Love's Promise - Betty McLain - E-Book

Love's Promise E-Book

Betty McLain

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Manny and Mona watched from the sidelines as all their friends and family were matched by the magic mirror. It promised to show a girl her true love.

But where was their promised love?

Mona could use a little magic in her life. With a sick mom, younger siblings to look after, and a stepfather who worked hard to make ends meet, her life was far from magical. Those she knew who met their true love through the mirror saw a promise of a brighter future. Mona looked in the mirror time and again, with no luck. She saw a reminder of her own loneliness and dismal life.

Then, one day, the image changed.

Manny did not know the girl in the reflection, though he'd seen her face in his dreams many times, but he knew well enough to trust the magic of the mirror. Instantly drawn to this strong and kind woman the mirror showed to him, he hurried to meet her and turn her into his wife.

But when unexpected events turn happy times into the worry of an uncertain future, will their promised love be enough to see them through?

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Next in the Series

About the Author

Copyright (C) 2020 Betty McLain

Layout design and Copyright (C) 2020 by Next Chapter

Published 2020 by Next Chapter

Edited by Elizabeth N. Love

Cover art by CoverMint

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the author’s permission.

This book is dedicated to anyone lucky enough to find their own Love’s Promise.


Mona Santoes looked around Cut and Curl, the hair salon where she worked. Mona did not have any formal training. She learned everything she knew from her mother, watching her working on ladies’ hair. As soon as she was tall enough, her mother let her help. She was giving perms by the time she was eight.

Her dad was gone. He had run out on her mom and Mona when she was two. The only good thing he did was leave them a hundred-acre farm. He signed the deed over to her mom before he left. They were not able to farm it themselves, but they had a place to live, and they leased the land to the McCray ranch. It helped to pay the taxes, so they didn’t have to worry about losing their home.

The police brought them news of the death of Mario Santoes two years later. He had died in a car crash. His death had very little impact on their lives. They did not even have to bury him. His girlfriend at the time had already taken care of it for them.

When Mona was eleven, her mom remarried. She married Giles Santoes, a cousin of Mona’s dad. They didn’t even have to change their last name. Mona soon had two half-sisters and a half-brother. Mona adored the little ones, and they loved her, too. Mona took care of them when she was home from school.

Both Giles and her mom were working the evening shifts. Giles worked as a mechanic at a local garage in Barons. Her mom was working part-time at the Cut and Curl Hair Salon. Everything was going okay for them. They were not wealthy, but they managed to keep food on the table, everyone had decent clothes, and Mona was able to make friends with the girls in her class at school.

After graduation, Mona managed to get Pat, the manager of Cut and Curl, to give her a job doing hair. Giles fixed up an old Chevy car and gave it to Mona for graduation. It provided Mona a way to get back and forth to work.

Mona managed to remain friends with the girls from school. They would come to her to get their hair done. She was happy to be included in the party to Danny’s Bar and Grill for Charise’s bachelorette party. She very much wanted to look in the magic mirror, but even though she looked more than once, she did not see anyone in the mirror. Mona was disappointed. She was twenty-four, and, after five years working at Cut and Curl, she was beginning to think there was no true love for her.

She was invited to Charise’s wedding at the country club. She could not afford a dress fancy enough for a wedding attended by the Governor and a Senator, so she feared she was going to have to make some excuse and turn down the invitation, but Charise solved the problem for Mona when she asked Mona to be one of her bridesmaids. She told the girls not to worry about dresses because Charise was buying all of the bridesmaid dresses, so they would match in the theme she had for the wedding. All they had to do was show up for fittings. Charise also included shoes in the package, so they matched the dresses. Mona was thrilled. She offered to do Charise’s makeup and hair for the wedding for free as a wedding gift.

When it came time for Charise to have a new bachelorette party, Zachery flatly refused for it to be at Danny’s in Sharpville. Everyone laughed at him, but he was determined, and Charise was so in love with him, she went along with his wishes. The party was held at Fitness Central. The girls told the guys to find another place to be, so the guys went to Danny’s.

