Love's Familiar Face - Betty McLain - E-Book

Love's Familiar Face E-Book

Betty McLain

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Boy meets girl, gets married, has children. That's the plan. But real life can be a bit more complicated.

Broken trust, custody arguments, step parents, and bitterness can sometimes get in the way - preventing parents from being there for the children they love, and keeping siblings apart, unable to be a complete family.

Cory and Cole were twins, separated in infancy. But they had a bond that would not be broken. Determined to see his boys reunited, their father kept the connection alive and waited for the right time to act.

Ellie and Ellen were sisters on divergent paths. Unaware of the other, they lived their lives, always feeling something was missing. Destined for lives very different from the ones they knew, would fate find a way to bring them back together? And could love find a way to reach them - through a familiar face?

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Cast of Characters

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

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About the Author

Copyright (C) 2020 Betty McLain

Layout design and Copyright (C) 2022 by Next Chapter

Published 2022 by Next Chapter

Cover art by CoverMint

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the author’s permission.

Dedicated to those who can look in a familiar face and see the difference between friendship and love reflected there.


George Granger - Father of twins - Cole and Cory Granger

Susan Granger Arnot – Mother of twins - Cole and Cory Granger

Alfred Arnot – Susan’s husband – Cole and Cory’s stepfather

Alice Granger – Wife of George Granger –Cory and Cole’s Stepmother

Morgan Regis - Father of twins - Elaine (Ellie) Mason and Ellen Regis

Alison Andrews Mason – Mother – Elaine Mason

Stewart Mason – Husband of Alison Andrews Mason

Sunny Regis – Wife of Morgan Regis – Mother of Ellen Regis

Jason Stubbins – George’s uncle in Wyoming

Ruby Newark – Jason’s housekeeper – Alice Granger’s mother

Horace Newark – Ruby’s husband – Ranch foreman

Mr. and Mrs. Kerris –Alan and Althea - Grammy and Pop – Susan’s parents

Barclay Smith – His daughter Sunny – Jason’s neighbors in Wyoming

Elaine Andrews – Alison Andrews Mason’s mother – neighbor of Alan and Althea Kerris

Jackson Harris – Riding Stable owner

Bessy Howe – Beauty Sculpture manager

Mrs. Garth – Midwife

Clay – Riding stable worker

Bob – Smith ranch foreman - Mary – Bob’s wife – Millie – Bob’s daughter

Nathan Hill- Ranch owner west of Jason Stubbins

Jerome Hill – Nathan’s son – Helicopter pilot

Ed Ames – owner of hardware store in Holcomb

Joe and Florence Green – Sunny’s Grandparents – in Hawaii

Cathy and Cindy Mason – Ellie’s Sisters

Mark – Luke – John Granger – Cole and Cory’s brothers

Matt and Mason Regis – Morgan and Sunny’s twins


George Granger stood in the nursery of his home in Luling, Virginia. He was gazing down on the faces of his infant twins, Cole and Cory. The boys were only six weeks old. There were tears in his eyes as looked at their faces. They looked identical and were the image of the baby pictures of him, his mother had shown off so proudly.

When his wife, Susan, had informed him, a few weeks before the boy’s delivery, she was in love with his business partner in the local gym, Alfred Arnot, and was going to file for divorce from George so she could be with Alfred, he was stunned. The divorce was to be final shortly after the boys’ birth, George had been in a state of shock since being given the news. He had not been aware of any dealings between Susan and Alfred before her announcement.

When she first informed him of the divorce, Susan was asking for custody of the boys. George flatly refused. They argued back and forth. They finally compromised. Each of them would take one of the twins to raise, and George was to sell his interest in the gym to Alfred. Their family home was to go to Susan. George was not concerned about the business or the house, but he did not like giving up one of his sons. Alfred’s family had money and connections and George was afraid if he kept arguing he would lose both boys.

