God is our savior - mornar mia - E-Book

God is our savior E-Book

mornar mia



This is the book about God. Little stories in one book about God and his miracles. The Lord is powerful . In the recent Christian tradition , when people refer to Jesus Christ as Savior they are alluding to the idea that he give his life in order to save people from their sins.

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

God is our savior


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

God is our savior
















Once upon a time, in a world filled with chaos and despair, there lived a young boy named Adam. Adam had lost all hope and faith as he witnessed the destruction and suffering surrounding him. The world seemed to be crumbling, with no sign of solace or peace in sight.

One day, as Adam wandered through the desolate streets, he stumbled upon a small, ancient-looking book. Intrigued, he picked it up and began to read. The book was filled with stories of people who had gone through adversity and found a ray of hope. One story, in particular, caught Adam's attention – the story of God, the ultimate savior.

In this tale, God was depicted as a benevolent being, watching over humanity and tirelessly working to save them from their troubles. As Adam delved deeper into the story, he felt a flicker of hope ignite within him. A glimmer of faith started to blossom, and he realized that perhaps, amidst all the darkness, there was a guiding light shining upon their lives.

Inspired by the story, Adam decided to search for God. He set off on a journey, eager to discover the truth about this divine presence. As he traveled across the land, meeting people from different walks of life, he encountered those who had experienced miracles firsthand – people who had regained their lost lives, found shelter when they were homeless, and discovered peace in the midst of turmoil.

Each encounter further solidified Adam's belief that God was indeed their savior. He witnessed the downtrodden receiving unexpected rays of hope and the weary souls finding strength to carry on. Through it all, he realized that God's love was not limited to any specific religion or belief system. It encompassed all beings, providing solace and redemption to anyone who sought it with a pure heart.

As Adam's faith grew stronger, he couldn't help but share his newfound revelation with others. He became a messenger, spreading the message of God's love and compassion to those who had lost all hope, just like he once did. Through his words and actions, he showed others that God was not a distant and unreachable deity, but a presence that resided within every soul, waiting to be discovered.

With each person Adam encountered, a chain reaction of hope was set into motion. People started coming together, supporting one another, and working towards rebuilding their broken world. The darkness that had consumed their lives slowly dissipated, replaced by a glimmer of light and renewed faith.

In time, the world transformed into a place of beauty, unity, and love. As humanity recognized that they were all connected and that God's presence was the source of their strength, they strived to create a world that mirrored God's compassion and mercy.

And so, the story of Adam spread far and wide, inspiring countless souls to turn towards God as their savior. Through their collective efforts and unwavering faith, they created a world where love reigned supreme, and God's presence was felt in every act of kindness and every moment of compassion.

In the end, the story of God being our savior was not merely a fictional tale; it became a reality that lived within the hearts of those who believed. It served as a reminder that no matter how dire the circumstances, God's love and guidance would always be there to save them, leading them towards a brighter and hopeful tomorrow.

Once upon a time, in a world that was plagued with darkness and despair, there lived a young girl named Sofia. She was orphaned at a very young age, left to fend for herself in a harsh and unforgiving world. Despite her circumstances, Sofia possessed a heart full of resilience and an unwavering faith in God.