Len World - Isobel Wycherley - E-Book

Len World E-Book

Isobel Wycherley

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Len Moscow has always been a man of mystery. 

But after being transferred to George Lee's Psychiatric Hospital, the ruthless nurses in charge of straightening him out soon realize just how little they know about this self-centered, eccentric murder suspect.

Together with his new friends Big Al, Theo and Scott Green, they help other patients, get into trouble - and try to clear Len's name. But what really happened that fateful night, and is Len really responsible for the crime he's accused of?

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

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About the Author

Copyright (C) 2020 Isobel Wycherley

Layout design and Copyright (C) 2022 by Next Chapter

Published 2022 by Next Chapter

Edited by Lorna Read

Cover art by CoverMint

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the author’s permission.

Dedicated to Liam Roscoe and his wonderful, supportive family.


Thank you, again, to my sister who always keeps a close eye on my writing and gives me feedback to help me improve my skills. She has believed in me from day one, and inspires me to keep going. I would also like to thank the extremely talented Lorna Read, who reached out to tell me how much she enjoyed my first book, Gone Too Far West. This gave me the confidence I needed to really pursue this dream, she gave me so much support and advice throughout writing this book, I really couldn’t have done it without her.

It would be rude of me not to acknowledge the man behind the Len, Liam Roscoe. Although reading isn’t his forte, he still keeps up with my writing and constantly assures me of how proud he is, which also contributes to my determination to continue doing what I love.

And, of course, thank you to anybody who buys my books or simply supports them- friends, family and strangers I’ve met on nights out, I couldn’t do it without you either.


Today is an exciting day for the people who dedicate their lives to confining people who are failed and rejected by society. Their pristine white plimsolls squeak in unison as they march down the empty hall, single file, eager to know what they have all been summoned to the staffroom for. Nobody knows who has called them here, but, as they flow into the room, they know he means business because of his shiny new briefcase and squinty, Clint Eastwood eyes that analyse them, one by one, as they slump down into their seats. Silence fills the room as they wait impatiently for him to speak.

“Hello. Thank you all for coming,” he begins, his booming voice spreading to every inch of the room, filling it with noise.

Just as they’d hoped.

“I am Detective Reinhold, and this is my partner, Detective Shelley.” He holds out a gorilla-sized hand to present the haggard old man beside him, slouched against the table, with his arms folded across his thin body.

Together, they look like a before and after shot of a raging alcoholic. The ‘before’ being an honourable man, every feature big and distinguished, all held together with pride. The ‘after’, a frail shell of a man, with more bags than Paris Hilton, his cracked and sagging body breaking a little bit more with every painful step.

“We’ve gathered you here in order to brief you all about your new tenant arriving tomorrow,” he starts to explain. “Some of you may already know of him –”

“Ooh! Is it Charles Manson?” a young nurse called Paul, with a kind face and thin black hair, interrupts.

Reinhold wonders how someone so stupid has managed to get a job like this. “No. And I do not take kindly to interruptions. There will be time at the end for questions. For now, you need to listen very carefully to what I am going to tell you.”

Paul hangs his head in childish shame as Reinhold continues.

“The patient in questions is called Len Moscow. You may recognise his name from a number of national news outlets. If you are unaware, he is one of four suspects in the murder case of Gaz Neugent, who was brutally killed in the summer of 2018. The thing that makes Len so special is that he is the only living suspect.”

The nurses look around nervously at each other.

“There have been a number of stories emerging about what happened on the night of the murder. But one thing we know for certain is that Len and his three friends were the last people to see Gaz alive and, ultimately, deceased. Thanks to one suspect, Flic, who wrote her account of the night in question, in a book called Gone –“

“– Gone Too Far West! Oh my God, I LOVE that book!” Paul interrupts again, instantly regretting his reaction.

“Well then… Perhaps you can explain it to everyone,” Reinhold spits through gritted teeth.

All the while, Shelley stares glumly at the floor, unaffected by anything being said, almost as if he isn’t listening to a word.

“Okay…” Paul rises from his chair, hoping to prove himself to Reinhold. “Soooo… They were in a park. At night. Tripping on drugs. Aaaand, Gaz comes over. Creeps them out… He walks off into the forest… Later, they hear a commotion. They investigate, but they all see a different murder scene playing out in front of them. So, basically, no one knows what really happened-“

“WRONG!” Reinhold bellows. The interruptee becomes the interrupter.

The nurses jump in surprise – especially Paul, who has cowered back down into his seat. Some of them stifle their laughter behind sweaty palms.

“Len knows what happened,” Reinhold continues, “And it is down to you lot to find out what he knows. If you do… you will be very generously rewarded.”

