Secrets of the Glass Mountain (Dark Fantasy Erotic Romance) - Jenna Powers - E-Book

Secrets of the Glass Mountain (Dark Fantasy Erotic Romance) E-Book

Jenna Powers

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The Horde is in shambles and the Humans try to reform their alliances. Robyn, the sworn protector of Queen Grace, solemly looks out at the battlefield. She has an inner desire to continue journeying and wiping all remnants of the Horde.

Her encounter with a Shifter, Zartanian, has made her even more inquisitive of the world outside of her castle. When Queen Grace tells her to go and seek the Shifters, Robyn is hesitant at first. However, her childhood friend and now ruler of her home orders her to go. Robyn accepts and leaves for the mysterious Glass Mountain where the Shifters reside.

However, along the way, she encounters many dangerous Trolls and Goblins that possess the powerful aphrodisiac known as the Call of the Krakenos. As she journeys South, she fights through the members of the Horde but she cannot seem to find this mysterious mountain. Does Robyn succeed in finding and unlocking the secrets of the Glass Mountain?

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Secrets of the Glass Mountain

Book 14 of the Realms of War

By Jenna Powers

Table of Contents

Title Page

Secrets of the Glass Mountain (The Realms of War, #14)

About the author:

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Further Reading: The Realms of War Side Quests: The Plundering of Erun

Also By Jenna Powers

Robyn quietly stared off as the sun set over the mountains.  She sighed, feeling happy that she was back in Orderon but at the same time, empty and concerned.  There were small flumes of smoke in the distance, where soldiers were marking how far they had traveled for the day.

The scattered members of the Horde were still a dangerous adversary that had to be cleared.  She turned as she heard footsteps approach.  Robyn quickly got on one knee as she saw her former Princess, now Queen, Grace.

"My Lady Grace," Robyn greeted.

"Robyn, seriously?  Just call me Grace already.  I'm tired of all these titles," Grace replied, rolling her eyes.

"As a soldier of Orderon, I would not be able to abide by that request," Robyn answered.

"Oh please...  Don't make me create a formal decree that allows only you to do so.  I know how much you love being singled out," Grace laughed.

"My Lady..."  Robyn said, shaking her head.

"Come on Robyn, get up," Grace ordered.

Robyn quickly got to her feet and smiled.  Grace made her way to the balcony and looked out.

"Can you believe it?  Actual peace after all that..."  Grace started.

"Not absolute peace.  The Horde still roams the areas," Robyn replied.

"Indeed...  But not something our current army can't handle.  But you...  Robyn, I feel like something is ailing you.  What is it?"  Grace inquired.

Robyn sighed and stared out at the landscape.  She leaned against the railing and glanced over at Grace.

"It's...  I think we're making a mistake trying to rebuild Orderon.  Staying here...  I feel like we will stagnate again while the Horde continues to rebuild and grow stronger out there.  And even if the Horde were not to attack, there will always be corruption.  We care more about politics and power than we do about true peace," Robyn replied.

"Some would say that's the price for peace...  stupidity," Grace said with a smile.

Robyn smiled along with her as she continued staring out at the trees and mountains in the distance. 

"I feel as though Aewyn and her sister were in the right.  We should have followed them," Robyn continued.

Grace nodded and lightly rubbed Robyn's arm.  The decision to remain in Orderon had been Grace's.  After they had all escaped, Aewyn and Leila had pleaded with them to go across the seas to rebuild there.  As they found more and more survivors, Grace had made the decision to return home with her people, much to Robyn's dismay.

"You're a free spirit Robyn...  I can't hold you here.  You should continue your journey," Grace offered.

"No, I have sworn my life to protect the Royal lineage of Orderon," Robyn replied.

"And I'm freeing you of your obligations.  As Queen, I believe I am more than capable of making that decision," Grace said.

Robyn looked over at her, stunned.  "But...  this is what I do..."

"Yes, it's what you've always done Robyn, protect.  Now go do something that calls out to you."

"But Aewyn and Leila have long gone off to their paths," Robyn replied.

"There's something else you've wanted Robyn.  Even before we went our separate ways, you wanted to go south," Grace said.

Robyn looked back at the landscape and nodded.  Her Queen was right, ever since she had run across the Shifter, Zartanian; she had wanted to learn more about them.  He had offered her a chance to join him, but she had to go south and find the Glass Mountain.

"You're going to need supplies," Grace commented as she saw a familiar look in Robyn's eyes.

"Are you certain my Lady?"  Robyn questioned.

"Robyn, I am certain that our journey together has neared its end.  What more can you do in this castle but stare off in the distance day after day?"

"And the Horde?"

Grace crossed her arms and leaned back against the railing, looking down at Robyn.  She gave her an uneasy smile.

"If the Horde were to attack again, I would say we would be doomed regardless.  Even if we survived again, I'm not sure I want to go through this again," Grace answered solemnly.

