How To Deal With Bed Bugs - Owen Jones - E-Book

How To Deal With Bed Bugs E-Book

Owen Jones

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  • Herausgeber: Tektime
  • Kategorie: Lebensstil
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022

Bed bugs have been making a valiant comeback in the West since the end of the Second World War, and are now firmly entrenched in our cities. So much so, that every Western hotel has to take special precautions costing an aggregated sum of billions of dollars a year, which is passed on to us, the paying guest.

It is long past the time when everyone should take this subject seriously, so, in that vein, I hope that you will find the information below helpful, useful and profitable.

The advice in this ebook on how to deal with bed bugs and related subjects is organised into 18 chapters of about 500-600 words each. I have also included the scientific classification for clarity and the lyrics of two popular songs for the sake of levity.

As an added bonus, I am granting you permission to use the content on your own website or in your own blogs and newsletter, although it is better if you rewrite them in your own words first.

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How to Deal with Bed Bugs

A source of the night terrors!

How to Deal with Bed Bugs

by Owen Jones

Copyright Owen Jones 2022© Third Edition

Published by Megan Publishing Services

Hello and thank you for buying this ebook called ‘How to Deal with Bed Bugs’.

Bed bugs have been making a valiant comeback in the West since the end of the Second World War, and are now firmly entrenched in our cities. So much so, that every Western hotel has to take special precautions costing an aggregated sum of billions of dollars a year, which is passed on to us, the paying guest.

It is long past the time when everyone should take this subject seriously, so, in that vein, I hope that you will find the information below helpful, useful and profitable.

The advice in this ebook on how to deal with bed bugs and related subjects is organised into 18 chapters of about 500-600 words each. I have also included the scientific classification for clarity and the lyrics of two popular songs for the sake of levity.

As an added bonus, I am granting you permission to use the content on your own website or in your own blogs and newsletter, although it is better if you rewrite them in your own words first.

You may also split the book up and resell the articles. In fact, the only right that you do not have is to resell or give away the book as it was delivered to you.

If you have any feedback, please leave it with the company you bought this book from.

Thanks again for purchasing this ebook.


Owen Jones

Table of Contents

Scientific Classification

Bed Bugs in the Home

Native Solutions For Bed Bugs

Bitten By The Bug

How to Recognise Bed Bugs

Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

Good Night Sleep Tight Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

Bed Bugs - Unwelcome Bed Fellows

Exterminating Bed Bugs

Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

Hotels Can Have Bed Bugs Too

How to Know if You Have Bed Bugs

How to Get Bed Bugs Out of Your Clothes

Just What Do Bed Bugs Do?

What are Bed Bugs?

How to Control Bed Bugs

Killing Bed Bugs

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Beware Bed Bugs When Travelling

Bed Bug Songs

Scientific Classification







Species:C. lectularius

Binomial name: Cimex lectularius (see cover image)

(Linnaeus, 1758)

Bed Bugs in the Home

Bed bugs were everywhere before the Second World War, but billions of them were eradicated due to slum clearance plans in Europe, America and Asia. There was so much progress achieved in eradicating bed bugs that from, say 1945, until the early 1990’s, few people ever saw a bed bug.

However, since the Nineties, bed bugs have been coming back big time. They are now a huge problem in every city in the world from Toronto to New York to London, Paris and elsewhere. Bed bugs are happy to live in clean or dirty properties, they do not discriminate.

Bed bugs are sometimes said to be minute, some people even say invisible to the naked eye, but this is total rubbish. In fact, bed bugs are about the same size and colour as apple pips. Although the colour can vary, particularly depending on whether they have fed recently.

The difficulty for this generation, which has almost certainly never seen a bed bug, is the resurgence of these blood suckers. The health authorities in the United States of America and Canada are very worried about the recent explosion in the number of bed bugs.

Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of and notoriously easy to acquire. Bed bugs are impervious to most insect killers because they have a heavy waxy coat which is meant to stop them dehydrating, but it is also very good at defending them against insecticides.

The best way to kill these particular insects is with steam. So, if you have an infestation of bed bugs in your home, you have two alternatives. By far the best choice is to call in a professional to clean them out for you; otherwise you will have to hire a steam cleaner.

Clearing your place of bed bugs is not an easy job at all. However, if you want to go down that route, the first thing to do is clean up. Make certain that you reduce the number of places for them to conceal themselves under. Things like piles of ironing, books and newspapers must all be put away or thrown out.

Next, you should wash all your clothes and bedding in the hottest water they can stand, dry and iron them and then seal them in plastic bags. Block up all the holes in your walls especially where the pipes come through. They are bugs’ super-highways from one dwelling to another.

Strip off all your wall paper and plug any holes or cracks in the wall or ceiling beneath. Take up and inspect your carpets and the flooring beneath them.

Seal all the architraves and skirting boards in your home with silicone or mastic. Bed bugs love hiding behind these lengths of wood

Now you are ready for the steam cleaner. Steam the whole house from top to bottom. Steam your curtains, bed, mattress and furniture too and inside your cupboards and shelves. You could also purchase a waterproof mattress pad to retain any bed bugs in the mattress.

Now you can relax and hope for the best. Wait a week and keep your eyes peeled. If you do not see one, you can redecorate and get on with your life

Native Solutions For Bed Bugs

There are many historical solutions for things, including insect pests, that society in general has forgotten. The funny thing is that lots of the chemicals used in these circumstances are derivatives of the original native or historical remedies. For example, permethrin, one of the best insect killers, is manufactured from chrysanthemums