The Human Being in Balance - Martin Weber - E-Book

The Human Being in Balance E-Book

Martin Weber

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Der Energie-Erfolgstherapeut der ÖSV-Sportler! Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die bereit sind, ihre Gesundheit eigenverantwortlich in die Hand zu nehmen und Neues zuzulassen. Konkret, mit Kompetenz und vielen praktischen Beispielen aus seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Energetiker, Querdenker, Visionär und Energietherapeut von Österreichs besten Sportlern wie Felix Gottwald, Michael Walchhofer, Hermann Maier, Rainer Schönfelder, Michael Gruber, Andreas Schifferer, Michi Dorfmeister, Gitti Obermoser und vielen anderen bringt Martin Weber in diesem Buch die Leserinnen und Leser einen Schritt näher zum Verstehen der wahren Mechanismen, die in jedem Menschen wirken. Martin Weber kann im Verlaufe seiner Tätigkeit bereits auf spektakuläre Heilerfolge zurückblicken, die zu einem großen Teil dokumentiert sind und auch in den Medien für große Resonanz gesorgt haben. Die schnelle Heilung von Knochenbrüchen, Sehnenrissen und anderen Verletzungen macht ihn nicht nur bei Spitzensportlern zu einem gefragten Therapeuten. Nun gibt Martin Weber sein Wissen erstmals in Buchform an Menschen weiter, die an wirklicher Heilung - nicht Symptombekämpfung - interessiert sind. Er zeigt auf, dass Medikamente niemals zu wirklicher Heilung führen und dass vor allem nach Verletzungen oder Operationen der Körper wie ein sensibles Musikinstrument neu gestimmt werden muss.

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Martin Weber

The Human Being

in Balance

New thoughts on health using your heart,intellect and intuition

Translation: David Williams

publishing house ennsthaler steyr


The ideas, suggestions and therapy methods cited in this book, are not intended as a substitute for professional, medical or therapeutic treatments.

Each application of the listed advice in this book is done so under the sole discretion of the reader. Authors, publishers, consultants, distributors, dealers and all other persons can assume no liability or responsibility for any consequences resulting directly or indirectly from the given information, or as a result, in this book.

ISBN 978-3-7095-0072-9

Original Title: Martin Weber · Der Mensch im Gleichgewicht

Translation: David Williams

All rights reserved. Copyright © 2016 by Ennsthaler Verlag, Steyr

Ennsthaler Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co KG, 4400 Steyr, Österreich

Publisher: Ennsthaler Verlag

Cover design: Die Besorger, Mediendesign & -technik, Steyr

Ebook production: Ronald Ganglmayer,

This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by mimeograph or any other means!


I would like to thank all my friends and companions, who encouraged and inspired me to write this book. Thanks also go out to my son Marcus, who has accompanied me during my therapeutic treatments and continues our work in his own practice. Special thanks go to my wife, Hildegard, for the numerous interesting discussions and constructive criticism given in the creation of this book. She gave my handwritten notes a structure that subsequently became the manuscript of this book.

Table of Contents

Book title




Spiritual Healing

Why am I writing a book?

What do I want to achieve with this book?

Who am I?

The art of life

Everything is Energy

Our Mechanical Viewpoint

Traditional medicine and Energetic Treatments

Can medicine heal? Or is it possible to heal ourselves?

How can I identify myself withthis body of thought?

Energy and Spiritual Healing

The Exploration of Health

Why is the world the way it is?

My Vision of a holistic being

My work as a »Therapist of Consciousness«

My first Encounter with professional sports

In our hearts

Energy is something special

Cause and effect

Immunity against Immunisation

My Body

World and Olympic champion

Your true potential is within!

Consciousness and Matter

Mind and Matter

We are unique

Consciousness is a fragile Plant

Love is everywhere

The true essence of love

The olive branch


Freedom – our innermost Asset

The cycle closes

The fusion of masculine and feminine

Are we at the mercy of fate?

Are we the product of our past?

Combining old and new knowledge

Quantum world

What is reality?

Our thoughts are creation

Intuition - perception outside our five senses

Science and Progress

Where is the scientific evidence?

