Weight Loss Mantra - Renee Gade - E-Book

Weight Loss Mantra E-Book

Renee Gade

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Weight Loss Mantra
Obesity is an Epidemic!!!
Statistics show that more than one in two adults and nearly one in six children are overweight or obese in OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries.
Here is an Excellent Opportunity to Achieve your Weight Loss Goals, Live Long Disease-Free Life with Easy to Implement Techniques and Rock the Road that you are Walking!!!
So, here’s what you are going to discover in this Awesome “Weight Loss Mantra” Info Guide
•        Find out how junk and unhealthy foods affect weight.
•        What is the balanced diet chart for weight management?
•        Does exercise pave the way to get in shape?
•        Find out the effective tips for a flat belly.
•        Find out the effectual tips for thigh toning.
•        Explore the exercises you can do during your office hours.
•        Find out how to set up and accomplish weight loss goals.
•        Explore the effective home-based weight loss remedies.
This really is well researched and up-to-date content!
Are you sick of trying - and then failing - to lose weight?
Your blood pressure and cholesterol level are rising…..
You have a high risk of stroke and heart disease…..
If you are among One-third of world’s obese population, you can’t escape hearing those words either by your doctor or even sometimes from your friends and family.
Your Weight is depleting your Lifestyle.  It will be the root cause of shrink in your Lifespan.
You are on diet, trying to control your food cravings or even skipping meals whenever you can but still, that stubborn needle keeps on showing more every time you stand on the scale.
These are a pretty insane number but now you know that worldwide people are struggling with obesity…
Think about it, what are the root causes of this problem:

  • Stress
  • Unhealthy Eating Habits,
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Hectic Schedules leaving no time for exercise etc. etc….
Trim the Fat & Raise your Standard of Living with these Fruitful Weight Loss Tips and Techniques!!!
 We have taken care of everything you need to know to set yourself up for optimum weight loss… Now all you need to do is, grab this incredible training guide and shed those protruding pounds efficiently.
With the increasing rate of obesity and rising health expenses worldwide, people are desperate for a “Quick-fix”  ,people are dying to get their hands on an effective weight loss solution for their health crisis.
This is the complete guide that provides you with easy, simple and executable methods to enhance your exercise program as well as your nutritional habits in order to achieve your personal goals. It not only delivers effective measures for weight loss but also give an essential guideline to stay fit throughout your life.

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Weight Loss Mantra  


The author has made every attempt to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this publication, however he / she does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the practice . The author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations other published materials are unintentional and used solely for educational purposes only.

This information is not intended for use as a source of legal, health , wellness , business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in respective field. No representation is made or implied that the reader will do as well from using the suggested techniques, strategies, methods, systems, or ideas; rather it is presented for knowledge  value  and subject  to  each applied  practices and methods

The author does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment.  Any perceived remark, comment or use of organizations, people mentioned and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious does not mean that they support this content in any way.

Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. By reading any document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author and publisher  responsible for any losses, injuries  , direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of use of the information contained within this document, including - but not limited to errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

Copyright © 2020 Renee Gade  

Table of Content


Chapter -1 The Basics of Fat/ Weight Loss.

What is the “Balance” in  fat /weight loss?

How long will you have to wait to see results?

How to get started with weight loss plan?

What is actually required to lose weight?

Chapter -2 Why do we need to Lose weight?

What can obesity lead to?

What are the physiological consequences of being overweight?

What are the psychological consequences of being overweight?

What are the social problems of being overweight?

Chapter -3 How does Junk and Unhealthy Foods affect Weight?

What makes junk food unhealthy?

What are the effects of junk food?

How to stop junk food cravings?

Chapter- 4 Balanced Diet Chart for Weight Management.

What is the importance of balanced diet?

What is the perfect balanced diet chart for proper weight loss?

How to Make Meal Plans for Weight Loss?

How to Make Healthy Food Choices in Your Busy Life?

Chapter- 5 How many Calories Required for Human Body?

How many Calories do your body needs per day?

How to cut down your Calorie intake without starving yourself?

What are the Dos and Don’ts of Calorie counting?

Chapter- 6 Does exercise pave the way to get in shape?

How much exercise you really need to do to lose weight?

What is the best workout time for weight loss?

What are the best exercises for effective weight loss?

Chapter- 7 Tips for Flat Belly.

What are the main causes for belly fat?

How to get rid of belly fat?

Chapter- 8 Tips for Thigh Toning.

What exactly is the reason behind bulky thighs?

What is the meaning of “Cellulite” on thighs?

Top Thigh Toning Exercises.

Chapter- 9  Exercises you can do during your Office Hours.

Exercises you can accommodate at your desk only.

Ways to incorporate workouts into your busy schedule.