Susan was in the other room and was staying out of George’s way while he was getting Cole. George leaned over and kissed Cory om the head.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered with tears in his eyes. “I hope someday you will understand how much I love you. Be happy my son.”

George picked up Cole, and holding him close in his arms, left the nursery. When he went through the front room to the door, Susan did not rise to say goodbye to Cole. George looked at her hard and kept walking out the door. She watched from the sofa as George left. Susan’s mother, who lived next door to Susan, had been taking care of the twins. George had overheard Susan and her mother talking a few days before. Susan’s mother had been against George having one of the twins. Susan had told her mother to be patient. Alfred had promised to use his influence to regain custody of Cole.

When George had heard their plans, he started making plans of his own. He called his Uncle Jason Stubbins. Jason was his mother’s brother. Susan was not familiar with him. She had never been interested in George’s family. Jason had a ranch in Holcomb Wyoming. When George explained the situation to Jason, he received an invitation to join him on the ranch. Jason promised to have a baby nurse waiting when George and Cole arrived.

George already had his clothes packed in his car when he went to pick up Cole. He. also had supplies to take care of Cole and feed him on the trip. George’s parents had moved away from Luling some years before. George was sure when Susan found out he was gone she would think he had left for Florida to ask his parents to help with Cole. He would call his parents and let them know what was happening after he was settled in Wyoming.

For now, George settled in his car, glanced over his shoulder at Cole, safe in his car seat. Thinking about Cory, he cast one last longing look at the house, then started his car. Wyoming was a long trip, but he and Cole were on their way.

“Hello,” said Jason when he opened his door to George. He gazed down at the bundle in George’s arms and smiled. “You have a handful. Come on in and let me introduce you to my housekeeper, Ruby Newark, and her daughter Alice.” Jason ushered George and Cole inside and called for Ruby.

Ruby and Alice came hurrying in the room. They spoke to George but concentrated on the baby in his arms. Ruby quickly took Cole and sweet talked him as she crooned softly and headed for the nursery she and Alice had prepared when Jason had informed them of the expected arrival. Alice smiled at George and followed her mom.

Jason laughed at the stunned look on George’s face. “You can trust Ruby. She has eight children. Alice is the oldest girl and has been helping with the younger children for years. I think Alice takes care of them more than Ruby does,” he remarked with another laugh.

George nodded and looked around. He had never been to Wyoming before. Jason had always come to them when he wanted to visit family. George was impressed with how warm and homey everything looked.

“Let us get your things unloaded and get you settled in. I have your rooms ready on the second floor. Ruby and Alice have everything ready for you and they have arranged a nursery for Cole,” explained Jason as he helped George take things from his car and led the way inside and upstairs to the rooms.

The door to the nursery was open and George looked in as he passed on his way to his room. He heard Cole cooing and saw him kicking his legs and feet in the air. George smiled. Everything will be alright, he thought.

Jason watched George look in the nursery and when George relaxed and smiled, Jason let out a breath. He had been talking to help George relax and feel at home. He could see how wound up and on edge George was. George had suffered a bad few months. Hopefully working on the ranch would help him and having a loving fuss made over him would be good for Cole. “Time will tell,” thought Jason with a sigh.

“I heard from your mom. She said she had tried to call you, but your phone didn’t answer,” said Jason when he and George started downstairs for another load.

“I threw it away. I didn’t want Alfred to be able to trace me,” said George. “I was planning to call Mom when I settled in here.”

“Well, you will have to wait until she calls. She and your dad decided to move to be with your sister in Australia. They are already on their way,” said Jason.

George laughed. “When Susan and Alfred hear about them moving, they will think I am with them. That is perfect,” he concluded.

Jason looked thoughtful. “I didn’t think of how this would look to Alfred and Susan. They can’t file to reverse custody if you are not in the country,” he said.

“They would not be able to get the judge in Luling to approve a change. He did not like Susan’s attitude. Alfred would have to get his family lawyer to try somewhere else.” George shrugged. “I will have to make sure they do not find out where I am. Since I will be working on the ranch, I will not have to use my social security number. It will be at least five years before Cole has to be registered in school, maybe by then they will have quit looking for us,” concluded George.

