Detective John Coleman ''Who killed Anne Willson'' - Mia Mornar - E-Book

Detective John Coleman ''Who killed Anne Willson'' E-Book

mornar mia


  • Herausgeber: tredition
  • Kategorie: Krimi
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

Detective John Coleman has been invited from the Police in San Francisco to resolve the mysterious murder of the famous actress Anne Willson. Chilling story about famous actress Anne Willson.

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Detective John Coleman ''Who killed Anne Willson''


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Detective John Coleman ''Who killed Anne Willson''





















Anne was sitting on her balcony holding a glass of wine in her hands on her 12-floor apartment on 22nd Street Avenue in San Francisco. She was waiting for her boyfriend Daniel to show up. It was already late.’ She could hear a terrible noise: some couple had been having an argument down the street.. ‘She was thinking’ Daniel will show up or not!?’

‘She and Daniel meet each other on the filming set. They fall in love soon after.’’

It has been 2 years since she met Daniel. Anne is pretty in a flawed accessible way. Her eyes peered out through a wild tangle of hair like those of a cornered animal. Her grey-blue eyes make her such an irresistible woman. Her voice is low and chilling. Blonde, somewhat fragile, intelligent in expression. Her skin is very soft and pale but so beautiful. The night was cold. She stood up to put the jumper on, she went to the toilet to refresh her face, she felt so tired after all day shooting the new movie. Getting to the kitchen she starts to feel very hungry. She took the first pan, two eggs and the last slice of bread hanging down the bottom of the cupboard. She didn’t have time to do some shopping lately. Feeling chilly in her body didn’t want to wait anymore for him to show up so she finally lay down in her bed. It was a big day ahead!’ Around 2 pm in the morning, something wakes her up. She had Tommy cat with her sitting cosy close to her. She moves the cat from the bed and studs up to check what was that noise.’?

Walking very slowly around the apartment Anne couldn't see anyone. It was dark but that noise was coming from the living room. Approaching the kitchen and the toilet without making any noise someone grabs her from behind.! ‘She screams!.’ He puts his hand on her lips and whispers in her ears.’

Hi, my darling It’s me, Daniel. He touches her breast very softly. his hands were moving lower and lower. She felt very excited. Oh, Daniel, she turns around to kiss him barely saying anything. He wanted her so badly. He heard her sigh as their bodies filled each other's skin, its coolness turning to heat… Anne felt very happy to see Daniel after a couple of weeks of being apart. He was working on the new film the same as she did. She gets up having a quick shower, kisses Daniel saying:" Darling I got to go to work, can you meet later at ‘Lazy Bear’ to have a nice meal! How about 8 pm? ‘She asked.’

Daniel was half asleep but he could hear what she was suggesting. He turns towards her holding her hand, smiling happily. He added’ yes no problem I will be at Lazy Bear.’ love you, Anne.!’

‘She had a busy day ahead.’

Later that day Anne took the cab to the ‘Lazy Bear restaurant. She was on time.

She orders a glass of wine waiting for Daniel. She’s been sitting there for 2 hours but Daniel didn’t come. She was trying to call him on the mobile phone but there was no answer. She was feeling very tired of waiting so she decided to go back home. She was thinking:’ Oh probably he didn’t hear me at all this morning but he didn’t even answer the phone, that was strange.!’

Arriving at home, a little cat was sitting on her bed. Daniel wasn’t there. On the kitchen table was a little note left.’

‘Dear Anne.’ It was great last night. Something came up. I will not be able to meet you tonight. Hope you had a great day today!. I will call you later today! Love Daniel.’

She was standing there staring at the message he had left. She stretches her hair thinking; what the hell!’ Where is he?’ why did he leave so suddenly.?’

She felt very exhausted after working all day. Somehow this weird behaviour from Daniel was driving her crazy at the point she didn’t know what to think about this relationship anymore. Her life was perfect, a great satisfying job, good friends, nice apartment, only her love life was on the edge.’ Anne’s parents have died a long time ago, the disappearance of her old sister happened a long time ago. Nobody knew that she had a sister. Anne wanted to find her!’

‘She put hot water running to have a nice hot bath later that night.

Preparing to go to bed she took a book from the shelf to read before her late sleep.

During that night, someone broke into Anne’s apartment around 3 pm in the morning.

The strange footsteps were getting closer to Anne’s room.

He was inside the room. He could see she was sleeping. He pulls Annie for the legs, putting his hands on her mouth to shut her up.

Her frightened eyes went round and round the ring of faces. He was dressed all in black she could see. Very tall guy, his eyes were brown and deep, somehow scary. The rest of his face she couldn't see, the mask was covering the rest of his face. Anne was terrified. In her mind, she wanted to live! She wanted to see Daniel once again.

She was trying to fight him back while he was dragging her to the balcony she screamed, it was too late he pushed her from the 12 floors. Next morning she was in the newspaper. ‘The famous actress Anne Wilson is dead.’

‘San Francisco police department.’

Police received a phone call around 4.30pm in the morning about Anne Willson.

Detective Carl was in charge of this murder.

‘What the hell’s been going on ?’ the first asked, staring down at Michael.