Chapter-10 How to set up and Accomplish Weight Loss Goals?

What is the difference between realistic and unrealistic goals?

Weight loss Goals - How to set yourself up for success?

Chapter- 11 Effective Home-Based Weight Loss Remedies.

‘20’ Home Remedies to lose weight.

Chapter- 12 What the Experts say about Losing Weight?

Chapter- 13 Don’t Lose Muscles, Lose Fat.

What losing muscle means?

How to tell if you’re losing muscle or fat?

How to lose fat without losing muscle?

Chapter- 14 Top 20 Misconceptions about Weight Loss.

Common misconceptions in a weight loss journey:

Chapter- 15 Benefits of Weight loss.

Top 10 medical benefits of losing weight:

Top 12 Lifestyle benefits of losing weight:

Top 5 Emotional Benefits of losing weight.



We have our own reasons to lose weight like for the upcoming wedding, High school reunion, Swimsuit season, want to get a hot date/partner or to please your partner etc.

Whatever your reason is, the bottom line is every individual wants to attain and flaunt their perfect slim body to the world. The body that left people awe-struck when they see you.

People know that exercise, healthy eating habits, proper sleep, no stress are good for their health, but they have no idea how to incorporate these into their lives while managing the stress and workload of this crazy world.

If you are among those 9 out of 10 people who want to lose weight but don’t know where to start or quit the process altogether after practicing it for a while. Then, this book is perfect for you to win this challenge of your life.

This book encapsulates the essential “tips and secrets” you require to know and stay motivated to reach your goal in time efficient and effective way.

Let me tell you that it is not an overnight process, the weight you are planning to lose have taken years to accumulate on your body. So, it sounds fair when you take at least few weeks to get back in shape. Weight loss means complete “Lifestyle change”.

Making a commitment to a healthy lifestyle not only let you get back into your high school skinny jeans but also enable you to make a good example for your children or anyone seeking healthy future.

This is the complete guide that provides you with easy, simple and executable methods to enhance your exercise program as well as your nutritional habits in order to achieve your personal goals. It not only delivers effective measures for weight loss but also give an essential guideline to stay fit throughout your life.

We have included everything from complete training to tips for staying motivated throughout your journey of weight loss. Now, you have to be calm, implement methods that have been listed and keep stepping forward towards healthy life – To Your Weight Loss Success....

Chapter – 1

The Basics of  Fat /Weight Loss.

Before starting with your weight loss program, it looks fair to let you know that it is a complicated but not impossible process. Sometimes it takes a lot of patience and motivation. You need to set your mind that you are in this program for the long run.

1.1  What is the “Balance” in  fat / weight loss?

Your weight loss plan is a balance of healthy diet, calorie intake, and proper exercise.

The fundamental balance we are talking about is the balance between calorie intake and calorie burn. Your weight loss is a process of burning down more calories than what you take in.

You may already know that we take calories in form of food. The food we eat is a proportionate composition of Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, and Minerals.

Calorie burns can be described in the form of increasing metabolic rate. Metabolic rate is the rate at which the body burns up the calories.

Let’s say a person is consuming approximately 1000 calories a day and burning exactly 1000 calories then, his weight remains same.

If a person is consuming more calories than he could burn, then he will become overweight.

And if a person’s calorie intake is less than the calories burned, then the person is moving in a right direction for weight loss.

So, for weight loss, we have to decrease our calorie intake and increase our metabolic rate.

1.2  Is long-term weight-maintenance important?

The long-term maintenance of a body weight is much more important and difficult than the first success of weight loss.

Many people acquire success in weight loss then went back to unhealthy eating habits and cut-out exercising altogether.

In such situation, the person will return back to their previous weight or even more weight. Nutrition and Health experts believe this is more hazardous than being overweight.

These continuous fluctuations between gaining and losing weight will result in heart problems or even worse stroke.

Long-term weight maintenance requires commitments. At some points, you will feel uncomfortable and it will seem quite easy to give up.

You have to understand that you just don’t want to lose few pounds and look slim, you want to achieve a healthy lifestyle and gorgeous looks is a part of it.

1.3  How long will you have to wait to see results?

When we start with any weight loss program, we find ourselves a little impatient to see results. We are feeling like only one day of low-calorie diet or extensive workout in the gym will lead us to our goal.

Here patience is the key.

The time it takes for you to see results can vary from person to person. There are so many factors affecting this process like your diet chart, calorie intake, exercising habits etc.

However, in general, many people start seeing a difference within one or two weeks.

It is recommended by nutritional experts, that a person should start looking for weight loss results after the few weeks of dieting and exercise. At the same time, it is important for you to be kind and patient with yourself.

1.4  What is the significance of High Metabolic Rate in weight loss?

Metabolic Rate is the rate at which our body burns calories and expend energy. It is determined by many factors which together determine your body weight.