Jason laid a hand on George’s shoulder. “I’m sorry about Cory,” he said.

George nodded. “So am I, maybe someday he will understand why I couldn’t bring him with us,” said George.

Jason nodded sadly. “Ruby and Alice have things in hand here, why don’t I show you around and you can see what you have gotten yourself into,” said Jason.

George smiled. “I would like to look around. I need to stretch my legs and unwind before trying to get any sleep,” agreed George.

He and Jason went outside. Jason showed him the barns, the bunkhouse, and the paddocks. There were a couple of workers introduced, but most were out working with the horses. It was almost two hours later when Jason led the way back inside through the back door. Ruby was there arranging the evening meal on the table.

“It looks good, Ma'am” said George.

“None of that Ma'am stuff. I am Ruby. You sit and eat. After the trip you have had, you need some good solid food in your belly,” she remarked.

George smiled and sat. Jason smiled at George. “We don’t argue with Ruby. She is the best cook in Wyoming. We are incredibly lucky she likes it here enough to stay and put up with us,” said Jason teasingly.

Ruby grinned at him. “You wouldn’t know what to do without me,” remarked Ruby.

Jason nodded. “We know,” he agreed. “You are a treasure, Ruby.” Jason turned to face George. “Ruby’s husband, Horace Newark is my foreman. They have a house just past the riding paddock.”

George nodded. “I noticed the house when we were looking around. It looks very well taken care of,” he remarked.

“Thanks,” remarked Ruby. “Two of my sons help out on the ranch. They keep the house looking good for me.”

George looked up as Alice came in the room.

“Cole is sleeping. I think the little guy was glad to stretch out on a real bed and sleep,” said Alice.

“I’m sure he was,” agreed George. “It was a long trip. We mostly stopped at welcome centers to rest and so I could feed him. They had places to warm his formula. The ladies, in the welcome centers, were genuinely nice, and they all made a fuss over Cole,” said George.

Alice laughed. “I bet he loved the attention,” she said.

“He did,” agreed George. “I would see him looking around as if he were searching for something or someone. I think he was looking for Cory.” All the adults looked sad at this revelation.

Jason shook his head. “We can only hope it will get better for him and you. I know it will be hard. Give it some time. Maybe you will get a chance to be reunited with Cory in the future.”

George nodded and blinked his eyes. “If you will excuse me. I think I will join Cole in stretching out and getting a rest on a bed,” said George.

They wished him goodnight. George stopped and checked on Cole. He was sleeping soundly. George continued to his room, next to the nursery. He took a quick shower, stretched out on the bed, and was soon fast asleep. He never stirred when Alice checked on Cole and George before going to her room on the opposite side of the nursery. She left the door between her room and the nursery open slightly so she would hear if Cole stirred. Laying in the bed, Alice smiled as she thought about Cole and George. She was glad Jason had asked her to be Cole’s nurse. Life had taken a turn for the better. She snuggled down and slept.

The next few weeks were spent learning about the running of the ranch for George. He worked hard to prove to Jason he could pull his weight and was not looking for a handout. Even though he was tired from working hard, George made time each evening to play with Cole and let his son know he loved him.

Alice would leave them alone so George could bond with his son. Cole was happy to see his Dad. He would smile and gurgle happy baby sounds, while waving his arms, to let George know he was glad to see him.

To Cole, the most important person in his life was Alice. She made sure he was fed, bathed, and clothed in dry clean clothing. She spent her day with Cole, and she loved taking care of him. Alice adored Cole, and he was fast returning her feelings. Ruby looked on with approval. She treated Cole like he was her grandchild. One of her boys was married and had presented her with a granddaughter. Ruby wanted to bring the children together when they were a little older, so they could have a playmate. She had discussed the idea with George, and he was all for it. He wanted Cole to have friends. He hoped having another child around for Cole to play with would lesson his missing Cory.

