Fairy Tales for Children A great collection of fantastic fairy tales. (Vol. 4) - Stories Wonderful - E-Book

Fairy Tales for Children A great collection of fantastic fairy tales. (Vol. 4) E-Book

Stories Wonderful

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Once upon a time...

There were mischievous gnomes, sweet fairies, and talking animals who lived happily in the forest. There were also children, princes and princesses, magical flowers, and witches on flying brooms. There were, in fact, enchanted and amusing stories, all gathered in an incredible collection of fairy tales.

Add this book to your cart and get ready to fly on the wings of imagination... get ready to dream!


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Fairy Tales for Children

A great collection of fantastic fairy tales.

(Vol. 4)

Unique, fun, and relaxing bedtime stories that convey many values and make children passionate about reading.



Wonderful Stories


"The Little Princess and the World of Magical Unicorns"


Chapter 1: The Birth of the Princess


Once upon a time, there was a king and queen who ruled over a happy and prosperous kingdom. However, the royal couple had waited for a long time to have a child, and finally, after years of waiting, the queen gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, whom they named Aurora.


Aurora was a wonderful child, with a contagious smile and sparkling eyes. She grew up happy and content in the grand castle, surrounded by the love of her parents and the care of the servants. The little princess loved to stroll in the castle gardens and admire the beauty of nature.


But despite her privileged life, Aurora felt that something was missing. She dreamed of a magical and fantastical world, full of enchanted creatures like unicorns and fairies.


Chapter 2: The Encounter with the Unicorn


One day, while Aurora was strolling in the castle gardens, she encountered a magnificent white unicorn. The unicorn asked her if she wanted to follow it, and curious, Aurora decided to go along.


The unicorn led her to a part of the garden that Aurora had never seen before, where there was a large pond surrounded by flowers and trees. The unicorn explained to Aurora that the pond was the gateway to the world of magical unicorns and that only a few chosen ones could access it.


The princess was fascinated by the beauty of the place and promised the unicorn that she would return to visit it often.


Chapter 3: The Journey into the World of Unicorns


As time went by, Aurora frequently visited the gateway to the world of magical unicorns and learned a lot about magic and its significance. She discovered that unicorns were kind and peaceful creatures, living in harmony with nature.


Aurora got to know the world of unicorns and respected their magic. She learned that there was a great variety of unicorns, each with their own abilities and personalities. There were flying unicorns, unicorns that could heal wounds, and magical unicorns that could grant wishes.


The princess also learned that the world of unicorns was in danger due to the dark magic of an evil sorcerer. Aurora decided to do something to save the world of unicorns and sought the unicorn's help.


The unicorn explained to her that only a person with a pure and courageous heart could save the world of unicorns. Aurora realized that she had an important mission and decided to embark on it.


Chapter 4: The Princess's Mission


Aurora sought help from her friends in the castle, and together they set out on a journey to save the world of unicorns. During the journey, Aurora and her friends crossed many mysterious lands and encountered fantastic creatures like fairies, gnomes, and dragons.


The journey was long and challenging, but Aurora and her friends never lost hope. They faced many obstacles and overcame enormous hurdles, but with their bravery and determination, they managed to conquer them all.


They also encountered enemies such as bandits and wicked sorcerers, but Aurora and her friends never gave up. Thanks to their courage and skills, they overcame all the challenges and grew stronger with each step.


After many adventures, they arrived at the sorcerer's fortress. Aurora and her friends launched an attack on the fortress, but the sorcerer was too powerful for them. It was only with the help of the magical unicorns that Aurora managed to defeat the sorcerer.



Chapter 5: The Return of Peace


After triumphing over the sorcerer's fortress, Aurora understood the true power of magic and friendship. She realized that magic was not just a mystical force, but a way of living in harmony with others and nature.


The princess decided to spread her message of love and respect for others and nature throughout the kingdom and beyond. She traveled to distant lands, meeting other cultures and learning from them.


During her travels, Aurora encountered many wonderful people and creatures. She shared her experiences with them and encouraged them to live in harmony with nature and others.


Aurora finally understood that the magic of life was a gift that should be shared with the whole world, and that only together could a better future be ensured for everyone.


Chapter 6: Peace in the World of Unicorns


Thanks to Aurora's determination and wisdom, the world of unicorns returned to peace and prosperity. The unicorns were happy to live in harmony with nature and other magical beings.


Aurora became a friend of the unicorns and spent her time in the magical world, strolling through green meadows and playing with the unicorns.


But Aurora's work was not done. The princess realized that she had to do more to maintain peace in the world of unicorns and in her kingdom.


Aurora began promoting education and environmental awareness throughout the kingdom. She taught her subjects the importance of respecting nature and living in harmony with others.


Furthermore, Aurora founded an organization called "Friends of Magic," which aimed to protect the world of unicorns and magical creatures. The organization worked hard to safeguard the unicorns and their habitats, ensuring that magic remained present in the world.