The higher your metabolism the more calories you’ll burn.

In other word increase in metabolic rate is the way to lose weight without cutting calories.

As discussed burning more calories than you can consume is the defined key for weight loss. Higher usage rate can help use up energy your body has stored as fat.

One more thing to take into consideration, when you reach your desired weight, if by any chance you reduce your dieting and at the same time cut out some exercise, you will need to decrease your caloric consumption. If not, you will start to regain weight, maybe more quickly.

1.5  Are supplements the solution to weight loss?

For anyone sticking to healthy diet plan and exercise could be really tormenting. More often you will wish that instead of following rules somebody will hand you a “Magic Pill” for losing weight.

I hate to break it to you but there is no such pill out there.

Although there are some vitamins and nutrients available in form of pills, that can help you in your weight loss program. But they are effective in a very limited way.

One more thing to consider before using pills is that they come with a certain risk-factor or side effects. Before starting any pills it is better to consult your doctor.

You have to decide that the benefits these pills are providing “outweigh” the risk and side effects for you or not!

1.6 Losing Weight quickly can be harmful?

We all want to lose weight as quickly as possible.

While it is tempting to lose weight fast, experts usually recommend the opposite.

Diets that promote quick weight loss are often too low in terms of calories and nutrients. This may cause many health problems like:

You may lose muscles

Nutritional Deficiency

Slow Metabolism


And many side effects.

One more problem with fast weight loss is, it is difficult to maintain for the long term.

So the bottom line is if you want to lose weight and keep it off for long-term, you should aim for “slow and steady” pace that will lead to losing 1-2 pounds per week.

How to get started with weight loss plan?

One of the biggest problems in weight loss program is people mostly wonder where to start? Here we present some tips that will help you to get onboard.

Tip #1: Analyze your lifestyle closely.

Before starting you need to analyze your lifestyle (food and exercise habits). Analyzing include identification of the cause of fat accumulation.

One way to do this is by keeping a food diary in which you record what you eat on daily basis.

Tip #2: Set a realistic goal.

Determine how much weight you want to lose. After that, take baby steps towards it by establishing short-term goals.

Keep in mind that you need to set-up realistic goals. If you are thinking that you can lose 20 pounds within a week then it is impossible. You should expect gradual changes but not immediate results.

Tip #3: Calculate your Calorie intake.

As discussed earlier you need to burn more calories than you eat in order to lose weight. Your calorie intake depends on your current weight and the amount of exercising you are doing.

Normally, calculating calories can be so boring. So, you can use online calorie calculator that will calculate calorie intake for you.

Tip #4: Monitor your progress regularly.

You should “Self-monitor” your progress for your weight loss. Keep regular tabs and make necessary changes.

If you’re having trouble in accomplishing a goal, see how you can change your behavior or routine in order to achieve it.

All these tips are significantly helpful for you to get started with your weight loss program.

What's With the Weight Gain?

If you started taking in more calories than usual or cutting back on exercise, you wouldn't be surprised if the numbers on the scale crept higher. But what if you're doing everything the same as you always do, and your weight still goes up? It's time to delve a little deeper into what else might be going on

#1:- Lack of Sleep

There are two issues at work with sleep and weight gain. First, if you're up late, the odds are greater that you're doing some late-night snacking, which means more calories. The other reason involves what's going on in your body when you're sleep-deprived. Changes in hormone levels increase hunger and appetite and also make you feel not as full after eating.

#2:- Stress

When life's demands get too intense, our bodies go into survival mode. Cortisol, the "stress hormone," is secreted, which causes an increase in appetite. And of course, we may reach for high-calorie comfort foods in times of stress as well. This combination is a perfect breeding ground for weight gain.

#3:- Antidepressants

An unfortunate side effect of some antidepressants is weight gain. Talk to your doctor about making changes to your treatment plan if you think your antidepressant is causing weight gain. But never stop or change your medication on your own. Realize that some people experience weight gain after beginning drug treatment simply because they're feeling better, which leads to a better appetite. Also, depression itself can cause changes in weight.

#4:- Steroids

Anti-inflammatory steroid medications like prednisone are notorious for causing weight gain. Fluid retention and increased appetite are the main reasons. Some people may also see a temporary change in where their body holds fat while taking steroids—to places like the face, the belly, or the back of the neck. If you've taken steroids for more than a week, don't stop them abruptly. That can lead to serious problems. Check with your doctor first.

#5:- Drugs That May Cause Weight Gain

Several other prescription drugs are linked to weight gain. The list includes antipsychotic drugs (used to treat disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder), along with medications to treat migraines, seizures, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Work with your doctor to find a medication that treats your symptoms and lessens side effects.