Worried faces transform into devious smirks as their interest is freshly replenished.

“But at the end of the book, Flic says she was the one who did it,” Paul quizzes from the safety of his seat.

“We know. But we checked out that lead and it doesn’t seem to fit the evidence,” Reinhold explains. “We’ve exhausted all of our systems, and we still cannot get to the bottom of this case. This is our final option. We’ve bugged his room and we’ll send a body language specialist in every day, undercover as another patient. He’ll take on the role of the poker dealer in order to detect any deceptive behaviour that Len might show. But, additionally we need you to use your ‘techniques’,” he mimes quotation marks with his thick fingers, “in order to get the truth out of him.”

Everyone acknowledges that this equates to ‘by any means necessary’, including their more unethical approaches.

“I have a question…” A fat nurse with a deep, raspy voice, at the back of the room, raises her chubby arm in the air. It looks like a joint of beef, her rolls secured with thin pieces of string, keeping the tender meat intact as it cooks in its own juices.

“Go on,” Reinhold directs.

“Why is he being sent here, of all places?” she huffs. Lifting her arm is enough exercise for today.

“Because, sir – er, miss, sorry – he’s been fabricating delusional stories about the murder and events surrounding it. He’s been deemed mentally unstable and is now a potential suspect. There is no better place for him than here, especially given your reputation.”

So, where is ‘here’? Well, I’ll tell you. ‘Here’ is George Lee’s Psychiatric Hospital, one of the last ones of its kind. It was built in the 1600s, for the exact same purpose as it’s used for today: detaining a group of people that we cannot, or will not, help. Situated across three floors and a basement, each level has its own purpose. The ground floor holds the dayroom, where all patients can mix with each other under the unwatchful eye of the horrendous nurses, as well as the food hall. The first floor is where the female patients sleep and shower, the second floor being for the men; both of these have a communal area, for those that do not wish or are not allowed to mix with the opposite sex. I can’t bring myself to tell you what the basement is for. The building has a barbaric history, but brutality is not left solely in the past like it should be… Something that will become clear to you, and our poor boy, Len.

Shelley distributes a copy of Gone Too Far West to every nurse, so they know what they’re getting themselves in to. Reinhold begins to wrap up the meeting as they flick through the pages and examine the cover.

“I want you all to read this by tomorrow morning, in advance of your new arrival. We will return at the end of every week to check in with you all. However, if you have any information prior to our meetings, do not hesitate to contact either me or Detective Shelley.”

Shelley slowly turns to face them again as he makes it back to the front of the room. He gives them a gentle nod, his tired eyes full of hope, longing for the moment when this case can be closed.

The investigators bid their farewells and the nurses return to their night-time duties before returning home themselves. Apprehensive about the week ahead.


6am: time to wake up the patients. An alarm that cuts through the bone is blasted out of hundreds of speakers dotted around the building. They drag themselves out of bed, with a little help from the nurses, brush their teeth and are all ushered to the showers. Freezing cold, as always.

The men pull on their blood-red overalls and make their way to the communal room at the end of their dorm. They’re surprised to see a circle of chairs in the middle of the room with a nurse stationed behind every one.

“Come in.” A tall male doctor with glasses and a long white lab coat gestures with his hands for them to sit down.

He’s the head of the ward, Doctor Harris, a man who is seldom seen wandering around, mixing with patients. Something big must be happening. He has an air of respect hanging around him. Quiet, but confident. Modest, yet conceited. A recluse, who nevertheless has a way with people.

With caution, the patients sit, twisting their necks to look up at the nurses behind them.

“There’s nothing to worry about,” Doctor Harris reassures them, sensing their hesitation to join them in the circle. “We have a new, very interesting, patient joining us today. So, we thought we’d give him our biggest welcome.” He smiles.

It’s unsure whether his joyfulness and affection for the patients is genuine or not. But who cares? He has treated them better in these mere few moments than any of the nurses ever have.

One patient speaks out. “Who is he?”

“Well, I’m glad you asked that, Mehzah. He’ll be sharing a room with you!” Doctor Harris chirps.

Mehzah curses under his breath as some of the patients snigger at him. It’s a luxury to have your own room in a place like this, but very rare. It is said that Mehzah coaxed his last roommate into committing suicide so that he could have the room to himself. They questioned him but, quiet as always, he just stuck his many chins out at them. Nothing was conclusive.

“Now, now. I want you all to make him feel welcome, like he’s part of the family.”

Before anyone can mock the use of the word ‘family’, the double doors, windows covered with thick wire mesh, are swung open. A nervous-looking young man is escorted into the room by two nurses either side of him, each with a hand under his arms, just in case they need to drag him anywhere.