Seven Comic Book Scripts Volume One - Robert Jeschonek - E-Book

Seven Comic Book Scripts Volume One E-Book

Robert Jeschonek

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Comic book and super-hero fans, rejoice! This volume includes seven scripts—mostly super-hero tales, plus one war/horror story—from a writer whose work has been published by DC Comics, among others. Robert Jeschonek has written plenty of scripts in his career, and these seven will shine a light on his writing process, his wild imagination…and some thrilling and thought-provoking adventures. The first in a series collecting some of his best work, this action-packed book includes seven scripts: "Super-Powered Poser Blues": A super-hero stand-in runs into unexpected problems while impersonating a mighty mortal. "My Date With Godling": A hard-driving cosmic god-hero launches a mission under false pretenses…a mission that quickly goes from intense to insane. "The Mime: On Bread Alone": An endangered priest is protected by a silent hero whose make-believe performances have real world consequences. "Young Soldiers Never Die": A future warrior discovers that one man's idea of a perfect soldier is another man's idea of pure hell. "The Child Is Father to the Man": The younger selves of three great old-time heroes leap forward to the future after suffering their greatest defeat. "Johnstown Man: Losing Ground": A blue collar steel town hero battles crime in the age of layoffs. "Don't Tug on Superstar's Cape": A super souvenir hunter goes after the ultimate prize from the ultimate hero and nearly loses everything in the bargain.

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Also by Robert Jeschonek

Super-Powered Poser Blues

The Mime: On Bread Alone

Young Soldiers Never Die

The Child Is Father To The Man

Johnstown Man: Losing Ground

Don’t Tug on Superstar’s Cape

About the Author

Special Preview: Forced Partnership

Seven Comic Book Scripts Volume One

Copyright © 2023 by Robert Jeschonek

Cover Art Copyright © 2023 by Ben Baldwin

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved by the author.

Published by Blastoff Books

An Imprint of Pie Press

411 Chancellor Street

Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15904

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What's the one thing I love more than reading comic books and graphic novels?  Writing them, of course.  There is no other type of writing exactly like it.  Screenplay writing comes close, but even so, isn't quite the same animal.

Comics are a truly unique art form, an amalgam of prose, film, still photography, visual poetry, and whatever other creative elements a writer and artist decide to toss into the pot.  Mapping them out in a script, conveying the precise instructions needed to realize a specific vision (while leaving room for improvisation along the way) is a challenge…and a joy.

I've been writing comic scripts for many years.  Sometimes, these scripts came to life on the printed page with finished artwork…and sometimes they didn't.  But they were all part of the learning process that eventually led to the publication of my work at DC Comics.  Every one of them was valuable for this reason, and also because of the sheer fun I had writing them.

Now, it's time to look back at some of the scripts I've written.  Some were "spec" projects—attempts at getting a publisher to look at and perhaps publish my work.  Others were commissioned by small press publishers but never saw the light of day for one reason or another.  I wrote some just because I had a great idea and couldn't wait to see it on paper. Two ("The Mime" and "Johnstown Man") were part of a hometown comics project in the 1980s.  And others, I wrote just for fun.

Whatever the reasons behind the writing, I hope you'll enjoy the scripts in this first volume of the series.  If I've done my job, you should be able to visualize each story as it was meant to appear on the page. You might wish that some of them had become full-blown published comics; others, perhaps, might make you glad they never reached that stage.  But all of them have something to offer, whether it's a cool central idea, a great line, a clever scene, a cool hero…


A Matter of Size

Forced Betrayal

Forced Retirement

Forced Partnership

Heroes of Global Warming

Not-So-Fortunate Son

Seven Comic Book Scripts Volume Two

Seven Comic Book Scripts Volume Three

Six Superhero Stories Volume One

The Wife Who Never Was


Super-Powered Poser Blues


This is one of my favorite scripts—a pilot for a series that never took flight.  I still hope it might, because I can think of about a million great stories to tell with Doubleman and Understudy, Inc.  If dictators can have body doubles, why shouldn't super-heroes who want to protect their secret identities? Or maybe they have other interests to protect that aren't quite so noble…

Super-Powered Poser Blues

Page 1 (5 panels)

Page 1, panel 1

Interior, the office of Understudy, Inc.—Doubleman's super-hero stand-in agency.  The place looks like a private eye's office from a movie, but with modern furnishings and high-tech gadgets.  Photos of super-hero clients line the walls. Mid-afternoon, medium two-shot. Action sits behind a desk, talking to Alpha Male—a muscular ultimate hero type, blond, in costume.  Alpha Male, who stands on the opposite side of the desk from Doubleman, hands over a wad of cash as thick as a phone book.