And so, the story of "The Little Princess and the World of Magical Unicorns" came to an end, but the magic of friendship, peace, and love continued to live forever in the hearts of those who experienced it. Aurora remained a beloved and respected princess throughout the kingdom, and her message of peace and harmony continued to spread worldwide.






"Marco's Journey and the Enchanted World of Wonders."


Chapter 1: The Beginning of the Adventure


Once upon a time, there was a child named Marco who lived in a small town surrounded by mountains. Marco was a curious and adventurous child who loved exploring the world around him. Since he was little, he enjoyed taking walks in the woods, where he could discover new and fascinating things every day. Marco was a very intelligent child who loved reading books about fantastical creatures like unicorns, fairies, and dragons.


One day, while walking in the woods near his home, Marco encountered a strange creature. It was a gnome who asked him if he wanted to follow him on a journey to the Enchanted World of Wonders. Intrigued, Marco decided to accept the gnome's offer, and together they began their journey. The gnome explained to him that the Enchanted World of Wonders was a magical and fantastical place where creatures like unicorns, fairies, and dragons lived in harmony. Marco couldn't believe what he was hearing, but he was so fascinated by the idea of a magical world that he couldn't resist the gnome's invitation.


Chapter 2: The Enchanted World of Wonders


The Enchanted World of Wonders was a magical and fantastical place where creatures like unicorns, fairies, and dragons lived in harmony. Marco was captivated by the beauty of the place and the kindness of the creatures that inhabited it. The magical world seemed to be a place where anything was possible, and imagination reigned supreme.


Together with the gnome, Marco explored the world of enchanted wonders, crossing enchanted forests, blooming meadows, and crystal-clear lakes. He encountered marvelous creatures such as flying unicorns, singing fairies, and fire-breathing dragons. Marco was amazed by so much beauty and couldn't take his eyes off the wonders that surrounded him.


During his journey in the Enchanted World of Wonders, Marco learned a lot. He discovered the importance of magic and imagination, and he learned to respect nature and the creatures that dwelled within it. The gnome explained to him that the fantastical creatures of the magical world were very sensitive, and it was important to treat them with respect and kindness.


Chapter 3: Marco's Mission


During the journey, Marco met a fairy who explained to him that the Enchanted World of Wonders was in danger. There was an evil sorcerer who had cast a spell on the world of enchanted wonders, turning it dark and lifeless. The fairy asked Marco for help in breaking the spell and saving the Enchanted World of Wonders. Marco understood that he had an important mission and decided to undertake it.


Together with the fairy and the gnome, Marco crossed many mysterious lands and encountered fantastical creatures such as gnomes, trolls, and giants. The journey was long and challenging, but Marco and his friends never lost hope. During their journey, Marco and his friends had to overcome many difficulties. They encountered dangerous creatures, crossed raging rivers, and faced cold and storms. But Marco and his friends never gave up and continued to fight for their goal.


Chapter 4: The Final Battle


After many adventures, Marco and his friends arrived at the sorcerer's fortress. The fortress was a dark and frightening place, surrounded by an eerie and unsettling atmosphere. Marco and his friends prepared for the final battle, knowing that their enemy would be very powerful.


The battle was epic, but Marco and his friends fought with courage and determination. The sorcerer was too strong for them, but with the help of the creatures from the Enchanted World of Wonders, Marco and his friends managed to defeat him. The fairy used her magic to break the sorcerer's spell, restoring brightness and vitality to the magical world.


Chapter 5: Return to Normalcy


After the triumph over the sorcerer's fortress, the Enchanted World of Wonders returned to normal. Light and life filled the magical world again, and the creatures that inhabited it were happy to live in harmony. Marco and his friends were hailed as heroes and celebrated in grand style.


Marco became a friend of the Enchanted World of Wonders and often spent his time in the magical world, playing with the fantastical creatures and learning more and more about magic and imagination. Now, he knew that the magical world truly existed, and he could access it whenever he desired.


Chapter 6: Return Home


After spending a long time in the Enchanted World of Wonders, Marco decided to return home. His journey in the magical world had taught him many things and had made him a wiser and more mature child. Marco returned home with a newfound respect for nature and the world around him. He shared his experience with his family and friends, encouraging them to believe in magic and imagination.


And so, the story of Marco's Journey and the Enchanted World of Wonders came to an end, but the magic of life, fantasy, and magic continued to live forever in the hearts of those who had experienced it. Marco knew that the magical world truly existed, and he could visit it whenever he wished. His adventure in the Enchanted World of Wonders had changed his life forever and had made him a happier and more hopeful child.



Once upon a time, there was a little cat named Micio who lived with his family in a cozy house. Micio was a very curious and adventurous kitten and often spent his time exploring the house and its surroundings.