Cory was never far from his thoughts. When Cole and Cory were six months old, George used some of the money from selling the gym to Alfred to hire a private detective. He had the detective to check on Cory and see if he was being taken care of properly.

The detective found Cory was living with Susan’s mother and father. Susan and Alfred had married and moved to a more expensive house close to Alfred’s parents and Alfred had started his campaign to run for State Senate. He had included Cory in a news conference to announce his candidacy. Cory had just finished eating, and he spit-up on Alfred. The news people laughed. Alfred did not like being laughed at, so Cory was turned over to Susan’s parents and was not included in any more appearances. Susan did not appear to mind. She was not into motherhood. She much preferred the social life she had with Alfred.

Cory was happy with the arrangement. He adored his Grammy and Pop, as Mr. and Mrs. Kerris had called themselves to Cory. Granny spoiled him all day and Pop would take over when he arrived home from his part time job at the hardware store.

The detective had copies of the newspaper articles, including pictures of Alfred’s moment of embarrassment. He also managed to get pictures of Cory, when his grandmother took him with her grocery shopping and to the park, in his stroller, to get fresh air.

George studied the report and gazed at the photos with longing and pride. Looking at Cory was like looking at Cole. The boys were identical, but George could see tiny differences between the two. He sighed and put away the photos. He picked up his camera and went to get Alice to help him record Cole’s growth. He wanted to make an album of pictures of both boys for the future. George had retained his detective to do a follow-up visit to check on Cory once a year. If his situation changed, George wanted to know about it.

The detective had a contact in Lulling. The contact would alert him if there were any major troubles with Cory. He explained to George it was more cost effective to have the contact check on Cory whenever he got a chance and not just concentrate on the one case. George agreed. He was okay as long as he received word on his son.

George had received a call from his parents when they were settled with his sister in Australia. His mom was glad to hear of him and Cole being in Wyoming. He was invited to join them in Australia, but he turned down the invitation. George liked living and working on the ranch. Cole was thriving, and he wanted to be in the states if Cory needed him. He thanked his parents for the invitation but told them he was happy on the ranch.

Jason, who was present for the call from his sister, smiled. He was pleased with George’s response to the invitation. Jason loved having George and Cole on the ranch. Having them around made the ranch feel like home. It had been lonely since the death of his wife ten years before. George and Cole were his family. He was happy to see them feeling at home on the ranch.

When George hung up the phone, Jason looked at him and smiled. “Why don’t we take Cole down and introduce him to the new colt?” suggested Jason.

George smiled. “I’ll get him,” he said.

“No need,” responded Jason. “Alice,” he called loudly.

George laughed. “I could have done that,” he said.

“What is it?” asked Alice entering the living room with Cole on her hip.

George smiled at Cole and held up his arms to take him. “How would you like to go see the new colt?” he asked.

Cole went to him eagerly. He smiled and nodded happily to his Dad. He loved going to look at the horses. It was one of his favorite things to do. Alice smiled and followed along with George and Jason as they headed to the barn. The mare and colt had been put inside because the weather report was calling for rain.

They entered the barn to find the colt nursing. The mare swung her head around and looked at them when they got too close.

“Easy, Girl, we just want to see your baby,” said George gently. He held Cole tight as he leaned toward the colt. The colt was light brown and had white on each leg. It looked like he had boots on. George reached in his pocket and pulled out a piece of carrot. He showed Cole how to hold it on his hand so the mare could take it. Cole held his hand out with the carrot on it and smiled at the mare. The mare delicately nibbled the carrot from Cole’s hand. Cole laughed delightedly.

“Looks like we have the makings of a future rancher,” remarked Horace, Ruby’s husband, and the ranch foreman. He had been out on the range and had stopped in the barn to check on the mare and the new colt.

“We do indeed,” agreed Jason with satisfaction.

