Down to the Needle - Mary Deal - E-Book

Down to the Needle E-Book

Mary Deal

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From the day her five-year-old was abducted, Abigail Fisher vowed never to stop looking until her daughter was safely back home.

But despite multiple searches, twenty-three years have passed without a trace of Becky Ann. When Abigail learns that death row inmate Megan Winnaker is the same age as her daughter, she begins to wonder if the kidnapper had Becky Ann's face surgically altered to prevent identification.

Megan Winnaker maintains her innocence, but faces capital punishment if she loses her final appeal. As Abigail launches her own investigation to find out if Megan is truly her daughter, someone wants to stop her in her tracks.

Even when facing mortal danger, Abigail refuses to give up her investigation. But can Megan Winnaker really be her long-lost daughter?

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Down To The Needle

Mary Deal

Copyright (C) 2010 Mary Deal

Layout design and Copyright (C) 2019 by Next Chapter

Published 2019 by Next Chapter

Cover art by Inkubus Design

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the author's permission.

Titles by Mary Deal


The Ka, a paranormal Egyptian suspense

River Bones, the original Sara Mason Mystery

The Howling Cliffs, 1st sequel to River Bones

Legacy of the Tropics, adventure/suspense

Down to The Needle, a thriller


Off Center in the Attic – Over the Top Stories


Write It Right – Tips for Authors – The Big Book

Hypno-Scripts: Life-Changing Techniques Using Self-Hypnosis and Meditation


Ron Holte, Kapaa, Hawaii, for his legal expertise.

Lori Kikumoto, Kapaa, Hawaii, who prompted me through the first draft.

Elizabeth Sullivan, Ph.D., Somerset, California, who, through a therapist's mind, read the manuscript twice to assure psychological accuracy.

Donna and Bob Nunes, Rio Vista, California, for reading and critiquing the manuscript.

Dean Alan Deal, my son, Fairfax, Virginia, for his unending encouragement and support, having read and critiqued every major manuscript I've written.

Author photo by Faces Studio & Salon, Honolulu, Hawaii

For Dean Alan Deal

Chapter 1

A fireman waved an arm to catch a police officer's attention and then pointed toward the flames. He shouted to be heard over the clamor. “The perp torched himself!”

Angry red and orange flames from the still burning back half of the warehouse licked at the night sky. Glowing yellow embers, blown by April's night breezes off the nearby ocean, took flight. Fire trucks encircled the building. Firefighters scrambled over strewn equipment. Men wearing Army camouflage uniforms darted about. Two ambulances waited for the injured.

An officer cupped a hand around the side of his mouth and yelled. “The perp's inside?”

Abigail Fisher and Joe Arno nudged in closer to hear the conversation between firefighters and the police. The roar and crackling of the fire drowned out most other sounds.

A fireman pointed to the front section of the building where the flames had been doused. “Burned himself into a corner.” He shook his head. “Still got the gas can in his hand.”

The officer took a step toward the building, trying to see. “How soon can we get in there?”

“You aren't going to ID this one right away. He melted like wax.”

Abi carried some of Joe's peripheral filming equipment, though only to make her look acceptable so she could tag along. Doing this was not new to her. Joe was a part-time stringer for Seaport's major TV station and could be called out at any hour of the day or night to cover breaking news. Abi stayed on his heels. She would indeed help now that they were there.

The work they did when called out to cover a story was meaningful, if not demanding. Yet, these events paled in comparison to what Abi envisioned should happen for her when the greatest personal predicament in her life would be solved. It was a calamity with effects lasting for decades and was taking a toll on her health. While anticipating a happy and momentous culmination to a personal tragedy, she always helped others when called upon. The hope she held inside never dimmed but seemed detached from her everyday life. Presently, she worried about the reason for the numerous fires. Seaport and neighboring Creighton had an average number of fires greater than most same-sized cities.

Spectators had gathered, held back by police. From where had they all emerged, considering this was a building at the edge of the industrial section of Seaport? The crackling of the fire and rumbling of the building collapsing drowned out most other sounds.

“Look out!” Abi screamed to be heard over the chaos. She gestured frantically as a portion of the front wall began to shift.

“Coming down!” The Fire Captain yelled through a bullhorn as everyone fled.

Two firefighters dashed out of the building just as the outer wall and some roof beams collapsed, propelling a gust of air that sent sparks flying. Choking smoke billowed.

Caught off-guard, Abi and Joe wore dinner clothing when unexpectedly called out from the restaurant to film yet another burning. Abi frantically dusted hot embers off Joe's jacket and then noticed a couple holes had burned through.

“Say so long to this Ralph Lauren.” She almost smiled. She dusted ash from her silk slacks and knew she would soon be shopping to replace them as well.

This wasn't the first time their clothes had been ruined at a crime scene. But it was just clothing, replaceable and not forever lost, like a human life snatched away.

Tin sheets began sliding off the collapsing roof. Firefighters jumped out of range of the razor edges.

Joe kept the lens directed toward each new event and moved about quickly. He whirled around suddenly, looking for her. “Abi?”

She had paused to snuff a hot ash that had settled on her sleeve. “Over here.” She could barely hear herself over the noise.

Joe pulled her aside. “I ought to hire you. Where's the rest of my crew?”

“You give new meaning to the term dinner and a movie.” She shook her head and grinned at the hilarity of such a serious situation.

“Glad you could help again.” He flashed a ridiculous grin. While their lives were anything but normal, they did their best to find something to laugh about to rise above the negativity.

This was not the first time Abi and Joe raced to a news event. Actually a photojournalist, Joe picked up jobs whenever he could get them. Crews covering breaking stories in the fast-growing towns of Seaport and Creighton were often unavailable. Way too many fires had happened over recent years, way too many. Though Abi found it stimulating, even rewarding trailing along at Joe's side, only one occurrence yet to happen could provide the fervent excitement for which she hungered. It would be the highlight of her existence and would heal a heartbreaking tragedy and set her life back on course. Excitement filled her days, but hope was what kept her alive.

“Look at us.” She laughed at her clothes. “We're ruined again.” She swatted at ashes in both his and her hair. He had ash stuck in his nose hairs. She checked her own.