Doubleman (caption):  What do I love most about my job?  

Doubleman (caption):  Is it rubbing elbows with super-hero celebrities?

Alpha Male:  The heat is on.  Sure you can handle it?

Page 1 panel 2

Closeup of Doubleman taking the money.  His expression is grim as he accepts the assignment.

Doubleman (caption):  Is it the cash?

Doubleman: You can depend on me.

Doubleman:  I'll take her out for you.

Page 1 panel 3

Medium shot of Alpha Male throwing a package on the desk.  The package is the size of a shirt box.

Alpha Male: I want her blown away.

Alpha Male:  You'll need this.

Page 1 panel 4

Medium shot.  Doubleman opens the package and pulls out a costume identical to Alpha Male's.

Doubleman (caption):  Is it the clothes?

Doubleman:  Perfect. She'll never guess I'm not you.

Page 1 panel 5

Medium two-shot.  Alpha Male grins. Doubleman is midway through a transformation—shifting his shape to match that of Alpha Male.  The left half of the Captain's body is the same as before, and the right half is identical to Alpha Male's right half.

Doubleman:  And then we'll solve this problem permanently.

Doubleman (caption):  Or is it something else?

Page 2 (4 panels)

Page 2 panel 1

Big panel, wide shot.  Interior of a lavish restaurant high atop a city skyscraper at night.  The restaurant is surrounded by windows, so the patrons can enjoy the view.  The guests all wear formal attire...except Alpha Male, who's in his super-hero costume.  (He's Doubleman in disguise.) Doubleman/Alpha Male sits at a table drinking expensive wine with a beautiful redheaded woman—Candy Landis.  (Candy's stunning, persistent, and snarky.) Doubleman/Alpha Male and Candy are the center of attention; all the other patrons watch them and whisper.

Doubleman (caption):  Is it the four-star restaurants and gorgeous stalkers?

Candy:  My head's still spinning, Alpha Male.

Candy:  I never thought you'd agree to this interview.

Page 2 panel 2

Closeup on Doubleman/Alpha Male, who raises his wine glass and smiles in a charming way.

Doubleman (caption):  Just a few of the perks that come my way when I'm doing my job.

Doubleman (caption):  When I'm impersonating a hero like Alpha Male.

Doubleman:  Now, Candy. Why on Earth would I avoid a beautiful reporter like you?

Page 2 panel 3

Closeup on Candy, giving him a wry and knowing smirk.

Candy:  Gee, I don't know.

Candy:  Could it be because I keep threatening to expose your secret identity?

Page 2 panel 4

Medium two-shot.  Candy coyly pats a third chair set up at tableside.  Doubleman/Alpha Male smiles pleasantly.

Candy:  Or because I insisted that you and your secret identity attend this interview at the same time?

Page 3 (5 panels)

Page 3 panel 1

Medium two-shot.  Doubleman/Alpha Male laughs while Candy pulls out a camera and sets it on the table.

Doubleman (caption):  She thinks she has Alpha Male over a barrel.

Doubleman:  You've got spunk, you know that?

Doubleman (caption):  And that's where I come in.

Page 3 panel 2

Closeup two-shot.  Doubleman/Alpha Male reaches across the table and takes Candy's hand.

Doubleman:  Guess what? I love spunk!

Doubleman (caption):  Doubleman. Master of disguise.  Superhero stand-in.

Doubleman (caption):  Because sometimes a superhero has to be in two places at once.

Page 3 panel 3

Wide two-shot.  Candy yanks her hand away from Doubleman/Alpha Male.  She has a tape recorder in her other hand at this point.

Doubleman (caption):  Like tonight.

Doubleman (caption):  Candy Landis has been trying to "out" Alpha Male's secret identity for years.  He's finally had enough.