Cole clapped his hands delightedly and drew the attention of the colt. He stopped nursing and turned to face Cole. Cole smiled at the colt and reached out his hand to him. The colt moved over closer to Cole and butted his head into Cole’s outstretched hand. Cole rubbed the colt on his head. The colt nuzzled his hand again before turning back to his mother and resuming nursing.

“Did you see him?” asked Horace. “I have never seen a newborn colt act like that,” he said.

Jason shook his head. “Neither have I,” said Jason.

George stood from where he had been stooping to let Cole interact with the colt. When George started to leave, Cole reached out a hand and protested with a barrage of words in baby talk. No one knew what he was saying. They just knew he did not want to leave the colt.

“We will come back to see him tomorrow,” promised George. “We have to let him have his supper now.”

Cole took one last look at the colt, then he looked at his Dad and nodded. He muttered something, then settled down and went along without further protest. Jason and Horace were following George, Alice, and Cole to the house.

“I’m thinking the colt should belong to Cole,” said Jason. “I think I will name him Cole’s Frankie. His mom’s name is Francis,” explained Jason. “He should be large enough for Cole to ride by the time Cole is old enough to ride him.”

George chuckled. “You are spoiling him,” he protested.

“Every young man should have his own horse. Especially if he lives on a ranch,” said Jason.

“Yes, he should,” agreed Horace. “My boys and girls grew up on horses. They were always happiest when riding.”

They entered the back door and found Ruby in the kitchen putting food on the table. Horace went over and gave her a kiss. Alice turned to George and reached for Cole.

“I had better clean him up and get him ready to eat,” she said. Cole went to Alice without protest. George followed along to get himself ready to eat.

After eating, Jason and George were in the living room talking about the ranch. Alice had taken Cole to give him his bath and prepare him for bed, and Ruby and Horace had left for home. When a knock came at the door, Jason went to answer it.

“Barclay, I haven’t seen you in ages,” said Jason. “Come in. You too, Sunny. I did not see you back there. How are you doing? Have you found you a young man, yet?”

“Now, don’t be giving her any ideas,” protested Barclay. “I have enough trouble keeping up with her, now.”

“You know you love every minute of it,” said Sunny looping her arm through her father’s arm and smiling up at him. “How have you been, Uncle Jason?” asked Sunny.

Sunny had been calling him Uncle Jason since she was small. “I’m doing great,” said Jason. “Come on in and meet my nephew. He and his son are living with me now,” said Jason.

Jason led the way into the living room and smiled at George.

“George, this is our nearest neighbors. They live on the ranch East of us. Meet Barclay Smith and his daughter Sunny,” said Jason. “Barclay, Sunny, meet my nephew George.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” said George getting up to shake their hands. He shook hands with Barclay first. When he shook hands with Sunny, she held on and did not let go.

“Well, well,” murmured Sunny. “Things just got more interesting around here.”

George gently released his hand from hers. He did not want to get tangled up with another flirtatious woman. Once was enough.

Alice had been on her way to the kitchen to get a bottle for Cole. She had stiffened when she saw Sunny cling to George, but she relaxed and smiled when she saw George draw free from Sunny. Alice took Cole into the room to say goodnight to George before getting his bottle.

Cole smiled when he saw his Dad but acted shy around the strangers.

“I’m about to give him his bottle and put him to bed,” explained Alice to George, after she said hello to Mr. Smith and Sunny.

“I’ll come with you and help put him to bed,” said George rising and following Alice to the kitchen after saying goodnight to Barclay and Sunny.

“You don’t have to come with me. I can get him ready for bed,” protested Alice.

“I know,” said George on a sigh. “I wanted to get away from Miss Smith without hurting her feelings. I am not interested in starting a new relationship,” said George.

Alice laughed. “You don’t have to worry about Sunny getting her feelings hurt. She has been after every man in the county since she started high school. She has flirting down to an art form,” said Alice.

George shook his head. “It looked like Uncle Jason was fond of them. I wouldn’t want to cause any bad feelings,” he said.