“Wouldn't want life to be too dull, would you?” His humor helped keep her emotions on track, always buoyed her when her own problems seemed overwhelming.

They picked their way through the area and got a few shots of the gutted ruins. From a distance, Joe zoomed in on the charred body.

“All these fires, Joe, I've even thought about moving back to Lawton again.” She looked around at the all too familiar scene and shook her head in dismay. “The gang violence here, it's gotten way out—“

“Ha!” He pulled back his chin and gave her a questioning look. “You haven't lived in Lawton in five years. The gangs there are worse than here now.”

They climbed into Joe's Range Rover, finally, on their way to the TV station. Seaport had not enough news to employ full-time stringers like the hotshots down the coast in Lawton who used satellite power to relay their video clips.

“Strange, Joe, how the Army guys cleared out so quickly.”

“Why stay?”

“A lot of people wear camouflage these days. Does the Army really send people to help?”

Chapter 2

News of the warehouse fire aired as yet another in a string of mysterious arsons. The fire had been so hot that the remains of the only charred body found were beyond recognition. At best, they had only the teeth, skull, and bones with no telltale marks on them. The best clues to the person's identity would come from the coroner's examination.

Two days later, as Abi and Joe watched a newscast, Abi became intrigued by police photos of an angry-looking young woman with a shaved head that appeared in the upper corner of the TV screen. Abi paused from setting the table to watch. Joe crossed the room behind her carrying a hammer.

The commentator spoke. “Upcoming on Top O' The Hour News, more about the abominable plight of inmate Megan Winnaker, one of the growing number of women sentenced to death in the United States.”

Abi stepped forward, studying the photos. Joe stopped to watch, too, but then a commercial intruded. She muted the TV and turned to Joe. “Suppose a radical like her turned out to be my daughter.”

“It's a sad world.” He shrugged. “Anyone could be standing beside a murderer and never know it.”

“Pity that poor girl.” Abi resumed placing utensils on the table.

“Yeah, if any help was coming for her, it should have happened by now.”

They had placed a small occasional table and chairs directly in front of the fireplace, their favorite spot to enjoy meals, instead of in the dining room. Glow from the embers cast flickering shadows over the dinner table and danced through prisms of the crystal water goblets. Half-spent logs crackled and popped in the fireplace, the heat staving off the nighttime chill. The smell of burning oak was synonymous with shelter from winter's ragged edges.

Daily rains and a lingering bite in the air dashed all hopes for an early spring. Still, Abi felt changes stirring, similar to the spring fever she felt when she and Joe met five years earlier. The excitement of a new relationship had triggered metamorphoses on all levels.

Abi paused beside the table, deep in thought.

Joe came to her side. “Want some help?”

“Her eyes were too close.” Abi mumbled to herself as Joe turned and headed for the dining room. “Nose…too long.” She had never seen a close-up of Megan Winnaker in all the years the case had lasted.

From the day her five-year-old was abducted, Abi vowed never to stop searching till her daughter was safely returned to her arms. Twenty-three years had passed without a trace of Becky Ann. Multiple fruitless searches had caught up with Abi and worn her ragged. Over the years, she had gone so far as to become involved in several missing-person cases. She stayed involved till each young girl was reunited with family, or whose skeletal remains were identified. With each disappointment, alone in bed at night, she ached for the families and suffered their tragedies with them. In luckier cases, she felt their elation and triumph. Those inspirational reunions gave her hope toward an eventual happy ending with her daughter. They were rehearsals, meant as a sign that she and her daughter, too, would be re-united. Abi's need to find her little girl intensified until, at times, she found herself grasping at the most intelligible of clues.

As the years passed, when weariness took over, Abi sometimes thought that her gifted child had slipped through the cracks of society. That's why she had to look everywhere, including the most unlikely places, and at every young woman. As time wore on, clues diminished. Fewer and fewer cases turned up with girls the same age as her daughter.

Not until recent years did Abi learn to tone down her desperation. She had grown envious to the point of resentment each time she heard of someone else's joyous reunion. Morose had been her state of mind when Joe Arno happened into her life. He was a breath of sanity she so urgently needed. So she suppressed her despair, yet kept alert to any possibilities, still determined to leave no clue untested. She had never disclosed all the details of Becky's disappearance to Joe, only enough to help him understand.

Stirrings of renewal brought on by an unexpected relationship helped her change her image and outlook on life. She cropped her thick dark wavy hair so it required minimal care, and exercised to tone back the firmness she once had. She shed a few pounds and looked younger than her forty-eight years. How could she have let herself go? Soon after her renewal, pseudo-friends drifted away, taking morbid curiosity and pity with them. It was just as well. Abi needed to stay strong, healthy and focused both physically and emotionally. She never knew when a clue to Becky's whereabouts might appear.

“No, thank heaven.” She exhaled not realizing she had held her breath. “That one's not my daughter.”

Suddenly Joe was standing beside her again and touched her shoulder, interrupting her reverie. “Abi, what did you just say?”

She had to think a moment. “The inmate.” She gestured toward the TV with the utensils in her hand. “She doesn't look a bit like me.”

Joe seemed instantly repulsed. “That one's not your daughter.” His voice was exaggerated, misdirected, and made the idea seem ludicrous. Such a gesture was not typical of his gentle, oftentimes-humorous nature, but he did have a way of making a point. This special man was a pillar of strength and carried himself more like a stately baron than a hotshot photographer. He seldom raised his voice but all evening had seemed much distracted. What could be eating at him?

It was times like this that reminded her of the private hell she suppressed. When Joe suggested they have dinner at her home that evening and watch his documentary, Abi had thought to finally explain the secret she kept hidden in the spare bedroom upstairs. He had not seen all the rooms of the house since just after she remodeled. With him definitely edgy about something else, it would not be an opportune time to divulge skeletons in her closet.

“How can you say that?” She was mostly curious about the tone of his words. “I have to look at everyone if I'm to find—”

“Sh-h-h!” He grabbed up the remote as if angry, turned toward the TV and brought up the volume.

