Reggae in Space - Suzann Dodd - E-Book

Reggae in Space E-Book

Suzann Dodd

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Tony Johnson is one of the most important humans on Beta Mar.  He promoted Reggae and it has captured the planet.  Sharon, for whom the concerts were 'bait' never saw them.   It is decided to hold concerts on the Zershaz planet of Zechia for her benefit.    Life, after conquest.    

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Suzann Dodd

Reggae in Space

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich

The Visitor





I am about to sit down to breakfast, with asLoutha, Marie, Ann,  two of asLoutha's female aides, when down comes a veDak, and out comes evJaFalk in the white robe.


He walks directly towards us. We stand, giving respect to one of the First Aides of Ki-ZerShaz.  The hood of the robe hides his face. But I know it is him.


As comfortable as can be, he comes to the table, takes a seat, leaving Marie to stand. The food is on the table, he takes generous helpings to a plate. We move quickly to grab our breakfast for he apparently must be starving. 


Those in the other city, Zezki, do not eat 'human' food.   Hence, on a planet where most or all indigenous life was destroyed, they must depend on crops and a few of their 'eat food' animals.


We, in Cyti, can get food from the Odin Path, which, due to the fact that it is in permanent orbit, no longer touring the galaxy with High-C passengers, has an excess we have taken.  Over there is  huge chicken coop, and there are a number of sheep which have been allowed to breed.


Marie looks terrified at evJaFalk usurpation, but when the platter of eggs holds only two, she takes it and uses it for her plate.


None of this is 'tal', standard in ZerShaz society.   Those in the robes 'speak in the voice' of their god/king, pronouncing edicts.   They don't sit at a table of women and stuff their faces.


We gape as he shoves food in his mouth. Eventually he speaks. In English he says;  "Reggae concerts in the verodyne."


The statement was so discordant that we all just stopped and stared. asLoutha spoke first...."The teka?"


"When musicians arrive. Two houses for their habitation."


"How many are there?"


"Uncertain," he replied.


I was puzzled.  Why? What....and then a sudden warmth filled me. An excitement, a joy. What evJaFalk had just said was that Daktoy was coming to Zechia. Coming with Sharon; for she never got to see the show.


Sharon had been missing, reggae concerts were set on Beta Mar, where she had been hiding.  She came, was retrieved.  She never saw the performance, and that is why the galaxy will be set off kilter.


Insane; but only in human parameters.


The other human women at the table exchanged glances, they had no idea what they were hearing, what reggae was, probably assuming it some kind of Zee whatever.


I savoured the knowledge as I did the food. I didn't look at evJaFalk. After he finished eating, he rose, to the cistern to wash his hands.  I continued to eat, planning on informing the women what reggae was, when an ini ran to me saying The Prime Aide summoned and would encounter me in my habitation.


I rose without a word.  After all I had been summoned.  I went to the cistern, washed my hands and strolled to my hourse.  No doubt he'd let himself in.  Yes, there he was, sans the robe, seating on my sofa.


"Maintain soundlessness," he says. "Explain the genre of reggae if you chose, but his advance must be held until the last moment. I predicate three concerts; here, on the Ark island and in Zezki."


"Why three?"


"If you owned ten cities, there would be ten."




"I am not here to activate your mind. I am here to inform the Sakari holds shazi. Do not betray. I 'pay' you for insertion of Pal la."


"Sharon is having another baby? She nearly died with the last one."


"You insure she does not..."




"It will be your charge..." He states as he rises, takes his robe, slips it on and leaves.


I sit, stunned. I am expected to behave as a mindless robot when ever called upon...Isn't that what I do? I'm the Jill function. Press the on button.