“I guess they are friends. I know Sunny has always called him Uncle Jason. I think she just uses it as way to get her way,” said Alice with a shrug.

George stared at Alice. “You don’t sound as if you like her very much,” he remarked.

“I don’t like her at all,” agreed Alice. “Any time she thought any girl in high school was interested in a boy, Sunny would make a play for the boy until she was sure the girl would not take him back, then she would dump the boy and hunt for another victim.”

“Did she go after someone you were interested in?” asked George gently.

Alice nodded. “When he fell for her, I was no longer interested in him. I want someone who can’t be tempted away from me by a flirtatious woman.”

George smiled. “You were lucky,” he said. “It was his loss. He went after the glitter instead of waiting for the gold.”

Alice smiled. “Thank you,” she said. “Now, let’s get this sleepy boy into bed,” she said taking Cole’s bottle and starting upstairs with George close behind her.

“In the living room Barclay and Jason had been talking and catching up on the local news. Sunny listened halfheartedly, but after George left, she was bored. She had no patience with the men’s talk when it did not concern her. It was not long before she and her father left.

Jason sighed. He did not know why Barclay had to bring Sunny along when he visited. He knew she would not sit still for a visit with older people. Sunny was all about her young group of followers. Maybe, If Sunny ever managed to find a man who would put up with her, he and Barclay could have a pleasant visit. They might even be able to go on their long- anticipated fishing trip. Jason locked up and headed to bed.

The following days were busy on the ranch. On the days George was not able to get home in time to take Cole to visit with Frankie, Alice would take him to the barn to see the colt. After a week, Francis and Frankie were put out in a paddock to make room for other mares ready to deliver their bundles of joy.

When Alice carried Cole out to the fence of the paddock, Frankie would see Cole and come to the fence to be petted and talked to by Cole. He seemed to understand Cole’s words, even though no one else had any idea what Cole was saying. Alice made sure Cole would have a small piece of carrot for Francis. She was always protective of Frankie, but since Cole brought her a carrot piece, she would stand by and watch the two babies get to know each other.

Time passed. Cole grew and the colt grew. The bond between Cole and Frankie also grew stronger. Any time Cole was not able to get out to the paddock to see Frankie, they would see Frankie wandering over to the fence looking around for Cole. They always were overjoyed the next time they managed to see each other. Cole would clap his hands with glee and Frankie would push his nose into Cole’s hands for the petting he always received. It was a joy for everyone to watch the bond between the two.

George was aware of Cole’s first birthday’s approach. He was trying to think of a way to send Cory a birthday present without giving away his location.

Alice saw him looking on the internet at possible toys for the boys.

George sighed. “I wish there was a way to send Cory a birthday gift,” said George.

“There is,” said Alice.

George looked at her. “How?” he asked.

“You can order it on Amazon. Send it to Cory’s address. He will get it and they will not have your address on it,” said Alice.

George brightened. He started looking for something to send Cory. He picked out some clothes. They were identical to the ones he had already picked for Cole. When he scrolled through the toys, he picked several of the same toys for both boys. When George happened on a stuffed horse, he stopped and stared at the horse amazed. The horse was light brown. It had four white stocking feet. The horse looked just like Frankie. George included the horse in Cory’s gift package. He did not include it in Cole’s gifts. “After all,” murmured George. “Cole has the real thing.”

George ordered Cory’s package first. He sent it on its way and then ordered Cole’s. He sat back with satisfaction and smiled at Alice. “Thanks for the suggestion,” said George.

Alice smiled back. “I’m glad I could help.”

Ruby and Jason had watched Alice and George get closer over time. They were both devoted to Cole and he loved them, also. They knew George was not ready for a new relationship. Keeping quiet about what was happening, Jason and Ruby watched from the sidelines and hoped for the best.