“This just in.” The news anchor said.

Joe laid the remote on the tabletop. “Listen, Abi!” He took a step closer to the TV as the insets popped up again.

“As we continue our coverage of inmate Megan Winnaker in these final months…” Now the anchor's voice droned, as if holding back emotion, playing the part of an unbiased newscaster. “Rachter Valley Prison psychiatrist, Dr. Gilda Sayer, reports that Winnaker is deeply despondent and has succumbed to pneumonia yet again.”

A photo of the inmate in prison appeared over the newscaster's shoulder. Abi stepped closer trying to get a better look at the young woman's face. What was the purpose of showing images and then flicking them off within seconds?

Joe still held the hammer and tapped the head in his palm as he watched. “Damn it! Why hasn't something happened for her?”

The newscaster continued to speak without showing emotion. “The psychiatrist states that although Winnaker maintains her innocence, she will be put to death immediately should she lose her final appeal. She is both physically and emotionally exhausted, which is probably the cause of her failing health.” Other photos of the inmate flashed across the screen.

Several motorcycles rumbled past on the street outside Abi's home. The air itself seemed to vibrate. The noise was intrusive. She strained to hear the newscaster till the outside noise abated.

“Winnaker's mental state is also deteriorating.” The newscaster's expression had not changed. “Dr. Sayer claims this is caused by a repressed wish to die, an unconscious effort to extract her from a situation she can do nothing more about.”

Abi glanced at Joe, whose gaze was glued to the TV screen. “Joe…?”

“Wait, Abi!”

The wind howled. The patio door windows that Joe was repairing in the dining room rattled. He seemed as if he might go back to work on them but couldn't break away from the news.

A picture of the state capital building appeared as the newscaster continued. “Winnaker's appeal is now before the state Supreme Court.” The building in the background disappeared and the newsroom showed again. “But due to the backlog of cases, their decision is not expected till early next year. Though Winnaker has been adamant all along about proving her innocence, all the lower courts upheld her conviction. The Supreme Court's favorable decision would be her final chance for a new trial and an attempt to overturn the sentence of death by lethal injection. However, her case has been examined and re-examined through appeals, which were all denied.”

The newscaster's expression changed somewhat. “As we all know, Winnaker's is the most sensational women's case since back in the 1950's when vice girl, Barbara Graham, cried out, 'I want to live!' as she was being escorted to the gas chamber.”

The Winnaker crime scene flashed across the screen: a night sky lit by a home engulfed in flame and paramedics loading a man receiving oxygen into the back of an ambulance.

The newscaster continued. “If you'll recall, Winnaker was convicted of the deaths of three people under heinous circumstances, the attempted homicide of another, and all other related charges in the gang-style torch burning of a home outside Creighton over eight years ago. Her accomplices were never apprehended because, to this day, Winnaker insisted she had nothing to do with the fire and, therefore, could not name names. Winnaker claimed she had been drawn to the Seaport area after seeing pictures in a travel magazine.” A magazine page with photos flicked onto the screen for less than a second then dissolved back over the newscaster's shoulder. “At the time she was arrested and all through court proceedings, Winnaker stuck to the story that the Nazi memorabilia found in her possession was all her father left behind when he died unexpectedly. Prosecutors alleged she migrated westward, enticed by the number of insurgent gang members living in Creighton.”

Joe kept shaking his head. What could he find so interesting about an arson-murder case?

“Which gang, Joe?”

“In this case, the Dregs. But don't forget the White Liners and the Bangers either. They're all a sordid bunch.”

Newspapers occasionally carried reports of gang-style violence. Anyone rejected as a member of the motorcycle gangs or the neo-Nazis, eventually found their way into the Dregs. That much Abi knew. The Dregs had a reputation for being the scum of the earth and everything in which they were involved proved it. Some shaved their heads imitating the Aryans. Some spiked and dyed their hair in gaudy colors. Some dressed like the biker crowd. Oftentimes, their appearances misdirected police when trying to solve crimes.

The newscaster picked up his notes and moved them aside, a sign this story was about to end. “In order to support herself, Winnaker claimed she had been trying to sell at the flea markets what she thought was her father's worthless junk. Being homeless, she lived out of a mini-storage cubicle and ate her meals at The Beacon, one of the soup kitchens for the homeless. And, of course, at the mini-storage was where police found incriminating evidence that tied Winnaker to the crime.”

Abi watched Joe stare at the screen, oblivious to the fact that the co-anchor had introduced a new topic. It was happening again: that streak of impatience that flared up as he tried to understand something, that pensive look in his deep-set eyes, the set of his proud square chin held steady as his mind took off on a tangent. Even the gray at his temples accentuated his mood. At that moment, his expression revealed an intensity she dared not challenge.

A loss he suffered in his younger years had toughened him and taught him how to keep his emotions afloat. After she met Joe, he was instrumental in teaching her to laugh again. Despite some bouts of impatience, his overall mood seldom varied. Through him, she found a deeper measure of stability. They lived to bolster one another. He had always been patient with her, encouraging and supportive, even witty. Yet, in the past few weeks he seemed edgy, distant, might even have avoided her. Unexpectedly, he suggested they have dinner and watch one of his documentaries. But that news flash about Megan Winnaker was not his work and he didn't need an ulterior motive for them to be together.

For two people with only sad memories to go on, they had cajoled one another into believing life could still be pleasurable, even joyous. They created their own happiness despite what the capricious hand of fate held over them.

Joe turned and headed to the dining room to finish repairing the loose windows.

Abi's pulse throbbed up the side of her neck and echoed in her ears. She had to calm down. Evenings after a busy day were not her strongest hours. She headed into the kitchen to check the dinner. Her nerves were jangled. Moments like these were unpredictable. How could fate have concocted such an outrageous dichotomy? Taut facial features with a cherub look that wore the years well, and a gift of an enduring svelte body, yet accompanied by an unpredictable case of angina pectoris. She stuck a nitro tablet under her tongue and hid the prescription bottle again before Joe could playfully sneak up behind her, as he often did.

