Time Tells All - Janeen Ann O'Connell - E-Book

Time Tells All E-Book

Janeen Ann O'Connell

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The letter from the bank is the last straw. William Blay sells his farm before it's repossessed and absconds with his wife Margaret and three daughters to Port Phillip. But life in the new colony is dogged by the same dramas that hounded William in Van Diemen's Land. A new start is not as easy as it seemed. 

Making the heartbreaking decision to have her husband admitted to the insane asylum, Margaret Blay finds a way to feed her children and pay the rent. But at what cost? 

Can William Blay's children move on from the stain of their father's insanity, and succeed where he failed?

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Copyright (C) 2019 Janeen Ann O'Connell

Layout design and Copyright (C) 2022 by Next Chapter

Published 2022 by Next Chapter

Cover art by Cover Mint

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the author's permission.


Everything has changed

James Bryan Cullen and Elizabeth Bartlett, descendant chart

Author’s note:


Depression of the 1840s

William Blay

Margaret Blay (nee Tedder)


Betsy Pierce (nee Cullen)

Sarah (Sadie) and Felix


William Blay


William and Margaret

Bass Strait



William’s new start

Greenhills, River Plenty

Margaret Blay








Elizabeth Blay



Elizabeth Blay


Elizabeth Blay (nee Fogarty)






Caroline Bulmer (nee Blay)




Margaret Frances McBeath

Richard Werrett

Mary Ann Werrett (nee Williams)

Richard Werrett

Margaret Frances McBeath


Margaret Frances Werrett (nee McBeath)

The First World War

Margaret Frances Werrett

Charles Mark Werrett

Margaret Frances Werrett (nee McBeath)

Hector Ralph Werrett

Author’s notes



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About the Author



This book continues the journey begun in Book 2 (Love, Lies, and Legacies) of William and Margaret Blay. Despite the difficulties that plagued William and Margaret, their children, particularly their daughters, went on to lead productive, fulfilling lives, contributing to the Colony of Victoria.

In the stories of the characters in this book, I’ve tried to give voice to ancestors whose everyday achievements are often forgotten.

James Bryan Cullen and Elizabeth Bartlett, descendant chart


Their voices were stifled with the passing of time.

Their existence buried by succeeding generations. They are resurrected in the three books of the Cullen / Bartlett Dynasty

This is a work of historical fiction. I have tried to make historical facts accurate, but some incorrect items may have slipped through. With the tyranny of time, many records are hard to find. Marriages, deaths, births are as accurate as the available records indicate. I have used creative licence to fill in the gaps between birth and death.


To the members of Melton Wordsmiths, thank you once again for critiquing my work and giving me valuable feedback.

To Melton Library and Learning Hub and Nicole Hilder, thank you for your support.

To members of the Melton Family History Group, thank you for challenging me to be historically accurate.

Once again, thank you, Robyn Hunter, for your editing expertise.

Thank you to Denise Wood for her uncompromising critiques.

This book is dedicated to the memory of my mother

Jeanette Patricia Werrett,

and her sisters:

Elaine Joan and Norma Ann.


The Depression of the 1840s, experienced Australia-wide, was a major halt to rapid economic growth in Van Diemen's Land. The continued low price of wool in the London market after 1837, the 1839 English recession, the collapse of the mainland markets for grain and livestock, and the downturn of Tasmanian capital invested in Port Phillip speculations led to the Depression…Two banks closed. 1

The economy of the colonies was dependant on England and its buoyancy corresponded to harsher economic conditions in the 'mother country'. Stock and land were hard to sell due to a drought that had started in 1839. Sheep that once provided fine wool for export to England were being boiled down for tallow to make candles and soap. Speculators who bought land expecting its value to rise found that they were no longer able to sell or repay their mortgages to the bank.2


New Norfolk, November, 1839

The news from England about the falling price of wool put an arrow of terror through my heart. My sheep are worthless, the farm is drying up in front of me with the worst drought since Van Diemen’s Land was colonised, and the banks themselves on the brink of closure demand their money. Closing the bedroom door, I sit cross-legged on the floor at the foot of the bed. I put my head back, close my eyes and try to get my mind to work through the chaos in my brain; the chaos that won’t let me think straight, to plan a solution.

My younger brother John, and his wife Elizabeth and their three babies left for Port Phillip months ago. Apart from my own wife and children, I have no family left in New Norfolk. Mother died in 1834, Father six months later in 1835. My older brother James deserted his pregnant wife and left for South Australia in January.