Charise and Zachery’s wedding was scheduled for one week before Christmas. Charise explained to Zachery that school would be out for two weeks for Christmas, so they could have two weeks for a honeymoon, and she would not have to get a sub to teach her fitness class at the school. It also gave them time to make sure their house was ready for them to move into.

Charise and Zachery had made a trip to the military hospital to visit with Dawson Staloc, the Seal Zachery helped to rescue.

“Hi,” said Zachery as he and Charise entered the hospital room of Dawson Staloc.

“Hello,” greeted Dawson with a big grin as he saw who was there.

“How are you doing?” asked Zachery?”

“I’m very thankful to be alive. I understand I owe my rescue to you, Lieutenant,” said Dawson. Zachery looked surprised. Dawson, seeing Zachery’s look of surprise, smiled. “Pollack and Fortanos came by to see me. They overheard some guys in the office complaining about your pulling strings when they were there to get their orders. They were glad you had told the ones in charge to give them all of the information instead of sending them in half-prepared.”

“I was just looking out for my Seal Team,” said Zachery. “This is my fiancée.” Zachery pulled Charise forward close to his side.

“Congratulations, Sir,” said Dawson. “It’s nice to meet you, Ma’am.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Dawson. I’m glad your rescuers managed to find you and get you home,” said Charise.

“So am I, Ma’am,” said Dawson.

“Where are you going when you get out of the hospital?” asked Zachery.

“I don’t know,” said Dawson. “My mom died last year, and my dad and I don’t get along. I’ll figure something out,” said Dawson with a shrug.

Zachery looked at Charise, and she smiled and nodded.

“I’m building an Olympic-size indoor swimming pool. If you want a job, look me up at Fitness Central in Sharpville. I can use a good swimming instructor,” said Zachery. “Who better to teach swimming than a Navy Seal?”

Dawson smiled at Zachery. “I will see you as soon as they let me out of here,” he said.

“Good,” said Zachery. “Take care and follow the doctor’s orders, and we will see you soon.”

Zachery and Dawson saluted each other, and Charise smiled as she and Zachery left.

They left behind a Seal with new hope for the future.

“Won’t he still be a Seal?” asked Charise when they were on their way to the car.

“He will always be a Seal, but he will be an inactive one, for now. After being tortured, his body has to be retrained, and he has to rebuild his stamina. He can not go out on a mission until he is in top shape. He would put the whole team in danger. Being at the swimming pool will be good for him. Swimming is one of the best ways to build stamina and retrain your body,” explained Zachery.

“I see,” said Charise. “Won’t the commanders think you are interfering, again?”

“Probably,” agreed Zachery with a grin. “I have to take what pleasure I can.”

Charise smiled at him and hugged his arm.

Mona made arrangements to ride to Sharpville with Nessie for the fitting of her bridesmaid dress. They met Evone outside the shop. When they went inside, Stacy, Babs, and Sylvia were already there with Charise.

“Good,” said Charise. “We are all here except Gloria. She’s away at school. We are the same size, so I can try on her dress.”

They all tried on their dresses. Each girl had a different color dress made in the same style. The alterations were set, and the dresses would be ready for pickup in a week. The girls said goodbye outside the shop. Charise was headed for Fitness Central. Babs and Stacy, who had driven in together left for home. Some of the others were going shopping. Nessie asked Mona what she wanted to do. Mona did not hesitate.

“Could we stop at Danny’s and get a burger. I would like to look in the magic mirror,” said Mona.

Nessie started grinning. “Danny’s it is. Maybe if we look often enough, the magic mirror will show us someone just to get rid of us,” said Nessie.

Mona laughed. “I am not giving up. I know there is someone meant just for me. He is waiting for his true love, just like I am. We just need a chance to be together.”

“Yeah,” agreed Nessie as she parked in front of Danny’s, and the girls went in to try to see their future one more time.