Chapter 3

Early the next morning, the sky was clear and blue as a robin's egg. Gulls screeched overhead. Abi walked out onto the pier and watched fishermen cast lines, felt them settle in for the wait. The sight of shimmering water and the smell of salty sea air reminded her of happier times spent there with Becky Ann. The memory seemed like a different lifetime but always brought comfort, bolstering her faith that her precious daughter was still alive.

Occasionally, she turned and looked back at the windswept cypresses that clung tenuously among the rocks along the sea cliff. Branches had grown, bent and twisted, pressed into crevices and swept upward, interpreting the wind.

She studied the rock formation on the hill above, knew Joe's studio was below in the nearby business area. Inhaling the cool damp air, she lifted her fleece collar against the chill, snuggled deeper into the heavy jacket, and turned to stare out over the early morning horizon. When she exhaled, her breath was no longer white. Maybe Spring was settling in after all.

“I had a feeling you'd be here.”

She had not heard his footsteps. “Joe!” She turned and melted into his arms.

“What is it with you and this place, Abi? I can always find you here.”

“Becky loved to draw and paint on this pier.”

Joe looked around. “Our little town of Seaport used to be the Cabot Cove of the west coast.”

“Used to be. Now we're industrialized, sprawling over the hills into the next valley. Even have our own prison.”

They held together and gazed out over the ocean. Finally, he broke the silence. “I'm sorry about last night.” His whisper hung heavy in the air with hesitation and sadness. His inability to perform had left them to fall asleep, though wrapped in each other's arms, with no choice but to accept the situation.

She felt the growth of stubble on his chin scrape against her forehead. “What is it, Joe? We've had nights where we've only fallen asleep together. Lately when you've stayed, I wake in the wee hours to find you standing at the window.” Abi feared their relationship might be waning. “Have I been too bothersome with my search for Becky? What is it, Joe? Don't I give you the attention you need?”

He seemed surprised. “That's not it at all.” He pulled her around, face to face. “But I do have something I need to sort out.”

“You're afraid I'm going to get involved in the Winnaker case? Because I look at all cases of girls my daughter's age?”

He remained silent, solemn. Then he surprised her. “I was involved in that case.”

“You?” The admission took her by surprise. “How?”

He kept his arm around her shoulder and they walked farther out on the pier. “I photographed her.”

“In prison? You filmed a documentary about women inmates?”

“Actually, no.” He might have wanted to talk but seemed preoccupied with something else.

Regardless what Joe might be feeling, her curiosity stirred. “How is it you had a chance to photograph her specifically?”

“You heard. She used to eat at The Beacon.”

Abi didn't remember seeing anyone at The Beacon resembling the inmate. “That had to be some time ago. She's been incarcerated for how long?”

Joe removed his gloves, unzipped his jacket, and breathed in the salty sea air. “Eight or nine, but all that was before we knew each other, back when I presented my photographic exposé on the homeless.”

“You mentioned that showing when we first met.” How coincidental that he had photographed someone who became notorious. Why had he never mentioned that to her? “You never spoke of your involvement in that case.”

“It was all water under the bridge by the time we met.” He always shrugged when he preferred not to dredge up the past.

His nonchalance irritated her. To think he could take this lightly. “Under the bridge? The case is still going on.”

Joe watched a fisherman at the end of the pier reel in his line, add fresh bait, and cast again. Did Joe need the distraction in order to get his thoughts together? Something was surely troubling him.

“Such heinous crimes. I don't think Winnaker's family dares come forward. Too ashamed. That poor girl.”

“She'd never been here before, right? So she ate at The Beacon?” Abi had not lived in Seaport nor been a volunteer at The Beacon during the time Winnaker might have frequented the place. Even now, Abi only volunteered as a Friday evening server.

“She claimed she came looking for family.” Joe kept shaking his head. “After her dad died she wanted to find relatives. The magazine pictures seemed familiar so she decided to take a chance.”

The thought of a young girl who did not know her roots perked Abi's interest. “Her dad died? Where was her mother? Didn't she know whether she'd been here before? How—?”

Joe brought up his hand. “Whoa, slow down. Winnaker has no memory of her younger years. Her dad told her that her mother ran away with another man.”

A charge of nervous energy settled in the pit of Abi's stomach and was the kind of prompting she had learned to heed. This time, however, she had no clue what her senses were trying to convey. Abi really had no idea what her daughter might look like after twenty-three years. Yet, she knew she would know her in an instant and Winnaker's image didn't fit. Her facial features were all together different. Still, that nagging hunch prodded. “Why haven't you shared these details?”

He seemed both amused and perturbed. “There's no way she's your daughter.” He shrugged again, which only irritated her.

To think Joe had always known that the inmate was looking for family. “How can you just pass this off?” She heard the abruptness in her own voice. As long as they had known each other, they had never argued or had great differences, but this was inexcusable.

Clouds had rolled in. It looked and smelled like they were in for spring rain. Abi snuggled closer and Joe gathered her up in his arms. “Look, somehow you've got yourself believing every homeless or wayward girl might be yours. This one's not, believe me.”

“What gives you the right to decide?” Then she mentally asked herself why had she suddenly become so curious when the old police photos clearly showed a girl who looked nothing like her or her estranged husband. Yet, her stomach tightened. She needed to think. She couldn't allow Joe to deter her from investigating every possible case. She changed the subject to avoid a near argument. “And what's been troubling you?”

Joe paced like she'd never seen him do. Finally, he stopped in front of her. “I guess I can't keep this a secret for long.”

“Why would you want to?” She had been right all along about him having a problem.

“Didn't want to burden you.”

She stepped back and studied his worried look. “You know better than that.”

“Abi, it took me years to come this far in a relationship.” He sighed heavily. “You've been my whole world.”

If his affection had wavered, they had to get it into the open. They always discussed their issues, but he had been hesitant even before the sudden turn of events with yesterday's newscast about the inmate. “Something's changed your feelings?”

He led her to sit on a bench along the railing. Waves lapped in a lazy rhythm against the pilings below. Another flock of gulls screeched and landed near the fisherman's bait. He threw bits into the water to dispel them.