My neck aches from being in the same position for too long, When I am anxious my breaths are short and shallow, and that’s what is happening now. It’s difficult to breathe. I know the signs of a painful headache coming on.

Margaret asks me if I am alright but doesn’t wait for an answer. Her attention is diverted by eighteen-month-old Caroline putting her hands in her bowl of potato and throwing fistfuls at her sister, Maggie. The three-year-old’s screams make my head pound.

I don’t want to answer Margaret. I don’t want to lie, nor am I ready to tell her the truth. The distraction of the battle between our middle and youngest daughters gives me the opportunity to ignore my wife’s question.

The cook, Susan, takes Maggie to clean the potato off her face and clothes. While she is walking past Caroline, Maggie pulls a lump of potato out of her hair and wipes it on Caroline’s face. The eighteen-month-old screams louder than her mother did when giving birth to her.

I leave the table. I leave my wife, and the cook and housekeeper, to sort out the battle. I’m not hungry.

Sitting on my chair on the back verandah of my two storey, three-bedroom home that also boasts a dining room and parlour, I light my pipe and lean back in the chair. For a short, precious moment I forget the horrors that threaten to escalate the throb at the back of my head.

Looking over the paddocks I see they are the colour of wheat husks. The fresh green that layered Van Diemen’s Land every year since my brothers and I arrived with Mama in 1814 hasn’t been seen for over a year. The merino sheep are dying of hunger, but that makes no difference because the wool price in London has dropped so low they aren’t worth shearing. I know I will have to get the farm hands to organise the slaughter of the last of the cattle, so we can dry the beef. The cattle are more valuable dead, with their meat dried, than having them eat what little feed I have left. The water from the tanks keeps the fruit orchard and vegetable gardens alive. We won’t starve.

I pull the letter out of my pocket, the one from the bank, and read it again. It tells me to pay the arrears immediately, or they’ll take the farm. The irony of a bank demanding money when they are in financial trouble too, doesn’t make me feel any better. I screw the letter into a ball so that it is no bigger than an egg, and put it in my trouser pocket. The pang of the neck pain works its way up both sides of my head.

Ignoring the sounds from the dining room and kitchen where Margaret, the cook, and housekeeper are grappling with our three daughters, I tiptoe upstairs. Perhaps if I go to bed my head will stop pounding.

As much as I try to overcome the urge to work through my repetitive behaviours, nothing helps. I must perform the steps in the same order, otherwise I can’t go to bed. Tonight, I need to go to bed, the pain in my head is getting worse. First, I take off my clothes and lay them on the chair in the corner of the room in the order they’ll be put on in the morning. Then I wash my face and hands, this evening in cold water, because I didn’t tell the housekeeper I was going to bed early. I clean my teeth with a rag dipped in salt. I put on my nightshirt and slink underneath the bed covers, struggling to get the garment below my knees. It must be below my knees and uncrumpled before I can relax. Lying on my back, looking at the ceiling, I take deep breaths as advised by the doctor, to try to relieve the thumping that has travelled behind my eyes.

Closing my eyes, I let exhaustion, both physical and mental carry me to sleep.


She looked at the plate he’d left on the table, muttering that they could ill afford to waste food. Sitting down to finish her supper with Sarah Susanna, now five years old, Margaret separates Maggie and Caroline. If any food was thrown it would fall to the table or floor. Caroline refused to open her mouth when Margaret held up a spoonful for her to take. The child clamped her mouth shut, shook her head and pushed the spoon away. Not in the mood for tantrums, and angry that this was more food wasted, Margaret called to the cook.

‘Susan, please put my supper near the fire to keep warm. I’m taking Caroline to bed. If she refuses to eat, she can go to bed early, and hungry.’

Margaret told the older girls to finish their supper, while she struggled up the stairs with a screaming, thrashing, eighteen-month-old.

The door to the bedroom she shared with William was closed. She walked past it with the volume of Caroline’s screams increasing the closer the child got to her own bedroom. Margaret dragged the child into the room and threw her on Maggie’s bed to change her into her nightdress. Wrangling with the child until she was ready for bed, Margaret put her in the crib and left the room, closing the door behind her. She stood with her back against the wall, taking in deep breaths, listening to the child crying and sobbing. By the time Caroline had cried herself to sleep, Sarah and Maggie were coming up the stairs to get ready for bed. Margaret put her right index finger over her mouth to indicate they should be quiet, and took a little hand in each of hers leading them back downstairs into the parlour. ‘You can stay up a bit longer while Mama finishes her supper. Caroline has just gone to sleep; we don’t want to wake her.’

