The Case of the Parrot Loving Professor - Debbie De Louise - E-Book

The Case of the Parrot Loving Professor E-Book

Debbie De Louise

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  • Herausgeber: Next Chapter
  • Kategorie: Krimi
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022

Cathy Carter knew that returning to college would be tough, but she never expected it would involve finding her anthropology professor’s dead body.

There are no shortages of suspects in Dr. Bodkin’s murder. Besides his three ex-wives and estranged son and daughter, there are also the members of the Talking Parrots Club, a group of four parrot enthusiasts, of which he was the president and founder.

As Cathy delves into Bodkin’s murder, she discovers a relationship between her teacher and the Mennonite family from whom she purchased the farmland for her new pet rescue center. She and her friend Nancy, now employed at a detective agency, work together to help Detective Hunt and Sheriff Miller solve the crime.

After receiving cryptic messages, they wonder if someone wants to put a stop to their investigation. With the Buttercup Bend church's 1970's costume dance and Cathy's birthday fast approaching, can she and Nancy bring Bodkin's killer to justice without endangering their lives?

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Author’s Note

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44


Next in the Series


About the Author

Copyright (C) 2022 Debbie De Louise

Layout design and Copyright (C) 2022 by Next Chapter

Published 2022 by Next Chapter

Edited by Tyler Colins

Cover art by CoverMint

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the author's permission.

In honor of my cats, Harry and Hermione, who were introduced in this book and in memory of Stripey who will live on as another Buttercup Bend cat.


I’ve never owned a parrot or any type of bird, so all the information in this book about them was gathered through research, as were the details about the Mennonite religion. The scenes with the kittens were based on my experiences when I adopted my own Harry and Hermione four years ago and some of the things they did when they were young.

It was with sadness that, during the writing of this mystery, after I’d completed the chapter on the 1970s costume dance, I learned that one of my favorite singers/actresses, Olivia Newton John, had passed away. My Buttercup Bend characters, Cathy and Nancy, had already chosen to dress up as Olivia’s character in Grease, a movie I’d enjoyed when I was young.


Cathy knocked on the door of Dr. Bodkin’s house. It was the first time she’d visited her anthropology professor from Humbard Valley College. It was a coincidence that he lived in Buttercup Bend only a few blocks from her. The reason for her visit was a tutoring session. She would’ve preferred to meet him at the college library or somewhere else on campus, but he said he only tutored at home on Saturdays.

Her grandmother Florence also expressed concern about Cathy going alone into a strange man’s home. Not that Barry Bodkin was strange. The oddest thing about the academic was his interest in birds, parrots to be precise. He told her he owned an African one named Charlie that had cost him $5,000. As the co-owner of a rescue, Cathy couldn’t imagine spending that type of money on a pet when there were so many homeless animals that cost nothing or little to adopt. She was curious to see this expensive bird.

From campus gossip, Cathy knew Bodkin had been divorced three times. In his late fifties, he wasn’t what she considered handsome, definitely not as good looking as Steve, Brian, or Michael, the three men she and her friend Nancy found attractive. Nor was the anthropology professor a competitor to Howard, her grandmother’s boyfriend. However, someone might find Bodkin more appealing than Sheriff Miller, who was closest to his age. Although Bodkin had the same rusty red hair, it was straight, while Miller's curly hair tended to stick up in spikes. The sheriff was also surprisingly less fit than Bodkin who, despite his sedentary profession, worked out regularly in the campus gym and encouraged his students to do so.

Cathy had considered joining a gym, but she couldn’t seem to find the time between her studies, her photography for the town’s newspaper, and helping her brother run their pet cemetery and animal rescue business. Doug lived next door to her and Gran, but now that he and his wife Becky had a baby and Rainbow Rescues had been expanded after a windfall that had happened as a result of a murder, Cathy had even less time for leisurely pursuits. When Bodkin didn’t answer her knock, Cathy tried the doorbell. She’d confirmed their appointment an hour ago by text, so she found it odd that he was taking so long to come to the door. She tried peeking in the window, but the blinds were closed. She rang a second time and, after hearing the bell echo through the house, she also heard what she realized was a bird squawking. She took out her cell phone and called the professor. The call went to voicemail. She considered that something may have come up, but Bodkin’s car was in the driveway.

