Where I want to Be - Suzann Dodd - E-Book

Where I want to Be E-Book

Suzann Dodd

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This is the continuation of the Story which began with 'The Right Thing' and continues through a number of books to the Reorganisation of the Galaxy.   The planet of Zechia has been repopulated with ZerShaz and human.  For some it is hell, for others, the best location.

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Suzann Dodd

Where I want to Be

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich

Touch of Paradise





This space ship has virtually been my home for the past how many years, because I can't survive on ZerShaz. The gravity is to much, the air is too thick, everything about that planet is torture.


We've gone into space, travelling to wherever just me and him. Like a 'honeymoon'.  I've tried to perk up my vibes but feel down.


He comes to me and says; "I think you will like this..." and I follow him to the hangar. He helps me into the flyer cause I'm pregnant.  I let him, but could do it myself.  We go down in slow sloops, and we land on a beautiful island.


I think my face will tear from smiling as I spring out and run into the sea. It isn't right, not the colour of the sky or the water, or even the sands, but I don't care.


Daktoy is beside me, naked as a jay bird, and we swim and play and I never want to come out. I never want to be away from the sea, from the warmth, from this world.


I heard another flyer landing, saw Zees coming out with other clothing for me and prefab meals they got from some place, and towels then getting back in the flyer and going away.


I laugh as I recall something just after leaving Xenos.


I was sort of spying and saw how Zees groveled and deferred to Daktoy. When we were alone I snapped; "You're the fucking king aren't you?" and he replying; "No, I'm the fucking god."


I liked how easy he answered. I liked him being easy. I don't know the past and I don't need to know. I just need him to be easy.  


I loved being in the sea, loved feeling the sun on my skin, I felt alive as if for the past how long I was a zombie.


It was getting dark, we came out. I wrapped myself in a towel, took off my clothing, Daktoy approached with a container of water, wet me down, then rubbed yelpain into my skin. I pulled on a pair of cutoff jeans, a bra and tee shirt. He put on his slacks, went to build a fire, and as it got dark, the fire was burning bright.


We ate fish dinners and drank symenthe, and I lay back on the sand, and said; "I want to be here forever."


He smiled and said; "You can be...but..."


"I'm not going back to ZerShaz!" I shouted.


"No. Not ZerShaz. There is a ship above...a ship with a medical unit. "


I didn't say anything.


"You can not go back and forth from planet to space. So I would convey you by a method which offers the least danger."


"Uh huh..."


"Shari, I do not want you to suffer or the baby..."


"I get it... but what you're saying is that when you go back to ZerShaz, you'll dump me in the ship..."


"Shari...that ship contains so many amusements, pools, gyms, entertainments..."


"What kind of ship?"


"It was a human cruise vessel, very first class...."


"Ohhhh..." I started to see it in my mind.


"Shari, look, at that star!" He exclaims, breaking my thoughts, pointing to a comet.


He knows a memory is being provoked. He is trying to prevent the headache/vomit/pass out that they cause. And me, I don't need to remember...I need to be here now.


Nothing has ever been as wonderful as being on this island, being alone with him.


And I am not leaving this island. Ever.

With Her




I had once promised Shari we would swim at her beach in Jamaica, but Earth has ionised its atmosphere and we can not.


I hoped the appearance of this beach would not fire a probe, and it did not. The coastline did not resemble her home in Jamaica. Nor was the sand or sky identical.


We were on a large cloth, and she lay back to see the sky and I lay beside her. I could feel how she relished being here where she felt whole. I would to live here with her, but could not, not until I designated another and ceased being Ki-ZerShaz.


In speaking of the ship I did not use the name 'Odin Path' for I did not wish to provoke a probe. However, a memory began to surface and I quickly diverted. Wisely diverted.  It is not a new action. I have done so in the past effectively, as I did so now.


She has fallen so quickly into sleep. This was unusual for her. It is clear that on this planet her sha is at peace.


I was not needful of sleep at this time, so rose, returned to the sea, swam, then rinsed my flesh, returned to lay beside her. I had just gained sleep when I heard the explosive sound and leaped to a seated position. My action awakened her. She sat, surveying the night, then the lightening.


When I heard the thunder it was hearing bombs. I sprang up,, carrying her to the VeDak, in and I took us aloft.

"Calm down Daktoy, is only a storm!" She put her hand on my arm. I made a sound and she said; "Every body has some fear, even fuckin' gods..."


I looked at her a moment, abashed. She smiled.


My erssavi had landed on the island where I was born, a distance from the habitations. I did not think of the past, I led to our chamber. She lies on the salpi in her garment, but I remove mine, lay beside her.


She has brought some of the beach with her. She puts her arms about me, and holds me as if I need consoling, as if ... but it is not as if. When I hear the sound of thunder I am afraid.  I lay her upon my chest and sleep. I am woken by her movements, assume eight hours have passed.


She enters the sani, returns and I gaze upon her. Her skin is darker, and she seems to glow.


"Can we go back to the beach?" She asks.


"Certainly," I reply.


We breakfast and converse. She is lightsome and enfilled with happiness. It is the first I have witnessed Shari in this disposition.


We return to the island. The storm has wrought damage not extensive, but the sea is turbulent. We reenter the flyer, I search for another island, locate one.