Imi Lichtenfeld - The Grand Master of Krav Maga - Gaetano Lo Presti - E-Book

Imi Lichtenfeld - The Grand Master of Krav Maga E-Book

Gaetano Lo Presti

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  • Herausgeber: Youcanprint
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2015

Fantastic book and manual on the Krav Maga and the life of its founder Imi Lichtenfeld GM. All practitioners of this system of self-defense should be in possession.Master Gaetano Lo Presti, Italian, is considered among the world's greatest exponents of krav maga. President of WOKM Federation (World Original Israeli Krav Maga Federation). After the huge success of his first book "Krav Maga" addressed the Italian market, with this book entirely in English, wants to disclose in the world, the history of this discipline and its founder.

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Imi Lichtenfeld The Grand Master of Krav Maga

Gaetano Lo Presti


Copyright © 2015 by Gaetano Lo Presti

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

First Printing: 2015

ISBN 9788891180292


Imi Lichtenfeld

The Krav Maga

Krav Maga Original

First Generation

New Generation


This book is about the history of Krav Maga and its founder. A manual that should have every practitioner of Krav Maga in the world. I love Krav Maga more of me own life, because Krav Maga saved my life several times.

I hope this book is to your liking because it was written with passion and devotion. Happy reading and good Krav Maga at all.


Gaetano Lo Presti

Imi Lichtenfeld

“Imi, father of Krav Maga, grandfather of us all practitioners.”

Gaetano Lo Presti

Imrich Sde-Or (Imi Lichtenfeld), founder of Krav Maga was born in Budapest May 26 in 1910, at the time one of the centers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and died in Netanya, now famous Israeli town January 9 1998.

Raised in Bratislava, capital of Slovakia, where his father Samuel Lichtenfeld taught education for sports, the values of life and respect for the law.

Imi's father, was undoubtedly a unique figure, essential for the formation of the future founder of Krav Maga.

At the young age of 13, Samuel, joined a circus for 20 years where he tried his hand in the fight, weightlifting, and various demonstrations of strength. For him, the circus was a great school of life and training, where he met many people who practiced a multitude of sports, including some quite unusual . These individuals, Samuel taught their knowledge including various techniques combat and self-defense.

After leaving the circus, Samuel Lichtenfeld moved to Bratislava (then known as Presburg), founded the first club of heavy athletics in the city calling him "Hercules". Following it is incorporated the municipal police department, where he became Detective In Charge. During his years of service, Samuel earned the reputation of Officer who arrested and brought to trial the highest number of the city of murderers and violent criminals. While serving as a Detective, Samuel periodically trained his men in defense techniques from aggression being accompanied by small Imi, which in turn was trying to learn together with colleagues of his father's teachings thereof.

With the encouragement of his father, Imi became active in a wide range of sports exceeding in swimming before, and subsequently in gymnastics, wrestling and boxing. In 1928 Imi won the Slovakian Youth Wrestling Championship, and in 1929 the adult championship in the welterweight division. In the same year he also won the national championship boxing and gymnastics championship. During the following decade, the sport of Imi, were in the main fight, both as a competitor and as a coach, winning championships Slovaks for his weight group and became one of the pillars of the national. Until 1939, Imi participated in numerous international competitions, winning dozens of medals and awards. Imi was considered the vanguard of European wrestlers. He won many championships and beat many champions in his and in other weights. Sports activities of Imi also included acrobatics, teaching gymnastics to the cast of one of the most famous theater companies in the Czechoslovakia, driving successfully different crew and productions.

In the mid thirties, conditions began to change in Bratislava. Fascist and anti-Semitic groups appeared determined to subvert public order at the expense of the Jewish communities of the city. Imi became the uncrowned leader of a group of young Jews, the majority of them with a background in boxing, wrestling and weightlifting. This group attempted to block the anti-Semitic groups who wanted to go into Jewish neighborhoods wreaking havoc. So between 1936 and 1940, Imi participated in numerous clashes and street battles with his group or alone see against the thugs antisemitic. He and his companions found themselves often faced with angry crowds formed by hundreds and sometimes thousands of people from Bratislava and around trying to enter the Jewish quarter.