Feeling apprehensive, she put her hand on the doorknob and pulled. It opened to her touch. Not wanting to disturb the professor’s privacy in case he was busy with something else that had taken precedence over their tutoring session, she hesitated in the doorway. But the persistent squawking of the parrot persuaded her to step into the house. She felt almost certain that his squawks were forming the word “help!”

Following the bird’s call, she walked through Bodkin’s home. For a bachelor, he kept the place neat. Bookcases lined the walls of every room she entered. As she grew closer to where the bird’s sounds were emanating, his calls for help became clearer. She passed through a door that opened to an enclosed patio. Sitting on a perch in his cage, belting his head off, was Charlie, a full-feathered gray African parrot. She noticed him first.

What she noticed second was Professor Bodkin laid across the tiled floor, his vacant eyes staring at the bird.


Cathy knew from her past experience with dead bodies not to touch anything. The only thing she allowed herself to do was check Bodkin’s pulse. She noticed his neck and wrists were still warm, even though his heart had stopped beating. The cause of death wasn’t evident. She hoped it was a heart attack or something other than murder. She took some quick photos with her cell phone because she knew Pauline, her boss at the Buttercup Bugle, would want them. Then she called the sheriff. She was slightly relieved when Brian answered. The Deputy Sheriff was easier to deal with than Miller.

“What’s up, Cat? You sound strange.”

Cathy realized she’d started hyperventilating. The last time she’d seen a dead body was during her sister-in-law’s baby shower and, before that, when she was taking photos for Buttercup Bend’s anniversary event and caught Pauline running out of Maggie Broom’s house. She’d fainted that day because seeing Maggie’s dead body had reminded her of viewing her parents in the funeral parlor after they’d been killed in the car accident in which she’d walked away with a permanent scar on her cheek and a deeper one in her heart.

Replying to Brian, she said, “I just found my professor dead in his house.”

“Oh, no. I’ll be right over. What’s the address?”

After Cathy gave him the information, Brian asked, “Is that a bird I hear in the background?”

She’d almost forgotten about Charlie. The parrot was repeating Bodkin’s address. “205 Blueberry Place,” he chirped.

“It’s Dr. Bodkin’s pet. He’s an African parrot.”

“Your professor’s parrot? Interesting. I’m on my way. Hold tight.”

Brian must’ve broken some traffic laws because he arrived in five minutes.

“He’s dead alright,” he confirmed, checking Bodkin’s body. “It looks like he’s been murdered.”

“Why do you say that?” Cathy had been so focused on the dead man and the bird that she hadn’t looked around the room.

Brian pointed to a table set up behind Bodkin. There were two empty wine glasses and a bottle of sherry. He walked over and, putting on gloves he’d brought with him, picked up each glass separately and sniffed it. “Hard to tell if there was poison in one of these, but this glass smells different. I’ll call our men to take everything to the lab. We have to get the M.E. here to deal with the body. I’m sorry, Cathy, but this may be murder.”

“That’s what I was afraid of. Are you going to call the sheriff?”

“Yes. He needs to be notified.” Brian took out his cell and made the calls while Cathy tried to look away from the body. While she hadn’t known Bodkin long, it was still a shock that someone would kill her professor right before her tutoring session with him.

“What are we going to do with the bird?” she asked when Brian had finished making his calls.

“We have to notify Bodkin’s relatives. Maybe one of them will take him. Do you know who we can contact?”

Cathy shook her head. “I only know he has three ex-wives, a daughter, and a son. The daughter came to our class once, and he introduced her. She was interested in anthropology. She lives with her mother and is going to college elsewhere. The son is younger. He’s in high school. He was from the second marriage. I don’t think Bodkin had any children with his last wife.”

Brian paused a moment. “Was he dating anyone? Those wine glasses could’ve been for a romantic meeting.”

“I doubt that. He was expecting me. I never saw him with any woman on campus other than his female students.”

Brian raised his eyebrows behind his glasses. “Professors are known to flirt with co-eds. Leroy will be interested in that.”

A few minutes later, the M.E. and a few paramedics showed up. Charlie, who’d quieted down after Brian arrived, started squawking again as the M.E. examined the body and then asked the paramedics to transport it to the lab where the autopsy would take place and a definitive cause of death determined.

“Can you quiet that bird?”

