The Paranormal Files: Jacking Off the Jersey Devil (Monster Double Penetration Erotica) - Jenna Powers - E-Book

The Paranormal Files: Jacking Off the Jersey Devil (Monster Double Penetration Erotica) E-Book

Jenna Powers

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Agent Susan Davies, gets a new partner that has something on her supervisor. Their first adventure takes a look into the case of the Jersey Devil. The two are stranded in the forest when the Jersey Devil strikes and captures Susan. Her training is useless and in this strange case, she learns that jacking off the Jersey Devil may be her best chance at escaping. But is it truly all the beast wants?

Warning! This 10,200 word explicit story contains sex with the Jersey Devil and features oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, and even double penetration using the monster's tail. This is one case in the paranormal files that won't be simply open and shut.

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The Paranormal Files:

Jacking Off the Jersey Devil

By Jenna Powers

Smashwords Edition

Copyright Jenna Powers

Discover other titles by Jenna Powers at

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Susan shifted in her seat as she read the note that had been sent from her boss. It was a notice letting her know that she was getting a partner assigned to her. She knew exactly what that meant, she was either getting fired in the next few weeks or her boss wanted someone to report on her. She was an FBI agent, assigned to the paranormal files... The so called "X Files" that her coworkers and friends called it. A cute joke, but one that got old.

She was a team of one, no need to spend valuable resources on a strange division. The government had actually created the division during World War 2 as a reactionary force to Germany's growing activities in the paranormal. It was Hitler’s grand secret to try and raise some kind of supernatural force to counter the Allied Forces.

Granted, many officials opposed the idea but just in case, they had decided to open a division specific for researching the supernatural and paranormal. After the War, it just became a paranormal division, looking into strange occurrences to determine if anything truly was occurring out of the ordinary. It also wasn't frowned upon to funnel money into the paranormal division and then move it to divisions that were going over budget.

In fact, the last time Susan saw her budget, they were in the negatives, which was strange considering the fact that she was a one-person team and she hadn’t done any investigating in the past few years. Though at some point, according to the budget, she had acquired the services of a defense contractor in a foreign country. She had also apparently bought several hundred tanks and hummers. The government hadn’t even given her a car, so it was amazing to see that she owned tanks in her division.

Susan sighed and leaned back on her chair, wondering what she could possibly do from a career standpoint. This division was useless for her resume and the reason she was stuck in this dead end job was because she had snitched on one of her former bosses. No one liked snitches... no one.

The new person that was on their way to take her place must have done something bad. There was no other reason a person would be added to the paranormal division. It didn’t add up to Susan, especially considering the fact that she hadn’t heard from her supervisor in months, if not years.

"Hey Susan, how's your day going?" A coworker asked as he stopped by her cubicle.

"Not bad. They're sending me a partner." She replied.

"Damn, getting shit-canned?" He asked.

Susan shrugged. "I think so. Since when did the paranormal files team need more than one member?"

Her coworker smiled. "Hm... 1962?" He joked.

"Oh fuck off." Susan replied as she smiled.

Her coworker nodded and wandered off. Susan sighed again and opened up an internet browser on her computer. She wondered if she could dig up information on the newbie headed her way. She typed in his name, David Ross and waited as the browser loaded. Her legs were crossed and her black stiletto heel hung on her toe as she swung her foot back and forth. A sudden tap caused her to sit right up and let out a small yelp.

“Oh sorry.” A voice responded.

Susan looked up to see a fairly heavy set man looking over her cubicle wall. He was bald with thick rimmed glasses and a well maintained goatee. She took a moment to catch her breath.

“Jesus.” She said as she stood up.

The man smiled. “Hi, I’m David Ross, but most people call me Davey.”

Susan quickly turned off her monitor with one hand as she stepped out of her cubicle, extending her other hand. “My new partner. Hi, I’m Susan Davies.”

The two shook hands, Davey oblivious to Susan’s attempt at hiding her actions.

“You showed up quick. I just got the note today.” Susan commented.

“You didn’t get the e-mail?” Davey asked.


“Yeah, I was well on my way over here before any notice went out. Your boss is my uncle’s best friend. I was looking for a job near my home and one that seemed interesting.” Davey said.

“Oh... so you live around here?” Susan asked.

“Yeah, couple blocks down. I was born and raised in D.C.” Davey replied smiling.

Susan nodded. “Well, it’s close to home but I don’t think I can say that the interesting part is going to be fulfilled.”

“Are you kidding me? Paranormal files? That’s like where I thrive. I’ve read every book I can find on paranormal things, from mythical creatures to aliens, you name it, I know it!” Davey answered proudly.

Susan shrugged. “With the budget they give us, you’ll be lucky to see a giant fruit fly.”

Davey laughed. “No way. Here, look.”

He handed her a manila folder and crossed his arms. There stacks upon stacks of papers held by paperclips inside the folder. A bit too much reading material for Susan but it was surpri [...]