George decided to take Cole and Alice on a picnic for Cole’s first birthday. He would take Cole in front of him on his horse and Alice would have the supplies Cole would need tied behind her saddle. Ruby had given George a sling, she had made for Horace to use when their children were young. The sling looped around George’s neck and tied around his waist. Cole fit in the sling. He was sitting in front of his dad in the saddle. His little legs stuck out on each side. It made him feel like he was really riding when he could kick his feet. His arms were out, but his body was held close to George. The sling freed George’s arms so he did not have to hold so tightly to Cole. It was also handy if Cole became sleepy. It made George feel better to know Cole would not slip and fall if he fell asleep.

George had taken Alice’s suggestion for a picnic spot. It was a fishing pond in Jason’s South pasture. George had the food and a blanket tied behind his saddle. They stopped beside the pond and looked around. It was a beautiful spot. Alice started to dismount. George joined her and they began unloading their supplies.

Alice spread the blanket first. She sat the picnic hamper and Colt’s essentials on the blanket to keep it in place. George tied the horses where they could eat and drink but could not wander off and leave them stranded. Cole was walking some, and he wanted to walk along the shore of the pond and look at the fish. Even though he was walking, he was still not steady with his balance. Alice and George each took one of his hands and walked him along the shore. Cole laughed in delight when he saw the fish swimming in the water.

“We will have to come here fishing when you are a little older,” George assured Cole.

Cole smiled and nodded, “Alice, too?” he asked.

“Of course, Alice, too,” agreed George with a smile at Alice, which she returned.

Her feelings for George were very strong and she loved Cole with all her heart. Alice had told Ruby how she felt about George. Ruby had told her to be patient. George had a lot to overcome and he would let her know when to share her feeling. Alice knew her mom was right, but it was hard keeping a lid on how she felt.

George looked at Alice. She was feeding Cole and having a good time laughing and playing with him. Cole was laughing and having a great time. George knew Alice had feelings for him and Cole. He had feelings for her, too. George sighed. He was not ready to trust another relationship. The last one had cost him his son Cory. He needed more time. When the time came, George knew it would be Alice he turned to.

They had a great time on the picnic and went home to birthday cake. Along with Ruby and Jason they sang happy birthday and let Cole destroy his cake. Cole had a blast. George and Alice took lots of pictures to show Cole when he was older.


When George left with Cole, Susan was glad to turn the care of Cory over to her mother. It was great to have her parents living next door. Susan did not have to do anything. Taking care of a crying baby was not for her. Cory was fretful with Cole gone.

Susan’s mother took charge. She fed, rocked him, and soothed him. Susan watched at first, but she soon became bored with all the attention Cory was demanding and left the room. She was glad when Alfred called, and she had an excuse to leave the house.

“We cannot live here,” said Alfred looking at the house disdainfully when he arrived to take Susan out to eat. “It does not project the image I need to have to run for office.”

“I know,” agreed Susan with a shrug. “I will be glad to live in a better section of town.”

“I have a house in mind for us in my parent’s neighborhood,” said Alfred.

Susan perked right up. She had always wanted to live in a better section of town.

“Do you think your parents will take care of Cory while we are campaigning?” asked Alfred.

‘Sure, Mom will love taking care of Cory. Have you talked to anyone about getting the ruling overturned and taking custody of Cole from George?” asked Susan.

Alfred gave her a quick look. “My lawyer said the judge here would not be sympathetic to us. He suggested we wait until after the election. When we are settled in the state capitol, we can file there and find a judge who will see our point of view.”

Susan thought about his words and nodded her agreement. She did not really want to raise Cole. She just did not want George to have him. He had held her back from her dreams of a society life and then he had stuck her with two children and caused further delay in her plans. She wanted to take everything from him. She would never admit she was at least half to blame for her wishes being disrupted. When things did not go her way, it had to be someone else’s fault.

Alfred glanced at Susan’s face and nodded in satisfaction at the look of determination on her face. Alfred smiled. Susan was the perfect woman to be by his side in his political career. She had the perfect image and she was hungry for the life of a politician’s wife.