‘Where is Papa?’ the eldest, Sarah asked.

‘’He went to bed early. He had a busy day. He was tired.’

‘Why didn’t he eat his supper?’ Maggie wanted to know.

‘I don’t know,’ Margaret said, raising her voice. ‘Let me eat my supper, then we’ll go back upstairs.’

The three children finally tucked up in bed for the night, Margaret went into the kitchen to share a cup of tea with Susan. The cook had watched Margaret grow up, and the pair had developed a strong bond. Margaret, who could read and write, thanks to the tenacity of her mother, Catherine, encouraged Susan to apply for a Ticket of Leave. Its success meant Susan could work elsewhere, but she stayed with Margaret and William.

‘I don’t know what is wrong with the girls of late, Susan. They are behaving badly.’

Susan put her teacup down and reached across the table for Margaret’s hands. Clasping hers around Margaret’s she said, ‘I think their Papa’s preoccupation with the state of the farm is upsetting them.’

Margaret nodded.

Going to bed after her husband meant Margaret didn’t have to witness his regimented bedtime ritual. She undressed quietly, slipped on her nightshirt and slid into bed next to William who appeared to be sleeping, but restless. His legs twitched, and she could hear his teeth grinding. Even in slumber he had a frown on his forehead. She wondered what torments his dreams were delivering.

Caroline screaming about a devil, woke Margaret with a fright. She sat up straight in bed, then scrambled to get out before the child woke the whole house. In the darkness, she didn’t notice William had already risen and dressed. Reaching for a candle, she lit it from the embers in the fireplace in their bedroom, wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and hurried to the girls’ room. Standing up in her crib, holding onto the sides, the youngest child’s screams and sobs still hadn’t woken Sarah and Maggie. Margaret picked up Caroline, wrapped her in a cover from the crib, and holding the child on her left hip and the candle in her right hand, went downstairs.

William was sitting at the kitchen table finishing a cup of milk. The two nanny goats he’d seconded from his late father’s farm, ensured the children had the nourishment of the milk to drink. He used a neighbour’s billy goat when nature deemed it necessary. The kids these two nanny goats bore last season were growing, and Margaret speculated what William had intended for them.

‘You are up early,’ Margaret commented to her husband.

‘I couldn’t sleep so thought I would get an early start on the farm today. Caroline is still crying, I see.’

Margaret sat down, moving the child from her hip to her lap, and pushed the candle she had been carrying to the centre of the table. Sobs had replaced the screams, but tears still ran down Caroline’s cheeks. She held the child to her, patted her back and told her everything would be all right.

William left his cup on the table, wiped his face with a clean cloth from the supply the cook left by the fire, pecked Margaret on the forehead, and went outside into the predawn light.

Too early to get started on any activities, and still trying to keep Caroline settled, Margaret carried the child over to one of the rocking chairs placed either side of the hearth. She sat the little girl on the chair while she got the fire going. Satisfied the fire would take and burn without help for some time, she picked up Caroline, and sat in the chair with her on her lap. Rocking the chair to calm herself and her daughter, Margaret sat back, stared into the flames and wondered what was to happen to the farm.


Hobart Town, November 1839

Carrying her five-month-old infant Susanna, Catherine watched as the driver loaded her belongings into the back of the buggy. It wasn’t a long way from her home in Murray Street to the Hobart waterfront, but too far to carry a baby and push her belongings along. She had the money from the sale of her first husband’s flour mill, and the sale of the house he bought for them when his seven-year sentence ended. With one last glance at the home she thought she saw Teddy standing in the doorway, waving to her. Closing her eyes tight and opening them again, he’d disappeared.

Her husband James Blay Jr went to South Australia in January leaving her, three months with child, to live with her two married daughters. When told about the expected baby, he’d denied parentage and absconded. In September he wrote to Catherine and asked her to bring Susanna and join him in Adelaide. The tone of his letter brought joy to her heart. He said he missed her, wanted to see his daughter and had started a successful shoemaking business in the new Colony. Catherine hadn’t told her adult daughters, Margaret and Sadie that she was going to South Australia to join her husband. She would ask him write to them when she arrived. She visited the solicitor in Hobart to ask for a letter to be sent to James, telling him she and Susanna would be on the brig Porter, arriving in Port Adelaide around the 8th December.