There was no one at the mirror, so the girls headed straight for it. Nessie sat down first. She started looking in the magic mirror. A face appeared in the mirror. It looked like someone in a bed looking in a hand mirror. The person in the mirror was being shaved, and he was checking his face. He smiled at the person doing the shaving, and she came into view for a minute. It was a nurse. She left, and the man in the bed looked back in the mirror. He was startled to see Nessie looking at him. He looked around and then back at the mirror.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“I’m Nessie.”

“How can I see you?” he asked.

“I am looking in a magic mirror in Danny’s in Sharpville,” said Nessie. “Who are you?”

“I am Dawson. Do you know Lieutenant Zachery Willis?”

“Yes, he is engaged to a friend of mine,” replied Nessie.

“I will be working for him when I get out of the hospital,” said Dawson. “I’ll see you then. Why does this mirror show us each other?”

“It is a magic mirror. When a girl looks into it, sometimes it will show them their true love,” said Nessie.

“You mean you and I are true loves?” asked Dawson.

Nessie shrugged. “The magic mirror seems to think so,” she said.

“Well, I’ll be,” said Dawson. The magic mirror faded back to silver.

Nessie looked up at Mona and smiled. “My true love’s name is Dawson. He is going to be coming here to work for Zachery.”

Mona smiled. “I’m so happy for you,” she said.

Nessie got up so Mona could sit down.

Mona sat down and looked in the magic mirror. She saw what looked like a reflection of someone looking down into the water. He was turned slightly away and looking to the side. Mona looked at him closely. It looked like Manuel McCray. He looked down at the water and frowned.

“Now, you’ve moved from my dreams into the daylight,” he said. “Why are you haunting me?”

“I am not haunting you,” protested Mona.

Manny looked surprised. “You are going to talk to me now,” he said.

“I have been seeing you in my dreams for a year now. Always just glimpses of you. If you are real, why haven’t you shown yourself before now?” asked Manny.

“I didn’t know,” protested Mona. “I’m in Danny’s looking in the magic mirror. My name is Mona, and you are Manny.”

Manny looked startled. “How do you know my name?” he asked.

“I live in Barons,” said Mona.

“When can I see you?” asked Manny.

“You need a haircut. Try the Cut and Curl,” said Mona.

The image faded before they could say anything else.

Mona looked at Nessie. Nessie had a big smile on her face. “We both have true loves,” she said.

“Yes, we do,” agreed Mona with satisfaction. “Let’s go eat. I’m starved.”

They went to a table, and when the waitress came, they ordered burgers. They were very happy with the results of this trip. Both were looking forward to meeting their own true loves.

Manny finished the work he was doing. He headed for the house and went to take a shower. When he was dressed, he went downstairs. His mom, Cathy, and his dad, Alvin, were in the living room. They were sitting on the couch, talking.

Cathy looked at Manny as he came into the room. “Where are you going all dressed up?” she asked.

“I am going to get a haircut,” said Manny with a grin.

“A haircut,” said Alvin. “You just had one a month ago.”

“I need a trim,” said Manny. “Do you know where the Cut and Curl is?”

“The Cut and Curl,” said Alvin. “What’s wrong with Barney’s Barber Shop?”

“I thought I would try something different,” said Manny.

“The Cut and Curl is behind Molly’s Gift Shop,” said Cathy.

“Thanks, Mom,” said Manny as he started out the door.

“What do you think that was about?” asked Alvin.

“I was wondering,” said Cathy. “How many young single girls do you think are working in the Cut and Curl?”

Alvin looked at her and grinned. “So, Manny is interested in a girl working in the Cut and Curl.” He frowned. “Why doesn’t he just court her? Why does he have to mess with his hair?”

Cathy patted his hand. “Don’t worry about it. His hair will grow. I am glad he is showing an interest in someone. We should be in for an interesting time.” She grinned at Alvin.

Manny arrived downtown. He went behind Molly’s Gift Shop and entered the Cut and Curl. There seemed to be a lot of women in the place. Manny stopped inside the door and looked around.