Candy:  You and I both know Walt Bates won't be here.

Candy:  You and Walt Bates are one and the same person.

Page 3 panel 4

Medium shot.  A waiter arrives at tableside and interrupts the conversation.  His face is out of the shot. (He's Alpha Male pretending to be a his secret identity of Walt Bates.)  Doubleman/Alpha Male and Candy look up at him.

Doubleman (caption):  My job tonight is simple.  Pose as Alpha Male.

Waiter/Walt: Pardonnez.  Would madame and monsieur care for a cocktail?

Page 3 panel 5

Wide shot.  The waiter's face is revealed:  he's Walt Kane, Alpha Male's eyeglasses-wearing secret identity.  He wears a tuxedo and grins with delight at the trick he's pulled.  Candy gapes at him in shock, while Doubleman/Alpha Male laughs.

Waiter/Walt: Perhaps a double-martini?

Candy:  W-Walt?!

Page 4 (5 panels)

Page 4 panel 1

Wide shot.  Candy is mortified.  Walt has an arm around Doubleman/Alpha Male's shoulder, and they both laugh it up.

Candy:  B-b-but...

Doubleman:  What's the matter, Candy?  Supercat got your tongue?

Walt:  You look like you're seeing double!

Page 4 panel 2

Medium three-shot.  Doubleman/Alpha Male grins as Candy squirms and gapes at him and Walt.  Walt enjoys the moment more than anyone, relishing Candy's discomfort a little too much, with an edge of cruelty; he waves a pair of breadsticks at her for fun.

Doubleman (caption):  Mission accomplished.

Candy:  Th-this is impossible.

Doubleman:  Apparently not, Candy.

Walt:  Would you like two breadsticks?  Perhaps a twice-baked potato?

Doubleman (caption):  This ought to throw Candy off the trail of Alpha Male's secret identity for good.

Page 4 panel 3

Medium three-shot.  Candy breaks down in tears.  Doubleman/Alpha Male's smile fades.  Walt's still grinning as he comforts Candy by putting a hand on her shoulder.

Doubleman (caption):  Maybe this is what I love most about my job.

Doubleman (caption):  The success stories.

Doubleman (caption):  Helping the super-human community.

Walt:  Now, now, Candy.  Don't cry.

Page 4 panel 4

Medium two-shot.  Candy suddenly looks up with an expression of stunned realization.  Doubleman/Alpha Male frowns at her.

Candy:  Oh my God.  This changes everything.

Doubleman:  Why? What do you mean?

Page 4 panel 5

Closeup on Candy.  Her face is tear-streaked, and she looks like she's on the verge of a complete breakdown.

Candy:  I thought you two were the same person.

Candy:  But if you're not Walt, then that means Alpha Male...isn't the father of my baby!Page 5 (5 panels)

Page 5 panel 1

Medium three-shot.  Doubleman/Alpha Male glares at Walt, who grins back at him.  Candy's on the brink of hysteria between them.

Doubleman (caption):  Well well.

Doubleman (caption):  Apparently, my client neglected to tell me something.

Candy:  Oh, what'll I do?

Page 5 panel 2

Closeup two-shot.  Walt shifts expressions and attitudes to a phony compassion and takes Candy's hand in his own.

Walt: We'll do the right thing, of course.  For you and the...

Page 5 panel 3

Wide shot.  Suddenly, Walt flies backward through the restaurant as if propelled by an unseen super-power.  Doubleman/Alpha Male leaps to his feet. Candy is shocked as Walt is torn away from her. Other restaurant patrons dive out of the way.

Walt:  Yaaah! Help!!

Candy:  What is it?  What's happening?

Doubleman (caption):  This is something else I hate about my line of work.

Page 5 panel 4

Wide shot.  Across the restaurant, Doubleman/Alpha Male walks toward Walt, who's squirming on the floor and pretending he's under attack.

Doubleman (caption):  I make a living as a stand-in for super-heroes.

Doubleman (caption):  But some people abuse my services for dishonorable reasons.

Walt:  No more!  Please don't hurt me, Alpha Male!

Walt:  Yaarrrggh!!

