The Mincer Equation. The Gender Gap in Austria - Katharina Bergant - E-Book

The Mincer Equation. The Gender Gap in Austria E-Book

Katharina Bergant

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Essay from the year 2014 in the subject Business economics - General, grade: 1.5, Trinity College Dublin (Economics), course: MSc. Economics, language: English, abstract: Within this project, I examined the influence of different determinants on the hourly wages of Austrian employees. As a basis, I used a workhorse in Labour Economics, the Mincer Equation. I also extended the model by determinants that seem country specifically important for Austria according to previous literature: the gender gap and the east-west divide. However, first I test how good the original equation describes the data (EU SILC 2007) for Austria more than thirty years after its publication. Implying my new variables, I find that women earn about 26.2% less than men which results in a very big gender gap compared to other developed countries in the European Union. Surprisingly, I could not find any significant difference for the nine federal states which rejects my hypothesis of an east-west divide. Furthermore, the additional income due to increasing experience seems to be nearly linear as the impact of the squared term is extremely small.

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