Cyber Girls Box Set - George Saoulidis - E-Book

Cyber Girls Box Set E-Book

George Saoulidis

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When her follow count drops dramatically, a cyborg influencer stumbles on an offer for a new and unique gimmick and decides to go for it. But will she manage to get the prosthetic, when it costs much more than she can possibly afford, when her friend urges her to get it and when her entire identity will be upended if she takes that path?

This is book 1 to 5 of the Influencer book series.
WARNING: Contains explicit futanari/hermaphrodite content.

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Title Page 1-5
























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Eudora stumbled towards the bathroom with sleepy eyes. She sat on the toilet seat and took a leak, sighing in relief. Fourteen people watched her tinkle, the total sum of her followers.

Eudora was an influencer on Agora, the social network that had engulfed all others. Gone where the days where people had millions of followers, now Agora strips out the spam accounts and the inactives, giving you a real follower count. Those 14 people actually followed her online, saw where she shopped, where she ate, what she wore. The algorithm made sure that they were real people, despite maintaining their anonymity, and tracked their activity to see if they responded to the influencers.

Fourteen people. That was it.

She used to have about 2000. Being a cyborg had its perks, and instead of covering herself up, Eudora embraced her difference and adorned her augmented body with bright light blues and patches of metallic black. It was like a tattoo thing, only more useful because she actually needed her limbs to survive.

Those were the good times. She needn't do anything more than to show up and people would follow her, which in the world of information being king, meant she earned money. People quickly grew bored of her schtick, and went on to follow others.

Eudora cut two pieces of Aphrodite Triple Ply toilet paper and wiped herself off between her legs. She flushed and checked herself in the mirror. She never bothered much with makeup, even less so since the accident. Her morning routine was very similar to that of a man's, take a leak, throw water in face, brush teeth, throw on something comfortable.

As a young girl in her thirties living alone in Athens, it meant she was ready to go in five minutes tops. As an influencer, that meant that she sucked. She never bothered making endless videos of makeup tutorials or to match this piece of clothing and that. She liked the travelling that came with the job, and she liked the pampering at spas and hotels.

She got ready, her selfie drone buzzing around her as she got dressed. It livestreamed the whole thing to her Agora profile, raw and automatically edited for highlights by an AI. She yawned, stretched and checked her messages. Some silly picture of a cat by Veronica, as usual. Her landlady, bugging her to pay her rent for the hundredth time. And some random requests from various people that wanted her to promote their products or services, but with no mention of pay anywhere. She spammed those immediately and got out of her apartment.

She took two steps, stopped, and knocked on the door of her neighbour.

"Good morning!" Veronica beamed with a beautiful smile.

"Ugh..." Eudora grunted. "Coffee."

"Sure, come on in!" Veronica waved her inside, stepping to the side to let her and her drone pass through the door.

"Where do you get the energy this early in the morning, honestly?" Eudora complained, and sipped her cold frappe. It was ready on her friend's kitchen table, just like she liked it, a little milk, no sugar. She sat on the stool, it was her favourite spot.

"Well..." Veronica drolled, doing three things at the same time, "I like mornings, I love my job, and I truly believe that having a smile on your face brings you health and good fortune." She beamed at Eudora.

The cyborg groaned and took a sip of iced coffee. Truthfully, she liked how bubbly Veronica was. She was the exact opposite of her, always cheerful, always smiling, always dressing herself up nicely. She had a big smile which made her cheeks go up all the way to her eyes, with deep laugh lines. She put on red makeup which stood out from her brunette hair. And she always wore white or bright colours, and it always was this brand and that, always something well-picked and exquisite, in vogue. "You should be the influencer, not me," Eudora sighed.

"I'd love to! But who would wanna follow me around all day, hmm?" Veronica was going in and out of her room, picking out clothes and getting ready for work. She worked at a beauty website, picking out clothes and makeup and accessories for their models. And even a klutz like Eudora could see that Veronica was very good at it.

She came out of the room wearing a white frilly top over her jeans. She gave Eudora a spin and a pose. "Well? How do I look?"

