Megan Goes Yachting - Owen Jones - E-Book

Megan Goes Yachting E-Book

Owen Jones

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A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger And One Scary Mother!

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A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!


Owen Jones

Copyright © 14th December 2020 Owen Jones

Megan Goes Yachting

A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!

by Owen Jones

Published by

Megan Publishing Services

The right of Owen Jones to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. The moral right of the author has been asserted.

In this work of fiction, the characters and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or they are used entirely fictitiously. Some places may exist, but the events are completely fictitious.

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Other novelettes in the same series:

The Psychic Megan Series

A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!

The Misconception

Megan’s Thirteenth

Megan’s School Trip

Megan’s School Exams

Megan’s Followers

Megan and the Lost Cat

Megan and the Mayoress

Megan Faces Derision

Megan’s Grandparents Visit

Megan’s Father Falls Ill

Megan Goes on Holiday

Megan and the Burglar

Megan and the Cyclist

Megan and the Old Lady

Megan’s Garden

Megan Goes To the Zoo

Megan Goes Hiking

Megan and the Cookery Competition

Megan Goes Riding

Megan Goes Yachting

Megan at Carnival

Megan at Christmas

Megan Catches Covid-19


This edition is dedicated to my wife, Pranom Jones, for making my life as easy as she can, she does a great job of it, and to my parents, Colin and Marion, for the wonderful upbringing they gave to me and my brothers.

Karma will repay everyone in just kind.


“I do not seek to walk in the paths of the wise men of old, I seek what they sought.”

Matsuo Bhutto


Great Spirit, whose voice is on the wind, hear me. Let me grow in strength and knowledge.

Make me ever behold the red and purple sunset. May my hands respect the things you have given me.

Teach me the secrets hidden under every leaf and stone, as you have taught people for ages past.

Let me use my strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy myself.

Let me always come before you with clean hands and an open heart, that as my Earthly span fades like the sunset, my Spirit shall return to you without shame.

(Based on a traditional Sioux prayer)


My thanks to the artist who did the cover for me,

Jacqueline Chavarria.


One Friday evening during the hot summer school holidays, when Megan was meeting her father at the front door as he arrived home from work at six o’clock, he said mysteriously, “Remind me that I have something to tell you after dinner, won’t you, Megan?”

“Daddy! You know I can’t bear to be kept in the dark about anything, why can’t you tell me now?”

“Well, I can’t, because I’m not sure of the details yet, I have to make a phone call at about seven first and then I’ll know more. I wouldn’t like to get your hopes up for nothing.”

“But what you’ve just done is far worse! I won’t be able to stop wondering what it is now.”

“Maybe, but I had to tell you so I wouldn’t forget to make the phone call. I know you and your curiosity, you won’t let me forget. You’re better than any alarm clock.”

“Well, I think it’s cruel. At least give me a clue.”

“Come on let’s go through to the lounge. What’s for dinner today? Fish?”

“Fish? That doesn’t smell like fish to me! It’s ‘Toad in the Hole’… where do you get the smell of fish from?”

“I don’t know,” he replied smiling, “have you washed your hands for dinner yet?”

“No, but I will before we sit down to eat. Are you feeling all right, Daddy? You haven’t had a bump on the head today, have you?”

“No, not that I remember. Hello, Suz, I’m home. Mmm, ‘Toad in the Hole’, my favourite. How long have we got, love?”

“Fifteen minutes… set the table, please, Megan.”

“Inside or out?”

“Outside, I think, it’s too hot to be stuck indoors.”

Megan washed her hands, thinking about her father’s strange behaviour as she did so and then proceeded to lay the garden table for dinner.

“Daddy’s got something to tell me, Mam, but he won’t tell me what it is until after dinner. Don’t you think that’s cruel?”

“I’m sure he’ll tell you when he’s good and ready, dear.”

“You asked for a clue and I’ve given you two already?”

“When? I didn’t hear you give any.”

“Yes, you did, you commented on them.”