#6:- Don't Jump to Blame the Pill

Contrary to popular belief, combination birth control pills (estrogen and progestin) aren't proven to cause lasting weight gain. It is thought that some women taking the combination pill may experience some weight gain related to fluid retention, but this is usually short-term. If you're still concerned about possible weight gain, talk to your doctor.

#7:- Hypothyroidism

If your thyroid (the butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck) is not making enough thyroid hormone, you're probably feeling tired, weak, and cold, and gaining weight. Without enough thyroid hormone, your metabolism slows, making weight gain more likely. Even a thyroid functioning at the lower end of the normal range might cause weight gain. Treating hypothyroidism with medication may reverse some of the weight gains.

#8:- Don't Blame Menopause

Most women do gain some weight around the time of menopause, but hormones probably aren't the only cause. Aging slows your metabolism, so you burn fewer calories. And changes in lifestyle (such as exercising less) play a role. But where you gain weight may be related to menopause, with fat accumulating around your waist more than your hips and thighs.

#9:- Cushing's syndrome

Weight gain is a common symptom of Cushing's syndrome, a condition in which you are exposed to too much of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn causes weight gain and other abnormalities. You can get Cushing's syndrome if you take steroids for asthma, arthritis, or lupus. It can also happen when your adrenal glands make too much cortisol, or it could be related to a tumor. The weight gain may be most prominent around the face, neck, upper back, or waist.

#10:- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a common hormonal problem in women of childbearing age. Most women with PCOS grow many small cysts in their ovaries. The condition leads to hormone imbalances that affect a woman's menstrual cycle and can lead to extra body hair and acne. Women with this condition are resistant to insulin (the hormone that controls blood sugar), so it may cause weight gain. The weight tends to collect around the belly, putting these women at greater risk for heart disease.

#11:- Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. When you quit, you may gain some weight, but perhaps less than you think. On average, people who stop smoking gain less than 10 pounds. You should stop feeling hungrier after several weeks, which will make it easier to help lose any weight you gained.

1.9 What is actually required to lose weight?

If you actually want to lose weight, here’s what’s required. In point form!

A healthy and positive attitude to training and nutrition.

Amongst other things, this means no starvation diets!

Appropriate nutrition.

Again, this means “not too much, not too little”. Undereating is perhaps just as bad as overeating.

Appropriate exercise program.

This is an important point because a lot of people are scared off by the thought of unpleasant, excessive training programs. Or, they’ll choose a form of exercise that is not suitable to the physique they are trying to achieve.

Patience and consistency, matched with realism.

If you’re significantly overweight, chances are that this was a gradual process that snuck up on you over an extended period of time. While we’d hope to make steady progress and lose weight faster than we gained it, it’s about keeping it off long term as well. So crash diets are not the answer!

You have to be realistic as well, and accept that “you got to live” and you’re not going to be able to stick to your plan with 100% accuracy, 100% of the time.

You got to believe if you want to achieve.

Belief systems are a big part of this.


That’s the basic explanation but the difference between success and failure will always be in doing “what is actually required” rather than an inappropriate approach that is either more extreme than is necessary, or completely inadequate.

Chapter – 2

Why do we need to lose weight?

So you want to lose 10 pounds, or 20, or 30, or whatever. The amount of weight you want to lose really isn’t the important thing here (although it probably seems like the most important thing in the world sometimes–especially in those two minutes after you step off the scale in the morning). We need to focus on The REAL reasons, not the surface level reasons we rattle off to ourselves every day.

You see, we all have reasons for wanting to trim off a few pounds or fit into a smaller pair of jeans. Sometimes we just don’t realize what they are. And we don’t realize that how these reasons can actually steal the joy of living away from us–even if they seem like “positive” reasons at first glance.

We want to believe that losing some weight will change our lives. We tell ourselves that when we finally lose X amount of pounds, it will make XYZ happen. So instead of focusing on making XYZ happen, we put all our time, energy and passion into the X number on the scale–sometimes to the detriment of XYZ and other important areas of our lives.

Before indulging further, let’s discuss the most critical and widely used terms – ‘Obesity’ and ‘BMI’ (Body Mass Index).

2.1 What is the Obesity and Body Mass Index?

Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20 percent or more over an individual's ideal body weight.

In Third World Countries greatest nutritional problem is hunger.

However, in highly developed countries, the biggest problem is an excess intake of food rich in fat.

Adipose tissue is excessively accumulated in the body is formed as a result of eating too many high-calorie foods and sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity.

You stand before the mirror and say I’m overweight. But the same look about it proves you do not know yet whether you’re overweight or obese. And being overweight is yet step to obesity.

So, as the outset I would like you to have counted themselves or really need to lose weight and how much you should lose weight.