Cathy had no idea how to do that. She went over to the parrot and put a finger to her lips. “Simmer down, Charlie. We're going to find out what happened and locate someone to take you. In the meantime, I can bring you to Rainbow Rescues. We don't have a bird section, but we might consider one at our new location.”

“I don’t think that's a good idea, Cat,” Brian said. “Why don't you leave him here for now? There’ll be people in and out of this place, and I’ll make sure he gets enough birdseed.”

Cathy smiled at his offer. She recalled how he’d taken care of Maggie Broom’s cats before she was able to take them at Rainbow Rescues. “Thanks, Brian. That’s a big help.”

“Thank you,” Charlie mimicked and flapped his wings.

The M.E. frowned. “I find parrots creepy, but this one may have witnessed a murder.”

After the professor’s body was taken away, Brian offered to drive Cathy home, but she declined. “I’m okay to drive, although I’m still a little shaken up. It’s not every day someone finds a dead body.”

“In your case, it’s happened too often.”

Cathy smiled. “Unfortunately, that’s true. Please keep me posted about what they determine as the cause of death, and if there are any suspects.”

“Sure, but you’re not thinking of investigating with Nancy again, are you? Leroy wouldn’t like that at all.”

“I know. I’m just curious.” Cathy crossed her fingers behind her back as she said that. It wasn’t that she was planning to solve Dr. Bodkin’s murder, but she wanted to let Nancy and Howard in on it. They’d just formed a detective agency and were badly in need of a case. Howard had insisted that Buttercup Bend and its surrounding areas were ripe with mysteries to solve, but the best that he and Nancy had managed so far was to find a cheating husband’s girlfriend.

With that in mind, Cathy headed to the small house Howard was renting, using the main floor as the Hunt and Meyers Investigation Agency and the basement as his bachelor pad. He often entertained Cathy’s grandmother there when he wasn't visiting at her place.

Nancy answered the door to Cathy’s ring. “Cathy,” she said, raising a red eyebrow when she saw her. “What brings you here?”

Cathy stepped in. “I have a case for you and Howard. Is he around?”

“He’s at your grandmother’s house. Things have been slow, so he doesn’t stick around here too much.” She paused. “Have a seat and tell me what you have for us. I hope it’s something juicy this time.”

Cathy had been trying to drum up business for the agency without much luck. She’d even asked her gardener, Steve, with whom she shared a romantic friendship along with her veterinarian, Michael Graham. Neither man had been able to come up with anything more exciting than an area where flowers weren’t able to bloom and a cat food can recall.

Cathy sat across from Nancy, who’d taken a seat behind her desk. “This is big, Nancy. It’s murder.”

Her friend’s eyes grew wide. “Are you kidding me, Cat?”

“Pinkie swear.”

“Oh, my gosh!” Nancy grabbed a pen and pad. “Give me the details. I’ll get right on the case.”

“Don’t you need to confer with Howard?”

“I’ll do that later.”

Howard had more experience as a private investigator and had even solved his ex-wife’s murder, but Nancy was a born sleuth. Her intuition rarely let her down. The one time it did, she, Cathy, and Florence had nearly been shot.

Cathy filled Nancy in on what she’d found at Dr. Bodkin’s home.

“This bird,” Nancy said, jotting down notes, “you said Brian has him?”

“He’s not taking him home. He has a bunch of pets in his apartment that might not take too well to Charlie.”


“That’s the parrot’s name. Brian is going in to feed him daily as he did with Maggie’s cats.”

“You said the professor had two kids and three ex-wives. Wow! Talk about suspects.”

“It might not have been a family member.”

“Might not but could be. Tell me about them.”

“The only one I met was the daughter. Samantha Bodkin is five years younger than us, early twenties. She’s studying anthropology but not at Humbard Valley.”

“Why didn’t she go to her father’s college? She would’ve gotten a tuition discount.”

Cathy hadn’t thought of that. “Good question, Nance, but maybe she likes the other school better.”

“We’ll explore that later. What about the son?”

“I only met the daughter. The son is younger. He’s in high school.”

“And the wives? Who are the mothers?”

"Bodkin’s first wife, Marie, is the mother of his daughter. His second wife, Gail, had the son, Barry Jr. The third wife, Sharon, has no kids, unless she’s remarried.”

“Interesting.” Nancy was furiously scribbling notes. “Do you know why he divorced three women?”

