Horny Housewives and Big Black Cocks 3: Jamaican Gangbang - Jenna Powers - E-Book

Horny Housewives and Big Black Cocks 3: Jamaican Gangbang E-Book

Jenna Powers

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Dana and Laura's cruise makes a stop in Jamaica. As they walk through town they run into three Jamaican black men who want to show them their beach hut. The two girls decide to go and end up not only meeting another black man but also four black basketball players from their ship! Eight black men and two horny housewives in a beach hut, an experience no one will forget! Let your imagination run!

Warning, this 11,922 word story contains explicit, graphic sex scenes with two, white, horny housewives and eight black men. Every hole is plugged several times in this intense orgy with eight strong black men! The chocolate craving continues for Dana and Laura and now that they've gone black they can't seem to go back...

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Horny Housewives and Big Black Cocks 3:

Jamaican Gangbang

By Jenna Powers

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. April 16, 2013.

Copyright © 2013 Jenna Powers.

ISBN: 978-1501486432

Written by Jenna Powers.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Horny Housewives and Big Black Cocks 3: Jamaican Gangbang

About the author:

Further Reading: Two Black Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place

Also By Jenna Powers

Dana blinked several times, trying to focus on where she was.  There was a dull throbbing in her head, as if a small man were playing drums inside her skull.  She looked around to see that the room she was in was a mess.  Her friend, Laura, was knocked out, sleeping on the bed next to her.  One of her long, shapely legs was dangling off the side of the bed.

Dana shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs.  She couldn't quite recall what was happening.  Her body ached as if she'd gone through quite the workout.  Her crotch felt incredibly hot and sensitive, even the slightest movement made her let out a soft moan.

Dana began to slowly remember where she was.  Laura and she had decided to take a cruise together once they both found that their husbands would be out for work.  Snippets from the night before flashed by her.  The two housewives had met two black performers for the cruise ship.  They had been invited to a wild party.

The folds of her sex grew wet as she began to remember the crazy orgy that followed.  After going into the deep, hidden halls for the staff members, they had ended up in a room full of black men.  Dana had stepped out to grab a drink at the party, and unsurprisingly, when she had returned, Laura was having quite her way with the black men.

Dana couldn’t help but join in and soon after, it was a whirlwind of pleasure afterwards.  She could only recall snippets and each memory made her hot.  Dana shook her head and then looked at the clock.  It was already well past three in the afternoon.

“Oh my.... Laura!  Laura!”  Dana shouted.

Laura slumbered away, barely moving.  Dana slowly made her way out of bed, grunting with each movement. She managed to get her feet on the ground and she leaned in, tapping Laura.

“Wake up, Laura!”  Dana repeated.

Laura mumbled something, her face deep inside the blankets.  The leg hanging off the edge of the bed moved, slowly making its way back up and into the warmth of the blanket.  Dana tapped Laura again, trying to get her to react.

“Whaaaaat?”  Laura moaned.

"It's already past three in the afternoon.  We're wasting our trip."

Laura's face plopped out from under her blanket.  "We're not wasting anything.  I'm exhausted."

"Come on, let's go to the hot tub, try to get some sun, relax for once."

"Ugh... Are you serious?  I don't even want to walk right now.  Those fucking black guys pounded my ass."

"All the more reason to get in some warm water..."  Dana said.

"You try getting to black dicks in your ass... at the same time, and see if you want to go in a tub after," Laura replied as she dug her face back under the blankets.

"Fine, I'll go on my own.  You want me to bring something back?"

"Yeah, an aspirin."

Dana shook her head and smiled.  She slowly stood up, every inch of her body aching.  She put on her bikini, grabbed a towel, and then headed out.

The ship was packed with people, mostly families or older people wandering around.  She went onto the deck and headed for a nearby hot tub.  Her heart sank as she saw the tub, full to the brim with people, many of them children, splashing and playing.  Dana sighed and contemplated, wondering if she should go in.

"Sucks huh?"  A voice interrupted her thoughts.

Dana turned to see an extremely tall black man looking down at her.  He might have been a basketball player.  She looked up at him.

"Excuse me?"

"The tub, that don't look like fun," he replied in a thick, southern accent.

"Yeah, that is not something I was looking forward to," Dana said.

"Hey, you know there's an adult's only hot tub right?"  He asked.

"Really?  I don't remember seeing it."

"Yeah, other side of the ship, past the sliding glass doors.  It's got a pretty big ass pool with hot tubs surrounding it," he explained.

Dana squinted her eyes as she vaguely remembered the area he was describing.  "That was adult's only?"

"Yeah, I'm headed there right now.  You interested?"

Dana shrugged.  "Probably better than here."

The tall black man led the way, one long legged step for him taking a couple for Dana.  Dana felt a bit rushed trying to keep by his side.

“My name’s Jamal by the way,” he introduced himself.


“Cute name, nice and simple,” he said with a smile.

Dana’s aching pussy grew wet as she looked up at him.  She could tell he was trying to hit on her, and she grew flustered.  Her face turned slightly pink and she felt hot.

“So, where’s your family?”  Dana asked, quickly trying to change the subject.

“I ain’t here with family.  My buddies and I are here for a little break,” Jamal replied.

“Oh, break from work?”

Jamal laughed.  “I guess you could call it that.  We’re the seniors of our basketball team, all with UIC.”


“University of Illinois, Chicago.  Chi-town baby,” Jamal said proud fully.

Dana felt flattered at the thought of a college student flirting with her.  He was tall, slender and yet muscular, his arms like chiseled marble.  Dana cleared her throat.

“So... final year before you head out into the real world huh?”  Dana asked.

“Yeah, but I got a full ride into my graduate program.  Can’t live off basketball you know?”

Dana nodded.

“Where your family at?”  Jamal asked.

"I'm just here with my girlfriend, taking a break," Dana replied.

"Uh... you a lesbian?"  

"Excuse me?"  Dana stepped back at his comment.

She wondered if he had seen her at the staff only party the night before.  Her heart raced at the thought.

"Oh, sorry, you said girlfriend so I assumed..."

"Oh no!  Just a close friend that's a woman," Dana replied with a laugh.

A sense of relief washed over her.  As amazing as the experience was the night before, she didn't want every stranger on the boat recognizing her.  The two reached the sliding glass doors and walked on through.

"I don't mean to sound too direct but you look abso-fuckin-lutely stunning in that bikini," he commented as they reached the large hot tub.

"Oh... thank... thank you," she replied, flustered.

Her face turned a shade of pink again and she quickly looked away.  Her husband had never made a comment like that before, and the last time they had gone to Alki Beach, he barely paid any attention to her.  Jamal smiled, and then slowly walked down into the hot tub.

He grimaced with each step, letting out funny grunts as he desce [...]