Science restricts itself

What should I study?

Where is logic and common sense?

Unity and intelligence

How does mass consciousness take place?

Perception and truth

Speak to your soul

The miracle of life

Can Faith Heal?

Holistic Thinking

Classic preventative medical check-ups

Energetic health care

Medicinal Drugs and Medication

What is the Ideal Blood Pressure?

Sugar – the Sweet Side of Life

Right or Wrong?

You are your Companion

Emotional Realisation

Live your Potential

Health and diagnosis

The way home

The Uprooted Human Race

Advertising that gets under your skin

Is politics in a coma? – Or how do I waste my potential?

The role of man in the ecosystem

Water Provision

Evolution and Creation

Society and Religion

Does God Exist?

»The Angel of Perception«

The Dream of a better World

Balance is the essence of health

The human instrument

Energy blockages

Fear of Viruses

Virus guilt

Virus Envy

Virus Jealousy

Healthy living

The statics of our body

Tension and power

Diagnosis and energetic treatment

Diagnoses, prognoses and their effects

Are statistics sinful?

The life expectancy myth

The heart

Cell adaption in cancer

In Harmony with Nature

Interpersonal relationships and the success of treatments


Exercise and relaxation

Sport – an important part of our society and lives

The future has begun

Do I want to Proselytise?

Why am I so optimistic?


About this book


This book has been written to challenge and question your thoughts, to make you stop and think for a moment and to possibly make way for a new way of thinking; which combines energy with all things we know. Something that has always been present within us, but has been gradually blocked out and inhibited to many of us over the centuries. It is therefore a challenge to those parts of our mind which do not allow our intuition to release its self-healing powers, to show that the intangible is possible and that miracles can really happen, because everything we need is hidden within us.

It is intended to be a challenge for many scientists who orientate their knowledge dogmatically and for those who have maybe lost sight or forgotten how to recognise their feelings – of the universal energy that connects us all.

Likewise, it will be a challenge for that wonderful part in us that has the ability to look beyond the horizon and connect the world with the tangible.

It can help you overcome barriers and gain life-renewing insights.

Karl G. Auer

Journalist and author

Spiritual Healing

»The dawn of a new era«

I believe that healing on a non-materialistic way, through spiritual methods, has a future of unimagined possibilities.

I believe its range is above that what we, either rightly or wrongly describe as functional and it has the ability to enclose and combine all the physical elements.

I see the dawn of a new era light up in front of me, where it will be possible to visualise certain surgical procedures and look on in horror and wonder how it was possible to use such limited and medieval medical practices.

There will be no more room for traditional medicines.

It is not in my interest to belittle modern medicine and surgery practises. On the contrary, I have great admiration for both.

But I was able to look into the vast reserves of energies that make up the inherent components of a personality, under special circumstances it is possible for powerful forces to flow through you; I cannot describe them other than to say that they are of divine nature.

These forces not only can cure functional disorders but also physically related ones, resulting from the side effects of mental-spiritual disorders.

(This quote is accredited to C. G. Jung)

The above written quote looks into the realm of non-material healing. I have experienced this repeatedly for many years in my daily work. I believe the time has come, where it is possible to write determinedly about this topic, without fear of repercussions. Healing on a non-materialistic level can and should be permitted. People are now ready to allow a cure at this level to occur by activating their expanded consciousness. As a result healing can take place within us and through the divine in us.

Mankind has developed continuously over time but has digressed away from its origin. The fact that we have no connection with this source means that we often look to the material world for answers. This desire for materialistic things can only solve our problems on a short term basis, and as this dissatisfaction grows we develop a yearning desire to believe in other possibilities and turn our attention to an unseen power above. This longing feeling is sewn in our inner self. We feel that much of that what we once so desperately tried to hold onto has no meaning. It becomes a question of recognising our own roots so that it is possible to reach our own internal origin.

Why am I writing a book?

In recent years, I have been mentioned on more than one occasion in the media because a number of top athletes, who were treated by me, have shown extremely quick recoveries. I have also been confronted by a number of seminar participants, colleagues and friends who have asked me to share my practical experience to a wider public. I have come to the conclusion that the time has arrived for me to write a book, this one. Countless books have been written on the topics of energy, consciousness and different healing methods – many of which even by medical professionals.