Joe took Abi's hands and looked her square in the eyes. “Abi, I don't know if I can explain. My gut's churning.”

“I can see that.” She diverted her glance to the weather worn planking of the pier at their feet and waited.

“It's not what you're thinking,” He pulled on her coat sleeve to draw her attention back to him. “Abi, this isn't about us. And, yes, I have a kind of dilemma.”

“You, Joe?” He was a man she had come to know as being totally in command of his experiences. Her heart went out to him. “You've always been sympathetic to my needs. Surely you know I would help you with yours.”

“You and I have been close from the day we met.” It sounded like a half question, waiting for her affirmation.

“I remember how we started, you and me.” The memory made her smile. “Both of us like wounded birds, trying to light in the same tree, each fearing we'd be knocked off the branch by the other.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, me taking too long to get over the one big relationship in my life….”

“Perhaps you loved too deeply.”

He shrugged. “What was it with you?”

“Tired of men who wouldn't participate in my life.”

“That's right, happy you so easily blended into their world—”

“But didn't want anything to do with my search for Becky.”

“Must have been difficult for the guys when you said goodbye.”

“Had to happen.” She refused to stay in a relationship where the guy was so complacent that he failed to recognize her needs.

“We are a pair.” He smiled warmly. “We've created quite a history together, haven't we?”

“But what's happening, Joe? For all the trust we've found in each other, in ourselves, let's not become strangers.”

“That's never entered my mind.”

“So, what is it? You've been distant lately.” She had suspected the purpose for last evening's dinner was not just about watching another of his documentaries.

Abi had never had a friend with whom to share most everything, not even with Preston, her husband, who always kept secrets. Joe was that one confidant she had longed for. He was like the midnight beacon on the South Bay peninsula, across the crescent bay from where they sat on the pier at Pt. Meare.

“I guess I don't know how to approach you on this one.” He shook his head and zipped up his jacket. “Let's go sit in the car. It's cold again.”

As usual, Joe's old Range Rover was loaded with cameras and other equipment. He started the engine and turned up the heater. He seemed to want to talk but, perhaps, didn't know where to begin.

“Just say it, okay?”

“Actually, I was planning to ask you about someone I saw in the homeless crowd a few weeks ago.” He sighed heavily.

“An old friend, Joe? Who?”

He paused too long. “I think I saw Margaret.”

“Margaret? Your Margaret from Texas? Here in Seaport?”

“I-I don't know if it was her.”

So that was why he seemed distracted lately. From what he had long ago told her, Margaret Griffin was the only other woman he had loved. His friends dubbed her his Lady Griff. In college, she was a homecoming queen and resident prima donna. Their on-again-off-again affair had the intensity of a roller coaster out of control and brought him to emotional ruin.

“I knew something was eating at you.” He'd never kept secrets in all the years they were together.

“She'd faded from my mind by the time I met you. I've rarely thought about her since.”

It seemed incredible that someone's grand life could take such a downturn that would put them on the street. “What would she be doing among the homeless?”

“I'm not sure. I'm tied in knots. Last night after dinner, I was going to ask you to help me find that woman.”

She raised an eyebrow. “I guess we sort of got sidetracked, didn't we?”

“If she is Margaret….” He only shook his head.

So, his old flame might be in town. That, if anything, would distract him. Maybe the fire of their tempestuous relationship had not died. From what Abi knew, Margaret was the rich girl who fell in love with an average guy. She had been torn between the yearnings of her heart and her oil tycoon billionaire father's well-planned positioning for the security and longevity of the family line. Many times, Margaret led Joe to the pinnacle of requited love, only to dump him each time her father renewed threats of disinheritance.

Abi hoped the love and caring Joe had shown her over the last five years was greater than anything he had felt for Margaret. His devotion seemed endless, his affection sincere. He had decades to get over Margaret, and there had not been any deep loves for him till they met. Clearly, he had loved Margaret and possibly still felt something.

Chapter 4

“What makes you believe she's Margaret?” To think he almost accused her of jumping to conclusions about the inmate. Now they'd both best slow down their thinking.

He let out a long discouraging sigh. “Well, I'm not entirely sure that's who she is. I saw her when I popped in on you at The Beacon, about five, six weeks ago.” He exhaled a quick breath, as if once started, needing to get the details out. “I haven't been able to get that face out of my mind.” His expression was pathetic as he dealt inwardly with a past that might have come back to haunt him.

“It's driving you crazy, isn't it?” Abi leaned over to him. He buried his face in the soft collar of her jacket. “Maybe you should show me her picture.”

He pulled away suddenly to look at her. “Wha-at?”

“Edith and I can watch for her.”

“You'd do that?”

She looked straight into his eyes and smiled warmly. “Don't you know me?”

“It's… It's too big a favor. This is my—”

“Nonsense. Is peace of mind too much to ask for?”

“Abi, I don't think you understand. This was a woman—”

“Don't say it. Don't explain.” At that precarious moment, she didn't want to hear him obsess over another woman, even if it was that far in the past. How ironic it would be if Joe positively identified his old flame and Abi would be left still desperate to find her daughter. It would be the same, as in the past, when she was active in other missing girl searches, who turned out not to be her daughter, leaving her in a state of despondent yearning.

“I do love you, Abi.” He reached to squeeze her hand. “But why does this feel so threatening?” The bond they shared could bolster his strength, but now his commitment might also be tested.

“Let it play out. Maybe the woman only resembles Margaret.”

“It's something I've got to know, as much as you need to know about Winnaker now.”

“Bring me her picture as soon as you can.”

He hesitated but seemed relieved. “The ones I have are decades old. Only I might recognize her after all this time.”

“Then go to The Beacon more often. Edith would help with this.”

“Okay. I've already gone to some homeless camps. I thought I saw her again at The Gully out east.”

“Ulgh! That horrible place?” How could a wealthy woman like Margaret end up in a place like that, or even homeless, for that matter? “Describe the woman, Joe, her features. What was she wearing?”

“Dull brown hair with lots of gray, shoulder length, kinda scraggly. Margaret used to lighten her hair, and this woman's face is a lot fuller on the bottom half, you know, middle aged.”