Were the events occurred in this period that shaped the mind and body of Imi starting to plant the first seeds giving rise to the system that will later be called Krav Maga.

In 1940, having become a thorn in the side of the anti-Semitic groups and local authorities, Imi left his home, family, friends, and boarded the last ship of immigrants who managed to escape the Nazis. The ship was an old boat station called Pentcho, which had been modified to carry hundreds of refugees from Europe Central to the land of Israel (then called Palestine). The compelling story Pentcho boat and its passengers, was told in detail in the Odyssey, book by John Birman, published by Simon & Shuster, New York, 1984.

The life of Imi aboard that ship were characterized by exciting episodes for the duration of the trip, which lasted about two years, sailing along the Danube and the Aegean Sea, to reach its destination. Imi had to jump into the water several times to save passengers who had fallen into the sea or to recover the scarce food bags. As a result, he suffered from a severe ear infection that nearly cost him his life.

During the trip a boiler exploded on board the ship, which then ran aground near the Greek island of Kamilanisi, Imi and four friends took a rowing boat and set off to get help in the island of Crete. Because of the strong winds that brought the drifting boat, the five never reached the island, but later, on the fifth day, a British warship took the brave men who were brought to Alexandria and, where Imi was timely rescue and where it underwent several interventions that saved his life. It was not until 50 years later, when a friend of adventure of rowing boat, Josep Hertz, who later became a doctor and settled in Prague, revealed that for Imi there was no longer any hope of life.

After convalescence, Imi enlisted in the Czech Legion, which during the Second World War was under the command of the British army for a year and a half he held various points in the Middle East, including Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.

In 1942, Imi requested and was granted an entry permit to Palestine. At that time, many friends and former pupils Imi, were been serving in the Hagana resistance, the pre-IDF (Israel Defence Forces), introducing Imi to Itzchak Sadeh, head of the Haganah, who introduced him immediately in the organization for his innate talent of combat.

In 1944 Imi began training fighters in his areas of expertise: physical fitness, swimming, wrestling, use of the knife, and defenses against the same. During this period, Imi trained several elite units of the Haganah and Palmach, including Pal-Yama, and several groups of police officers.

In 1948 when the state of Israel was founded and the IDF was formed, Imi became the chief instructor for physical education and Krav Maga in the IDF School of Combat Fitness.

Imi served for 20 years, the Israeli Defense Forces, during which time he developed and refined his unique method for self defense, combat, training special units and qualifying several generations of Krav Maga.

We must keep in mind that the system of Imi had to meet various requirements of the Israel Defense Forces. It had to be easy to learn and to be applied in such a way that the soldier, both a employee of office a fighter of an elite unit, could have achieved the necessary expertise in the shortest possible period of training, causing the level of the skills learned of the soldier remain maintained over time with minimal practice, and been more crucial is that the techniques learned are designed to be learned and carried out under the most stressful conditions.

After retiring from active duty, Imi began adapting Krav Maga to civilian needs. The system has been formulated for all kinds, man and woman, boy or girl, boy or girl, so be necessary to save his life, survive an attack by limiting the damage, regardless of the background of the attack, criminal, nationalistic, or other.

To spread his method, Imi established two training centers, one in Tel Aviv and the other in Netanya. In 1972 he was taught the first course for civilian instructors Krav Maga at the school for training instructors of the Wingate Institute of Sport and Physical Education. Then the system spread among several paintings civilians in Israel and abroad. Many thousands of people have been trained in Krav Maga, including members of the Israeli secret service, the Israeli police, teachers of schools and private institutions, municipalities and social centers associated with them.

In 1978, Imi and some of his closest students, founded the Israeli Krav Maga Association, which aims at the method in the world and transmit values of self. International operations are started in 1981, with the generous assistance of Mr. Daniel Abraham, American businessman.

