Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Systems -  - E-Book

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Systems E-Book

96,29 €

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This book presents current investigations in the field of mathematical modeling and simulation to support the development of intelligent information systems in domains such as ecology and geology, manufacturing, project management, and safety of distributed information systems.

The book will be of interest to developers of modern high-tech software complexes for situational control centers, based on mathematical modeling and simulation methods. In addition, it will appeal to software engineers and programmers, offering them new implementation and application methods.

Gathering the latest research, prepared by leading scholars, and identifying promising new directions for solving complex scientific and practical problems, the book presents selected outcomes of the 14th International Scientific-Practical Conference, MODS2019, held in Chernihiv, Ukraine, on June 24 to 26, 2019.

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