“Rumor around campus has it that he cheated on Wife #1 with Wife #2 and then cheated on Wife #2 with Wife #3.”

“You’re kidding. He must’ve been a creep. Who did he cheat on Wife #3 with? She could be the killer.”

“Who? The woman he cheated on Wife #3 with?”

“Maybe, or maybe Wife #3.” Nancy put down her pen. “Looks like we’re going to have to do some research and field work.”

“We? You mean you and Howard?”

“I mean you and me, Cathy. We’re a good team, and he was your professor. You’re involved already.”

“You’re not pulling me into this like you did last time. We were almost killed—and Gran, too.”

“That’s different. I have more experience now.”

Cathy didn’t feel like pointing out that identifying the cause of infertile soil and catching an adulteress wife in the act constituted experience solving a murder. “Okay, so what do you suggest ‘we’ do?” she asked, strongly emphasizing “we.”

“You go home and tell your grandmother what happened. She’s wise. I’m sure she’ll have some input. Just be careful she’s not in bed with Howard.”

“Nancy!” Cathy laughed. “My gran is a proper lady. She wouldn’t do that in our house. But I won’t interrupt her if Howard is there. What are you going to do?"

“Speak to Brian.”

Cathy should’ve suspected Nancy would be milking the deputy sheriff, her boyfriend, for intel. They’d been dating since the night a bunch of them played Monopoly together at her brother’s house. Before that, Nancy had been interested in Michael, the veterinarian who Cathy was now seeing along with her gardener. It wasn’t easy dating two men, and Cathy knew she had to decide soon about which one she wanted to be serious about. Both of them knew she was dating the other and were in a contest to outdo each other, even though they were friends. Michael made more frequent visits to Rainbow Rescues and excuses to drop in to see Cathy. Steve took extra care with Rainbow Gardens and the pet cemetery plots, so he could also visit with her.

“Don’t look at me that way, Miss Carter,” Nancy said. “I have every right to question Brian.”

“Question, yes. Interrogate, no. Don’t take advantage of the fact he’s sweet on you.”

“I’m sweet on him, too. What an old-fashioned expression. You must’ve gotten it from Florence.”

Cathy laughed. “Yes. I’ve heard Gran say that.”

They talked a few more minutes until Howard and Brian arrived together.

Nancy went to greet them. “We have a new case, Howard. Brian, I didn’t expect you until our dinner date tonight, but I’m glad you’re here.”

“I know about the case,” Howard said. “Brian came to Florence’s house looking for me. He thinks I can do a better job solving it than Leroy, but I won’t go behind the sheriff’s back. I’ll make sure he knows I’m helping and don’t plan on stepping on his toes.” He glanced at Cathy. “I guess you came here for the same reason.”

Nancy answered for her. “She did, and she was just about to leave.”

Cathy was slightly annoyed that her friend was dismissing her, but she grabbed her purse and walked to the door.

“See you all later.” She promised herself she’d make sure Nancy filled her in after she spoke with the men.

At Gran’s house, she felt the familiar pang of emptiness when her cat Oliver didn’t greet her. That past summer, he’d taken a turn for the worse and succumbed to kidney failure. Michael came to the house to euthanize him and had taken care of her request for his ashes. She kept them in an urn by her bed that had his photo on it. Steve had also supported her by planting a tree in honor of the Siamese in Rainbow Gardens during a memorial service similar to the one they’d had for Brian’s cat, Boots, two months before. Florence suggested they adopt another cat from Rainbow Rescues, but Cathy wasn’t ready. Going back to school had lessened the pain but, every time she came home, reminders were everywhere. She hadn’t the heart to put away Oliver’s cat bed or his drinking fountain that now remained dry.

Stepping into the home she shared with her grandmother, Cathy paused. She heard Florence puttering around in the kitchen.

“Is that you, Catherine? I’m putting on some tea. Would you like some?”

Gran sounded cheerful. Howard’s visit must have brightened her. Cathy hated to dampen her mood by telling her about Bodkin’s murder. She walked into the kitchen. “Thanks, Gran. I’d love some.”

“Have a seat then.” She wore a pretty pink floral skirt set that hugged her still shapely curves and ended an inch below her knee. Since she’d been seeing Howard, Florence had put away her housedresses.

As Gran served the tea, she asked, “How did your tutoring session go?”

