Matters Of Size (Interracial Gangbang Erotica) - Trevon Carter - E-Book

Matters Of Size (Interracial Gangbang Erotica) E-Book

Trevon Carter

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Janet is on the chopping block at her current company and for the first time in a long while goes for an interview. When she arrives, she meets Durant and Ron, two friendly black men who joke with her before she goes in for her interviews. After what seems like forever, she finishes up her interviews and heads back to the elevator.

She's not feeling positive in any way and doesn't think she got the job. Before she boards the elevator, she runs into Durant and Ron again. They head in with her and try to cheer her up. When the building suddenly loses power, Janet and the two big black men are left in the darkened elevator. After a bit of joking around, Durant reveals that his ex dumped him because he was too big.

Janet's not sure what he's talking about at first but once she realizes, she brushes him off. In her mind, size doesn't matter, and most men are around the same average size. Ron and Durant disagree and offer to show Janet the difference. Does she take the offer and get a better understanding of the matters of size?

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Matters of Size

By Trevon Carter

Table of Contents

Title Page

Matters Of Size

About the author:

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Further Reading: Brooklyn Nights

Also By Trevon Carter

Janet looked around nervously as she waited for the elevator.  This was her first interview in quite a while.  She had a stable job at a relatively large company for the past ten years, but due to some recent scandalous activity, her company’s CEO left, and after some massive restructuring, her group, as well as many others was cut.

Lots of people were angry over the situation as most of the groups had nothing to do with the scandalous problem.  The exiting CEO admitted to nothing and stated that he was leaving to give the company a fresh start.  Nobody within the company believed him.  How could they have?  He was the one who constantly pressured everyone to achieve literally impossible goals.

The elevator chimed as it reached the ground floor, the doors slowly opening to reveal a flood of people as they headed out.  Most of them were busy staring at their phones as they walked out, some just walking right into Janet as if she didn’t exist.  Once the elevator emptied out, Janet stepped in and pressed the button for the floor she was supposed to go to.

Janet quietly moved to the corner of the elevator as the doors slowly closed in.  It began its upward ascent, the digital numbers gliding upwards.  She watched, somewhat surprised by how fast the elevator was moving.  It actually made her body clench up for a moment.

“Wow, really fast elevators here,” she whispered to herself.

She yelped as the elevator briefly stopped and shook in the air.  Her palms grew sweaty as she gripped onto the railing and looked around.  After a brief jolt, it continued on its way up, letting Janet let out a sigh in relief.

The elevator chimed again to let her know that it had reached its destination.  The doors opened up and she quickly hopped out, slightly afraid that the elevator would suddenly drop.  It was an absurd thought, but after the brief scare, it was better to be safe than sorry. 

She looked to the left and saw tall glass double doors for the company she was interviewing with.  Janet gripped tightly onto her little folder with copies of her resume in it and walked towards the doors.  A secretary behind the doors saw her and nodded, a small clinking sound emitting to let Janet know that the door had unlocked.

Janet took a deep breath and opened the door, her heart racing as she smiled at the secretary who glanced over at her and then looked back at her monitor.  She typed something and then looked up at Janet again.

“Are you here for an interview?”  She asked.

“Yes, I’m Janet Walterman, here to interview for-“

“Sit over there please.  I’ll call up the hiring manager,” the secretary said, cutting Janet off sharply.

Janet shyly nodded and quietly sat on the seat the secretary had pointed at.  She looked around the office, staring at the various pictures hanging on the wall.  There were a few people rushing by, their heads down as they looked at notebooks or their phones.  She felt as though it was a very cold work environment.

A couple of well dressed black men walked by, chatted with the secretary and then stopped by in front of Janet.  They looked down at her and smiled.

“Haven’t seen you around before,” one of them said.

“Oh, hi, I’m just here for an interview,” Janet replied.

“No shit?  What position?”

“A data analyst.”

“Oh, that must be under Dan.”

“I think so.  Let me look,” Janet said as she pulled out her interview schedule.

“Dan Kim?”  Janet asked as she read her paper.

“Yeah, yeah, I know Dan.  I think we have lunch scheduled with him today.”

“We do?”  The other black man asked.

“Yeah, look at your calendar.  Ah, where are my manners?  Hi, I’m Durant,” the tall black man introduced.

He had a shiny bald head and deep, dark brown skin.  His thick eye brows were neatly trimmed and he had a slight crookedness to his nose.

“Hi, I’m Janet.”

She stood up and he extended a hand.  His handshake was firm, and yet somehow gentle; mostly due to his soft skin.

“And I’m Ron,” the other black man said.

He had long, braided hair that was tied into a pony tail that traveled down to the back of his neck.  While slightly shorter than Durant, he did seem more built.  Janet could see that his suit was wrapped tightly around his thick body.

“So Dan huh?  He’s quite the hard ass sometimes,” Durant said while scratching his chin.

“Oh really?”

“Yeah, I mean, he’s a nice guy, but he likes to grill people during interviews,” Durant replied.

“Oh no...  It’s been a while since I interviewed,” Janet said.

“It’s all good, just do what you would do in a public speaking environment.  Imagine him naked,” Durant said with a smile.

Ron laughed and shook his head.  “That is such bad news.  Who would ever want to see his bony ass naked?”

“His wife... maybe?”  Durant joked.

Janet nervously smiled, her eyes shifting around.  She wanted to be careful, especially considering she had no idea what Dan looked like.  It would have been quite the awkward experience if he had seen her laughing at a joke at his expense.

“My bad, my bad.  I get it, you’re interviewing with the guy.  Well, good luck, hope to see you around,” Durant said as he tapped Ron.

The two walked off and Janet sat back down on her seat.  She looked on a nearby table and picked up a magazine.  Before she could even flip through the pages, a tall, lanky Asian man with thick rimmed glasses paused in front of her.

“Janet Walterman?”  [...]