'R' is for Revenge - Wayne Kyle Spitzer - E-Book

'R' is for Revenge E-Book

Wayne Kyle Spitzer

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He shook his head, dismissing the issue. "I've no company, preferring instead the art of soliloquy and monologue. Joyung there is my only companion. We travel from town to town, up and down the banks of the River Dire, he making his music and I pacing the planks of whatever makeshift stage the sale of my baubles allows me to commission. When the performance is done, I send Joyung into the crowd with my hat, which, as you can see, has ample space for coins." His dark eyes dropped to where my hand rested on Rosethorn’s pommel. Only the flowery hilt was exposed, the rest of the weapon remained hidden within the folds of my cloak. His eyes flashed and then he shrugged as if in disinterest. "Ah, but how rude it is to talk only of one's self when in the company of a stranger as fascinating as you, boatman. You must tell me what it is that brings you to our Tinsel Forest, and without even your scythe to defend yourself." "You know me to be a ferryman," I said, pushing the circlet up and over my forehead. "How?" "Why, by taking one look at you, that’s how! You've no mask, that much is true, nor have you a scythe, as I’ve said … you’ve the cloak, all right, but that can be purchased at even the lowliest of costume shops; I’ve one just like it in my wagon here, in fact. No, this is something in the face itself. It’s an aura." He paused, appraising me coldly. "You’ve the heart of a ferryman." After a moment I replied, "I knew a woman once who said the very opposite." "A woman, eh? She must have feared you very much."

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‘R’ is for Revenge


Wayne Kyle Spitzer

Table of Contents

Title Page

'R' is for Revenge: A Dark Fantasy about the Ferryman Dravidian and his sword Rosethorn















Copyright © 1992, 2017 Wayne Kyle Spitzer. All Rights Reserved. Published by Hobb’s End Books, a division of ACME Sprockets & Visions. Cover design Copyright © 2017 Wayne Kyle Spitzer. Please direct all inquiries to: [email protected]

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this book is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

... being a tale from the self-exiled ferryman Dravidian's autobiography, Diary of a Ferryman; of those days when he did wander doomed Ursathrax alone with but the organic sword Rosethorn for companion—and a collection of maps bearing a secret knowledge as his guide.

Already the dying world about him had begun to show signs of a violent upheaval, quaking and changing almost as if in reply to Dravidian's own metamorphosis from ferryman to wanderer.

It would be an hour in which he inspired many enemies both above and below the earth, and in which he would gain his first real presentiments as to the role he would play in the shaping of Ursathrax’s future.

He was to encounter one such enemy in the starry tangle of the Tinsel Forest—in the form of the actor, Fenris-Wolf, who would be but one of many more to attempt the slaying of the dark-cloaked renegade known in some quarters already as:

Dravidian—pale-skinned ferryman, yellow-eyed lover, Servant of Death turned traitor.


I was beginning to learn, at some cost, the difference between being a ferryman and a wanderer. As a ferryman, I'd suffered but sore shoulders and alienation. As a wanderer and a vagabond, I was to suffer blistered feet and trembling cold and fear as I had never known, only inspired.

But in the days of walking which followed Shekalane's disappearance, I had yet to experience those things which would later wake me shivering in the night, turning to Rosethorn for comfort—as I have turned to her always, whether I knew it or not—since that day she was delivered to me on the deck of the Vorpal Gladio. To the contrary, cavalier in the knowledge I'd nothing left to lose (including my own life), I had taken my leave of the place of Shekalane’s betrayal, and forged ahead into the moon-drenched night, having nothing, really, but the shadow of a plan, and hoping, mostly, just to keep moving and to perhaps thwart my inevitable capture a while longer.

I’d carried with me all my possessions, those being but the accouterments as ferryman worn upon my person, the organic sword Rosethorn at my hip, and the maps of Ursathrax stored so ingeniously in Jamais’s scabbard. My scythe, the platinum key, my gondola—even my familiar, Sthulhu—had all vanished with Shekalane.

Real fear would come later, when I had forged a future as well and had much to lose.

Still, the going had been perilous ...

Though I believed Shekalane had betrayed me, I 'd been unable to write off the possibility of her capture. And if she had been taken, then following the immediate banks of the River Dire could have likely led to my own capture, as well.

But in Ursathrax, one seldom had a choice—as I have said in previous chapters. In most places, there was but The River itself, a pair of slim banks, and then the East and West Walls looming straight up on both sides. So, I'd had to travel from the place of betrayal to the Tinsel Forest along those very banks, beating a path through the bramble whenever possible to avoid being spied from The River. I had heard distant sounds on several occasions, and it is possible that these might have been the splashing of oars. I’d noticed no lanterns, but this brought me little comfort. My pursuers would no doubt have doused them as to render themselves invisible to me.

After a time, the West Wall had gradually curved away, and I'd moved inland away from The River to find myself skirting the fringe of the Tinsel Forest. I'd maintained a course which ran parallel to The River, however, as the less populated regions of the Far south were still my objective, and I could see no reason to venture deeper into the forest of lights.

But after stopping to rest and consider the maps as to what lay ahead (using the glittering trees for illumination), I’d elected to change directions. Away from The River Dire, and straight for the West Wall.

I'd learned from the scrolls that something known as a “Relief/ Maintenance Lodge,” a term I'd never heard, lay just beyond the Tinsel Forest, where the West Wall began its rocky climb skyward. However, the map had not been entirely clear as to whether this lodge lay at the foot of the wall or stood near its summit.