Cathy couldn’t lie to her, even though she knew it would ruin her good mood. She also reminded herself that Nancy wanted her grandmother’s input into the murder.

“I’m afraid it didn’t, Gran. When I got to the house, I found Dr. Bodkin’s body. Brian came and said he thought it was a case of poisoning. The M.E. agreed with that when he examined the body, but they’ve brought it to the lab to verify the cause of death.”

“Oh, my.” Florence looked over her steaming tea. “How awful for you, dear. I guess that’s why Brian came by to see Howard a little while ago. I wish they’d told me. Is Howard taking the case?”

“It looks that way, and Nancy wants me to help them with it, too.”

Florence took a tentative sip of her tea and then said, “I imagine you’d be interested in that, since he was your professor. Do they have any suspects yet?”

Despite her previous hesitation, Cathy was glad to discuss the matter with her grandmother. “Nancy thinks it could be one of his three ex-wives, or a girlfriend he’s been seeing.”

“Three ex-wives? Sounds like he was a busy fellow.”

Cathy laughed. She already felt better. “He also has a son and daughter. The daughter is studying anthropology at a different college. Nancy found that strange.”

“Hmm. I would, too. You know, Cathy, poison is usually the murder method that women use.”

Cathy recalled that Gladys Broom had also died of poisoning by the nightshade plant that produced the lethal belladonna. The plant had been grown in many of the gardens of the Buttercup Bend women who attended a gardening club that Steve ran years ago. It even grew in Gran’s garden.

“You think that a woman killed my teacher?”

Florence took a large sip of tea before she replied. “I didn't say that. It’s common for a female to use poison on her victim, but men could do it, too. How was the poison administered?”

“There were two wine glasses on a table. Both were empty. Brian took them as evidence to be tested.”

“Then it does point to a woman, although men drink together, too.”

“Most of the suspects so far are women, Gran. There are a few male professors at the college. They all seem to respect him, but it’s hard to tell what they actually thought of him. The wine certainly indicates that Bodkin knew his killer.”

Florence finished her tea and stood to clear away the cup. “We can't speculate this early, Catherine. That’s Howard and Nancy's job, and the sheriff and his department. There’s one thing that bothers me.” She waited while Cathy drank and then handed her the empty mug. “In order for Howard’s agency to investigate, they need to be hired. Otherwise, Leroy won’t be pleased.”

“I’m sure Howard is aware of that. He’s promised not to step on the sheriff’s toes.”


As Cathy was about to join her grandmother in watching TV before bed, the front bell rang.

“I wonder who that could be? Maybe Howard or Nancy have come back to fill us in.”

“I’ll answer it, Gran.” Before Cathy opened the door, she checked the peephole, something she’d started doing since Maggie Broom was found dead in her home. Even though that case was solved, she felt safer not answering to strangers, and those door-to-door salespeople were so annoying.

It wasn’t Howard, Nancy, or any salesperson at her door. Instead, Cathy saw Michael Graham’s handsome face through the slot. She opened the door quickly.

“Michael, what’s going on? Are any of the pets ill?” She was always prepared for his emergency visits at Rainbow Rescues, but usually Becky and Doug dealt with those since the rescue center was closer to their home. Lately, Michael had made more visits than normal to try to win her over, but she suspected that wasn’t the case this time.

“Everyone’s fine. Sorry if I frightened you. I came because I want to show you something.”

“Sure. Come on in.”

He shook his dark head. “No. You need to come with me to see it.”

Cathy was puzzled.

Florence called to her. “I hear Michael’s voice. Is anything wrong?”

“All is okay, Gran. He just wants me to go somewhere with him. I should be back soon.”

“Don’t rush, dear.” Cathy’s grandmother encouraged her relationship with the veterinarian, even though she was also fond of the gardener.

Cathy followed Michael to his car, wondering what he was planning. She decided not to mention finding her professor dead. She felt it wasn’t something she should share so soon, especially since Michael seemed excited about showing her a surprise.

“It’s a very short drive,” he said, opening the door for her. “In fact, we can walk if you prefer.”

The October chill hadn’t yet arrived, so Cathy agreed to walk. “Yes. It’s a nice night, but why are you being so mysterious? Where are you taking me?’

Michael smiled. “Your birthday’s in a few days, but this can’t wait. I don’t think Steve can top it.”

“You didn’t answer my question, and I told you not to compete with Steve. I like you both. I’m just not ready to make a choice.”

