Holiday Horror Tales - Diamond A. Jones - E-Book

Holiday Horror Tales E-Book

Diamond A. Jones

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Holiday Horror Tales is a series of holiday tales. Dwell into new holiday fantasies and explore each holiday like it's your last. Every holiday is filled with lots of kisses, parties, and laughter.
New Year is here. Four high schoolers, Faith, Sam, Francine, and Steve, come together on New Year to party and have fun until a mysterious book and attic leads them into another realm with a hideous monster. 
"Look at the darker side and reveal your New Year resolutions darkest secrets, just like Sam did, and lead your life into FATE or DESTINY."
Valentine's Day is here. William and Cassidy's proposal was more than just a moment. Saving the day and catching the town's former killer, Tyrone, meant destroying a science lab and between it all, Casey does everything she can to save Cassidy from hearty arrows, before the big day of realizing love is the way.
"Look at the darker side and reveal your Valentines darkest secrets, just like  William and Cassidy did, and lead your life into FATE or DESTINY."
Holiday Horror Tales full series

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Diamond A. Jones

Holiday Horror Tales

Second Edition

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich

NEW YEAR: January 1

A New Year, midnight is here, and everyone kisses. A group of happy high schoolers goes on a road trip to a cabin in the middle of the woods. Francine holds her boyfriend Steve's hand as they exit the vehicle and approach the cabin. Faith gets out of the Jeep Wrangler alone and waits in the driveway while drinking the rest of her booze. Her boyfriend Sam parks the Jeep on the side of the street. All of a sudden, there is a loud bang heard from a far distance and Faith jumps in fear and runs to the cabin, but Francine and Steve are already inside and left the front door open for Faith and Sam to enter. Faith yells, "Francine, Steve!" There is no answer, she assumes they have already gone to sleep for the night. Faith closes the door and sits on the warm comfy couch. Meanwhile, Sam is standing outside of the Jeep and smoking, fireworks are seen nearby. Sam says, "I am so tired." He turns around and looks at the driveway, "Faith?" He runs to the cabin, then enters. Sam asks, "Where did Francine and Steve go?" Faith replies, "I am sure they are upstairs sleeping." A loud thump is heard in a distance. Faith asks, "What was that?" Sam says, "Stay right here babe, it sounded like it came from the attic." Faith responds, "Attic? What attic, Sam?" Sam replies, "I came to this same cabin years ago, where my friend went missing, the good news is my friend was found." Faith replies, "So technically your friend was never missing." Sam shrugs his shoulders, "I mean technically he was, it took more than 72 hours to find him." Faith looks confused and replies, "Where did you find him?" Sam replies, "In the attic, he was trapped, but no one could figure out how the hell he got up there." Faith replies, "Sounds creepy, where is this attic?" Sam responds, "I am not sure if it is still here, but follow me we will look for it, I am sure that's where the noise is coming from." Faith responds, "Maybe we should go check on Francine and Steve first, to ensure they are fine." Sam says, "Okay, go check on them, while I stay down here." Faith kisses him and runs upstairs.

NEW YEAR: (The Mystery Attic)


There goes a knock at the door and Sam walks to the door, opens it, and doesn't see anyone. "Hello," Sam says. Nothing but silence, so he shuts the door. A creepy claw-like hand swiftly grabs him by the ankle and he is knocked unconscious as it drags him across the floor into a downstairs basement, the new attic. Faith enters the bedroom to Francine and Steve underneath the sheets on the bed. The bed starts shaking and moving in circles and all of a sudden comes to a complete stop. Faith says, "Francine." There is no response and Faith removes the bedsheets and finds Francine and Steve naked and smiling. Faith yells, "Douche bags!" She throws a pillow at them. Francine and Steve start laughing and cover their bodies with the sheet. Faith says, "When you two are finished, come downstairs, we all have an attic to find." Francine and Steve responded, "For what?" Faith replies, "There is an attic that Sam says, some loud noise is coming from and a long time ago he came to this same cabin with a friend who was trapped in that attic, that's why I came to check on you guys." Steve replies, "Thanks, but maybe that noise was just the bed."  Faith responds, "No, it was way too loud, sounded like it came from downstairs, but Sam says it's coming from the attic." Francine interrupts, "We'll be right down in 1 second." Faith replies, "Okay." Faith walks back downstairs and Sam is gone. Faith yells, "Sam!" Francine and Steve run downstairs and Francine says, "Where is Sam? Faith cries, "I don't know, I got down here and he was gone." Steve looks around the cabin and says, "You ladies stay right here, I will go look for Sam." Faith replies, "We can't split up, Sam and I split up and now he is nowhere to be found. We've got to stick together." Francine says, "Steve, Faith is right." Steve slowly walks around the living room, and says, "Follow me." Francine and Faith follow closely to Steve as he looks for the attic. Steve steps on something, "Ladies, what was that." He removes the old rusty carpet and it reveals a secret book. Francine yells, "It's a book!" Steve picks up the book and dusts the dirt off with his bare hand.

He reads the cover of the book, "The Mystery Attic." Faith says, "That's probably about the attic Sam was talking about." Steve asks, "Do you think he could be trapped in that attic alone?" Sam's screams are heard from the attic, "Help!" Francine says, "Wait, that doesn't sound like it's coming from above us, it sounds like it is coming from below us." Faith yells, "Sam! Where are you?" Nothing is heard. Steve commands, "Francine, Faith, follow me." Steve follows a path to the mystery attic from the book. Steve says, "Okay, so X marks the spot right here, but we don't have the key." Francine says, "I have an idea." Francine pulls out a pin from her hair to pickpocket the lock. The lock falls off of the mystery attic and Steve attempts to open the door. Faith slams the door back down immediately. Faith says, "No, this is not safe, we don't even know how Sam got in there." Steve replies, "I am sure as nosey as Sam is, he went looking for that attic and got himself trapped in there." Steve opens the attic and uses a flashlight to look down it. He yells, "Sam!" He places the flashlight on the hardwood floor beside him, sits with his feet hanging into the attic, and accidentally falls into the attic.