Fairy Tales for Children  A great collection of fantastic fairy tales.  (vol. 2) - Stories Wonderful - E-Book

Fairy Tales for Children A great collection of fantastic fairy tales. (vol. 2) E-Book

Stories Wonderful

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Once upon a time...

There were mischievous gnomes, sweet fairies, and talking animals who lived happily in the forest. There were also children, princes and princesses, magical flowers, and witches on flying brooms. There were, in fact, enchanted and amusing stories, all gathered in an incredible collection of fairy tales.

Add this book to your cart and get ready to fly on the wings of imagination... get ready to dream!

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Fairy Tales for Children


A great collection of fantastic fairy tales.

(vol. 2)

Unique, fun, and relaxing bedtime stories that convey many values and make children passionate about reading.




Wonderful Stories


"The Fairy Queen and the Quest for Light"


Once upon a time there was an enchanted kingdom ruled by the Fairy Queen. The kingdom was a wonderful place, with imposing mountains, sparkling rivers, and lush forests. But one day, the kingdom was covered by a disturbing darkness. The Fairy Queen immediately understood that Evil was coming, and decided to undertake a mission to find the source of the light that could drive away the darkness.


The Fairy Queen called her army of fairies and together they set out to find the light. They traveled for days and nights, crossing rivers and mountains, until they arrived at the house of an old and wise wizard. The old wizard knew a lot about the forces of Evil and Light, and the Fairy Queen asked him for help.


The old wizard told the Fairy Queen that the light was in the heart of a very distant mountain, but that to reach it they would have to overcome many difficult trials. The Fairy Queen and her fairies were ready for any challenge, so they accepted the challenge and set off for the mountain.


The journey was difficult and dangerous. The fairies had to cross a river infested with monsters, face a snowstorm, and cross a suspension bridge over a ravine. But the Fairy Queen and her fairies were brave and determined, and in the end they arrived at the base of the mountain.


The mountain was high and steep, with steep and dangerous walls. The Fairy Queen and her fairies had to climb to the top, but when they reached the top, they found only another trial. There was a golden door above which was written: "Only those who know the true name of light can open this door". The Fairy Queen and her fairies were confused. They did not know the name of the light, so how could they open it? But suddenly, a little fairy approached the door and said: "The true name of light is hope". And the door opened.


Behind the door was a room illuminated by the brightest light they had ever seen. It was so bright that the fairies had to cover their eyes. But the Fairy Queen was happy, she knew she had found the source of the light that could drive away the darkness from her kingdom.


The Fairy Queen took some light and brought it back to her kingdom. When they arrived, the fairies used the light to illuminate the kingdom, driving away the darkness that had covered it. The kingdom returned to being a wonderful place, with imposing mountains, sparkling rivers, and lush forests.


And the Fairy Queen knew that, thanks to hope, her kingdom would remain illuminated forever.


"The Princess of the Stars and the Secret of Happiness"


Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in the kingdom of the stars. The princess was very sad because she could not find happiness. One day, she decided to ask for help from the brightest star in the sky, which was also the wisest.


The princess asked the star: "How can I find happiness?" The star replied: "Happiness is not something you can find, it is something you have to create. You have to find the strength within yourself to create your own happiness".


The princess did not immediately understand what the star meant, but decided to follow its advice. She began to search within herself to find the strength she needed to create happiness. She traveled through the kingdom of the stars, meeting magical creatures and solving mysterious puzzles along the way.


During the journey, the princess met a little star that had lost its light. The princess knew that the star would not be happy until it had regained its light, so she decided to help it. Together, the princess and the little star traveled through the galaxy, looking for the lost light.


The journey was difficult and long, but in the end they found the lost light of the star. The princess helped the star regain its light and the star shone again in the sky. The star was so happy that it offered the princess a secret to happiness.


The star told the princess: "The secret of happiness is the gift of kindness. When you give kindness and love to others, you also create your own happiness". The princess finally understood the message of the wisest star in the sky. Happiness is not found, but created through kindness and love.


The princess returned to her kingdom of the stars, with a new feeling of happiness. She taught her subjects the secret of happiness and everyone began to practice kindness and love. The kingdom of the stars became an even more wonderful place, with bright and happy stars illuminating the night sky.


And the princess knew that, thanks to kindness and love, her kingdom would be happy forever.


"The Little Prince of the Clouds and the Adventure of Courage"


Once upon a time there was a little prince who lived on the clouds. The little prince wanted to become the king of the clouds, but to do so he had to overcome a great challenge. He had to find the courage to face the terrible dragon of the clouds, which raged in the sky and terrorized all the inhabitants ofDuring his journey, the Little Prince met a fairy who gave him a magical weapon to defeat the dragon. The fairy said to him, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to face it. Take this weapon and use your courage to defeat the dragon."


The Little Prince took the weapon and began his climb to reach the cloud dragon. The journey was difficult and dangerous, but the Little Prince did not give up. He crossed the storm and overcame the darkest clouds until he reached the dragon's cave.


The dragon was huge and terrifying, but the Little Prince was not intimidated. He drew the magical weapon and bravely confronted the dragon. The battle was intense, but in the end, the Little Prince managed to defeat the dragon.


The Little Prince returned to the clouds and had the honor of becoming the king of the clouds. But he knew that courage was not just about defeating a dragon. It was about facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. And he promised to always use his courage to help others and make the clouds a better place.


The little prince traveled through the clouds, encountering magical creatures and solving mysterious puzzles along the way. But when he neared the cave of the cloud dragon, his courage faltered.


The cloud dragon was gigantic and frightening, with eyes red as fire and enormous wings that darkened the sky. The little prince hid behind a cloud, trying to find the inner strength to face the dragon.


As he waited, the little prince heard a gentle voice speaking to him. It was the voice of an old sage who lived on the clouds. The old sage told him, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to face it. Don't be afraid, little prince. Find the strength within yourself to face the cloud dragon."


The little prince understood the message of the old sage and found the strength within himself to face the dragon. He took a deep breath and emerged from his hiding place, walking towards the dragon's cave.


The cloud dragon saw the little prince approaching and became angry. It breathed flames and smoke, but the little prince did not give up. He found the courage to face the dragon, telling it that he was not afraid and that he wanted to prove his courage.


The cloud dragon was surprised. It had never seen such a courageous little prince. The dragon decided to test the little prince's courage, asking him to find a treasure hidden in the cave.


The little prince accepted the challenge and began to search for the treasure. He climbed steep walls and crossed underground rivers, until he found the treasure: a magic stone that could bring happiness to whoever possessed it.