Her Luscious White Curves - Jenna Powers - E-Book

Her Luscious White Curves E-Book

Jenna Powers

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Lucy returns home, only to hear more condescending comments about her weight from her overbearing and critical mom. Her sister, Sherry, invites her over to her home in Atlanta. Lucy decides to go and ends up meeting Devon, a big, muscular black man who has an eye for her. Lucy slowly opens up to the dark skinned man and ends up having one of the most pleasurable nights of her life...

All characters in this story are over the age of 18. Warning, this 10,000+ word story contains explicit adult related material with a big beautiful woman and a black man that looks like he's chiseled out of marble.

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Her Luscious White Curves

By Jenna Powers

Table of Contents

Title Page

Her Luscious White Curves

About the author:

Further Reading: Covert Investigations: Prison Heat (Interracial Gangbang Erotica)

Also By Jenna Powers

Lucy took a hard, long look at the mirror.  She wasn't happy with the person staring back at her.  She sighed and put on her bra, followed by her loose fitting blouse.  She was always considered a "bigger" woman.  Her mother and younger sister, on the other hand, were skinny, nearly model like.  Her mother had always nagged her, telling her to eat less.

For Lucy, that wasn't something she could do so easily.  She played sports at an early age, ranging from soccer to volleyball.  Her larger frame made her a force to be reckoned with.  Her father was always proud of her back then, but lately, even he felt distant.

"Lucille, do you think pink is the best color for today?"  Her mother's voice rang out from behind.

Lucy sighed.  She hated being called by her full first name.  She'd told her mother several times to just call her Lucy but it never seemed to process.  Her mother's question was more of a polite statement, her way of making Lucy change as if it were her own choice.

"It's nice and sunny out.  What's wrong with wearing pink?"  Lucy asked.

"Oh, nothing wrong.  It's just that I saw that cute red shirt in your closet," her mother replied.

Lucy shook her head.  The cute red shirt her mother was referring to was a long sleeve, overly large shirt.  Her mother was trying to get her to wear loose clothing so that her weight could be hidden.

"Mom, that's really not a cute shirt and I'm going to die from the heat of wearing it," Lucy replied.

"Okay, it was just a suggestion," her mother said as she walked off.

Lucy looked at herself in the mirror again and let out a long, prolonged sigh.  She hated visiting home on summer breaks.  This was her last year in college before she began her fifth year, a requirement for her to pursue her degree in accounting and earn her CPA.

None of the Big Four accounting firms had hired her as an intern.  They always seemed to frustratingly stop pursuing her after the interview.  She wondered if she could sue for discrimination but there was no way to prove that her weight was the reason they didn't hire her.

"God damnit," Lucy muttered under her breath.

She pulled off her pink blouse, tossed it to the side and then grabbed the red shirt out from her closet.  She begrudgingly put the shirt on, feeling angry and ashamed at the same time.  The anger wasn’t just directed at her mother, it was to herself.

“You okay?”  A voice rang out.

Lucy turned to see her younger sister, Sherry, leaning on her door frame.  Her sister was stopping by for a month and then heading off to her internship in downtown Atlanta.  Lucy was proud and jealous at the same time.

“Yeah, it’s just mom again,” Lucy replied.

“Why are you wearing that red shirt?  You should just wear the pink blouse,” Sherry suggested.

“No, mom’s right, it doesn’t look good on me anyway,” Lucy said.

“God, she is such a bitch.  You need to stop listening to her,” Sherry said.

“I know you’re trying to be supportive, but I know, I’m a larger woman.  Society doesn’t cater to people like me,” Lucy replied.

“You just need to get out of here.  Come with me to Atlanta.  Just stay for a couple weeks.”

“Atlanta?  What am I going to do in Atlanta?”

Lucy had spent the majority, if not all, of her life in San Jose.  She had spent a lot of time in San Francisco for her volleyball and soccer tournaments, but she’d never gone farther east than Las Vegas.  As close as she was to her sister, she didn't think she'd be able to handle living with her, even temporarily.

"Oh come on Lucy!  You've never been to the east or to the south," Sherry responded.

"I am in the south," Lucy said with a smile.

"I mean the dirty south.  It's a totally different atmosphere.  What's the harm in trying?  Would you rather stay home with mom?  She's just going to keep poking at your weight," Sherry urged.

Lucy looked back at the mirror, her eyes slowly looking at herself in the mirror.  She didn't want to deal with her mother all summer and having a change of environment might actually turn things around for her.  She sighed and then shrugged.

"Are you really okay with me staying over?"  Lucy asked.

"Of course!  My roommates will love to have you come stay for a while too," Sherry replied.

"Roommates?  I thought you were living on your own?"

"Oh... yeah, don't tell mom.  I found this great deal on a house to rent and found some friends who wanted to get in on the deal.  Don't worry about privacy, I get the master bedroom and there's a bedroom in the basement that hasn't been taken," Sherry said.

"Basement?  You want me to live in a basement?"

"Trust me, it's not the type of basement you're probably thinking of.  It's this huge, furnished room.  We usually use it to have friends or family over," Sherry informed.

Lucy pouted her lips, contemplating on whether or not this was a good idea.  Sherry put her hands on her hips and shook her head.

"Unless you really want to stay home with mom.  I just really hate the way she treats you," Sherry said.

"You're right.  What the hell, I might as well do something interesting with my life," Lucy said with a nod and a smile.

Sherry nearly jumped as she raced towards Lucy.  She gave her a good, hard hug and laughed.

"This will be soooooo cool!" Sherry exclaimed.

Lucy hugged her sister back, a strange uneasy feeling lingering at the back of her mind.  She let out a silent sigh and stepped back.  Sherry's smile was still beaming at her.

"How am I going to sell this to mom?" Lucy asked.

"Just say you were offered a job in Atlanta and you want to give it a shot."

"You think mom would believe that?"

"Like she cares.  She'll probably be ecstatic that you found a job," Sherry answered with a shrug.

"Okay... but the minute things don't feel right, I'm leaving," Lucy quipped.



"You WHAT?!"  Lucy's mother exclaimed.

"Mom, it's fine, Atlanta has a lot of great opportunities.  This is just a stepping sto-"

"I wasn't speaking with you Sherry," Lucy's mother sharply cut off her youngest daughter.

Lucy stared down at her food, unable to form words in her mouth.

"You can't just up and leave for Atlanta.  Have you seen the people that live there?  If you can't manage a figure here, you're definitely going to l [...]