Until the last days of his life, died at the age of 87 years, Imi continued to develop the techniques of Krav Maga respect to the last sentence of his most famous, known during the presentation of the logo symbol Krav Maga or "Krav Maga is a system evolving. In it will integrate new techniques that are extremely effective, and get out those that will be of little use. "

The Krav Maga

“Krav Maga is not just a sport or a system of self defense.

Krav Maga is everything in daily life. Helps you to have a clear mind in situations of high stress, helps you to make immediate decisions making you go directly to the point and without giraci around. Krav Maga makes your life easier.”

Gaetano Lo Presti

Krav Maga in Hebrew literally means: Krav (Combat) Maga (Contact), fighting with contact or close combat.

Krav Maga is a horizontal system of practical and tactical combat for self-defense with a unique approach based on physical principles and logical, mathematical and biomechanical.

It teaches how to prevent, address and overcome any type of attack and violence. Designed to be used in conditions of high stress.

The logo symbol of Krav Maga, was introduced in 1978 inauguration of the Israeli Krav Maga Association, a federation created and built by Imi Lichtenfeld to control the orderly release of the Israeli system.

The logo represents the letters "K" (ק) and "M" (מ) in Hebrew united artistically, giving rise to a "P" enclosed within an open circle. The open circle wants to be translated that the system is evolving. Will lick joining techniques and variations of extreme effectiveness, get out outdated techniques and of little use.

The birth of Krav Maga, contrary to what many disclose, started from the mid-thirties in Bratislava when the young Imi found itself in conflict, sometimes alone, the Nazis and anti-Semitic groups. Krav Maga then, was born in a civil context and on the road because of the need of God where it was enough to commit a small error in order to find dead in the street. Obviously it comes to the basics, the first seeds planted that later will shape the real system that will be called Krav Maga in Israel.

In 1944, when Imi was introduced nell'Hagana, was incorporated as a physical education instructor and fight where he taught Hebrew to the soldiers fighting techniques melee with fistic bases, wrestling and fighting with the knife, all techniques resulting from its sporting experience and life on the road.

Later in 1948 the Palestine ceased to exist, giving rise to the new state of Israel and from this foundation there was the creation of the new defense forces Israeli, was born the IDF Israel Defence Forces where Imi became the chief instructor of the IDF School of Combat Fitness, center of physical training and combat.

On behalf of the newborn government Imi use the training center as a learning center to perfect the techniques adopted in the Hagana training and make it more immediate, effective, modern, but above all he had a unique approach logical and easy to learn, so that the Israeli soldiers learn in a few hours real notions of self-defense with bare hands against all types of attacks, including from weapons, blunt and firearms.

Imi during the study of the system thought about his life, the difference between competition and reality, to attack from objects and knives received during the conflict against the Nazis and anti-Semitic groups, the various dynamics of attack and defense, he thought wrestling, boxing, but especially the teachings of his father, after much reflection and study with professional researchers at the IDF was born at last the system, was born on Krav Maga.

The system was originally reserved only to special units of the army the Tzva HaHagana LeYisra'el (Tzahal or IDF or IDF) and infants servzi the Israeli intelligence AGAF HaModiin (AMAN) the Ha-Mossad le-Modi'inule Tafkidim Meyuchadim (MOSSAD) and sherut Bitahon Klali (Shabak or Shin Bet).

After 20years and dismissed by the IDF Imi established two schools, one in Tel Aviv and the other in Netanya, adapting Krav Maga for civilian use since the military system provided for the elimination of the enemy with a different physical and mental approach in the training phase.

After years of military secrecy on Krav Maga, in 1972 at the Wingate Institute held the first course for civilian instructor of Krav Maga, course taught directly by the Grand Master Imi Lichtenfeld, thus starting the disclosure of the best system in the world for personal defense followed by the constitution of 1978 the first World Federation of Krav Maga, the Israeli Krav Maga Association IKMA today chaired by Haim Gidon.