Robyn nodded, understanding her Queen's tired response.  The rebuilding had taken a toll on her, not only mentally but physically as well.  She could see that Grace had aged rapidly from her efforts in trying to create a new society.  The constant bickering, the navigating of politics, it had tired Grace out.

"Don't say that, we survived before," Robyn interjected.

"Survived but just barely.  And like you said, does it truly matter?  We're heading down the same cycle in the very beginnings of our rebuilding efforts.  I don't know how much longer I can navigate all these political waters before someone claims they wish to be King," Grace sighed.

"Which is all the more reason I should stay," Robyn argued.

"No, it is more the reason of why you should leave.  You can't keep living in this cycle, it's not in you.  I see it in your eyes.  You were born for more than this.  My Royal lineage, while it has been a blessing, has also been a curse.  It is my destiny to continue living this cycle.  If I have any children, that destiny will be imparted on them.  You...  You on the other hand, this is not your destiny," Grace explained as she stepped back into the room.

Robyn bit her lower lip as she continued staring out at the forest, the mountains and the small plumes of smoke.  She turned, gripping tightly onto the balcony railing.

"Come with me," she said.

Grace smiled and shook her head.  "No...  That's not the life for me.  This whole situation I'm in now seems like an unhappy ordeal but going out there...  Doing what you want to do...  That's not me."

Robyn sighed as she stared at Grace.  She was more than just a Queen, she was her closest friend.  The two had practically grown up together, just under different circumstances within the castle walls.  Grace always treated her like a friend, nothing less.

"I will return," Robyn said.

"That's your choice.  If you do, I want you to explain what happened, in detail.  I want to hear about your adventures," Grace replied with a grin.

Robyn rushed up and gave her Queen a big hug.  She squeezed tightly as tears formed on the corners of her eyes.

"Thank you...  Grace," Robyn whispered.

Grace pulled back and wiped her own eyes.  "You forgot to say my lady."

The two laughed and hugged once more before a soldier walked into the room.

"My lady," he said.

"Yes?"  Grace asked, stepped away from Robyn.

"It's time for your daily council," he informed.

Grace nodded and looked over at Robyn.  "I guess this is goodbye.  Take whatever you need from the armory and the kitchen.  Today's council looks to be a long one."

"Thank you," Robyn replied.

Grace nodded and walked off with the soldier back into the main halls of the castle.  Robyn wiped her tears and slowly grabbed an extra set of clothes along with a big bag.  She loaded it up with a few possessions and headed out to the armory.

.. She wouldn't be able to carry much, but she figured grabbing a knife, a broadsword and a shield wouldn't hurt.  The kitchen was her next step, where a couple of the cooks looked at her.  They watched like hawks as she began looking through the supplies.

"Hey, those are rare fruits we found," one of the cooks said.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not looking for anything fresh that can rot quickly," Robyn replied.

Another cook dug through one of the cabinets and pulled out a large bag.  He opened it up and handed it to Robyn.  She looked inside and was immediately hit with a heavy scent of gamey meat.

"Whew... what is this?"  She questioned.

"Dried salted meat.  It keeps for a while.  Don't mind the smell; it’s just the initial blast of scents.  It will dissipate quickly," he replied.

"How long do they last?"  Robyn inquired.

The cook rubbed his chin as he looked upward, thinking.  "I'm...  I'm not sure.  How long will you be traveling for?"

"That is... uncertain."

"Well, it should last at least half the time," the cook replied with a smile.

The other cooks looked at him disapprovingly.  They were obviously unhappy with the fact that he was just handing her food.

"Where are you going anyway?  Why take our food?"  Another cook grumbled.

Robyn shot him a glare and he quickly looked away.  She looked back at the cook who had offered her the food.

"How much may I take?"  She asked.

"Take as much as you want.  It's easy enough to make," the cook replied as he scratched the back of his neck and smiled.

"Thank you," Robyn said as she reached in and took a bite out of one piece.

It was salty, but edible.  She'd have to remember to bring a nice supply of water.

"No, thank you.  You protected our Queen, and you continue to protect us," the cook replied.

Robyn smiled as she put the bag of food into her own bag and looked at the other cooks.  They shrugged and went off on their separate ways, continuing to cook whatever meals they had started.  The cook grabbed a bowl and poured some soup into it, before handing it to Robyn.

"Here, try this before you go.  I call it my refill soup," he offered.

Robyn drank down the bowl and handed it back, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.  "Wow...  that's very... good."

"Thank you.  I boil bones for hours and hours on end.  The soup is basically all the nutrients from within the bones.  I'm hoping it will help you on whatever adventure you're going on," the cook said.

Robyn nodded and turned, heading out of the kitchen.  She would have to leave before the sun sank beneath the mountains.  The last thing she wanted was to leave in the middle of the night.

"Good luck!"  The cook yelled.

"Thank you," Robyn replied as she waved at him.

She took another bite and headed out towards the broken gates of the castle.  Workers were busy reb [...]