At the invitation of the driver, Catherine took the offer of help to get onto the buggy, baby Susanna handed to her when she was seated. She didn’t look over her shoulder at the house she would never live in again; she stared straight ahead, deciding it was better to look forward to her new life, not behind. Apart from her two married daughters, there was no reason to stay in Van Diemen’s Land. Her youngest sister, Betsy was going to Port Phillip, her older sister, Sophia died in 1835, her mother died in 1836, her mother-in-law died in 1834, and her father-in-law in 1835. She needed her husband by her side.

James waved from the dock. Catherine, excited, waved back, then hurried down to her quarters to tidy her appearance. She combed her hair, stuffed it under her cap, tied the cap under her chin, and straightened her dress. She put a new hat on Susanna to keep the sun off as much as to hide her almost bald head: the infant’s hair was so fair, it couldn’t be seen. She picked up her travelling bag, leaving the larger bags for collection by the porter, and went back on deck.

James stood, waiting.

Catherine’s heart skipped a beat when she saw her husband. She ached for his touch, to feel his arms around her, his lips on hers. Almost dropping Susanna while her mind wandered she secured the child on her right hip, slung her travel bag over her left shoulder, and made her way across the gangplank to the waiting arms of her husband.

Susanna squirmed and struggled while her parents embraced. James kissed Catherine with such passion, she thought he wouldn’t be able to wait until they were in the house. He fondled her breasts and pushed himself against her. She felt his manhood rise in anticipation and pushed him away.

‘James, take a breath. I am as anxious as you, but there are things that need our attention.’

He stepped back, nodded and looked at the five-month-old baby girl staring at him. The infant smiled, James grinned.

Catherine let a wave of relief wash over her.

The house was a few doors away from his shoemaking business. Catherine hoped they would be happier here than in New Norfolk in the house behind James Sr’s shop. They’d lived there, paying James Sr rent, while her husband set up a farm on his eighty acres. She had been miserable, her husband moody, belligerent and difficult. Here, in Adelaide, fourteen years later, he looked happy.

James showed Catherine into the house. The double bed hadn’t been made for some time, and there didn’t appear to be anywhere for baby Susanna to sleep. A modest kitchen presented a tiny fireplace, a sideboard, a large metal tub and a small wooden table with two chairs. Catherine’s head tingled with anxiety. She didn’t want to let James know how disappointed she felt and didn’t want to upset him.

‘It’s lovely, James. We will be happy here.’

He grabbed her by the shoulders, pulled her toward him and kissed her hungrily. Susanna, still being held by her mother, screamed with fright.

‘Put her down somewhere so we can get to know each other again.’ James ordered.

Catherine looked around for somewhere clean to set the baby down, the tingling in the back of her head increased.

‘There doesn’t seem to be anywhere suitable, James. Do you have a crib for her?’

He huffed, marched toward the bed, grabbed a pillow and put it on the floor at the foot of the bed. ‘Put her here.’

Catherine took off Susanna’s hat and lay her on the pillow. The infant was indignant at being put down. Clenching her fists, she waved her arms in the air, kicked her legs, closed her eyes and cried louder than the foghorns on the boats in the harbour.

James pulled Catherine to him and put his hands under her dress. He fumbled through her petticoat until he found what he was looking for. Her feet moved apart to give him easier access. He grunted as he fingered her and kissed her with hunger more than desire. Leading her to the bed while Susanna cried on the pillow on the floor, James pushed her clothing up over her head, and with brute force, penetrated her. She gasped in pain glad he couldn’t see her face It was over in an instant. At least in the bedroom, he hadn’t changed.

Susanna’s cries intensified.

‘Make her stop,’ he said as he pulled up his trousers. ‘I’ll see if I can find something to use as a crib. There’s bound to be something, somewhere.’ He left the house.

Catherine struggled to put her feet on the floor, in pain from his rough treatment. Picking up Susanna she crawled back onto the bed, put the pillow behind her and fed her baby.

‘Oh, Susanna, what have I done?’ she murmured to the suckling infant.

“... Thus on the Tuesday and Wednesday, October 29 and 30, the new arrivals were all “landed in the ship’s boats at the beach opposite Williamstown, and having walked overland two miles to the banks of the Yarra Yarra…”1


New Norfolk December 1839

What do you mean, she’s gone back to him? She’s gone to South Australia? I don’t believe it.’

