Ghostly Park - A.E. Stanfill - E-Book

Ghostly Park E-Book

A.E. Stanfill

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The Monster Files is back with another exciting case.

Miller is on his way to Summer Camp and he is leaving Smith in charge - or you could say, by herself. On top of that, Smith has done something she swore she would never do: joining the track team.

One night, Smith's summer takes a turn to the strange side, as she meets a young boy named Charlie. He warns her to stay far away from the park before she ends up like the others. Not one to be easily scared, Smith brushes the encounter off as a prank.

When things keep getting weirder every time Smith goes to the park, she decides to investigate it, and Charlie. But is there some lost secret in the park? Is the place haunted, or is it all just a big prank? Who knows, but Smith intends to find out the truth.

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1. Miller Has Some News

2. Smith Wants To Know Who Charlie Is

3. Is It All One Big Prank?

4. Life Is Back To Normal

5. A Prank That Lasts A Lifetime

6. Stopping A Prank With A Prank?

7. Ending And New Beginnings

Next in the Series

About the Author

Copyright (C) 2021 A.E. Stanfill

Layout design and Copyright (C) 2021 by Next Chapter

Published 2021 by Next Chapter

Edited by Emily Fuggetta

Cover art by CoverMint

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the author’s permission.



Summer was coming faster than usual this year. And Miller was excited to share some news with Smith. Every couple of years his parents would allow him to go to summer camp. Most kids hated it, but it was something he enjoyed. He was so excited he already had his stuff packed three days early.

When Smith arrived at the treehouse, Miller was quick to tell her the news. She seemed happy for him. Though with her you could never tell how she really felt about things. However, she wasn’t exactly happy about having to run Monster Files by herself.

“When do you leave?” Smith asked.

“Tomorrow morning,” he answered. “And I’m counting on you to keep everything in order.”

“But you know how I feel about these so-called monsters,” she replied.

“I do.” He smirked. “That’s why you’re the only one I trust.”

“I will do my best,” Smith said. “Have fun and be safe at summer camp.”

The next day started off a little slow for Smith, which meant she didn’t have anyone come in and talk about monsters or anything else for that matter. But there was one change she made in her life. She decided to join the track team, which at least kept her busy.

It wasn’t something she had ever pictured herself doing, but it was fun, nonetheless. That night she decided she was going for a late-evening jog after getting her parents’ approval first. She jogged through her neighborhood and most of the town before making her way toward the park.

The sun was setting, and the smell of fresh grass and flowers filled the air. She enjoyed the jog way more than she’d thought she would. That was until the skies started to darken further. And the deeper she jogged into the park, the more she swore she could feel someone or something watching her.

“I am just being paranoid,” she told herself. That was until she started seeing shadows from behind the trees. She still brushed it off as being paranoid and kept jogging further into the park. Smith stopped and took a long drink from her water bottle.

She hooked the bottle back to the side of her pants and did a few stretches. When she glanced back she saw someone standing off in the distance. “Who’s there?” she shouted. Whoever it was just stood there. “Who’s there?” she shouted again.

Smith walked over to where the shadow stood. As she got closer, the person walked off the path and into the wooded area. She wanted to follow whoever it was but decided it would be a bad decision. Being a part of the Monster Files had taught her that not everything was as it seemed.

After standing there for a few more moments, she went on with her jog. What was creepy was the fact that she could hear someone jogging along beside her. Many minutes later a small rock was thrown at her, hitting Smith on the arm.

She stopped and looked around, yet she didn’t see anyone. That’s when she heard a voice trying to get her attention. “If you want me to talk, then step out into the light so I can see you,” Smith demanded.

A young man stepped out of the darkness and under the street light. The boy had brown hair and was dressed in ripped jeans and a dirty white shirt. Guess that was the style for young boys at that time.

“Are you the one following me?” Smith questioned.

“Yes and no,” he replied.

“What does that mean?” Smith snarled.

“It means that I’m not the only one following you,” the young man responded.

“Who else? I only see you,” she said.

“The ghosts that stay out here,” he replied.

“Ghosts?” Smith laughed. “That’s a good one. What’s your name?”

“Charlie,” he replied with a smile. “And yours?”

“Diane Smith,” she answered. “Nice to meet you, Charlie. But why are you following me?”

“Trying to scare you enough to make you leave this park.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because they want to take you away with them.”


“The ghosts.”

“You’re still hung up on this ghost thing?”

“Just trying to warn you. I don’t want you to end up like the others.”

“What others?” Smith questioned.

“The ones that were taken,” Charlie responded.

There was a noise that caught her attention, and she turned away for a brief moment. When she turned back to face Charlie he was gone. Smith looked around, but it was like he had vanished into thin air. She shrugged and went back to jogging. She figured that it must have been some kind of joke being played on her.

Smith still couldn’t shake the feeling of being followed, though, which made her decide it was time to leave the park and head for home. As she approached the exit a couple of her teammates jumped out in front of Smith hoping to scare her.

Smith didn’t look pleased, and she sure wasn’t scared. “Really?” she snarled. It was Rachel and Mary. The pranksters of the track team. And what some may even call bullies. Smith didn’t really consider the two her friends. But for some odd reason, the two seemed to flock to her.

“We were just having fun,” Rachel said. “Don’t get mad.”

“Yeah, don’t get mad,” Mary added. “We thought it might be fun to try and scare you.”

“Don’t you know how dangerous that can be?” Smith responded. “It’s dark out here; you could have made me hurt myself or one of you.”

Rachel rolled her eyes. “Geez. You sound like my parents,” she responded.

“Whatever,” Smith responded before pushing past the two and leaving them behind in the park.

“I think we upset her.” Mary frowned.

“Who cares?” Rachel smirked. “She just didn’t want to admit we scared her. Besides, she will get over it.”

“Right.” Mary nervously laughed. Mary was starting to get an uneasy feeling being at the park. Almost as if they were being watched by some unseen force.

“Are you okay?” Rachel asked.

“No,” she replied. “I don’t like it out here.”

“Oh, come on,” Rachel laughed. “We’ve been coming out here for years.”

“I know. But something feels different this time,” said Mary. It was clear by the look on her face that she was a little frightened.

“Let’s go, chicken.” Rachel smirked. She wasn’t about to admit she was feeling a little scared herself.

The two girls turned to leave, and on the way out they heard voices coming from behind them. Rachel stopped and yelled out for Diane to stop fooling around. She knew for sure that Smith was trying to get back at them.