Get It Out of Me | A Horror Novel - Wayne Kyle Spitzer - E-Book

Get It Out of Me | A Horror Novel E-Book

Wayne Kyle Spitzer

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The fog is very thick now. Beth tums and walks back to her car, gets in. Frodo whimpers and whines. Beth pets him, comforts him. She glances at the rail car in front of her: the door with the graffiti on it is now open. She can see clean through the boxcar to the blazing white lights on the other side. She sits back, not sure what to make of this, and looks out her side window.       A masked figure clothed in surgery green is right outside the glass, peering in. It reaches through the partially open window and grabs her by the hair. Beth shrieks. Frodo goes berserk, snapping and barking. The figure wrestles with Beth violently; it is trying to inject her with something—a syringe full of yellow fluid. Suddenly another figure is at the passenger-side window, reaching through the gap, groping for the door handle. Frodo attacks its arm savagely, bloodying it, and it quickly withdraws. Beth puts the car into reverse, starts backing up—collides with the vehicle behind her. The tires of her car spin wildly; they are hopelessly pinned. There is a crash as the passenger-side window is smashed out. Another figure reaches in, zapping Frodo with a taser, debilitating him. The commotion distracts Beth just long enough so that the figure with the syringe is able to inject her. She grunts and moans in pain.

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Wayne Kyle Spitzer

Table of Contents

Title Page

Get It Out of Me | A Horror Novel

Copyright © 2018 Wayne Kyle Spitzer. All Rights Reserved. Published by Hobb’s End Books, a division of ACME Sprockets & Visions. Cover design Copyright © 2018 Wayne Kyle Spitzer. Please direct all inquiries to: [email protected]

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this book is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

She is lucky, Beth knows. Lucky to have been artificially inseminated, lucky to be part of the trial program, lucky to no longer be barren. But she doesn’t feel lucky as she emerges from the examination room, where she catches her reflection in one of the mirrored columns of the waiting area and sees only frailty, qualmishness, infirmity.

Doctor Lairman talks as he escorts her out. He talks and talks, leaping from one subject to another like a bee pollinating summer dandelions. About human cloning and why it will never be an ethical nor practical solution to human infertility. About how it would require the sacrifice of too many failed embryos to achieve a single viable specimen. About the interior design of the clinic, which is too cold, he says—as they pass several other seated patients, all of them women—too sterile.

He escorts her all the way to her car, where she pauses before getting in, concerned that she isn't showing, even at 16 weeks. Her dog, Frodo, looks on, even as Dr. Lairman assures her that she will; that all tests are normal. They are distracted by a commotion at the door to the clinic: a little girl, exiting the building with her mother, wants to take a doll from the office. Her mother is saying: "No, no, sweetie. That doesn't belong to you. It belongs to them."

The girl runs up to Lairman and hands it to him. He examines it. "Oh, no. This won't do at all. This child is much too pretty." He hands the doll back. "She is clearly not ours. But I dare say, she looks a lot like you."

The little girl beams; her mother smiles. So does Beth, admiring Lairman. The mother and daughter leave as he greets an arriving patient, another woman of about thirty-five. As this woman is attractive, and Beth is attracted to Dr. Lairman, she makes special note of her.

Beth and Dr. Lairman say their goodbyes, and she drives off. She cannot help but glance in her rearview mirror as he puts a hand on the woman's shoulder and escorts her into the clinic. Then she drives past a guard post and a sign that reads: Nellis Air Force Base. And the desert swallows her.


THEY ZOOM ALONG THE deserted highway, Frodo sticking his head out the car’s passenger window, Beth talking via cellphone with her mother—who does not approve of her daughter's decision to have a baby out of wedlock, even if doing so will benefit science.

"...what about Arnold?" she continues, hearing nothing Beth has said. "He seems like such a nice boy. What? Not loser enough for you? Or are you running for head of the misandrist club?"

The diamond-shaped novelty sign—BABY ON BOARD—swings from the rearview mirror, clicks against the plastic. Beth sighs. There are flashing lights ahead of them; they are approaching what appears to be a roadblock.

"I'm not a man-hater, mother. I just ... don't trust them. You were lucky enough to find a good one, that's all."

She slows to a halt, joining a long line of vehicles.

"And you think you can trust a woman just because she's a woman? Ay Yai Yai."

They all wait in the sweltering sun as a State Trooper moves up their ranks. Frodo pants as Beth lights a cigarette—she is watching the trooper as he works his way toward her, allowing some vehicles to continue while redirecting others. Beth's mother says: "Was that a lighter I heard? Are you smoking again? You know that isn't good for the child."

The air shimmers with convection waves due to the heat and the idling cars. It appears many of the motorists are not happy with the trooper's directives.

"Are you stuck in the ‘50s?"

Beth doesn’t say anything, only scans the area, noting a small car sitting nose-down in the ditch, covered with a tarp—as well as a large motorhome parked on the shoulder. A helicopter pounds past, leading her to notice other choppers in the distance, crossing each other's paths, flying in circles. There are men in what appear to be surgeon-green chemical suits spread all along the horizon.

The State Trooper, who is suddenly at her window, startles her. She hangs up on her mother. Composing herself, she asks him what on earth has happened. He explains that there's been a motor vehicle accident involving industrial chemicals, as well as a prison escape, and asks to see her driver's license.

"Have I done something wrong?"

"No, ma'am. It’s strictly routine."

He attaches her license to a clipboard, appearing to cross-reference it with something else. She groans and puts a hand to her stomach. He scribbles a few notes, glancing at her from under the brim of his Mountie hat. At last he hands her license back.