“Before we sat down to dinner, which by the way is absolutely superb, as usual, my dear.”

“Yes, Mam, it’s lovely. I’ll give you a hand to get the sweet.”

She collected the dirty plates and followed her mother inside, where Suzanne gave her three dishes to take outside.

“Trifle and runny cream, the perfect accompaniment to the meal on a warm evening like this. Suz, you spoil us.”

When they had finished, Megan hurried to clear away the dirty dishes and bring out the teapot and cups.

“OK, what was the surprise, Dad?”

“Oh, yes, the surprise, I’d forgotten about that,” he fibbed playfully. “I did say I’d have to make a phone call first, and I still do, so could you fetch me my mobile from the table in the living room, please, Megan?”

“Ooh, you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you, Daddy?”

“Moi? Jam… Never! Would I do a thing like that? I said that I had to phone at about seven, or not? And what time is it now, pray?”

Megan looked at her watch.


“There you are then.”

He tapped in a series of numbers and waited.

“Hello, Ray, how’re things? Marlene all right too? Good… Yes, Suzie’s well and Megan… Any news on what we were talking about this morning? It is going ahead, is it? For definite? Great! She will be pleased. Thanks, Ray… I’ll do that… I’ll ring you again after lunch tomorrow… Yes… bye for now and thanks again.”

Robert clicked off his phone and put it on the table, before picking up his cup and looking around. Both Suzie and Megan were watching him.

“That was Ray. You remember Ray and Marlene, don’t you, Suzie?”

“Yes, of course, I do,” she replied somewhat impatiently.

“Do you remember them, Megan?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever met them, have I, Mam?”

“No, I don’t think so dear, this is just your father having his little joke. Come on, Robert, get on with it. What about Ray and Marlene?”

“I was talking to Ray this morning and he invited us to go sailing on his yacht on Saturday… that’s all.. What do you think about that? We were only talking about yachting the other week, well now we can go! I’d forgotten that Ray had a boat. Well, I hadn’t really forgotten, but you have to wait to be invited to things like this… it’s not nice to ask.”

“Well, what do you think? Fantastic news, or what? Don’t both rush to thank me at once, will you?”

“I’m up for it, Dad, it’s just that I wasn’t expecting anything like this… I was expecting you to say that you were going to get a dog or a budgie or something like that.”

“We talked about getting a dog before, didn’t we and decided against it. This will be a new experience for us all.”

“You haven’t committed us, have you, Robert? I’m not at all sure about going out on the Channel in a tiny boat. All that water and in a small yacht… it’s very scary, isn’t it? They say that we have some of the strongest tides in the world out there.”

“I don’t know about that, Suz, highest tides, or highest rises from low to high tide, yes, but I don’t know a lot about it myself. The point is though that Ray does. He’s been sailing these waters for decades. As long as the skipper knows what he’s doing, everything should be all right, surely?”

“Perhaps, but with us for crew?”

“If Ray is happy to take us out, I for one am happy to go out with him. He wouldn’t take chances with people’s lives… nor his own… nor Marlene’s, would he? Come on, be sensible now. We’ve known Ray for a long time… he’s a sensible, solid, trustworthy sort of a guy… dependable.”

“Yes, I wouldn’t argue with any of that. I’d just be scared, that’s all.. I mean, if you’re on a Roller Coaster and don’t like it, you know it’ll be over in ten minutes, but once you’re out there… who knows? It could be hours before you can get back in.”

“Yes, well, I can’t dispute that either… I don’t suppose you could make everyone go back in because you don’t like it… and the tide may not allow it either. You’re right. What do you think, Megan?”

“Like I said, Dad, I’m up for it. Sure, it sounds scary, but, I’ll give it a go… I’ve never been on the water before.”

“No, I haven’t either, have you, Suzie?”

“No, at least not on the sea. I’ve been rowed around a boating lake in a dinghy. I liked that, but this is something altogether different. Couldn’t we phone back tomorrow and say ‘Sorry, but we’re sick?”