Not many people their age had firm jowls and chin any longer. Abi managed a wry smile. “What else?”

“She wore an old brown wool coat and a faded red scarf around her neck.”

“Sounds like many other women out there.” But here he was, unsure about whom he had seen and fearing the worst.

“Yeah, but she looked straight at me.”

“Recognized you?”

“It's hard to explain. Our eyes met. I saw a flicker of something, but this woman's face was so weathered, wrinkled, you know. Just for a split second….”

“Did she say anything? Did you?”

He turned down the heat and then turned off the motor as well. Their breaths had fogged the windows. “She left too quickly. Walked right past me.”

“That's all? And that reminded you of Margaret?”

“Well, the dirty old coat and scarf and run-down shoes, they weren't cheap when they were new. Those used to be good clothes. That's the only way they could have withstood time. If that was who I think it was, those clothes tell me she's been on the street a while.”

“Could have been someone's castoffs. The Goodwill and the Salvation Army also give free clothes to the homeless.”


“What was it specifically that made you think of Margaret?”

“It's hard to explain, Abi. Just like you said you'd know your little girl if you saw her again.”

“Then we'd better find her.” Abi understood, but wondered if each of their distractions might pull them apart. Not because of secrets or hidden motives, but because one person could handle only so much. Somehow, they had to continue to support and help one another.

“I've done something else.” He looked as if hesitating to continue the conversation. “I gave an old photo of Margaret to a friend of mine. Velma works for the Police Department and uses a computer to age people's faces.” He breathed deeply, like having just been relieved of a horrible burden. He swiped at the foggy windows and looked out toward the sea wall.

When computer aging had turned up no clues, Abi had forgotten about the old images. “I've had Becky aged twice, when she would have been younger.”

Joe turned to face her. “How long ago?”

“When she would have been about ten, another time in her teens.” Abi sighed. “Still we couldn't find her.” She should have had a new aging done showing Becky as an adult.

“Do it again, Abi. She's an adult now, not a kid or a teen anymore. Do it again.”

“With your friend Velma?”

“She's the best in the country.”

Not to miss an opportunity, Abi fumbled in her purse and brought out her wallet. Her fingers trembled as she withdrew a frayed photograph of Becky at about five years of age. “Give her this.”

He accepted the photo then frowned. “We've discussed that mark before.” He pointed to a large mole on the cherub cheek near the ear. “For what it's worth, Megan Winnaker doesn't have that.” The flat mole was visible yet not unsightly. It was even cute, a beauty mark on a little beauty.

She stared intently into his eyes. Momentary relief washed over her, but her intuition reminded not to dismiss any possibilities. “There are ways of removing those things, you know that.”

“Well, this isn't exactly a frontal view.” He stared at the photograph, caressed the fragile remnant between his fingertips. “Guess it'll have to do.”

The possibilities were exciting. “Please, ask Velma to try. I don't care what it costs.”

“All right. I guess I don't know much about your daughter.”

“Here, it was here.” Abi felt the excitement. “Becky loved to sit on this pier in the sunlight and draw.” Abi had become overly excited. She took a deep breath to prevent her heartbeat from racing. “When those hills changed colors in the fall, that's what sparked her interest in color gradations.”

Joe eased the ragged old photo into his shirt pocket and pressed his hand against it. He wiped more fog from the windows as he studied the pier and then the hills. “What might a fledgling artist be able to capture about this area?”

“She drew everything, even the rocks.”

“Over there.” He pointed to a large outcropping atop the cliff overlooking the bay. “Did she ever draw that rock?”

“Monk's Hood? Yes, that's Becky's rock. That's how she learned about penumbra.”

“At that age? She knew about color gradations?”

Abi smiled, remembering. “She didn't know the word penumbra, but she understood gradations in shadowing, that sort of thing.” Understanding and producing art came naturally for her young daughter. Becky was truly gifted.

“It does look like a hood.”

“For Becky's last Halloween, she wore a monk's cape and hood.” The memory made her smile. Then she saddened, remembering that the hood and most of Becky's clothes remained stored in boxes. She had finally moved them to her shop storeroom, in order to keep from brooding over them too often at home where she could more easily reach them.

He rolled the side window down so they could better see. A rush of cold air invaded the interior of the vehicle. “So, you call this Becky's rock. I guess Monk's Hood attracts no one else. They can't even sell that property.”

“It's way overpriced.”

“Sure, because look up the hill behind that outcropping.”

“Yeah, if someone could afford to clear those huge boulders off that slope, a house up there would have views of heaven.”

No one in Seaport could afford to do that even though both fishy-smelling Seaport and Creighton, mostly known as an artsy enclave, had ample shares of wealthy investors buying up the land. Plenty good land for investing surrounding both towns. No one in either town had ever shown any interest in the rocky cliff and the effort it would take to clear that patch of monster boulders.

“Some foreign investor will find it soon enough.” They sat quietly another moment. Suddenly Joe drew a sharp breath. “The rocks, the sea wall. Remember what the newscaster said about Winnaker coming here?

“A picture?”

“Yes, Winnaker came to this town because of a picture in a magazine.”

She gasped. “A picture of Pt. Meare, maybe?” Her heart beat wildly. “The pier, Joe, the pier and the bay are always in travel magazines.”

“I don't think anyone ever asked her specifically. They thought she was making excuses, lying about her real reason for being in town. In my studio, I think she mentioned this place, Pt. Meare and the bay!”

Abi couldn't control her surprise. “Your studio? Megan Winnaker came to your studio?” Joe evidently wanted to forget the details, never having mentioned his involvement with the inmate. Or was he simply embarrassed having been that close to her? Yet, how could he put her totally out of mind since the case would be coming to a close with possible lethal injection?

Joe had reached to turn on the ignition again but dropped the hand to his lap. “I remembered filming her in one of the tent camps where she lived back then, under that train trestle in the hills.” He spoke cautiously. “She photographed well and expressed something haunting from behind those eyes of hers. I looked but never saw her again. Then she showed up at The Beacon. I approached her with the intention of including her and a few others as a focal point of my exhibit. I couldn't believe it.” He smiled suddenly. “She agreed to come to my studio.”