"I can't see, come closer."

Veronica did as asked. As soon as she was within range, Eudora grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to her body. She yelped. "Ooh! Hehee," she giggled, only centimetres from Eudora's face. She placed her palm on Eudora's hardbody chest, but applied no pressure to escape.

The selfie drone hovered closer, zooming in on the pair.

Eudora kissed her on the neck. "Nice lipstick."

"It's new," Veronica giggled from the ticklish sensation. "Want me to put some on you?"

"Sure. On my lips," Eudora said and met her eyes.

Veronica smiled wide. Then she looked to the side towards the selfie drone, tsked, and then leaned in to give Eudora a kiss. "Like this?" she asked, still smiling, while she brushed her lips on Eudora's.

"Tsk. Not exactly. On my other lips," Eudora said and opened her legs.

Veronica covered her mouth. "Oh... Well, I guess I can spare a few minutes before work if we hurry..." She went on her knees and brought her smile right where Eudora preferred it, inbetween her legs.

Eudora balanced herself on the stool and pushed her shorts and panties down, exposing her crotch. The selfie drone started panning around them, and Veronica checked the time on the veil. She dove in, her tongue running up and down Eudora's pussy. Time wasn't a factor, she always knew how to get her off quickly. Eudora raised her frappe and took another sip, while she held Veronica's head, bobbing up and down between her legs. "Now that's a proper breakfast," Eudora said. Veronica stuck her tongue on Eudora's clit, and she looked up at her, her cheeks rising up in a big smile.

She had already brought her close to climax, when she asked, her voice muffled, "Are we getting followers?"

Eudora felt a pang of guilt at that moment, and it was almost strong enough to ruin her arousal. That's how they had started out, they were just friends going around in the same circles, then neighbours, then became closer friends as they hung out together. At some point, Eudora mentioned that she was losing followers fast, and Veronica was concerned and asked what she could do to help. In jest, Eudora said that lesbian stuff always sells, but to her surprise, Veronica stood up and said, 'Let's do it, then. I wanna help.'

That's how they became friends with benefits. They weren't a couple, they had cleared that out early on. And Veronica didn't care about followers, she only did it for fun and to help out her friend. "Yes, many followers," Eudora lied and moaned, getting her pussy eaten just right. At first it brought in a crowd, but lesbians making out weren't something new in the influencer world. It brought in less and less followers, and then it plateaued, practically doing nothing for Eudora right now.

Except what was doing it for her at that second, which was a practised, chatty tongue lapping inside her and those red lips on her clit. "Oh... Veronica, yes!" Eudora cried out and she grabbed her friend's head to press it close to her body. She hugged Veronica's neck with her augmented thighs, and held her there, shuddering for thirty seconds or so as she spasmed and came.

Veronica smiled and licked her fingers, giving a performance for Eudora's followers. "Mmm... Nice. I made a mess down there, though." She waved at the red smears all over Eudora's pussy.

Eudora pulled her pants up. "You know what? I'm gonna leave it like that. You'll go to work knowing that I'm walking around with your lipstick all over my pussy."

Veronica's eyes went wide and she covered her mouth. "Gods, you wouldn't."

"Of course I would. What, you're just getting to know me now?"

Veronica giggled and stood up. "Okay... It is naughty I guess."

Eudora had found out quickly that the bubbly good girl living next to her had some serious kinks inside her.

"What are you gonna do today?" Veronica asked from the bathroom. She was wiping her lipstick off and started to apply new one.

Eudora sighed and finished her frappe, making slurping noises. "I dunno..." she pouted. "I'll check out some of these offers I got, maybe someone has a paying gig for me."

Veronica came out and faced her, pressing her lower lip in an expression of sincere worry. "I know, I know. They're all asking for free, aren't they?" she tsked, stepping close and hugging Eudora.

The cyborg couldn't help but smile, and she leaned in her head on Veronica's breast, enjoying the hug. "Yeah. They're stupid."

