The Tale of the Pie and the Patty Pan - Beatrix Potter - E-Book

The Tale of the Pie and the Patty Pan E-Book

Beatrix Potter

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Once upon a time there was a Pussy–cat called Ribby, who invited a little dog called Duchess, to tea."Come in good time, my dear Duchess," said Ribby's letter, "and we will have something so very nice. I am baking it in a pie–dish—a pie–dish with a pink rim. You never tasted anything so good! And you shall eat it all! I will eat muffins, my dear Duchess!" wrote Ribby.Duchess read the letter and wrote an answer:—"I will come with much pleasure at a quarter past four. But it is very strange. I was just going to invite you to come here, to supper, my dear Ribby, to eat something most delicious."I will come very punctually, my dear Ribby," wrote Duchess; and then at the end she added—"I hope it isn't mouse?"

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