Wörterbuchrezension - Grundschulwörterbuch Englisch - Karin Miosga - E-Book

Wörterbuchrezension - Grundschulwörterbuch Englisch E-Book

Karin Miosga

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Rezension / Literaturbericht aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Didaktik - Englisch - Pädagogik, Sprachwissenschaft, Note: 1,3, Universität Vechta; früher Hochschule Vechta, Veranstaltung: Exercises in Linguistic Text Analysis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Grundschulwörterbuch Englisch Autorin: Karen Richardson (auch Autorin der Texthörspielszenen) Illustriert von Hans-Jürgen Feldhaus. Berlin u. München: Langenscheidt. 1. Auflage 2007. The “Grundschulwörterbuch Englisch“ is a dicitonary especially made for German primary school pupils who learn English as their first foreign language. When children start to learn English as their first foreign language, mostly in class 3 in Germany, the use and necessity of a special dictionary was evident. The ”Grundschulwörterbuch Englisch” is such a wordbook and it tries to fulfil the exigencies of young, primary school English learners. The dictionary is made up of twenty sections which all deals with another special theme. The topics are: My family and friends; my home, my room, my toys; my body; feelings; clothes; my day; at school; hobbies and sports; food and drink; shopping; in the town; on the farm; at the zoo; at the fairground; around the year; on holiday; birthday; Christmas; opposites, numbers, colours, shapes and prepositions. At the end of the dictionary there are lists of words first given in English to German than given in German to English. An attachment to this dictionary is a special audio CD with that the kids can playfully learn to use English. [...]

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