"So stupid," Veronica pouted along and hugged her tighter. "Well, girlfriend, I gotta go to work. Lock the door behind you." She grabbed her purse, which was an expensive and fashionable one that a proper influencer should carry, and went to the door.


"Help yourself to my clothes, find something nice." Veronica stopped at the door, checking to make sure she had her keys. "Oh, I almost forgot!" She swiped on her veil and pulled up some website, and sent it to Eudora.

It was a penis prosthetic. With a clip on. The sales pitch from Futagen was long, but the gist of it was, it felt like the real thing, but in any colour you wanted. Eudora raised an eyebrow. "Why are you sending me this?"

"Just check it out. I happened to hear how a few augmented influencers are beginning to use them, it could be the new thing." She shrugged. "It might be the gimmick you needed."

"Thanks, but... What's the difference that just putting on a strap on or something?"

"It says it's more sophisticated than that."

"Yeah, but... It costs two thousand euro. I can't afford that!"

"Maybe you can trade in some followers?" Veronica puffed her cheeks and said helpfully.

There it was again, the guilt. Eudora hadn't told her that she was down to 14 followers. She didn't have enough to pay her rent, let alone trade in for expensive augmentations like that. "Maybe," she finally said. She had already delayed Veronica enough for her work, and she had a metro to catch as well. "I'll check it out. You look gorgeous, by the way."

Veronica beamed at her. "Nice!" Then she looked around, and said, "Maybe you can try it out with me." She bit her lip, not waiting for an answer, and she left her apartment.

Eudora sat there looking at the door. Her friend was just trying to help her out, but she could only blame herself for the debt she had put herself in. Sure, this penis thing might be worth a try, and any influencer knew that you had to spend money to make money, but she simply couldn't afford it.

She checked her followers. Fourteen, stuck at fourteen. Oh well, it could be worse, she guessed.

She sighed and went to Veronica's closets, looking for something fancy to wear.


















She spent the day going from corporate office to medium-business owner, dressed like a crazy person. No, she was wearing normal clothes, but it was what was currently in fashion, which was absolutely nuts. Vinyl in bright colours and a lot of different textures, all on the same piece of clothing, she felt like a clown. But this was how influencers dressed, and a small part of her was happy that she didn't actually need to buy these wretched things, only borrow them from her dear buddy.

The job search was long and tedious. Only one restaurant offered her an actual amount of cash, and she was just about to jump on the deal when another influencer replied and accepted the offer. The owner felt bad but the truth was that the other influencer was a better fit, an old-fashioned guy who reviewed Greek tavernas all over the country. Of course he had a better audience, a more targeted one. Eudora had nothing, really. A bunch of weirdos, a couple of hardbody cyborgs like her who kept commenting about how inspiring she was, those were her regulars. The rest came and went, mostly for witnessing the mess that her life had become. She knew that they weren't even sticking around for the lesbian sex, as it was dull and vanilla.

She tapped her lips, waiting to cross the road. Perhaps she should consider the cyberpenis.

"Mommy, mommy, look! Look, mommy!" a little boy said and pointed at her, tugging on his mother's sleeve.

"Stop it, it's rude to point at people like that, didn't we say that?" she scolded him.

Eudora smiled. "It's alright. Kids are always curious." She was referring of course to her augmented body. The way her injuries happened had left her with half a hardbody, and it drew people's attention to it. Athenians had been used to seeing augmented people walking about, but she had taken it a step further and made her body a thing to be noticed. That was, after all, her job description. Get noticed, be seen, influence your followers. Cash out at some point in the process. Eudora hadn't figured out that last part yet, but she would certainly die trying.

"Whoa!" the boy said, mouth and eyes open wide. "Are you a superhero?"

"Of course," Eudora shrugged one of her shoulders at him. "And if you listen to your mom and eat your vegetables, you'll grow up to be one too." Her selfie drone adjusted and focused on them, streaming the scene.

"Can I touch it?" He turned to his mother. "Can I mama? Please? Please, please?" he nagged.

"Oh, no, I don't think the lady is-" the mother began.

"It's okay." Eudora offered her augmented hand at the boy, and he touched it.