These books are mainly read by insiders and the information within is not necessarily recognised as common knowledge. Bookstores are also full of helpful literature that tells us how we can make or lives more successful, more healthy, more satisfied and even happier. Basically, a great deal has already been written.

Every culture and religion has its own set of books with their respective rules and restrictions. It is possible for us to sift through this vast amount of literature and pick out what corresponds to our consciousness and what we deem as being helpful. It is not my intention to try and convince anyone or to set up new dogmas – I would like to encourage you to think and contemplate your own thoughts.

I have had the pleasure of being able to help a great deal of people in the last few years, through my ability or my »talent« to see and feel energy. I was able to support and help them to cure their ailments, become symptom-free and at the same time broaden their horizons, enabling them to discover and consider new ideas and follow new viewpoints.

I do not see myself as a man who can heal others. If I were to call myself a healer, then it could only be true for me. I am my own healer. This is true for every other person, everyone has the ability to become their own healer too.

In this book, I would like to address issues close to my heart. I would like to animate and stimulate your thoughts and at the same time also appeal to your logical intrinsic thinking processes. Above all however, I would like to show you that there is an alternative to classical medical treatments and that there are ways to achieve a balanced physical state - without medicinal side effects, without elaborate investigation methods or therapies and without operations or surgical scars, that can in turn lead to disturbances and imbalances in the body. Above all:

That we become aware again of our long forgotten self-healing-powers in our own bodies!

Basically I am writing this book however, for myself, it acts as a kind of summary of small truths from the infinity of truths that I have learned and recognised for myself. In this respect, it may also go a small way into helping you find your own truth.

In my search for my truth I do not rely on anything or anyone for advice, no matter how well-intentioned. I try to recognise it for myself. I try to see the world – my little world – and my body – as part of a small cosmos, connected to a larger cosmos where everything is inter connected.

I often ask myself whether a book has ever managed to change me in some way. Superficially, I would say the answer is NO. The change that occurred happened initially in me as a person. It opened and broadened my horizons and I was susceptible to new ideas and I became more interested in a number of different topics.

Soon, I realised that I was not alone. These were not ideas solely limited to me, but in fact there were a great deal of people out there who think in a similar manner. For me, the explanation lies in the effect of »morphogenetic fields« This states that new knowledge disseminates at the same time from different places in the world and that this knowledge is readily available to all who are connected by a similar oscillation.

Many books have also encouraged me to ask questions, the answers of which have often led me into new directions of thought and have allowed me to become more aware and conscious of my own viewpoints.

I would like to state clearly, that you should not see this book as a paramount of truth. You, as the reader should question everything you read and inevitably look to and find your own answers to the questions that concern you.

I must also stipulate to those reading this book that there is for me, no real truth and that it is extremely important to always continue to scrutinise and ask questions no matter what.

In our society there are large numbers of people who seek spiritual teachers, masters or gurus. Some religions also assume that it is absolutely necessary to have a religious teacher or master. They attend one seminar after the other, in the belief that they will attain the knowledge or in some instances that they can even reach enlightenment. It may be helpful for many, but this is not the way that I personally think or feel. I try to find the answers within myself. Quite often, a piece of knowledge that was conform with my ideas yesterday, has lead me to new insights that for now – have given me new perspectives and a new overall picture on this subject.

This book is intended for people who use their own intellect, their heart and intuition and do not rely on the ideas or thoughts of others to have an opinion. Which includes of course, mine!

If you only rely on the ideas of others, then you can only reach the places where others have been.

It’s a question of recognising one’s own truth. This book only shows my truth, my vision of an »enlightened person«. Parts of this book arose through my own personal experiences; other parts were presented to me from a higher source that was not restricted by space or time.

What do I want to achieve with this book?

For me, every book contains information that reaches people in various ways. Often a single word, or sentence is sufficient enough to touch someone in such a way that it goes directly into their soul and heart and triggers a certain something, an energetic vibration, which in turn can lead to new insights. It is also my aim in this book to convey hope.

