Melinda Salisbury
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  • Melinda Salisbury 
  • Für Kinder und Jugendliche 
  • Leeren

Melinda Salisbury is a three-time Carnegie nominated, bestselling author, whose first novel The Sin Eater's Daughter was the bestselling UKYA debut of 2015. Her other books include the State of Sorrow duology, Hold Back The Tide, The Way Back: A Seasonal Guide to Connecting With Nature and the collaborative novel Floored (co-written with six other YA authors, including fellow DFB author Lisa Williamson). Melinda has been nominated and shortlisted for copious awards, including the Waterstones Children's Book Prize, YA Book Prize, Branford Boase Award and Carnegie Medal, and her books have been published in 15 countries to date. She lives on the East Sussex coast and is a passionate vegan and amateur naturalist.