“You may change your mind about that. While you aren’t sure who you’re in love with, you’ll love my gifts.”

“Michael, don’t tell me you've spent a lot of money.” Cathy was keeping pace with his long strides as he headed in the direction of Rainbow Rescues.

“I didn’t spend a penny. C’mon. We’re almost there.”

Cathy’s curiosity grew as they entered the rescue center. The first thing she saw were two people gathered around a cage. She recognized her sister-in-law Becky, who was there without her husband. Cathy figured Doug was home watching their baby son. Next to Becky was Brody Broom, the man who once was suspected of murder who now lived in his dead sister’s home and worked for Michael at the animal hospital. They took their eyes off whatever was behind the bars as Cathy entered with the vet.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

Brody replied, “Hi, Cathy. Dr. Graham wanted this to be a surprise for your birthday, but he couldn’t wait. I found them a few days ago in the parking lot behind the animal hospital. They’ve had all their shots.”

“Come see your new kittens,” Michael said.

“My what?”

Becky smiled. “They’re so adorable. Michael says they’re around eight weeks old. I have no idea how anyone could’ve abandoned them. It’s a lucky thing Brody found them.”

Cathy followed Michael over to the cage and peered in. Looking back at her were a pair of golden eyes and a pair of green ones. The golden eyes belonged to a completely black kitten. The green eyes were from a calico, but instead of the regular black, orange, and white markings, this one was gray with white paws, neck, and stomach and a few patches of apricot.

Brody pointed at them. “The black kitty is a boy. The other is a girl. They’re siblings like me, Maggie, and Gladys were.” His voice carried a hint of sadness, as he was now the only Broom left.

“The female kitten is a dilute calico,” Michael explained. “She doesn’t have the traditional calico markings but muted shades that are just as lovely, if not more so. They’re both friendly. Want to hold them?”

Cathy hesitated. “I don’t know. It might be too soon after Oliver.”

Becky said, “Gran doesn’t think so. She thinks you’re both ready for these two sweeties.”

“You asked Gran?” Cathy was surprised. Her grandmother wasn’t good at keeping secrets.

“I suggested Becky ask her first,” Michael said. “But it was Brody who came up with the idea of giving them to you. I guess the three of us are responsible for your birthday gift.”

“I woulda taken ‘em myself,” Brody said, “if I hadn’t adopted Stripey last month.”

Cathy recalled that Brody had taken one of Maggie’s cats. He’d named the tiger-striped mackerel tabby, Stripey. Most of Maggie’s other cats had already found homes, although a few were now at the second Rainbow Rescues center that Cathy and Doug had purchased from the MaGregors when they’d sold their farm.

“I considered asking you about taking one of my sister’s other cats,” Brody said, “but you still had Oliver and then he got sick so quick. I know you miss him and can give these kitties lots of love, and they’ll give you plenty, too.”

“I think the timing is perfect now,” Becky said.

Cathy took a breath as Michael opened the cage. The two kittens nearly raced out of it. Becky grabbed the boy while Michael handed Cathy the little calico. As she held the kitten, she heard her purr.

* * *

Michal dropped Cathy at home. He said he had an early day at the animal hospital, but she had a feeling that was only partially the reason because she noticed Steve’s truck in the driveway.

As she entered the house with her two new fur bundles that were small enough to fit together in one of the Rainbow Rescues carriers, she was shocked to see what her grandmother had done in her absence. Cathy had donated Oliver’s cat tree to the new rescue center, so Florence had purchased a new one with three carpeted levels for perching and a sisal post for scratching. She’d also gotten a bunch of new catnip cat toys, teasers, and a few multi-colored plastic coils. At his age, Oliver hadn’t been much for playing except with some of the fishing rod teasers. Cathy had never seen the coil toys before.

“Welcome back,” Florence said. “I see you’ve accepted your birthday gift.”

“I can’t believe you, Gran. You knew all about it.”

Florence smiled. “Howard brought the cat tree and the toys. He hid them upstairs when he was over. I called Steve when you were with Michael, and he took them down for me. He’s still here having tea in the kitchen if you’d like to thank him.”

“Sure, but what about the kittens?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of them. Howard also got some kitten food, but Michael assured me regular cat food is okay for them. I hope you don’t mind that I’m using Oliver’s bowls. I’ve cleaned them and also the water fountain. I changed the filter and filled it up. Everything’s set for Harry and Hermione.”