Hope for, new perspectives and approaches for those who are afraid to look into the future or those who cannot separate themselves from the past. It is also intended for people who do not see the fullness of life, because they are burdened with stressful thought patterns. Ultimately it is for those who are willing to question everything they have been told or taught and leave familiar paths of thinking when it comes to science, medicine, economics, politics and religion.

We have made a tremendous amount of progress in recent years in medicine and technology, but we have now come to a point by where we are starting to destroy ourselves and our environment and alternatively conjuring up new dangers through these advances in the process. Is it really a sign of progress when we have weapons of mass destruction, which are capable of wiping out all life forms on earth? Is it a step forward if we continue developing new drugs that have a number of serious side effects to our health? Consequently where it is necessary to develop new medication for these side effects. This is in my eyes not what you can call progress! This is a step backwards!

However, it should not be our aim, to reject meaningful technical achievements out right; the goal should be more concerned about rethinking how to use these wisely instead of fighting against them. This fundamental idea starts with us. Everything around us is creation. Every life situation in which we find ourselves is creation, our own creation. If we understand and more importantly believe this, then we can start to begin to realise the tremendous potential that each individual carries within. The current dire situation of this world was not created by a distant God, but by mankind. We should be aware that we are responsible for ourselves and actions and for the whole earth, as well as all forms of life which are supported by it.

Jesus was constantly challenged by the scribes, because he said he was the Son of God. He answered according to the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 34:

»Is it not written in your Law, ›I said you are gods‹?«

It was quite clear to see that we, without exception; are the sons and daughters of God and therefore carry the power of creation within us! This realisation that we are not at the mercy of fate or a punishing God, but are actually responsible for the creation of the earth and our universe through our own thoughts and actions, gives me hope and courage to believe in myself and allows me to contribute to a healthy, happy world.

Who am I?

It is difficult for me to pinpoint a name to best describe my profession. If I state that I am a qualified massage therapist with various additional qualifications such as; acupuncture massage, connective tissue massage, segment massage and foot reflexology, then this is only part of a much bigger picture.

In my country, Austria, only people with a specific training or education or those who hold an official certificate are permitted to exercise or carry out a certain activity. This line of thought where it is assumed that all knowledge must be studied or learned is a limiting and very narrow-minded world view.

There have always been people in differing cultures that have possessed special abilities, whether it was in art, music, technology or research. They developed this ability, not by building on things what others had taught them, but where they followed their tuition. Child prodigies are extremely rare, but there are always people who are inspired by the idea to want to change something and make a difference. I try to concentrate my power in this area, where it is possible for me to change something.

What enables me to pursue my work as a therapist? Am I spiritual, devout, or a good human being? How should I be, so that I do not disappoint all those who judge me? Should I conceal my true self, just to please you? All these standards set out by our society are not compatible with me. I do not want to prove myself to anyone. These thoughts are stressful, put added pressure on me and ultimately take away the pleasure of working.

For this reason and for this reason alone, everything that I do I do with joy and gaiety! When I adhere to these rules everything I do will automatically be a success.

All of the riches in this world are of little importance when you have an illness. My research (which is not based on scientific evidence) is an inspiration, where I seek the answers to questions within myself. This was not always the case. It all started when I felt a strong inner force flowing through me for the first time. It was a very strange feeling. I was confused, distraught and did not know at the time what the significance was. What happened next changed my whole way of thinking and also to a large extent, my life. More on this later in the chapter »How can I identify myself with this body of thought?«

As a result of these events, I became more and more introverted and withdrawn and spent many hours alone. I tried to understand what forces were flowing in and through me. During this time I occupied myself with the subject of religion. I wanted to know if religion could give me the answers to my burning questions. Up until this moment I had never preoccupied myself with faith or religion. Suddenly, my interest was awakened. I reconsidered my faith and asked myself, is it my belief that is so strong that wants me to help people in this way? Or it is the belief of those who come to me that are looking for a relief or cure?