On a trip to Hobart Town, John Lilley Pearce, Betsy’s husband called on Catherine to find she had sold the flour mill and sailed to South Australia.

‘I’m sorry, my love, but this is the case. She took the infant, she left Hobart on 24 November.’ John explained to his wife.

‘How do you know?’ Betsy demanded.

‘They print the ships’ sailing dates and cargo and passengers in the newspaper. When I discovered someone else living in the house, I asked at the Post Office 1 They had newspapers, I looked.’

Since her marriage to James Blay Jr in 1823, Betsy’s older sister, Catherine, had been abandoned by her husband and reunited with him so often they’d lost count.

‘Well, at least now we can continue packing for our move to Port Phillip and I won’t have to worry about being another person who abandons my sister.’

Wiping her eyes with her apron, Betsy walked into the bedroom and closed the door. She sat on the edge of the bed and let the tears run from her eyes. Her sister not only returned to that fiend of a man but didn’t even bother to tell her. She wondered if Margaret and Sadie knew.

Not being able to read or write had been a burden for Betsy, a burden she blamed her parents for. Although her father was literate, he didn’t think it was important for his daughters to be educated, even a little. Betsy would have to ask John or her eldest son, James, to write a letter for her for delivery to Catherine’s daughters, Margaret and Sadie.

It was a blessing that Catherine had run back to James. Betsy’s niece, Margaret had confided in her that William was agitating to move to Port Phillip too. Both women felt the angst of leaving Catherine in Van Diemen’s Land. Sadie was in New Norfolk, settled and happy with Felix but if they too decided to move, Catherine would be alone. Betsy slapped her hands together and gave them a shake. The problem of deserting her sister no longer a concern.

With the farm sold the convicts were returned to the Assignment Board.2 Betsy hoped the cook and housekeeper would find a suitable situation. She knew some settlers treated assigned convicts poorly; the women had served her family well and deserved appropriate respect.

John Pearce and his sons, James 19 and William, 17, packed up the farm. The drop in the value of wool in London, and the drought created havoc and John wanted to leave and start again in a new colony, and Betsy looked for an escape from the convict connections that tied them and the children to Van Diemen’s Land.

The Pearce family loaded their bags onto the steamship on the Derwent and travelled to Hobart to board a schooner, bound for Port Phillip. Betsy watched as John’s face lit up with excitement. She knew he loved the sea and was looking forward to the voyage across Bass Strait.

In December 1839, after two days at sea, the Pearce family arrived in Port Phillip. Betsy stood on the deck of the schooner, put her hand up to shade her eyes from the sun and looked to her husband for reassurance.

‘There’s nothing, here,’ she said to John. ‘Where are the streets and the buildings and the…there’s no organisation.’ Her shoulders slumped. Putting one arm around her daughter, Louisa, and holding her travel bag in the other hand, Betsy froze to the spot.

‘This is Williamstown, Betsy, Melbourne is two miles away. We have to walk there.’

John unwound Betsy’s fingers from the handle of her bag, put his hand in hers, and lead her toward the ladder to climb down into the small boat for the short trip to land.

‘Hobart Town was worse than this when I arrived there, Betsy. And now it is a real town, with real streets, buildings and houses. We are pioneers.’ He grinned. ‘Don’t you remember what Hobart Town was like when you arrived there in January 1808 with your parents and sisters? And New Norfolk, that wasn’t even surveyed, I believe.’

‘I was three years’ old, John,’ Betsy remonstrated, ‘I don’t remember.’

Pleased she had worn her working shoes and not her slippers, Betsy refused the support offered by her eldest son, and climbed out of the small boat, determined to be independent. Lifting her dress out of the water, she waded to the beach, leaving John to carry his and her bag. Louisa’s brothers helped her from the boat to the beach.

Not showing any signs of fatigue, John grinned at his wife, patted his sons on the back, and hugged Louisa into his side. ‘We will do well. We can leave the poor wool prices, the drought, and the convict past behind. I’ll get a job while we plan our future.’

Joining the other passengers from the schooner, the Pearce family picked up their belongings. James and William carried the heavier bags and set a comfortable walking pace to Melbourne.

Standing in Collins Street, Betsy put down her travelling bag, took off her cap, flattened her hair with her hands, pulled some unruly strands into place, and placed the cap back on her head. She smoothed down her dress, and rubbed one foot over the other, trying to clean the dust off her shoes. Glaring at John she asked where they were going next. ‘As I said in Williamstown, there is nothing here,’ she snarled. 3