“Can I help you?” asked the girl at a desk at the entrance.

Manny looked around again. “I want to get a haircut,” he said.

“Okay, let me see who is available,” she said.

“I want Mona,” said Manny.

The girl looked up, startled. Mona didn’t have many customers who asked for her by name, and none of them were men. “Mona’s on break. Can someone else help you?” she asked.

Manny shook his head. “I want Mona,” he said.

Just then, Mona came out of the break room and started to the front. She looked up and saw Manny. He looked at her and started grinning. He had found her, he thought with satisfaction.

Mona smiled. “Manny,” she said.

“I came for my haircut,” said Manny.

“Come on back,” said Mona, leading the way to her station.

Manny followed close behind her. He was giving her the once over as he followed behind her. He grinned. She was nicely put together, he thought.

Mona looked back over her shoulder and grinned when she saw Manny eyeing her figure. Mona motioned for Manny to take a seat, and when he sat down, she put a drape around him.

“Did you have any trouble finding the Cut and Curl?” asked Mona.

“No, my mom told me where it was,” said Manny.

Mona put her hand on his face to turn his head and jerked back her hand when she was shocked.

“I’m sorry,” she said. Manny had also jumped when he felt the shock. “It must be the magic mirror. Everyone always gets a shock after they see their true love in the magic mirror.”

“It’s okay. It is not too bad. It just startled me. I wasn’t expecting it. I have had worse static electricity shocks,” said Manny.

“How am I supposed to cut your hair if I can’t touch you?” asked Mona.

Manny took her hand. There was a shock, but it wasn’t as bad. It was as if the first shock had drained off some of the power. “See, it’s not as bad. Maybe if we keep touching, it will get less,” said Manny.

“Maybe,” said Mona. She reached for the water bottle to wet his hair. “Do you know how you want it cut?”

“Just a trim,” said Manny. “It was getting a little long, and my girl told me I needed a cut.” Manny grinned at her.

Mona smiled. “I had to think of a way for us to meet. The magic mirror doesn’t give much time for details,” she said.

Mona cut his hair silently for a few minutes.

“What did you mean when you said I had been haunting your dreams?” asked Mona.

Manny looked up at her in the mirror in front of him. He could see Mona busy cutting his hair.

“I have been having the same dream for over a year now,” said Manny. “I would see you running through this flower garden. I would try to catch you to see you more clearly, but just when I thought I was finally going to catch you, you would disappear.”

Mona stopped and stared at him. “Wow.” She said. “I wished I had known. I would have stopped and let you catch me.”

“I guess fate wasn’t ready for us to meet just then,” said Manny.

“I guess not,” agreed Mona. She ran her fingers through his hair and dusted him off before removing his drape.

Manny stood and looked down at her. “When do you get off?” he asked.

“I was already off when you came in. I stayed so we could talk,” said Mona.

“Do you want to go and eat?” asked Manny.

Mona nodded. “Just let me check out, and I’ll meet you at the front door.”

Mona hurried to check out, and Manny went to pay for the hair cut he hadn’t needed. He smiled. It was money well spent, he thought.


The girl at the front desk watched enviously as Mona joined Manny and they left together. They didn’t notice. They were too absorbed in each other.

“Is Lou’s Diner okay?” asked Manny.

“It’s fine,” said Mona. “We really don’t have much choice if we don’t want to drive into Sharpville.”

“We can drive to Sharpville if you want to,” said Manny.

“No, not tonight, maybe some other time,” said Mona. “I’ve already been to Sharpville today. I don’t feel like going back.”

“Do you want to drive your car over to Lou’s?” asked Manny.

“Yes, I know it is not far and we could walk, but I would like to have my car nearby when we leave,” said Mona.

Manny got into his car and followed Mona over to Lou’s diner. They parked, and Manny took her hand to go inside. They ignored the slight shock and kept holding hands. When they got inside, Manny led Mona to a booth close to the back. There were not too many people there, and they would be able to talk.