The next question that came to light was, »Is there a God? What is God? Where is God?« The answer that had been mediated to me through my upbringing, religious education and the widely accepted image of God, did not satisfy me. I relied more and more on my inner feeling and tuition. I found that when I concentrated on certain thoughts I could feel a warm feeling flowing through my body which intensified when it approached the region of my heart. I started to rely more on these feelings. A deeper feeling of warmth in my heart, a feeling of appreciation told me, that I was close to the truth.

When I asked if my faith was so compassionate, I received the imaginary answer; your love and compassion allows healing to take place. The one who wants to be treated must be open and willing to allow a healing process to occur. I asked myself the next question; where is God and where is heaven? At first I felt nothing, but both of my hands were now placed upon my chest and then I felt a warm sensation beginning to flow. I realised in this moment that God was in me. In fact God and heaven is in each and every one of us!

From this point, I no longer thought that one religion or denomination was better than the other. I accepted them all as they are. This consciousness assures that those who seek will find and make their own experiences; a door will open – whether it is a religion or an inner belief. André Heller, an Austrian artist, wrote in one of his songs »what should I believe, I can only believe what I feel« the same is true of me: I rely on my intuition and on what I see and experience.

I am a freedom-loving person who sees the conception of freedom not just as a mere phrase, but I actively attempt to discover the freedom in myself. The freedom of which I speak, is an inner freedom, it has no limitations or boundaries. Just as my thoughts are free, so are my words. My words are not subject to any doctrine or dogmas.

My findings do not come from acquired, limited views, but from the infinite world of my mind. I strive to ignore the selfish egoistic limited way of thinking and in turn get access to the unlimited levels of my mind. These levels are accessible to anyone who is willing to break free from the limitations of one’s own thoughts. A science that depends on organisations and its stakeholders, politics and business cannot act freely and restricts itself. A free society, which is independent of beliefs, has unprecedented opportunities to change the world.

Everything that I desire!

I want to be who I am.

I want to do what I feel.

I want to be an individual, and not a cardboard

copy of someone else.

I want to love and understand.

I do not want to ask anyone for the truth. I want to live

my truth and my life, the way I want.

I do not want to judge

I want to be me and I want to remain this way!

The art of life

We have heard the statement from a great deal of people who see themselves as being spiritual: »be yourself, allow things to happen that is the art of life« A part of me agrees with this statement. I also understand and respect the notion of someone wanting to retire as a hermit in a hope of finding this kind of knowledge or enlightenment. Another part of me says, I want to be active, I want to make a difference, and I would like to find answers for me within the diversity of life. These include, travelling and talking with other people as well as the keeping my body fit. I want to unify theory with practice. A world where you accept everything as it is; is in my opinion boring.

It is not about criticising or denouncing existing systems but about giving something an impetus. I think it’s important, that everyone thinks and writes about issues that are deemed important at any given time. What would our world be like, if everyone had the same opinion, or the same view? The world would be an extremely boring place to live in. Resistance and frozen mind-sets inspire me even more to question things and help me to create an image of my own reality.

I see it as a challenge to confront issues that affect me. Every issue that I concern myself with is a building block for a more complex motion. I am also aware that any change in our life circumstances creates a new one.

Everything is Energy

The world in which we live is vitalised by a penetrative energy. This energy is a force that cannot be destroyed but is able to change its state through our judgements and our thoughts. This energy is not visible, but palpable and tangible. I am speaking here about – life energy.

I have a distinct, sensitive nervous system that has the ability to communicate with other systems and perceive energy. This ability refers not only to living organisms, but also to dead matter. A crucial realisation for me is; that »everything is energy.« Energy exists even in seemingly dead matter.

By ignoring this vital energy, by concealing it, by blocking it is one of the reasons for the imbalance on this planet that we are witnessing today. This imbalance affects our bodies, nature, and interactions between people. Every effort is being made to isolate us from this life energy. In the western world we have become disillusioned and we are no longer able to see that the earth can only function properly as a whole entity.

With a consciousness of separation and exclusion, we cannot expect harmony within our self, in politics, in business, in medicine nor religion. We cannot expect that these prevailing systems of constriction and limitation show us the way forward as we are the ones that have allowed them to prevail. It is the responsibility of everyone to rethink and question existing para norms.