“You got that close?”

“She came several times.”

Abi's heart pounded more rapidly than it should. Her need to find her daughter was greater than her need to stay out of an ugly situation. “We need that magazine.”

“I hope the publisher is still in business.” Then his face took on an almost frightening look of revelation, as if knowing more than he dared say. Finally he spoke. “I've got a few minutes. Can you come with me?”

“Where? My sales girl is off today.” That meant Abi needed to be in her shop during business hours.

“I've got an idea. Get going. I'll meet you at your shop.”

Chapter 5

After making a detour to a nearby coffee house for a latte, Abi was on her way again. At a stoplight, she instinctively looked in the rear-view mirror. Joe's Range Rover sped up and sat high behind her BMW coupe. When the light turned green, she drove through the intersection, then pulled to the shoulder and motioned him to pass. He always drove a little too fast and a little too close for comfort.

As she approached her shop, the inside lights flicked on. A whimsical sign marked 0 to 5 - Kid's Stuff and drawings of colorful big-eyed animals and toys framed the title and windows. Joe was already inside. She edged into the left turn pocket, and then parked behind the building.

Entering the rear doorway to her office, she hung her heavy jacket on a rack. The confined atmosphere of the shop smelled of new clothing. She went directly to the thermostat to start the air circulating and then went to find Joe.

“So when did you begin selling used clothes?” He gestured to a small rack that looked out of place near the counter.

“Not selling, Joe. I'm offering ten percent off one piece of new clothing in exchange for each usable outfit people donate to homeless kids.” Abi had created the program she titled KIN.

“Oh, yes. Kids In Need.” He nodded approval. “What happens when you find your daughter? Will you increase the sizes beyond five years of age?”

Saddened again, Abi looked away. The idea of increasing the sizes as the years progressed had not occurred to her. This store represented her daughter's life during the years before she was taken, though the styles were updated through the seasons.

Joe stood behind the sales counter and lifted a tattered black art portfolio held together by old dried layers of masking tape. He laid it gently onto the counter. “I've had visions of you adding young women's things.”

She shook her head sharply. “Stop, please.”

He came to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “I understand, Abi,” They shared a moment of silence looking into each other's eyes. Finally, he turned his attention back to the portfolio. “I went back and picked up the art Winnaker produced at my studio. With the interest you're starting to have with this case, I thought you might want to see it.” He glanced at his watch.

“Her art? This is surreal. My head is spinning. If this Megan Winnaker turns out to be my daughter who's facing lethal….” She choked and could say no more.

“Look at it when you're in a better frame of mind.” He headed toward the back doorway. “Right now, I'm on my way out of town for a photo shoot. Have to hit the road real quick.”

Abi's curiosity about the inmate and her art had sparked. “I need to examine every clue.” She sounded more like daring herself to find something familiar in Winnaker's art.

“Abi,” he said, turning back and beginning slowly. “This girl is certain to be put to death if her final—”

“Joe, please!”

“All right, all right. I'll try to fill you in.”

The urgent sound of fire truck blast horns approaching from blocks away drew nearer. Abi covered her ears. Blast horns were something she would never get used to. Their sudden dull throbbing sent shock waves through her nervous system. Commute traffic jostled to the curbs to make way as the red trucks careened past, blaring and screeching.

Joe, too, had covered his ears. “Yet another fire.”

Just when the noise quieted, the ladder truck sped past urgently sounding a blast horn over its own siren.

“Why can't they catch those people?” She still held her ears and spoke loudly.

“Strange we don't hear of any fires for a while and then they start up again.” Joe shook his head sharply.

“You were saying?”

He shrugged, seeming not knowing where to begin. “There was this guy—a real idiot named Yates, Stan Yates—proclaiming to the world how he thought gang members should all be exterminated like the Jews in the prison camps.”

“Yates? Was he an Aryan?” Yates was known as a blowhard drunk. Some of the gang members must have gotten tired of him drawing attention to them and torched his house. She remembered reading that Yates was found inside his house during the fire. “Didn't he go blind?” Abi knew she should have learned more, as she had with other missing person cases. But then her doctor had issued a stern warning that she was to avoid all stress and she needed to limit her involvement in future cases. “I didn't follow the Winnaker case and some others when I was sure they weren't my Becky. I buried my head in my business down in Lawton.”

“Yates survived. His wife and two boys….” Joe shook his head.

According to Yates's testimony, he woke smelling smoke. The light switches didn't work so he grabbed a flashlight and went to the living room window to look out. Just as he was about to rush back to wake his family, a rough-looking girl appeared outside the window and threw a brick through the glass that hit him on the head, knocking him backwards. He later said the girl wore a Nazi infantry tunic and an SS ring on the hand she placed on the windowsill before stepping back to throw the brick. The news reports said that Yates lay unconscious while flames engulfed his home.

“And he being totally out of it—”

“There was no way the rescue unit could know about his family.” By the time they were found, the kids were charred.

“I vaguely remember.” Abi shook her head thoughtfully. Yates's wife died the next morning from smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide poisoning. “Hey wait. What about fingerprints on the window sill?”

“That filthy place? There was moss-like growth on the damp window sills that burned like fuel for the fire. They could see where a hand had dragged some of the stuff off, but the hand never touched the wood. But you, Abi, you never followed through when Winnaker made the statement she was looking for family?”

“I hadn't heard that part, Joe, never followed the case.” She could not imagine her daughter involved in anything like a gangland crime. “My daughter was so sweet and gifted,” Her voice cracked. “She would never be rebellious.” Her throat was suddenly parched. Her hands trembled fiercely. “When I was living down in Lawton, most people were thankful the crazies settled up in Creighton.”

