stomach it.  I've learned that dried food sprinkled with salt is the best measure," Alana informed.

"Dried food?"

"Dried fish, jerky, fruit, they all survive the trip as long as they're prepared well enough," Alana said.

"Oh, I don't think I have any...  I might have some fruit I can bring," Theresa said worriedly.

"Don't you worry, I can bring more than enough food for the both of us," Alana assured, giving Theresa's shoulder a squeeze.

"What about seasickness?"  Theresa inquired.

"Alcohol of course.  At least, that's what I used when I was first sailing.  Everyone seems to need different remedies," Alana replied with a shrug.

"Alcohol?  Really?"

"Rum in particular.  The darker the better.  Like pirates of old, yarrr," Alana laughed.

Theresa joined in, laughing loudly along with Alana.  Some of the crew members looked up to stare at the two women in confusion.

"Come with me, there's so much I need to teach you," Alana said, leading Theresa away from the pier.

"I should tell Adam first," Theresa replied.

"Oh, come now, are you his wife or his slave?  You can do as you wish without reporting to him.  Come," Alana said.

Theresa glanced at the ship and then back at Alana.  She nodded and followed her new found shipmate towards the markets located near the pier.

Her senses were flooded with the smell of fish, alcohol, smoke and cooked meat as they entered into the busy streets of the market.  She held tightly onto Alana's hand as the two worked their way through the crows. 

Theresa had led a rather sheltered life, and had never wandered through the markets without a full escort around her.  She was, to a certain degree, a member of royalty, her great grandfather the Duke of a small European county. 

"Is this your first time here?"  Alana asked.

"Kind of.  I may have walked through her once or twice before," Theresa replied.

"Wow... where do you shop for food?"  Alana inquired.

"I uh.... I'm not sure.  My slaves usually go out with the maidens," Theresa answered.

"Oh, honey, there is so much you need to see and learn," Alana laughed.

They stopped at a stall with fish hanging on hooks.  Theresa swatted at a couple of flies as they zipped by. 

"Alana!"  The owner greeted with a smile, some teeth missing in his wide mouth.

"Gregoire!  How have you been?"  Alana asked.

"Oh come now, it's just Greg.  I've been doing well.  Just had some fresh trout come in," he replied.

"Oh, trout.  I love trout.  Greg, this here is Theresa.  She's going to be riding along with me on the Desire," Alana introduced.

Greg wiped his hands on a towel hanging off his hip and extended his hand.  Theresa briefly hesitated but reached out and shook it.

"Hello," Theresa said.

"The Desire?  Wow!  American made.  Can't be any more proud than that," Greg said with a smile.

"We're going to need some food for the trip.  Any recommendations?"  Alana asked.

"Oh yeah, I've got some real good stuff," Greg replied as he headed to the back of his stall.

Theresa stood on her toes to try to see where he was headed and what he was reaching for.  Alana smiled and tapped Theresa from behind.

"Sugar, just sit tight.  Let him handle the goods," Alana laughed.

"We're not getting... raw fish, are we?"  Theresa asked.

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