Only through the self-knowledge of the individual is there a possibility, to give the ruling powers an impulse to change their direction. If an individual were to ask critical questions in order to represent their opinion, then the system would have to respond. To rely only on that what the so-called experts and capacities claim is a limitation of our own potential, which ultimately leads us to always look and blame someone else. This is the easiest way. To adapt to certain situations and to take personal responsibility for our thoughts and beliefs is the first step towards change.

I have decided – when it comes to my health – I am no longer willing to take medicinal drugs that have been prescribed to me by so called experts, without determining the cause of my complaints.

I am not a non-entity of one in six billion and counting, I am unique.

I am not ready to believe that I have the same thoughts, feelings, emotions as my fellow human beings. If that were so, I could accept that we all have the same standard values, all the same conventional values (blood pressure, sugar levels, cholesterol and so on). As this is not the case, I hasten to question what the so called experts define as the norm.

I am also not prepared to believe that my health will improve when I have a foreign body inserted into my body, which should ideally represent a natural habitat. It is something that is unnatural and therefore foreign to me.

I am not willing to accept that my body is a machine whose parts work separately and are interchangeable.

I am not willing to believe that anaesthetising, poisoning, screwing together, nailing, stiffening, excision and amputation are the only ways to help a person to get and maintain a healthy body.

I am not ready to believe that there is such a thing as incurable!

I am not ready to accept preconceived opinions simply because the majority of people do so.

It is okay for me to have my own opinion and insights. These insights may change over time. That’s why I am always willing to requestion these. All realisations are acceptable to me until a point in time where I may change my opinion.

Our Mechanical Viewpoint

Initially, the aspirations of Indigenous People from all continents of the globe were to bring together the natural forces of nature and the spiritual powers in which they believed. They wanted to understand nature; they did not want to control and dominate it. This world view prior to the industrial revolution was one which was in continual motion and change. Everything was connected and to a larger extent harmonious.

All this began to change radically in the 16th century. The astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus discovered from his observations of the sky, that among other things, the earth in fact revolves around the sun and not, as was popular belief vice versa. This model was presented in his publication, »De revolutionibus orbium coelestium« (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres)

Copernicus knew that many of his fellow scholars, and especially the Church, would deny this adherently. Therefore, Copernicus did not publish his discovery until shortly before his death in 1543. The church behaved as expected and forbade his writings. They continued their work on the »Index« of prohibited books. As Galileo Galilei, the famous mathematician, physicist and astronomer, also supported statements of Copernicus he was tried by the Holy Office, then found »vehemently suspect of heresy«, and was forced to recant and spent the rest of his life under house arrest. A second supporter of this theory, Giordano Bruno, was not so fortunate; he was burned at the stake.

As a result of Galileo’s discoveries and scientific experiments, knowledge, was no longer reserved for the priesthood and was no longer based on old authorities and hierarchies of the Church.

In the 17th century, the final separation of the sciences and religion took place. The French mathematician and philosopher René Descartes stated, »Within the body there is nothing that belongs to the spirit, and nothing of the spirit that belongs to the body.« For him nature was a machine that operated according to mathematical laws.

According to him all bodily functions could be explained with this mechanical model. The body was a machine. As we are well aware today this hypothesis has led to countless problems.

When we speak of a mechanistic view of the world today, we often associate this expression with the likes of Sir Isaac Newton. He like Descartes viewed the world as a machine in a three-dimensional space. He drew conclusions made from mathematical proofs, which convinced scientists for centuries. This mechanistic approach was transferred soon enough to all sciences: astronomy, chemistry, biology and so on.

At this time scholars such as; Copernicus, Descartes, Newton did not question religion. They believed in God as the sole creator of the universe. It was not until much later that the new generation of scientists declared that they no longer needed God and spirituality. They proclaimed and announced as they do today that everything that is invisible and non-measurable is non-existent and pure deception.