“Harry and Hermione? They have names?”

“Brody named them, but you can change them if you want. He’s a big Harry Potter fan and thought ‘Harry’ would be a good name for a black cat. ‘Hermione’ is unusual but fits the calico, too.”

“I’ll think about it. I may keep those names.” Cathy placed the cat carrier on the ground. The kittens had begun to cry. They wanted to check out their new home.

Gran unlatched the door. “We have to be careful now, Catherine. Taking care of kittens is different than caring for a senior cat. They can get into a lot of mischief.”

Cathy watched as the two kittens stepped out of the box, their eyes darting everywhere, their noses twitching at the scents of the house.

“Like them?” Cathy was so absorbed in watching the kittens that she hadn’t seen Steve come into the room, holding his teacup. She turned to see the tall blond gardener, his blue eyes meeting hers.

“Great birthday gift, huh? I wish I’d thought of it, but I have something else for you. I’m holding it until the right day.”

The way he said it made it sound like Michael had been too eager, too rash in giving her the kittens six days before her birthday. “It was quite a surprise, but I don’t know how I feel about it yet.”

“You’ll love ‘em. It’s nice that they’re young. You’ll have them for a long time.” Steve had no pets since he lost one years ago and felt he didn’t want to go through the pain of saying goodbye to another. Michael also didn’t have any pets. He said that he had enough of them at the animal hospital, but she suspected he’d also been through a tough grieving experience and didn’t want to repeat it.

Florence was cooing at them. She picked up each kitten and cuddled it. Then she took them into the kitchen with a few cat toys, and Cathy heard them running around and swatting the plastic coils.

“Your grandmother’s certainly enjoying those kitties.”

Cathy knew she’d taken them into the kitchen to also give her time alone with Steve. “I’m glad she is. She was broken up over Oliver.”

Steve nodded. “I know what that’s like. By the way, Cat, you’re going to the church dance with me Friday night, right? I know it’s your birthday, and it might be a fun way to celebrate. The theme this month is 70’s disco. They’ll be playing a lot of Michael Jackson’s Thriller album because it’s the week before Halloween.”

Cathy laughed. She couldn’t imagine that Pastor Green would choose disco for October’s dance theme. She’d alternated attending the dance socials with Steve and Michael. Because of her shyness, she’d avoided them until last May, when she’d agreed to go to the first one with Steve. They’d had a wonderful time at the square dance until Brody Broom turned up with a gun. She didn’t know him then or the fact that the gun wasn’t loaded, and he hadn’t intended to shoot anyone. The following month, she’d gone with Steve again to the “Roaring Twenties Jazz Social,” although Michael had also asked her. She’d promised to go with him to the next one, and so they’d attended July’s swing dance.

In August, she and Steve went to the pop dance social. September was ballroom dancing with Michael. This month, the 70’s disco dance fell on her birthday, and it was Steve’s turn, but she had a feeling Michael had something else planned for the night afterwards.

“Yes, I’m going, but it’s odd that Pastor Green would choose a disco theme this month.”

Steve smiled. “Lorraine convinced him. He was originally considering a golden oldies event with ‘Harvest Moon’ as one of the songs. His wife said that even the older residents of Buttercup Bend would enjoy livelier tunes.”

“We would,” Florence said, coming back into the room. “The kittens are eating now. I think we should make a place for them in your room, Cathy. They might like Oliver’s bed or sleep on yours.”

“I’m not sure I want to give up Oliver’s bed just yet, Gran. I have some of my childhood stuffed toys in it now, and I’m afraid I might crush the kittens as I sleep if they come into my bed.” Cathy recalled her horror years ago with Floppy, the cat she had before Oliver. It happened back at her parents’ house when she and Doug’s parents were alive before the accident that had left them orphans.

When she was ten years old and couldn’t find her kitten Floppy, she saw a bump in her mattress. It turned out he’d burrowed himself into the box spring. She thought he’d smothered and taken a knife to cut him out to try to save him. Her mother had been mad at her for ruining her bed, but then laughed at her for not realizing that Floppy had only made himself a comfortable “nest” and fallen asleep in it.