Abi had investigated most cases similar to her daughter's age and from the little she knew about this one, the few details in the beginning had not attracted her interest. Now Winnaker's case would be drawing to a close with the sentence of lethal injection possibly carried out in a few short months. Again, the nudging came from the pit of her stomach. She had to follow the meager Winnaker clues back to their origins. The idea that Winnaker might be her daughter seemed ludicrous. The clues were too vague, didn't connect with her life, and seemed more like crumbs being tossed by a desperate girl seeking any kind of help. But that was what Abi had done all through the years with cases that seemed had possibilities, followed even the skimpiest of intelligible information to the end of the labyrinth, until the missing person was reunited with someone else. Was she still strong enough to work Winnaker's frayed threads of information into a new pattern? The idea bounced back and forth in her mind until she thought she might scream. She sighed heavily as she remembered her vow to search till her dying day. She couldn't quit. Break a promise to herself, and to her daughter? Never.

Joe lightly massaged the back of her neck. “What were we talking about earlier, about people—?”

“I know, I know, about people changing. I wasn't thinking that way back then.” Other than hoping for the best, it was nearly impossible to imagine what one's child might become. For all Abi knew, her daughter was just another statistic; certainly abducted, maybe dead. She winced.

Rain began pouring. Wind slammed the rear door that Abi, in haste, had forgotten to close.

“You keep looking for a daughter who no longer exists.” Abi's emotions plummeted. When he realized what he had said, he corrected himself. “That is, Abi, you're looking for the daughter you remember, but she's become someone all together different by now. She hasn't had the benefit of your upbringing.”

“I'm sure you're right, especially since Preston dropped out of sight only months before Becky disappeared.” He never turned up either. “He took her, Joe, and… and turned her into someone else.” Emotion overwhelmed her. “Please, tell me more about Megan Winnaker. How was she identified?”

Wind gusted and shook the windows again. “Sounds just like your patio door. I'll finish that repair when I get back.” Changing the subject momentarily was his way of gathering his thoughts. She took advantage to go to the back of the store and get two paper cups of water. So what if he had to go out of town. She needed to know more about Megan Winnaker and she needed to know now.

He accepted the water. “That Yates guy identified her from a photo.”

“Wait a minute. Wasn't he blinded? Didn't that brick fracture his skull?”

Something did crack his head. He sustained two blows. Supposedly, the brick that was hurled through the window stunned him. The medics guessed he fell and banged his head a second time on a piece of furniture. The doctor said that's the blow that affected his sight. “He had partial sight right afterwards, enough to identify the face from a picture before going blind within the following week.”

How could they allow that as a positive ID, considering his limited capabilities? “That was all?” Having so little sight left meant that anything Yates might look at surely had to be placed against the tip of his nose.

“They couldn't do a line up. To this day, he claims he's sure. He was such a braggart, had 'em all believing he knew what he saw.”

That was a lot of information she had never heard. “He could have been making himself out a hero to avenge his family.”

Joe explained that at one time, Yates also mentioned he might have seen a small shiny earring on the person outside the window, but the police didn't do anything with that. They wrote it off—night lights, stars in the distance, whatever—because Yates had been drinking heavily before going to bed.

Abi realized the police might brush aside an inconsequential clue. She had been meticulous about information in all cases. She gestured toward the portfolio. “Did Megan Winnaker wear earrings?”

Joe took another slow sip and his pensive gaze through the air said he was remembering the details. “Not that I ever saw.”

“And Yates identified her right away?”

“As soon as he regained consciousness in the hospital, he told police he had seen that SS ring someplace else, maybe in a picture somewhere.”

“Was that all? A bragging blind man identifies someone from a photo he can barely see, and she gets the death penalty?” Abi swallowed hard. She felt pangs of guilt. Getting on with her life and enjoying it seemed like cheating when she did not know the price that fate had exacted upon her daughter.

“Investigators had found a gas can and incendiary materials in her mini-storage. Her prints were on everything. They tested her hands, her clothes. She had the stuff all over her.” He began to pace again. “When the police arrived with a search warrant, they found her sorting through her belongings. She told them she was cleaning up because someone ransacked her cubicle and left the gas can and other materials strewn about. It all smelled of gasoline.” Joe's expression said the situation must have seemed hopeless.

Abi stared out the windows, speckled with droplets of rain and twinkling like glitter in the early morning sunlight. When the case began, she thought she had heard all she needed to know. Megan Winnaker seemed to be just another firebug, but Joe's version of the facts caused her to have uneasy feelings. “Even though she may have told the truth, there was no way to verify her story.”

“That's right. She had no witness, no alibi.”

“Where did she claim to be when the fire started?”

Joe sat his water cup down and glanced at her sideways. “Out painting.”

The idea of Winnaker being an artist of any kind, again, rattled her nervous system. “Painting… painting?”

“She had one fresh oil canvas and several unfinished pastel drawings in her storage. All of night scenes.”

The idea of someone oil painting en plein air in the dark didn't sound right. “She painted outdoors during nighttime?”

“At dusk. She's always painted a lot of dawn and dusk pictures, liked the play of light and shadows.”

“So she had no one to vouch for her whereabouts while she painted alone?” Anxiety raced through Abi's nervous system. Old scenes of her five-year-old daughter's artwork floated through her mind; pictures painted long ago which had become as precious as any of those of the Old Masters.

“She told the officers she found her lock broken several days before the fire. She didn't own anything important except the boxes of her dad's memorabilia and those didn't look disturbed so she never took inventory.”

“Why would anyone do that?”

“The only thing missing was her dad's Nazi infantry tunic. She used to sleep in it to stay warm. When she returned to her storage late the night of the fire, she found the new lock clipped and her unit ransacked and—”

“Wait.” Abi turned to face him more fully. She tapped the back of his hand at the edge of the counter. “Ransacked? How bad?”


“And the fresh oil painting?”

“What are you getting at?”

“If she was out painting during the time of the fire and when her unit was ransacked, then the wet oil painting would not have been damaged, right?”

He looked surprised. His eyes sparkled. “Yeah, you're right. Belongings were strewn about the floor. The wet oil painting hung on nails at the back of the cubicle.”

“Who's got it now?”

“The police, if they hold onto anything like that.” Details in the artwork could show where she was when she painted it. Something as simple as the position of the moon could tell when and where the painting was made. “It was all scrutinized. It proved nothing.” He walked to the back, got another cupful of water and returned. “Don't pick this apart, Abi. It was all addressed during the trial.”