This mechanistic worldview based on the findings of Isaac Newton - forms the basis of our Western medicine today – the body is seen as pure matter. Diseases are treated where they occur in the body. Feelings and emotions of each individual are irrelevant for healing and are not seen or even considered. This mechanistic view that we have today has been inscribed to us by more than two centuries of thought.

If we assume that we can create reality through the power of our thoughts, it is clearly obvious that a large part of humanity sees itself only as a body consisting of a number of spare parts that can be replaced whenever necessary. This mode of thought can manifest itself with the obvious consequences!

For thousands of years man has wandered through differing levels of consciousness and has been able to perceive what corresponds to his level of consciousness at that specific time. We as three-dimensional individuals can only perceive what our three-dimensional thinking allows. So it is understandable that we are so excited by our technological progresses that we fail to perceive or consider our spiritual needs.

Theoretically, it would seem a lot easier to bring a human body back into order mechanically, rather than having to deal with a spirit or someone’s mind. Unexplainable »Miracle« or »Wonder cures« are commonplace; the problem is that our consciousness is not able to recognise them. Having said that more and more people are able to access the levels of their consciousness and as a result have inspired others in the process.

Many of you may think if this is the case, why is this power or energy not used more frequently? Why do injuries take longer to heal in some than others? You could say it is due to the severity of the injury. But that’s not necessarily true. Some people have similar injuries and similar operations, but in one patient the healing process occurs much faster. In my experience similar injuries or illnesses have various causes. My perception of this phenomenon is clear; that behind all our illnesses and injuries there is an emotional or mental aspect that should be taken into consideration.

This occurrence may have happened shortly before the onset of the illness or injury. However, it may be the result of something that happened months or even years ago and the similarity of the present situation may have reignited it. As a result, the person has an energetic imbalance and is more susceptible to an illness and/or injury.

As a result of working intensively with people, their feelings, expectations and disappointments for many years; I have come to realise that parts of our body’s energy system is connected with certain emotions. Living beings like humans are basically unstable systems. They receive their apparent stability through a dynamic and constant balancing of energy. Our rational well researched thinking brain stores this information and retains it.

Our unexplored unknown side – our true self – receives information, relevant data is detected, but not analysed. This largely unknown aspect is not subject to the laws of nature. Enabling this side creates an expanded consciousness that contemplates each situation as it is at this moment in time. Energy systems can flow, depending on the respective situation. In the case of doubt, the doubt will prevail, in the case of anxiety, the fear will prevail, and if these events are accepted and welcomed then love will prevail as love is not judgmental. By accepting each and every situation the way to finding and feeling love will become free. Love is your essential core.

Traditional medicine and Energetic Treatments

I appreciate and admire the many doctors who selflessly strive to endeavour their patients, especially when it comes to acute care, accident and emergency treatments. Without their help many accident victims or people with acute organ failures would die. Dental surgeons also do great things, as well as plastic surgeons that are there to help accident victims.

Nevertheless, the traditional medicine also has its drawbacks: it only looks at illnesses as local defects in a physical or chemical mechanism caused by external influences or internal disturbances. These processes and diseases are corrected, fought and perhaps eradicated. Media campaigns are also started to help fight against them. The symptom and the symptom alone is seen and with the help of medicinal drugs, surgery, radiotherapy and / or chemotherapy we try to eradicate them.

The power of the mind and its ability of self-healing powers are rarely included. The existing self-healing process is constantly being suppressed by medicinal drugs; the body does not have the opportunity to regulate itself. This ingenious masterpiece is endowed with the best defence system and with the best repair system that has ever existed. It is not about fighting or regulating nature, but about understanding it.

The body is often looked upon and broken down into separate components; each one can be treated, repaired or replaced. There is a lack of coherence between classical medicines – people’s feelings and intuition. The human body is mistakenly not seen as a single entity!

Classical medicine uses the words »to cure and to heal« to define its treatments, but actually concerns itself with the treatment of symptoms. The system which causes the patient to become ill is hardly ever considered when it comes to finding the right treatment.

When a child is suffering from cancer, for example, the whole family situation should be included in the therapy. More often than not it is a cry of help from the child for affection. Alternatively, the child feels and responds to the cries of help of the mother and/or father.