Floppy was now buried in Rainbow Gardens. He’d moved with her to Gran’s house when he was eleven and she was twenty-one and had just lost her parents. He developed diabetes a year later and despite her giving him twice-daily insulin injections, he succumbed to the disease after two years. Michael came to the house to euthanize him, and Steve helped bury him. A year later, she got Oliver when she promised her elderly neighbor that she would take her senior cat after she died. Although she’d only had Oliver two years, she’d grown to love him as dearly as Floppy, whom she’d had for fourteen years.

“Don’t be silly, Catherine. They’re smarter than that.” Florence didn’t know about the incident with Floppy. Cathy had never told her the story.

“I can help you bring them upstairs,” Steve offered.

“I think I can manage.” Cathy had a feeling Steve was hoping to get into her bedroom. Although she hadn’t taken that step with either of her boyfriends, she knew she couldn’t hold them off much longer. Even her grandmother was “having relations,” as she termed it, with Howard. But, of course, she had no worries about getting pregnant. Cathy wasn’t on the pill, and she didn’t trust other methods. She wasn’t waiting until she was married, but she wanted the first time to be special with the right man. Nancy laughed at her for that.

Her friend had lost her virginity at eighteen and the only reason she hadn’t made love with Brian yet, whom she’d been dating exclusively for four months, was because he wasn’t ready. He’d confided in Cathy that he wanted to wait with Nancy. They’d broken up once, and he didn’t want to risk it again. He was old-fashioned but wasn’t a virgin. She felt he was in the same situation as she was, delaying the inevitable but hoping it didn’t have any unpleasant consequences when it happened.

Cathy went into the kitchen to find the two kittens asleep by their bowls. She recalled how Floppy also used to fall asleep after playing when he was young. She picked up the black kitten, Harry, as Gran and Steve joined her.

“You can help me with Hermione,” she said, calling the female cat by the name Brian had given her. It felt a little odd on her lips, but she thought she’d get used to it.

Steve smiled and scooped up the calico. Gran stepped back as the two made their way upstairs.

In Cathy’s room, she found it had already been made kitten-safe. While she regularly kept it tidy, it looked as though Gran had quickly gone over it with a vacuum. Some of the fragile items she kept on her bureau, including a glass-framed photo of her parents, were missing. She assumed they’d been moved inside a drawer.

“I can bring the cat tree up here, if you’d like,” Steve offered, placing Hermione down on Cathy’s quilted bedspread. The kitten, now awake, curled up again against the pillow and began to knead her tiny paws against it. “Good thing you don’t have allergies. I know you used to sleep with Oliver.”

“He slept over there.” Cathy glanced toward the round beige cat bed that now housed a Raggedy Ann doll and a stuffed Salem the Cat from the show Sabrina the Teenage Witch that she liked to watch when she was young.

“That cat looks like Harry.”

“Black cats all look pretty much alike,” Cathy pointed out. She put Harry down on the bed near Hermione, but he jumped off and scurried across the floor.

Steve, aware the cat might run downstairs, closed the door.

“He’s fast,” Cathy said. “Did you see where he went?”

While Steve looked around, Cathy heard a noise. She saw a black blur jump from the ground to her bureau and then up on top of her closet where she stored some boxes and an old Easter basket. “Look, Steve! He jumped up there.”

He laughed. “You better watch that guy. Hey, he made himself a bed in your basket.”

Sure enough, Harry had curled up inside the Easter basket.

“I think I’m going to have my hands full with these two. I’m sure Miss Hermione isn’t all sweetness and purrs either.”

Steve grinned, revealing the dimple in his chin. “You’re going to have fun. While I hate giving Michael credit, he did a good thing by giving them to you. They’ll take your mind off Oliver, although I know you’ll never forget him.” He paused and then looked at his watch. “It’s later than I thought. I better be going. Did you want the cat tree up here?”

Cathy was relieved and at the same time a little disappointed that he hadn’t made any moves while they were near one another in her bedroom. “No. I think it’s fine where Gran put it downstairs. I have that window seat where I read. I’m sure they’ll enjoy looking out from there.”

“Okay then. I’ll see you soon. Don’t forget about Friday. I have to hunt up some bell-bottom pants. You’ll enjoy seeing me do my Saturday Night Fever moves.”

Cathy laughed. “I’m sure I will. Thanks, Steve.”

His blue eyes twinkled as he gave a short wave. “I’ll close the door behind me. Goodnight, Cat.”