Page 5 panel 5

Closeup on Walt, as he writhes on the floor, pretending to be attacked by "Alpha Male"—Doubleman in disguise.

Walt:  He's...killing me...with his...telekinetic powers!

Walt: Goodbye, Candy!  I wish...we could have...raised our child....together!

Doubleman (caption):  And that's where I draw the line.

Page 6 (5 panels)

Page 6 panel 1

Wide shot.  Walt flashes backward through a window at high speed, smashing it to bits, as if he were thrown through it by "Alpha Male."  Doubleman/Alpha Male watches with a disgusted look from inside the restaurant.

Walt:  Aaaarrrggh!

Doubleman (caption):  Alpha Male wants to fake his secret identity's death to avoid taking responsibility for a pregnancy.

Doubleman (caption):  He figured I wouldn't stop him.

Page 6 panel 2

Wide shot.  Doubleman/Alpha Male flies out the window into the night sky, racing after Walt.  Restaurant patrons gape at the scene from behind the windows.

Doubleman (caption):  But I have powers, too.

Page 6 panel 3

Medium shot.  Doubleman/Alpha Male and Walt battle it out in the night sky.

Doubleman (caption):  And just because I work for super-heroes...

Doubleman (caption):  That doesn't mean I always take their side.

Page 6 panel 4

Medium shot.  Doubleman/Alpha Male has subdued Walt and flies him back into the restaurant.  Candy waits with an uncertain expression. Other patrons stand around watching the scene, too.

Doubleman (caption):  So I guess this is actually what I love most about my job.

Doubleman:  Candy?

Doubleman:  My powers temporarily went haywire, but Walt's going to be fine.

Page 6 panel 5

Medium shot.  Candy cradles unconscious Walt in her arms and cries tears of joy.  Doubleman/Alpha Male looks on with a smile of grim satisfaction.

Doubleman (caption):  Making someone a better person...

Candy:  Oh, thank you, Alpha Male!  Thank you!

Doubleman:  Just doing my job.

Doubleman (caption): least until I change into somebody else.

Caption:  The End

My Date With Godling


This one started life as a straight-up spec script set in an existing comics mythology.  It led to a phone call from an editor that almost turned into an assignment…until the editor left the company.  I could never quite get anyone else interested, but I had fun writing this lighthearted piece and never regretted spending time on it.  What happens when a hard-driving cosmic god-hero launches a mission under false pretenses…a mission that quickly goes from intense to ridiculous?

My Date With Godling

Page 1 (4 panels)

Page 1 panel 1

Closeup:  The eyes and features of Godling, a member of the Justice Alliance, an organization of elite super-heroes.  Godling is a high-tech warrior hero from a race of extradimensional titans so advanced they might as well be gods to us.  Godling’s golden helmet is off, and he is glaring with determined intensity. His face—with its craggy, battle-scarred features—has greenish highlights from a tabletop holographic  projector, which is off-panel.

Caption:  The Justice Alliance Watchtower

Godling:  Our plan cannot fail!

Page 1 panel 2

Same closeup, also top tier, but longer panel opened at right to include the eyes and features of Spectaculady, also with greenish highlights.  Spectaculady, also a member of the Justice Alliance, is a beautiful bombshell with extreme super-powers and fiery red hair. Like Godling, she is glaring with determination and intensity.

Godling:  Bursting from the Everygate, we shall outflank and encircle the enemy’s forces.

Page 1 panel 3

Wide shot, splash panel, dominating page center.  Godling and Spectaculady huddle around a table in Justice Alliance headquarters.  Radiating green light, the table projects holographic icons above it, shaped like spheres, cones, and cubes.  With great urgency, Godling and Spectaculady are planning strategy for a mission, and the icons represent opposing forces and targets.  Hunched and grim, Godling pokes an index finger into the arrangement of icons, indicating a maneuver.

Godling:  We shall drive them together here, corralling them with your velvet rope!

Page 1 panel 4

Smaller panel, inset at lower center of splash panel.  Closeup of Godling’s hand, positioned so that a glowing spherical icon seems to balance on the tip of his index finger.

Godling:  And then, while you restrain the enemy, I shall move to intercept the target!

Page 2 (5 panels)

Page 2 panel 1